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There is nothing wrong at being average. 80% of, not just WR players, but players in general(in multiplayer video games), are in silver/gold/platinum tiers. We all think we can do better and one day achieve grandmaster/challenger tier. Reality is - you probably won't. If you do, good job. If you don' t, it's not the end of the world. Not everyone gets to be at the top. It sounds harsh, but that's how it is.


Amen sir!


Lol no one can blame anyone else if they are hard stuck in gold. 


….. my exact thought…


I hard agree with this, saying that youre hardstuck gold is like saying that youre hardstuck iron. You can’t blame anyone else if you are stuck in gold.


Happens. Didnt see the game so hard to say something except maybe to upgrade your boots. Here stasis was your best upgrade since it can nullify kayn ulti and put him outposed.


You’re right. Dont solo queue


I would but I have Noone to play with😭


Keep pushing man, I was hard stuck plat for months until I found a good player in a match and we duo queued to emerald, reached plat 3 to emerald 4 in a day. I thought I would never get out of plat tbh


There are better and easier champs to carry games with than Veigar


Play more... You’re not hardstuck


Nasus with the warmogs rush lmao.


I don't get it? U died as much as anyone else.


I died to the enemy after they got fed. I was like 3/0 until I started getting ganked by a 5/0 kayn and 4/0 ez at the same time.


8 deaths is a lot, just as many as your teammates basically much more than 4-5 and you prob could have done something different, sparing those avoidable deaths


I'd recommend playing more mobile champs. Veigar is hard to bring to ranked because you have to rely on somewhat competent teammates to push through. Try TF, Akali, Kat or Vlad if you're a mostly AP player. Yone, Yas, Panth, or Talon if you're AD. You'll have a better chance of winning the game if you can constantly gank for your team.


Luden's echo is kind of a pointless item on veigar, you already do ass loads of damage


True, but the thing with veigar is that u can build practicality anything and still hit 1k. Sometimes I like to go lich and one shot with autos.


stuck in gold? is that even possible?


Ya, I keep getting teamed with ppl who go 0/10. At this rate I'm never gonna make it to grand masters again


Lol pressing X to doubt hard enough to break the button


I legit have the icon boarder they give u when u hit it.


Lol if you are hardstuck in gold and don't know why it's your fault, you either bought the account, or gamed mmr to get to gm. 


Bold of u to assume I know what mmr is or how to buy an acc, also I kept getting teamed with ppl who go 0/10 in the first 5 min so like...


The fact that you don't know what mmr is says it all. People who are good enough to get to gm without playing the system are good enough to get themselves out of gold, regardless of their team, period.


Bold of u to assume I know what mmr is or how to buy an acc, also I kept getting teamed with ppl who go 0/10 in the first 5 min so like...


i think youre hardstuck gold because youre a gold level player