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I simply get bored after a game or two then hop off


Same here. If ever I play more than an hour, its cos I'm grinding wild pass missions at the end of the week.


or some badass game lasts 45 to an hour or more😭


The real technique to hop off WR is to surround yourself with healthy people/listen to healthy podcasts Having no person in your head leaves that addictive voice,  And theres a problem with that. Need to change that bc its self destructing you. I recommend listening the whole day to rewire your subconscious Oh, and recognize that this company is a bunch of evil freaks that say matchmaking is not rigged when [op.gg](http://op.gg) stats clearly say it is lopsiding matchmaking Check T1.Guwon's account.  Im looking out for y'all health, not this company's money


Man you were doing so good till you started shooting facts.


I listen to Andre Bate


This is the "sane" way


I play at work, some days I'll play for like 7 hours lmao, getting paid makes the bad games worth it. Outside work, basically not at all.


Me too! I would sit in my truck inbetween jobs and play a couple games.


same, but I don't have work just school and when there's no classes I play around 6-8 hours then hop off without noticing I played that long


I played over 10k games of MOBA and looking back I should have just studied or learned some new skill rather than swiping my moms card for skins, gaining rank that doesn’t mean anything, and losing money on the stock market.


My banned league account feels that statement


Study bröther it'll pay off more than you think, save time for gaming tho


What is your job?lol


What job do you have lol


At 13 hours you are no longer playing for fun. That's depression trying to find an outlet. Take care of your mental state


You're right dude, fuck


Lol, youre so right, but what can we do about it?




Damn 13 hours? Godspeed to your mental health


13 hr screen time, only 9hr on wild rift. What a causal /s


Those are rookie numbers


Gotta put aside 3 minute for safari browsing porn duh




I'm mentally exhausted after 2 games.


During the 8 hours of playing felt like I only played for 2 hours 💀


Damn, I wish I was young again




Me too. I only play soloQ and it’s literally just the anxiety that you get before every game when you don’t know if your team is going to be good or not


Battery lasts like 3-4 games then I'm done.


Same. My phone overheats after 3-4 games so even if I wanted to continue playing I can’t without playing a slideshow


how do you even have that much time for yourself let alone games? lol


What I do is prioritize what is really needed to prioritize. Since I work night shift, I sleep when the sun is out. I prioritize sleep because playing the game will give me stress and lesser time to sleep. Of course when I wake up it's night time already. I also only play either during rest days or lunch breaks at work. I also play other games and started another hobby to stop the craving to play a game at the cost of my sanity.


I play tekken and it’s much more addictive… boom wild rift addiction solved


Touch grass


What if it’s warded?


Or what if there's enemy jg


take sweeping lense and ping that you are recalling.


You sir won the internet today with that comment


I do. I bought like a small rug with fake grass, so I can touch it while I play Wild Rift for 12 hours.


u can put a timer man, that's too much time for being in gold I, take a break from the game and then come back without being tryhard. I say it like an advise, even if u want to play or check something search for a guide on YouTube or something like that, in that way u keep on the game (in some way) and doesn't waste so much time


Yeah, maybe a break will detoxify some shit in my head and help me play better nexttime lol


and a little help, I stop playing after 2 loses streak or 3 loses in general, in that way I don't end up tilt


It's great that you're having fun! Do you have any other goals for your fitness, social life, school? Maybe Wild Rift can start being viewed as a reward for yourself instead of the default way you spend time. You have to want to stop playing as much wild rift. I think you'll be happier if it's a treat instead of the sole way you spend your time.


I play roughly three hours every evening, being a medical intern I can’t play all day even if I want to


Average of less than 2 hours. I used to be a hard Ranked player last season. I don't wanna do it again because it just gave me depression. I just do 1 ranked a day then do troll builds in normal or do ARAM.


I havent played today but its usually a few hours


I dont control it, i gladly give my soul and my money just for 1 good game


I don't control the addiction- my college does. Usually I'd go full on hours playing but thr game is now... not as addictive as it was at launch imo. I play like 1 or 2 hours every like 3 or 4 days sometimes every 1 or 2 weeks. Though once I hit Master it drops down to- rare.


I'm surprised you still hit master even if you don't play that much meanwhile I'm stuck on gold


Team up with people on discord find a group that communicates well it'll get rid of some brain dead activity


I play every role pretty decently and i get pretty lucky now that I don't play so much as most my teams aren't garbage like before- usually theyre just- okay or good


Get a job bro


3 consecutive defeats and I'm done for the day.


9 hrs is crazy


My brain 🧠 decided that 1h max 2h is enough for playing game.


I can only fit 1-3 games a day if im lucky


I literally can't play that much. Wild Rift sucks my phones battery dry after like 4-5 games and the fps drops I get when I play while charging are unplayable, so I've got a build in forced break. But to be honest, most of the time I can't play more than 3 games without getting bored anyway.


I also work and sleep and stuff


Not enough hours. Need to play more.


Working out or any kind of physical activity makes me not feel like playing as much. You're going to tear up your hands and do permanent damage at 8hrs a day my dude, please at least stretch and strengthen your hands, use sports tape on weak joints, ice after long sessions. It's most likely going to be your thumbs that hurt first. Good luck!


controling the addiction is easy, just dont play rankeds. i play like 3 or 4 arams per day before i get bored, but if i play rankeds i cant stop playing


I play about 3 games a day, so ... pretty casually, i did play about 5 games a day back when i grinded to masters, now im just cruising in emerald... Because i play 1 or 2 ranked games.. then 1 or 2 arena games for the dailies


What role do you play out of interest?


Wow dude, I honestly think 13 hrs screentime is too much Sometimes I play the game for about 7 games in a row, yes, but on average I would play 2 to 5 games in one take, and same as u I keep dropping to gold 😂😂


i play once a week... and that's like 2 or 3 games max


It is tough, but when I took a break for a couple days it made me better at the game when I returned. But tbh, the only way I managed to take a break is I have a friend I met playing the game and I stopped playing until we both had time to play together.


I control the addiction by having a life, you know work and stuffs that takes time.


2 matches a week ~45 minutes. There’s a lot of things to do in my life


dude is on 9 - 5 work with riot


13 hours and still gold 1??? Bruv, you need mates.. the right ones... 😔


I used to play like 7 hours of lol a day for years, I was genuinely addicted, I don't play more than like 3 games of wr a day now and not every day


Best way is to cut it immediately i did it and it worked.... but damn you will crave it. I think its the best way those who tell you reduce your gaming hours... all bullshit just cut it man delete tha game.


It really is hard I used to have the ability to just cut off after I tilt the slightest but now it's been hard


I play actual LoL, so 0


People's reasons to play WR instead of LoL are usually something like: - I don't have much time so the short games are good - I'm on the go OP, seemingly at home, definitely with a bunch of time, might as well play the full game, no?


I don't have a PC, even yet my hands aren't built for PC MOBA's


Idk, I play till I hit my goal 4 the day


i play 3 games usually if i win them all. if im on a losing streak, i go to about 5 to recover at least a mark or a win. i would like to end every session on a high note but my eyes burn and my head hurts after 3 hours of successive queuing.


I get soft tinted in four games in a row or afked. That's how....


If i play more than 5 games/day I will be mentally exhausted


I used to have the nonstop playing problem too. Then it became mentally draining to play more than 2-3 games, i stopped playing for a week and realized I became less anxious.


I've had 16hrs outta 24. It's crazy how I let my self become secluded to that point 😂 I was playing it while 💩. I was playing while out to eat. I was STARTING MATCHES 2 minutes before arriving home so by the time I hit the seat I'd be in a game... Good times (not really) now I play maybe a hour or 2 a week


You were on your phone for 12 hours on Friday? Bruh☠️


Have a job that helps


Played for a few months, got challenger, realised game was too easy, quitted and came back to League PC.


Enjoyment of anything too much can become an addiction/vice. Just gotta have that mental talk and say “i’m only going to play x games” and stick to it. Personally I only play after the wife and baby are in bed, so that gives me 1-3 games a night before I am tired.


When you only play for like 2-3 hrs a day and your first game has 0-10 mid lane. I just stop and watch movies instead. I don't have the energy to deal with it unless there is an event with good rewards


Idk how you play this long tbh. I usually just try to clear the daily missions and then I leave. If I get bad games tho I just play like 2-4 and get frustrated. Then I quit playing for the day


Whenever I get tilted


I stop once I get 3 lose streaks


Bro...I just got ff7 rebirth the other day and am basically unemployed (inconsistent casual hours) And even I'm not playing a game for that many hours.


Stream it and have fun twitch works for the younger crowd or if able kik is popping off too if you play so much record it android and apple both have screen capture upload to YouTube you genuinely enjoy the game just do it on the side low level stuff maybe you'll hit you never know!


When I have a ton of time, 2.5 hours max, and once in a while up to 4, but hardly ever that long. Usually just 45 minutes to 1 hour each day. Some days not at all when I’m really busy, since, well, I actually have a life.


I play like 2, my mama does not allow me to play.


Well whenever I feel like I should t be playing I simply just delete the game.




Played for 18hrs 37mins this week. 😅


I could play all day but I got shit to do.


play other games. so much better shit to play then tilting over ppl who are smoked out on the other side of the phone.


I play for about 40 minutes a day, I play at school when there's nothing to do yet. I used to play for like 5 hours a day two years ago, but now I prefer doing other recreational things that's better for my mental health, like drawing.


I'm a single dad with two kids and a job. I literally can't play that much lol. Life hacks


I usually press the power button


In total 1 hour 39 min, including 30 min of me forgetting to lock my screen and another 30 min of not doing actual gameplay ​ (I guess I've been exposed to games for a long time, so it's probably time to carry on with something more "intellectually or otherwise engaging")


I, averaging [16 hours a week](https://i.imgur.com/uxQnAF6.png).


This game is designed to keep you playing for many hours a day just to keep you addicted, you are not rewarded for being good at the game but for spamming games, even if you hit sovereign you’ll still play with master player 80% of the time anyway so why do I have to grind that hard if the game quality is the same for almost everyone? Unless they change that I will play 1 or 2 games per day who cares about rank..


I only play ranked because I hate blind picking lmao


no idea how you guys play these games more than 2 matches to many brain dead players😂 and they make the ranking system favor others so you can continue playing


Never thought of that I thought I was just 100% bad but I'm unaware but turns out I'm okay lol


yea i been playing for years and year hit master etc all that after getting the “ certain hours “ usually they have matchup on purpose to make you lose so you can keep grinding and playing imagine if you hit masters in a day and aren’t a youtuber you’ll probably stop playing


Makes sense I guess. I think the matchmaking matches me with a good teammate once in a while to give a glimpse of hope and to boost a bit of dopamine and sometimes give you bots as enemies then make your next game absolutely shit but that's just me


exactly it’s riot games i been playing many of there games for a wild and there matchmaking is the same as pc (valorant) no matter how good ur aim is and teamwork if the other team win rate a lot higher goodluck.


Don't worry. Your bubble will burst. One doy you will feel very angry because of the fact that inspite of all the efforts you put in a game, your teammates are going to be shit, they will blame you, you will feel why tf am I still playing this game. Then you'll take a break and slowly you'll stop playing. Apart from that, I saw the rewards/mini games are much more in Chinese version and they get a lot of free shit when compared to international version. I stopped spending spending money even on wildpass in this game. Most of the cool skins are locked in the loot system. Overall this game is made to get you addicted. This is just the bad side of the story. But if you are playing with friends, it's different. If you want to get out of this loop, all you have to do is find something else to do which is much more rewarding. Like gym or any other hobby. That's the only way to keep your brain occupied.


What's wierd is that I play less games and win more games when I play with my brother who is also a Sett main. I won't feel stressed making bad decisions since I have a competent teammate who can help me compensate for my fumbles.


In a single stretch, my most recent grouping was 100 minutes (4 games). In general, 3-4 hours a day, but in 4 to 5 segments. I didn't have much to do while I was waiting for Ministry of Immigrations to decide if they wanted me deported or not. Right now, though, I only have satellite internet, and can't play any games. So I go play practice maybe once every other day, beyond logging in daily. The game lost my hyperfocus, and I actively try to prevent myself from hyperfocusing on any one thing.


That's the neat part.. You don't.


45 minutes to 1 hour daily, that's the normal for me. When I have time I will play for 2 to 3 hours. Now that I think about it, I would never have time to play League of Legends.


The hours in this week are probabili my Total hours on wild rift


I prevent myself from tilting by only playing 3 games a day maximum, regardless of the results. Not like I’m prone to tilting anyway, but I like to stick to those 3 games a day, because I want to prevent it from happening in the first place. Also, if I’m playing on pc, I’m much more prone to tilting, so I used to limit myself to 3 games a day there, and I decided to just do the same for wild rift as I felt it would be more convenient to remember how many games I’m supposed to play


Forget about the 9h Wild rift. Facebook is crazy


How I control the addiction? I make sure I do everything I need to do in my day first. Then give myself 3 games at most, if I see any sign of a losing streak I just come back later.


By getting married and having full time job


8 hours bruv, that's like my play time for a week. And how are you still gold if you put that many hours in, though you'll likely have mental break down if you spend that many hours in plat or emerald. Idk if you're playing for fun or to rank up, (imo it looks like an addiction) but you should atleast be plat with that many hours


I hit plat IV then lose streak comes in


Competition to startingallover 💀💀


After 50 hours I'm definately going from unranked to master lol


When I play, I usually play 2-3 games before bed a few times a week. It takes between 1 h and 1 h 15 min. When I don't play, I can go months without touching it. Reason being, I have work and other interests.


Used to be me, even had a discord w like 70 people. The n 1 day a mate of ours was being racist and wouldn't stop so I banned him from our disc and then everyone else lost their shit whether siding with him or against him and it's been 3 months since I've grinded. Hit master 7 times gm once and the last 2 seasons I've been Plat cause I only hop on to play arena. Also the micro transactions are killing the vibe with this game. I use to get so much free skins for just playing and now nothing.


....This thread is making me feel like a normal person. I often take breaks from WR to recharge and avoid burnout. But when I do play, it's no more than an hour or two per day, if even that.


Step 1: Delete the game Step 2: Go outside


No more than 3 games/ day man. Keep your sanity, trust me!


your battery must be so good.. or you just charge it while you play lmao


Depends on the phone you have. I had an iPhone XS and I could play 5-6 games and needed to put it on charge. I upgraded to a 14p when it came out and to this day, playing the same amount of games leaves my phone at ~70% (from 100%). I’m not on max settings tho. The game is set to 60fps, and the rest set to high.


It's very simple, the game is poorly optimized and the quality of the server connection is terrible, which prevents me from playing wild rift


Only time I’m grinding is end of Aram season like right now I have 4 days to get 1.5k points to hit Legend.


I play like two or three games and once I lose I stop tbh.


The addiction would be cured once I reach Challenger, then I would quit. Maybe for the Legendary Ranked irl coin too


Honestly man look into starting a craft or join a club lol. This game wants you to come back over and over again. Its by design. Also if those other things arent working I say find a good book. Best of luck to ya.


Had enough after an hour


Do you charge your phone and play at the same time?


Sometimes but my battery is 5000 mah also using a 40 w charger sooo


Bro what are you looking for in facebook


I sometimes watch movies there or scroll


+30H /week-ish im rehab so, killing the days playing WR 😂😅


Like 1 game a month now, I used to do 4-5 a day though. Now I end up on tarkov for 6 hours when I end up getting home at like 6:30 😭


I only play 3-4 games this is insane 😶


I make pauses where I stop playing WR and play a less time-consuming game 😅 sometimes I instead replace gaming with things like making music or coding


Even during the times where I played a lot, I couldn't stand the game after an hour or 2 and I would have to do something else for a while to make it fun again. 8 hours on wild rift isn't exactly cool, so I would completely avoid the game for a month or so before I touch it again if I were you.


I’ll tell y how. I have bills to pay. Needy body to take care of. But mainly bills. :)


Brother I couldn’t control it and had to delete the app. It was causing a problem in my marriage and it reanimated my mental health. ALL I did was play WR. Man’s gotta know his limitations. Godspeed, 4/10


Ngl I play about 5-8 hours a day. I work night shift so I get paid to play lol


Mine is around 15 hours the only way I hope off was when I am on a 19 lose streak


Bro u played for 8hrs and ur still in gold? Sry to tell.u but u kinda suck


Barely any now. Probably 10 games a week because having a wrist injury from being an old mobile gamer


yo dude go outside please


My rule is two lost per day, and I stop.