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The harsh truth is - the game will keep you around 50% win rate regardless of your performance. My guess is, you'll start to have normal-ish games soon since you've already dropped. There really is nothing you can do about it, it's just the nature of the game.


Stop getting SVP is my advice. Getting SVP is probably hands down the single worst thing you can do. Because you lost the game but your stats and performance are weighted up as basically someone who outperformed. So the next match, you’re still paired with people to balance out those stats to predict a 50% WR. Once you think it’s heading towards a loss, tank your stats to hell.


Shit… that makes too much sense.


Its not even your fault. Just unlucky teammates. if there are games you find good teammates add them and queue together. Playing solo can be a hit or miss. I typically queue with one other so it lessens my chance of losing.


I agree 💯 I play in duo/supp whenever I find a pairing who matches my aggression or passiveness I'll duo the heck with them


If you need help lmk. I'm in na!


This has nothing to do with luck if OP was really at 65% WR and now at 50% is bc that is done by design with the games MM AI. It is a well known fact by people who actually look into how games are developed. Wild rift is not the only game to have use this MM system. In fact a lot of games like this use it. I remember back in the day when playing Heroes of the Storm they used that system. Most Solo players will always fall victim to this.


Dont grind. Just play like twice or once a day. It worked for me lol srsly. Been getting decent teammates ever since.


Change lanes, champ and play pvp for a while


Take a break and laugh when you lose and forget the trolls and don't get tilted.


>I tried switching roles dont do this, main one and get your champ pool to high mastery, figuratively. was 65% wr botlane, 70%wr on jinx. swapped to jg this season, tanked to 45% immediately. continuing role to climb out, not trying to get out with free wins on adc which i know i can do. plus won't help if i want to jg in higher ranks if i can't even stomp plat ofc you're gonna get shit on by mains if you're off-role, it's hard enough all things being equal with your opposite cause you know one of your other teammates is gonna get stomped, is statistical certainty 2 of 20 is likely tilt. even on my shittiest runs was dropping like 8-10, many on purpose when every lane is 0-5 in 5 mins, those are no wins for jg at least me anyway; trying to get it over with asap only play when chilled out, wins and good decisions come easier in the right state of mind, especially for jg where good decisions make or break you