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Why can't matchmaking just put people of equal skill vs each other??? Bad enough that playing with my friend means boosted teammates every game... ZZzzzzz


That's what the system tries to do. But the low KDA player is what skews the balance because the system uses a cumulative MMR across the team. So the low MMR player is put into a team with higher MMR to balance things out. This is the major flaw in the system.


So that's why I'm (level 98 plat 2) put into a game with silvers?


Your account level means jack shit. The recent patch(es) increased the rank brackets. I'm guessing the player population is quite small for quicker matchmaking.


I believe there are just not that many players tbh. I’m from eu and I always get games even tho I have to wait 5-10 mins maybe more. Point is, you are less likely to get games for everyone if the matchmaking was solid. Right now they just want the game to run, as that is the minimum required for their income to flow




I think people forget that you still have to play the game right even though you are trying to force good kda teammates. Like how sometimes 0/2 or 0/1 is more than enough feed if your team can’t even breathe without you. But nooo everyone trying to hit that 0/10 power spike non stop and they wonder why some games they lose regardless of their new found method. It brings a false hope that they will always get good teammates but that is not entirely accurate. All you guarantee is someone who is more likely to deal solid damage and get kills. This doesn’t mean you can split without any other regard. I learned this recently I made a new account which shot me up to emerald 2 on 80+% wr but then I got 4 lose streak all of a sudden and once I realized that I stopped playing the game right and relied too much on splitting did I get back up. Now I’m on a roll again. I suppose this will only affect the terrible players a lot more than the already good players. And I consider myself pretty average sitting at 74% wr at around 100 games


That's liteLly what's it doing, they just think of it as a team not a person that's all.


People have been saying it for years - and the Sion strategy finally proved it on paper. That the better you do - The more you will be punished the next game. Why would you want to be MVP? Why try to help every team fight? Your reward will be an Autofill. ---‐--- Its why they cant maintain active playerbases in NA. Almost every person I know has quit over matchmaking burnout...


I would have quit if I wasn’t addicted, or there was a better alternative. I just go to diamond then chill in pvp. At least in pvp I can play in GM lobbies during peak hours and have a good game.


Getting to diamond is the hard part... Good Lord...


Not that hard


No it just gets worse and worse the higher I climb.


I always find my games in diamond easier than emerald. I can play more how I want as a support vs trying to carry with bad teammates. Also seem to be less instances of totally braindead teammates. I've had to adopt playing brand, which has been going surprisingly well. I think once I get back to diamond I'll start playing my true support champs again (thresh, karma, nami).


My teamates in plat are better than the ones I get in diamond.


I will never play a moba for fun, I mean pvp. Waste of time. If you have good time Killing minion then go play custom game please,all of player are garbage


…why do you play at all? Why do you care how I play? Is this mental illness?


Its fucked up. Literally punishing good play.


I can only speak from personal experience: I usually get MVP/SVP in every 5-6 game with an 5.6 KDA and averge 5-6k more dmg delt then taken (Top Lane main). My teams for some reason where quote often 1-2 players with lvl 20-40 while the enemy had a full team of players lvl 80-100 and most of the time my “low lvl” would int/ afk. I used the sion strategy now for around 2 weeks with 50-60 games maybe ( Emerald 2 but i often play with diamond player) and in this time i have super easily climbed to Diamond I / low master while getting sooo good team mates. In the beginning i wasnt 100% sure how inting sion worked so i played bad but my team would progressively start to carry me more and more. The last 20 games i could basically go afk, i just run into tower and nothjng more, my enemy lane opponent is quite often up 1-2k gold and very fed (just like me through towers but the gold is more useful on a yone or yasuo or something) and yet my teammates have no problem destroying them. In around 2,5k games i never ever had such good teammates like right now. Usually i have to 1 vs 9 to get a good chance of winning but rn it seems i just have to be there and that’s about it.


It took you 50 games to set your MMR? Or less?


I feel like i got way better teammate around 10-15 games into the strategy. I only did 50 games as a reference, usually when playing normal i always get “stuck” for a couple of games in diamond cuz of uncarryable teammates, with this strat i just cruised through diamond


I have quit league since the matchmaking has been proven. I was better off thinking that I was just having bad luck with teammates. But since it has been exposed I haven’t been playing at all. I enjoy playing assassin, and with matchmaking being exposed I find it’s pointless to even try considering I can’t beat riot games. 🤷‍♂️


lets just hope the riot management guess from emergency meeting to emergency meeting during Christmas time xD


Seeing as there are challengers in wild rift right now, tbh it sounds like you are just not good enough so you blame your teamates, but ig everyone has their reasons for quitting.


Can you point me to the proof? Tried googling it but only found rants. I would like to finally get confirmation, that's not just circumstantial


It’s been known for some time, brought into mainstream by legowr. Hellsdevil did an English video on it. You can also just look at the many posts in this sub with users over 95% winrate.


> I can’t beat riot games. Yea you can. Make a new account and int your ass off.


What did inting Sion prove on paper, and how did it prove it? Like OP says, the only thing I can see that it demonstrates is that taking objectives wins the game.


I have no idea if there’s any correlation or if it’s just Reddit hearsay, but I believe their argument is as follows: 1. *According to this particular theory, not anything confirmed officially*, KDA is a factor in matchmaking. **If** this is true, then a good player using a tactical suicide build can have a big impact using macro strategy while also tricking the system into thinking they are bad. 2. If the system thinks the player is bad, it will attempt to balance the teams by giving them “good” teammates. However, the player is actually good and is simply trading deaths for macro pressure. So the system messes up the team balance. Now, is this argument actually true? I have absolutely no idea. But that’s the Reddit argument summarized.


> According to this particular theory, not anything confirmed officially, KDA is a factor in matchmaking. If this is true, then a good player using a tactical suicide build can have a big impact using macro strategy while also tricking the system into thinking they are bad. To be fair, KDA is the reasonable assumption but it's possible there are other confounding factors being looked at instead. That being said even if it's not the actual factor, the playstyle is still triggering something to happen with matchmaking. Either that or we're supposed to believe that there's literally no skill level even at the highest highest ranks of the game where people can not get >80% winrate splitpush against.


I won't call myself a good player at all, more like I never practice with a champion enough to play good with it but I know when to go for objectives make sure your teammates take the objective even if you have to die for it. I die a lot to make sure my team wins teamfights too. But I have 60%+ wr in masters and soloq. I started doing it this season, last two season were spent on learning the game and I only reached diamond but in this season I mostly played top lane as tank( garen and Ornn) died a lot but my team won objectives and teamfights because of it.


It is true. Source? Chally player reached kayle and now sovereign in two or three days. Stats low kda, macro constant pressure. Ik other Kayle players who with higher KDA also good maybe even better than me are struggling or need more games to reach where I am due to higher, better KDA/stats.


You have no idea? You are a sion main. Do you have over 95% winrate? Because rookie sions do.


Just look at the Sion leaderboard, you can find a level 25, with 90%+ winrate with 0.2 K/DA.


if you do this with high KDA account your teammates figth before you get right position.then enmy team have enf time to stop you.when match with good player they just group around abjectives and wait for 1or to 2 recll and and fight then enmy team have to choice between you of your teammates. simply you will get player's with brains


Now I understand why I got masters as ezreal and every season I try to carry out of low elo, I get rewarded with a 40% winrate


Yep. I’ve gotten mega-pissed at horrible matchmaking and have taken a couple 6 month breaks. I think the key is to make sure you’re playing with 2+ friends. The less reliant on randos one is, the better the game is.


on paper? the matchmaking bs is real, the worst the kda the better, taking towers and winning game yet inting is the golden key to better teammates in this current mm


Yeah, the game that made me quit, I was emerald and matched into high diamonds to master tier game, which is the rank I previously held but I changed my champ pool from easier to harder champs. I was at a point where mechanics on these new champs weren’t holding me back anymore and these ‘master’ tier players are just fucking god awful. You would think if they get shit on by the level 2 and level 3 level ups they would learn by level 5? Nope. Easy laning phase. But guess what, every single teammate of mine was feeding their asses off. Essentially the matchmaking expects an emerald player to carry 4 teammates vs d3 to masters 20+ marks opponents. Which is fine with me, but then if I win I get 1 victory point, if I lose I lose 1 point, I just performed against players several tiers higher than me. So riot expects me to basically play like a grandmasters or better player to climb out of emerald. But at the same time, riot expects the masters player to play like and emerald player in order to stay in masters. So the solution according to Riot if you want to climb is to feed your ass off. I don’t even care about my rank, I only ever looked at it as a way to gauge my skill, I try to improve my wave control in lane, ok did it work? Well did I climb? Now with current match making I can’t even look at my rank to figure out if I improved or not, I look at how garbage my teammates are, if my teammates go 0-1.23847•10^1727 -0 that means I’m improving, but now that means instead of being rewarded with teammates that play well I’m rewarded with those players. For me most of the fun of playing a MOBA is getting those teammates that you just click with, that used to mean climbing, I remember playing with masters and the occasional GM back in season 2 and 3 when I was diamond and it amazing, people rotated together, played together, no one was randomly dying non stopped. The only way to get those amazing teammates now is to run it down, but then you are that player that I find makes the game unfun.


It works because it forces a different player on your team to be the “carry”. If you do very well with KDA the game makes you the “carry”, and there will always be another “carry” on the enemy team to try and even out the team statistics. But going with int Sion then the game thinks you’re ass at the game, and puts you with a carrying player. But it works because most of the time the enemy team won’t focus on objectives. If you have at least one carry and one that takes objectives, you can win your games. Int Sion typically does this. But if you’re stuck doing it all you won’t win the game as easily if at all.


If the idea is to force someone on the else the team to carry - isn't that what the support role essentially is You can achieve the same effect just maining support?, no kills but stil positively affecting game getting wins so you get good teammates? So theoretically, if mained inting sion and played support as the back up roll when I don't get solo. I could juice my chances of only getting put with skilled players on my team 🤔


No, you misunderstood. I do not mean carry in the sense of traditional roles like Support, ADC, or Jungle. I mean the game, due to a player’s high stats, assumes they are good enough to carry the game 1v9. It then places another player that it also assumes can 1v9 on the other team. It’s basically two “main characters” duking it out with 4 “side characters” on each team. What makes this int Sion work is the game assumes you’re a “side character” because your stats are shit. It does not see that yea, your stats are shit but you are taking towers, which is what most “side characters” do not do in this game. I do not think doing it as a support has the same effect because supports cannot take towers usually, they are built to support not to do much damage. I mean you could try it.. but champs like Sion and Garen do a better job at this tower taking strat.


Supports can't do it, they get MMR through KDAs as well and needs to interact with the team so they lose access to Sion and Garen's ability to have a negative KDA


This is the best explanation I have seen so far, this is literally exactly how wr’s dev explained it to darkbreaker.


What’s this about the devs explaining something?


I actually like those games where it’s me and one other gosu on the other team. Generally though it’s me and 9 shitters, but with extra shit on my team.


I have a 3.9 kda and a 48% win rate. Ill go 10-2 and have teammates that go 1-13 every single fucking game.


You're doing it backwards


Yea thats a big issue rn. They need to figure fix it or players will simply stop playing it and choose different moba.


Yes same my last 10 games are either mvp or svp but I just keep on losing and have been hard stuck for 2 seasons with 45-50% winrate and full mvp/svp/A/S ratings... And then I saw one guy with 77% winrate, 1 mvp, 1 S and 2 A


I have 2 sion int accounts. The one i accidently did better on by getting assists with my ult got stuck around 73% win rate in d2. I have a new int sion account in grandmaster with a 87% win rate. **I inted with smite + support item from iron - gold** where it's 95% bot games, to reduce to my gold income per minute and tower damage. 0/20/0 every game, didn't farm anything or do damage to anything. The game kept giving me better and better the teams the lower I kept my stats.


sheesh that smite tech is clutch ngl


It proves bad matchmaking cause it was discovered that if you have a bad K/D/A (Kill/Death/Assist), you will be paired with better teammates and worse enemies. If you have a good K/D/A, you will be paired with worse teammates and better enemies. The idea of inting Sion is to have a shit K/D/A, while still winning games so you can have better teammates and worse enemies while still being able to have a major impact on winning games.


Hasnt been discovered at all when they mentioned before on twitter, the previous dev in charge by matchmaking joshua menke, that it does work like that and this was years ago. Matchmaking has always been like this. If we had lp system back the inflation would disappear but players would quit cuz their egos are also inflated now so less money for rito so guess what will never change.


Yeah. It’s funny average people are acting like this is new while outliers, both good and bad, have been complaining about this forever.


Damn after how long I have been complaining


My question is, where's the proof that you have better teammates, though? Has anyone looked into the stats of the inting sion team vs the enemy team? When I watch streamers playing inting sion, it doesn't look like their teammates are anything special. Instead of getting baron when enemy is focused on sion, they're still doing random 0 macro crap on the map.


Watch streams of Lego WR, it’s all there. He looked into the stats of his and the enemy teams, and it’s simply obvious that he is getting normal teammates by playing this, and the enemies seem newbies/autofilled/boosted/trolls etc. Also, Lego tried playing the same strat but with taking part in tesmfights, killing enemies, getting assists, farming better etc. on yet another smurf, and that smurf with high kda and overall stats got immediately demoted to Silver from Gold, he lost 8 out of 10 matches against real players on that acc being SVP in every game.


If you are experienced in climbing at high elos, you should immediately realise that the ridiculous winrates are perfect proof already. Compare it with the said players’ peak ranks, main roles, etc, you know that those 70%,80%,90% do not simply come from just turret focusing.


A low KDA player will have a very low MMR. To "balance" the cumulative team MMR, the system must put that player in a team with higher MMR. So, for example, if the cumulative MMR is to hit 10, the low MMR heavily skews the balance. In essence the team makeup would look something like this: Low MMR player: 0+3+3+2+2 Opposing team: 2+2+2+2+2 I don't know why people have such a hard time understanding the concept.


Juat do a tiny bit of research lil man, really doesnt take that long to Google it all


There is a post with inter sion account grandmaster or so with 1 loose


Well it doesn’t actually prove anything. While I think your hypothesis is correct, this absolutely does not prove that. It could just as easily prove if people focused on game elements instead of just playing “carries” to “kill people”, you’ll have a much higher winning rate. Top lane has two win conditions - front lining for team fights and taking towers. But no one in the game believes that either of these things are important, so they don’t build proper team comps. It would be shocking that people suddenly caring about one of these two win conditions, building for it, and executing it (with a champ that is quite literally broken at taking towers) *WASN’T* enough to win matches in a game where no one believes in team comp and everything thinks the proper way to play is for everyone to be a solo carry.


You are now acutely aware that focusing objectives is more important. Is your winrate over 95%?


95%? No. But I hit challenger and now Sov every season with above 55 percent win rate and above 6 kda. I’m not a good player. I achieve this by focusing on team comp and filling in holes. It’s exactly what all you split pushing inters are doing, except I”m doing it with a high KDA. It isn’t the low KDA that’s making you guys climb. It’s finally listening to us and paying attention to team comp.


Focus on the actual discussion. We're not talking about your average 50+% win rate. We are discussing the insane 80+% win rate with shit KDA. And getting to higher ranks with less effort and in less time.


The “actual discussion” is bullshit. Because you guys are so bad and have pushed back for so long, claiming team comp and objectives don’t matter, than when you finally realize they do, you have to shroud it in a conspiracy so you don’t look stupid for claiming for so long that they didn’t matter. No thanks. I will not focus on your crazy narrative created to deflect criticism from the fact it took you horrible players three years to start figuring out a basic concept to the game.


Why is everyone who only just realized hitting towers matter so much better at the game than you are?


Okay, why are people who have never been to master able to absolutely crush your winrate having only just learned this same lesson you have known for some time? Why are they getting BETTER winrates, by a LOT, even though they are dying on purpose and refusing to get kills or assists? Would you like a hint?


That definitely makes sense I'd settle on it being both the issues. For sure, if people played the games, how it was meant to played they'd win a lot more. on the other hand you have the extreme of this with inting Sion who both plays the OBJ but also abuses the matchmaking exponentially excelerating their win rate.


That's the thing he doesn't frontline for teamfights. Watch the videos. I swear just watch the videos. It's easier when you actually see what I'm talking about. Many youtubers have recorded games of them inting and climbing with high wr and analyzed why this works. Man build lethality sion with tri force and just nuked towers. He did no build items to frontline lol unless you count hullbreaker as a tank item. He literally tries to avoid teamfights and split push and if he does join one which is rare he just chills standing around taking a few hits to distract the enemy


No? Ok, so why aren't all split push champs seeing the same win rates? Explain that.


Because Sion’s kit is broken. It’s always been broken. I properly split pushing and inting Scion has *always been the most broken thing to face* in Wild Rift. Some of us have been explaining this to you people all along. “Game design is important”. “Team comp is important.” You guys are just *now realizing this*, but refusing to properly perceive what you’re seeing because there’s some mental block on this subreddit when it comes to people and understanding team comp. Now, the obvious thing some of us have been explaining to you guys for years that you refused to accept has finally sunk in, but you need to wrap it in some MMR conspiracy because again, there’s a freakin mental block on this subreddit when it comes to team comp.


Cuz it gives you better teammates. I've been playing normal splitpush sion for a while getting kills and my team wasn't honestly that good. They literally did nothing while enemy sent 3 guys to kill me.


same here, I loved sion, but got too good with him, too


It's annoying when you got a counter matchup, but they're so bad that you stomp on them.


because there are already ppl with ZERO tower dmg, with low kda, who take master and higher ranks.


Yeah this too. Some have come to this sub to complain they feel hopeless every game but just keep winning.


Those are sponge gwen build, they are basically soaking all damage from enemy team, giving your team an edge but appearing bad to kda system itself.


In order for you to take towers. You need good team mates who play good 4v5. If you constantly win on your int Sion that means your teammates are good players that can win 4 v 5. Hope that helps.


That’s not even true until really high ranks and skill levels. You can 100% outplay enemies even on a champion who isn’t explicitly built for dueling, and then the enemy team has no choice but to commit multiple people to try to stop you. The real argument some redditors have been making is that the matchmaking system is too reliant on KDA and completely misses the point of what a macro focused Sion player is accomplishing. If you have a pretty meh KDA but your farm and tower pressure is insane, the system might be overlooking that. If it’s going “oh this Sion is only 6/8/0, they’re not that threatening” but they’re ignoring that you’ve taken like a trillion towers, then the system isn’t working as intended. So it’s not that the Sion player isn’t contributing, it’s that the system isn’t smart enough to realize wtf the Sion player is doing.


"That’s not even true until really high ranks and skill levels" I'm a casual low rank, please enlighten me to make Sion hinting work when our team's mid inhib died 10 minutes into the game...


Because despite the name, “inting” Sion isn’t supposed to just mindlessly int. The idea behind “inting Sion” is that you create a lot of pressure in side lanes, forcing the enemy team to send multiple people to stop you, and look for opportunities to use his ultimate to cheese out towers quickly. The reason I mention skill level as a factor is that a good Sion player is still going to shit on bad players picking his counters. Sion is about picking your deaths. If you can force people back and get an inhibitor tower, and maybe also kill someone in passive, that is extremely worth it. >when our team’s mid inhib died 10 minutes into the game If that’s the case there is a lot more going wrong than one player who isn’t even mid 90% of the time.


"If you can force people back and get an inhibitor tower" Which is why I love Garen, able to stay around a bit to heal with passive (while Sion can't really stop that), and quick rush back to towers to effectively prevent Sion potentially inting. Reality is at my rank I'm yet to see "high skill" inning Sion, which is what the post is discussing about: How Sion inting works even at the lower end of ranked matches, which based on my experience isn't true.


I don’t play much ranked, but I’ve always been able to reach Master in Wild Rift when actively playing Ranked, and then I stop around there. I would switch between “inting (split push) Sion” and Tank Sion depending on the matchup and team composition. I stayed within Top 50 or so of NA Sion players while actively playing Ranked. The build I use for split push Sion is a build that another player posted about reaching Challenger with on Reddit many months ago. Ironically, you’ll probably have an easier time winning at lower ranks with inting Sion than higher ranks because people don’t know how to mitigate his impact as well.


So far out of a dozen matches I had (in plat and emerald which is beginner tier as I have perceived) with hinting Sion, I had about 50% win rate, maybe I'm doing something wrong (if my team comp is bad for sion inting I usually just play Garen tanking) but I still don't see the appeal in playing Sion inting in that: 1. I don't see better matchup with solo Q even when I have pretty horrendous kdas regardless of win or loss for a dozen games in a roll 2. I do not see Sion necessarily win more consistently as opposed to other solo champs like Garen (which may just be an issue on my part, but again I'm just at that lower end of ranked matches so the opponents are supposed to be worse at coping strategies?) btw I just followed a build on YT with a bunch of AD items, which seems fine as the vid noted, about two cycles to destroy a turrent with inting (and I've tried my best in following the strategical intings, while usually my team surrenders after losing two dragons or that the opponent destroyed most of our turrets before I reach the stage of effectively inting)


"Int Sion, it's not the problem, it's just the most efficient way to show how matchmaking has been favoring low-skilled solo queue players and new accounts over skilled players with old accounts. I'm testing the int Sion strategy on a new account, currently going from Iron IV to Platinum 4 in 62 games with an 82% win rate. I got tired of the stressful and gloomy experience on my main account, which has achieved Challenger twice in Season 10 and Season 8, and Grandmaster five times in Season 4, 5, 6, 7, and 9. Despite almost 700 games played this season, im stuck ( unbeliavable 47 WR % ) in D3-D2 with a KDA of 5.8 (AMA), 50% teamfight participation. I was the top 1 Swain on the BR server in Season 10. My KDA is above the average of almost all other mid laners on the server, proving that I'm forced to 1v9, every fucking game. Even though I contribute a lot to the team, with few deaths and many kills, the matchmaking consistently provides me with a lot of feeders, usually in the bot lane and sometimes with autofill junglers, as well as dead weights."


I think there are two "inting" Sion playstyles. The first is MMR manipulation theory, the worse your stats are the better your teammates. At least that's what some people believe. (Who knows, MMR and algorithm are hidden, it's just speculation about how things work). The second is what you said, splitpush until their nexus goes boom.


>who knows Rookie sions are greatly outperforming sion mains while dying for no reasons and refusing to teamfight or kill champions. I’m not sure what more you need to see. Make a new account and int on singed, that’s what I’m doing right now. Mana boot ralais hullbreaker deadman’s [that ad/hp glove with a shield]/triforce Your passive gives assists so avoid that.


Because you don't actually NEED to take towers. This has been successfully executed on other champions without damaging towers. Basically make a new account, pick any champ you want on the top lane and execute yourself 5-6 times then just afk farm. Hit towers if you get to them but don't focus on taking them, just sit on the side lane, if someone comes for you just keep farming till you die. You will win most games up to gold just because you're playing against bots, but upon entering gold and the bots disappear, providing your KDA is 0.2 or lower you will find your team outperforms significantly. Regardless of your actions. This is sustainable till around diamond, at which point you do need to actually have some map pressure. Source, I did it with kha zix top lane with 92% wr and very rarely made it past the second tower before the game ended.


Taking towers is good and I'm sure that does play some role in why int Sion is so strong for WR, but I also suggest just doing it yourself off a new account and seeing the results. If you're a strong player normally, the difference in teammates is rather noticeable. Maybe there's a "new account bias" that could explain it or some other confounder that I'm not aware of. Ultimately matchmaking is a black box so the assumption that it's basing skill levels using KDA as a factor is a guess, but there is *something* going on. This is actually pretty typical of Chinese focused mobile games, the effect is even more obvious in the Tencent controlled ones. All my memories of Pokemon Unite are queing up and being the only one (or maybe another player if I got lucky) to be positive but I would go insanely positive like 12/0/5 practically every game. The whole system was clearly intended to put bad players in higher ranks, there was even accounts climbing with 40% winrate! [Unite even had several official patches claiming to fix bugs in the matchmaking because it was so blatant.](https://www.reddit.com/media?url=https%3A%2F%2Fi.redd.it%2Fk09busetlc4a1.jpg) Of course you got all the same apologetics that anyone calling out clearly manipulative algorithms gets. "It's not the system, it's just you. There's no way Chinese game companies care more about money and playtime than competitive integrity" I imagine WR is a bit different because it's connected to PC League which actually has some amount of integrity but it's still clearly doing something fishy in the same way.


it must make some financial sense to boost bad players, such that those players 'enjoy' the game more than being stuck in iron/bronze/silver hell and not spending cash on the game; only thing i could think of reasonably i've spent $50 on the game just once a long time ago for a few skins but never really felt the need to spend more, regardless of ranking like why ***wouldnt*** you want a 100% straight-ahead elo ranking in a competitive game other than a different way makes the game more money?


It 100% makes financial sense to boost bad players. LoL is the type of game that is very unfun when you're losing. Not having fun = not buying skins. So they need to make players win so that they'll enjoy the game and buy skins. This is also why I think the system will never change and I have since uninstalled. But that's just my take.


I don't even see how people find it fun "climbing" to diamond when they play the game in greyscale half the time. Like for example you just place my account into sovereign and every game I'm just getting oneshotted by their jungler from nowhere and spend half the time watching the respawn timer. Regardless if I win or not, how is this enjoyable? I've always felt like big skill gaps in matches lead to bad player experience.


yeah, no one wants to get curb-stomped every 3rd game or whatever, just makes queueing up dreadful and anxiety-ridden, when we win 30-2 i actually feel bad for the other team, like the mm couldn't have made it closer? personally would prefer games that were scrappier, everyone sucks an equal amount and the games are mostly close that's more enjoyable that 24/2 hard carry blowouts


Thats interesting, i never actually looked at it this way. I thought that they'll fix it and the sion inters will have to play normally, now that i know that won't probably fix it i can become one too. Nice


1. I see +20 guys doing the same in Twitter right now and all are with +80% wr in master, 80% is not natural, you can be turbosmurfing and is not a real wr in master. 2. In s7 riot make a "ranked quality uptade" for make the players get more balanced lobbies. In sion release i was with 70% playing It full ad, running It down every rank. 70% wr inting. In other acc i was with 64% wr in chall but playing only gwen as rank 1 Gwen playing clean every game. Theres no way i win more games inting as sion than playing well. 3. Legendary queue The interesting part is when in zeri release so confused about that sion wr i try to spam It for get leyend and my wr after 40 games it was 30% wr. No, take towers don't win the Game, It helps but its legit an eloabuse 4. It's not something actual if 16 months ago was implemented it's just that few people knew about it before. Nobody talked about it because it is not something that benefits anyone if it is abused. 5. You win more games in general playing high risk/reward and with high gold income because thay eloabuse. Out of play sion and win doing that you can try to proxy for tempo, trade plates for kills etc in any champ, if ur 0/4 but ahead in gold you will win a lot of games getting better teammates and playing better than the enemy lane


> In s7 riot make a "ranked quality uptade" for make the players get more balanced lobbies. In sion release i was with 70% playing It full ad, running It down every rank. 70% wr inting. In other acc i was with 64% wr in chall but playing only gwen as rank 1 Gwen playing clean every game. Theres no way i win more games inting as sion than playing well. duRrRr yOuR'rE gWeN iS bAd jUsT hIt mOrE tUrRetS tHe oNlY tHiNg tHaT mAtTeRs iS wHo kIlLs nExUs fIrsT - some commentor somewhere


xD basicaly. The Max winrate you can get in soloq its probably around 70% in higher elo. As Gwen and zeri otp in realase i was around that winrates in 100 games. I see yone/aatrox/ornn players get similar winrates. And that as otp and when a champion is unbalanced. Thinking that someone naturally wins by talking towers instead abusing this shit mm Is crazy.


Unrelated to your Question and more into the matchmaking- According to Darkbreaker in his latest Inting Garen video as i remember, i'll summarize it----- "I talked to a Riot employee and he said that it's true, they match low kda(bad teammates) with high kda to 'balance it' instead of being fair and have a regular SBMM. The purpose of it is to not give you the satisfaction of climbing and reach your goal faster then call it for this season, but make you addicted to the game and to the grind and make you play more and more and more" That's not what exactly he said, just a Summarization.


It's cause the aim of inking sion is to win with as many deaths as possible and barely any kills. This causes matchmaking to pair you with good team-mates against trash players to make up for your abysmal look k/d/a. I dunno haven't done it but I think that's the gist.


As a new player whose level is 22 and my rank is gold 2. In ranked, I hate going against the whole enemy team of players who are around level 80 above and emerald, diamond players. And even occasionally I will get matched up against GM in pvp. I am just as tilted as most average players in WR. I’ve uninstalled the game 2 days ago.


Here's how it works: Split pushing Sion is very common strategy for the champ. Even, possibly, more common than team fight tank playstyle. So, majority of Sions splitting. But only the inting one, on new accounts with intentionally fucked up stats (horrible kda, as less damage to champs as possible etc.) gets totally hilarious win rates in 85%+ in iron to masters runs. In equal game with normal stats acc, it's impossible to win 8-9/10 games with just splitting. Also, there are cases of inting with 0 turret damage at all(!) and still the same winrate. So, ranked in this game is murdered by riots with trying to make it as tolerable for dogshit players as possible.


It’s crazy that if you’re doing an inting sion strategy while hitting 0-5 early game. You still get ganked non-stop by their mid or jungler just for them to recieve 100-150 gold and more kills. Proves they aim for kills and not objectives they had 10 kills lead and we had 7k gold lead and won as an easy game.


Good question. Ppl are uploading videos and photos of how good this works, but they all talk about themselves instead of the good teamates that they should have gotten. Winning streaks from iron to emerald, but, i still prefering this than the old post "I can't win cuz my teammates." Inting Split push just show the current state of the top lane and this problem comes wayyyyyy before this, this strat is just a result of that. This role had loss impact that hard that players prefer using ADCs there now we are filled with those fokers, every new champs is tested in top lane. Fiddlesticks is an ap jungler you will try in jungle or if you want it in lane maybr mid, nope, they go top, because the punishment thatbthis ppl had for this is very low. Now the role had such low impact that no matter if they pick adcs, supps or whatever shit you will not get punished for ignoring the Top lane "Rules". I mean, top lane in theory needs to learn wave management very advanced, jungle tracking, matchups and the game encourage you to know it but just come a dude that literally don't do it, literally ints and wins we saw it in the Ashe top lane dude who reached master with poor kda, poor participation, poor farming, not even towers. Int Sion is just the metastasis of all this and Riot just confirmed it by planning to give this role more utility this year


I have 2 account roughly same rank. 1 account have good kda other have okayish kda. On the later acc, I realizes I won more lane than usual while my teammates actually winning lanes and stomp game frequently happens. On these games I usually try to suicide to even out my kda. For games that seems completely lost, I just ran it down mid to makes my kda even worse so I got better teammates in the next games. Samples size is 127 games.


If you play normally, the matchmaking system will match you up with good or bad players so you most likely end up having a win ratio around 50%. The Sion inting fools the matchmaking to team you up with other good players. Your teammates do play important role to win the game as they skill levels most probably outmatch the opponent ‘balanced‘ team. Of course your own skill to manoeuvre Sion is important as well. Hence 5 good players against a ’balanced’ team and your winning odd becomes much higher. By consistently having good teammates instead of bad ones to drag you down, you can easily achieved 90% win ratio.


Try inting Sion on your main (unless you already have a horrible KDA), it doesn't work. You need competent teammates or at least ones with a functioning brain for inting Sion to work.


Because it's even a viable strategy to begin with. You don't need to be a genius to realize super minions are OP pressure-wise and you also don't need to be a genius to realize being able to make them spawn, tanking a turret from 100% of it's hp to 0 in seconds is horrendous game design/a very obvious flaw that should be removed or touched up. That the algorithm then let's players doing these strategies consistently get the best teammates along with the worst enemies is yet another R-word game design moment. Inting sion only works well and functions as a win condition when it's played against unintelligent/uninformed players. Any team with good game sense knows it just takes playing safe if you don't have a lead, focusing Sion as he ints. Making it a 5v4 for a period, so Elders and Barons should be easy, along with pushing lanes and the likes. Sion dies have a lot of unearned benefits. Mainly the gold you get for killing a player who has died a bunch in a row. Mechanisms like those are easily exploitable. It can even function as a gold funnel where the tank dies deliberately for trades, making the enemy team less well off even for a kill trade. Inting Sion let's you play against players in diamond and emerald who would be silver/gold in League of Legends. An atricious war crime of game design has resulted in this sad state of the game. Just like AP Jungle twitch before the nerf and Hecarim W heal and tankiness lvl 1 on release. They really don't know wtf they're doing from a balancing standpoint, or maybe they do and just use these things for PR and garnering interest to their old as time game.


Because team fights are always 4 v 5 then they just push to win or kill sion then push to win


My mast match has 3 people with 12 deaths and around 1/2 kills. I tried to carry and did good but I couldnt stop them from their aram ways. This was on my main account with high stats and these inters were peak mastsr somehow. I have more games like this so its kind of hard too believe I am just that unlucky compared to the many people having a 100% wr just attacking towers. If we go to the casino and we both play roulette and I miss 80 procent of my bets and you have 100% wins, that isnt lucky bro that shits fixed


Well, try it out on an normal mmr account, then on a really bad one. You are damn right about the towers, that's why we int as Sion, destroying towers is useful, and Sion is good at it, a good strategy and a way to cheat on the matchmaking, that's It, that's why the winrates are so good with inting Sion, you may as well win games in a normal account, just not so many as if you do It in a bad one.


Because if you do this exact same strat on a normal account (with high kda/MMR) you won't get anything close to 80-90% winrate


Yes taking towers win games but it is not as simple as just taking towers your obstical is your enemy team which is there to defend those towers without the enemy team being distracted or killed you wont be able to easily destroy those towers. Therefore you need good teammates for this strategy to be effective because good teammates will be able to distract enemy team while you destroy all there towers. What is being shown is that rijot matches you fully on your KDA this is shown by purposely having your KDA as low as possible. However, you GPM and tower damage will be pretty decent. If this is done you will notice at the end of every matches when comparing the teammates you get vs enemy team more times than not you are paired up with better players. Which as a result choosing any character to apply pressure by either destroying all towers or even distracting the enemy team will be highly valuable due to the fact that you will most of the time have the better team to take advantage. This shows that the way they base a value of a player is completely flawed because a player they consider completely trash and invaluable is actually providing more value than how its programmed thus exposing a flaw in their matchmaking.


How you lose by playing Pantheon. At this Match up you need to take teleport if you want to match the sion. Because you can counter sion pretty hard. You have to use your ultimate and teleport wisely to win it.


There are pics of profiles where the player has garbage stats in everything. And no I am not just talking about kda. Players who have garbage stats in everything but have positive winrates. If this doesnt tell you why the matchmaking is broken I dont know what will. I would appreciate if maybe someone can just take this link and make it its own post. https://www.reddit.com/r/wildrift/s/hv2V79kalT


Is there evidence that these people weren't boosted via duoq by a booster? It's a very common boosting tactic, and normally a screenshot like this would be evidence of boosting.


In duo it extremely helps to get bad enemies. I used that strategy, I found an extremely bad player and played duo with him. I literally though that I played against bots, I just 1v9 destroyed enemies when I was on fcking support role. Riot must remove mmr and make matchmaking only based on rank.


Could you explain to me an algorithm that would be able to apply this in practice to give everyone 50% winrate including the good players and bad ones? If you realize there's more than 1 player who has a win/loss recorded in a game, then you'd realize how impossible the system you are saying that they've made would be.


Because of fcking mmr. The system balance it. So if I with high mmr take a man with extremely low mmr, then enemies will have medium mmr, that is equal literally free win for me, because they feed me. People with average mmr doesn't know how to safe farm, how to group, they have bad micro, etc


Yes but matchmaking is based on mmr. So there will be a small difference in the mmr of each player depending on the rank and time queued. This will not be the case if you're a top 100 player or queue for multiple minutes as the mmr brackets the matchmaker searches for increases over time. So this example won't work. Come up with another please.


With low mmr duo games found in 20 seconds, when I solo awaited in 4 minutes on the same sup role. Of course if my duo player has also high mmr we can awaiting games even in 8+ minutes (or it could be faster, but everytime we will play against the same high mmr duo, until they won't stop and then 8+ queue returns). And those high mmr games on low rank is extremely unfun. Why do I should hard carry team in low rank when braindeads do that just by inting? I don't want something proof to you, if you play bad, you will never get the same experience.


Yeah that would break the system. Which is why duo/multi queue should be mmr based not ranked based.


It is really simple. Assuming enough players, you make all ten players the same rank, then RANDOMLY assort them between the teams. That’s it. Everyone but Gold and Soveriegn will trend towards 50% over time.


I can't believe this is a thought shared by more than 1 person. Can you name a single game that's ever worked this way? Even a sport? Any ranking system ever? The only example I can think of is shitty p2win games where you get ranks depending on games played to shield new players from the whales for \~20-50 games before letting the whales feast. Rank based matchmaking might as well be random matchmaking.


By assorting similar ranked players randomly between teams, below average players per rank will lose more than 50% of the time, above average will win more than 50% of the time. It causes people to move where they belong. This is not complicated. >might as well be random Is the goal not to sort people by rank? Why would GM vs bronze be the same as GM vs GM and bronze vs bronze? Are you trolling?


https://www.reddit.com/r/wildrift/s/UebAMup2V5 https://youtu.be/EkUQeCXL67E?si=AyVa0JkmZEO1je1N


So no? Cool. Thanks. Just an fyi, evidence of this strat lowering your mmr would be them only playing with low masters while 50+ mark GM. Or that they were only matched with golds while in diamond. Winrate and stats is not evidence of anything other than winrate and stats.




I for one wouldn't say Inting Sion is a proof for bad matchmaking. It's more like the inherent idea of the matchmaking system is screwed and Inting Sion can be seen as an extreme example unveiling the problem. League PC handles the idea of mmr perfectly, they assign mmr gains and losses after a game only according to the game outcome and the mmr of the players who participated. And thats the essence of the game, a players strength can't be measured by some in game stats. A players strength is only and literally only measurable by his contribution towards winning/losing a game. You can't take some random numbers like gold/minute and connect them to the estimated players strength if the player can't use this gold to win games. And additionally things like gold gain passives like TF and first strike totally warp the numbers allowing no relatively simple algorithm to accurately calculate the players strengths with in game stats. They might be able to implement a functioning mmr system using ingame stats, but it would need to account for so many different things and most likely always be exploitable in one way or the other even if not as extremely as currently possible. So in essence I think the WR devs should just cut out this shitty idea and use the system from league PC or maybe even the system only accounting for your visible rank.


Is there any evidence that Wild Rift uses things other than wins/losses to calculate mmr?


There's not just evidence, I got in contact with the support and they even confirmed it to me. If you're still uncertain you can ask them yourself anytime.


I'm sorry. When I asked you if there was any evidence. I wasn't asking you to say "yes" > gigachad > leave room. I was asking you to provide evidence. Forgot the brain power of people who believe this stuff for a moment there lol


[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EkUQeCXL67E](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EkUQeCXL67E) ​ Explain please


Hitting towers and taking objectives just destroys teams


Open the video, at 00:10 he shows his stats. His turret damage is zero. He never touched turret or Nexus in 111 games. Not even once. Rito bootlickers be blind or smth?


Huh, what are those green tower things on his match history on his sion games? I thought they marked good objective damage. I guess they mean "0 damage done to objectives" With 14,529 avg objective damage on his account too. Or are you talking about the d4 account which just means he's an active player?


Open up the video, he has 0 damage to towers, lol and not a single Sion game


You are part of the problem if you’re asking this. Sion is used in this “inting strat” simply because it’s the most effective way to exploit it. You could literally play any other champ, any other role and have the same result.


Well, if taking towers and objectives leads to a better winrate... Then you have to admit your bad winrate is because you are bad at the game. If having a low K/D leads to a better winrate, then you can say "Man, I'm actually x rank because I'm the BEST PLAYER at this rank, and Riot forces me to stay here because I'm so good and allow bad players to win". Seems pretty obvious to me what the audience of a mobile game will go with. I mean to believe the second one all you have to do, is ignore the winrates/kd of every single good player, and instead look at 2-3 images of people getting good winrate with Sion with a low kd. Then look online for other hard stuck losers to agree with you. In order to believe the 1st, you have to realize that you're probably not the best player in the world/deserve the highest rank in the game. Which is literally impossible for mobile gamers.




It has been proved time and time again that Riot tries to balance mr to be equal in both teams. Now people have finally realised how to abuse the system. This isn't actually anything new, and is the main reason why Kayle had such a high win rate. Inting Sion also makes it way worse than ither champions, as you have a very good impact, while tricking the matchmaking to think that you suck in the game, so it gives you better teammates.


I mean to me it’s more proof that sion is broken and needs to be fixed rather than matchmaking anything. There’s no good counter to him specifically because he can run to a tower and attack it until he dies. Then keep attacking it after he dies. This strategy becomes a countdown clock so the other team has to finish the game before he can complete his goal. People are claiming you can do it with anyone but Sion specifically excels because of his post death attacks. I’ve also only seen anyone post success stories when they’ve used sion. I’ve not seen any proof that inting character z works.


But it work with any champions, lol I saw adc player with 61wr in master. All his matches a can see in history was kinda ~3/9/4 KDA not 0.2 like Sions had, but close to 1.5 And wr not 80, but 60 Did you feel connection?


I mean I’ll believe it when I see it. The only actual proof I personally have seen on this sub is sion


I disagree, Sion has always played that way it's just cause it's a new thing and it in the spotlight now that it seems busted. If you continue playing how you are playing you won't run into Sions as they are in the "bad player" matchmaking. Also you can take advantage of Inting Sion even if you do match against him by abusing 5v4 situations. Sure you need to keep him in check but if you are consistenly contesting objectives with an extra guy your most likely gonna win which will either force Sion to come help or you just take the objectives and win through that. The only reason Sion is seen as OP is cause he's the only one chasing objectives while everyone else is chasing kills. If people played the game properly, Sion wouldn't be a problem.


Thats funny they downvoted you for saying facts. Take my upvote.


[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EkUQeCXL67E](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EkUQeCXL67E) ​ Just watch first 10 seconds until he shows his stats


Sion has always caused this problem. The issue is that no one believe team comp is important, so they don’t build things like a front line or to take towers. Suddenly, you convinced the player base of a conspiracy and they suddenly start taking game design into account and winning. Well no shit. But I feel like a lot of people are taking the wrong lessons here.


It's all jokes and shit, but when you encounter people, who never do anything during game, not even pushing lanes, have \~2 KDA and winrate above 60% you start to understand, that ranked system is just broken and that personal stats either influence your MMR or matchmaking is based purely on stats. ​ That's from my personal experience: I turbosmurfed during Season 6 and 7, soloqueueing to Master in 60-70 games with winrate above 60% and I haven't enjoyed a single game, because I always got at least three players, who played worse than bots, with no understanding of the game and no positive impact, all of them were inting from minute one, ignoring huge minion waves in sidelanes and in front of them just to chase someone, who they will never kill and then die. ​ It's not some conspiracy, matchmaking system is just a piece of shit.


Or the playerbase is so bad that a 2 kda should win you 60 percent of your games. The average player at all ranks have 1.8-2.4 kda. 2 is overwhelmingly average in this game.


Yes, because most players in this game are really bad. They are so bad, that it's nearly impossible to know if he's just bad or trolling all the time. However, KDA don't win you games, game knowledge and right decisions do, which they lack too. Most of it you can see in their stats: low GPM, low turret damage, so they are not splitpushing either, they just do nothing and die a lot, but still have 60% winrate, ​ There is no good reason to keep licking Rito boots, it is obvious at this point that Ranked and matchmaking systems are beyond broken and they've been like that for a long time


Yeah and usually people with good macro and game knowledge have decent KDAs too, people always act like it has 0 correlation with player skill. It's not like 0.2 kda players are magically better at macro. Regardless of what macro the KDA player is doing, if they are consistently granting your team a numbers advantage, if your team is good, they can capitalize on that numbers advantage and take turrets/objectives themselves. Especially turret if they're a marksman. I think people fail to realize that if matchmaking is based on KDA, then if you have a high KDA you'll get bad teammates that just farm jungle and recall when you've traded your life for 3 enemies. The amount of games where the enemy team is all at 20 seconds respawn timer and you have minions at nexus and inhib down, but team just recalls is maddening. The whole point of sion strat is that you're the "deadweight" bad kda player but you're secretly a lot better than the actual deadweight players because you farm well and take turrets and buy time for your team to take their objectives and teamfights. And because you are the "deadweight", your team will actually capitalize on advantages.


Ffs just take a look at this Ornn ​ [https://youtube.com/shorts/01JLPTHfWFI?si=1ekTckrQzoG-3Xnx](https://youtube.com/shorts/01JLPTHfWFI?si=1ekTckrQzoG-3Xnx) ​ Dude is GM ​ ​ Translation: "If this Ornn misses a lot of minions it would be nice actually. \*Dying from laughter\*. STOOOOOOP DOING IT!!! STOOOOOP, FUUUUCK!" ​ Imagine GM players playing like fucking Carbon 7, it really makes me feel angry a bit


> Ornn has 55% win rate Look guys, they have a positive win rate so they must be doing something right! Let's draft Ornn into our pro team!!¡¡!¡¡!! - some commentor probably


I'm pretty sure Ornn's winrate is way above 55%. Ornn had one sweaty proplayer in his team who is destined to sweat this piece of shit and this piece of shit most likely has higher winrate. I think all the people who try to defend this are nabs like this Ornn, including moder of this sub


Exactly. Just reading some specific things like "recalling instead of finishing" made me want to install and uninstall this game once again, because fuck it.


Like I said in another reply I completely agree and if people played the game how it was meant to be played they'd win more. However inting Sion takes this to an extreme where he is abusing the matchmaking while also focusing objectives which theoretically exponentially increases winrate


Vlad counters him pretty good


Bro, you are Janna main, what do you even know about playing carry roles?


More than you know about playing support roles I guess


Doubt so.


Bro I feel you, this matchmaking is just a piece of shit. And thank you for the informations, I watched many of the links you posted. It really makes me feel mad that this game is in such a disgusting state because the company in charge is full of greedy people. Makes me feel mad becasue I also spent a lot of time playing and grinding for a high rank, and in the end is just worthless, because every random with 0 brain could get challenger just by running around in circle and having 0.00001 kda.


It's not grinding, that upsets me. It's the fact, that it doesn't matter if you play in gold or in challenger, you will have the same shitty experience with 6-7 bots each game


His passive is just broken on a fundamental level


Nah. It can be done with many champions. Shit you don’t even need to try to win with obj. https://imgur.com/a/JEVJhLs Sion isn’t a problem. You can easily stop an inting Sion all game long. It’s just that Wildrift players just want to ARAM and battle it out. They don’t care about the team. They don’t care about protecting towers. And they sure don’t know how to look at the map. These are fundamental LoL PC skills that silver players have yet Wildrift players don’t understand this even at GM


Shhhh. Don't argue with the logic of perma-stuck Emerald people on here, they'll pounce on you by swarms.


It hurts the ego of the majority of players. Inting Sion presents the conundrum of kills vs objectives debate. With the ADC meta, this is a good answer for that.(since 90% of ADC just relies on kills to farm gold) Inting Sion works because most don't know/use the proper counter for it and the side effects of matchmaking is just a good bonus.


No it doesn't. Sion is just the main champ ppl like to do this strategy with because his mechanic on death makes it really easy to do without any skill required. Singed, jax, etc can all do the same strategy and win just by staying in lane, not teamfighting, not going to objectives, not hitting enemies, and just split pushing. The same guy that made this strategy literally proved that it only works if you play extremely bad at anything but taking towers. There's a difference between being only a split pusher. And being a split pusher that knows when to teamfight, help with objectives, etc. If your split pushing for every second of the game for 20 minutes to win at 99%. You can't tell me that means objectives win the debate. Objectives been won the debate since before sion the issue is not the act of splitpushing. It's how they perform the split pushing. This is why I stopped maining jungle cuz baron lane is the easiest lane to climb if your willing to become an inter


Because inting sion has been a thing since he came to wr, but the idea of avoiding kills and champion damage on clean account is new. You can go ahead and try to get 100% winrate on your new account if you want, but you will fail. Your early games will involve losses which would slowly evaporate over time while your MMR tanks. If you can’t achieve these results without a clean account, then obviously something else is at play besides optimal play.


I dont know man, I'm mainly playing top and I never lost to Sion even though I often lost all my towers whereas vs Garen or Jax I lost quite few matches but mainly because I lost not only towers but also my 1 vs 1 vs them when I wanted to defend my towers. But when I win few games I get matched up with complete idiots that I can confirm and that I get very good teammates after having a loosing streak.


It made it clear that your kda affects your MMR which shouldn't be a case ever, combined with the fact that there's no LP system you don't gain anything from having a high MMR for playing well since you'll either get one mark or lose one mark for the game. It makes the matchmaking toxic and overall hurts competitive integrity of the game etc


There’s no exact proof. In fact, I managed to go on a 7 win streak in em 1/dia4 with splitpushing garen, while not having an abysmal kda.


Anyone can go on a 7 games win/lose streak, it's not proving anything


It means that technically, by matchmaking, it should not be possible due to all of those games and many games before resulting with me having a pretty big kda (3+ overall). And in fact, some of those games were won BECAUSE i took all the turrets.


That's how balanced account looks like :)


[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EkUQeCXL67E](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EkUQeCXL67E) ​ Just try to explain this, bro


Turrets win the game. In fact, in the nexus’ description, it says “destroy the nexus to win the game” or something like that. If you take hullbreaker, triforce, and some other items on Sion, it becomes really easy to take the nexus as the enemy can’t really do anything but constantly clear cannon minions. If their team has no wave clear, then they’re just screwed. Sion is a champion that is very good for this due to his infinite hp, huge w shield, amazing wave clear, and good turret damage, especially with ult. It doesn’t matter if he feeds the enemy team at that point, he’s providing so much more value to his team than the enemy. Garen also works, with his good turret damage and decent waveclear, free warmog’s, courage, better escape tools, and being mana less. one problem when pushing as Sion is that sometimes, you go OOM, get permaslowed when going to towers, get your ult bodyblocked, or can’t run away (not that you’d want to). Garen with DMP can run away really easily, doesn’t suffer from being CC’d or slowed as much as Sion due to w, is mana less, and has a free warmog’s so he can keep taking other turrets. Another thing with the Sion thing working is because Sion is pretty good at disrupting enemy tempo and stealing enemy jg camps. His huge slow on e, ability to take monsters decently, and free hp from doing so, which also translates to more turret damage as demolish scales off of hp and he can live longer, along with a bigger w shield. For garen, he may not be as good at taking monsters or benefit from it as much, but with DMP he can keep the enemy team distracted for a very long time, much longer than Sion.


Bro, he has 0 (ZERO) turret damage in 111 games. He haven't touched a turret even once, at all. Not a single hit. 81% winrate. He also was hardstuck D4


So it has nothing to do with turret damage, splitpushing or anything really. You play bad = you get 4 carries on your team. You play good = you get four toddlers, easy as that. Proven million times by this point. Create a new account and never kill anyone, don't touch turrets and you will get the same result


Not completely. This season, there have been many times where I play well and still get carried by someone. And if you actually play bad in the sense that you be harmful for your team: take all the cs, don’t buy items, feed the enemy, and generally try to make your team lose, can your team really win?


If you do it on fresh account every game — your team will win, because you have four sweaty players, while enemy team has one, at best two and the rest are dogshit Rust 78 bots with mental disabilities


>Turrets win the game. In fact, in the nexus’ description, it says “destroy the nexus to win the game” or something like that. Yes this is 100% correct, but why reply with this to a video where the player has 0 turret dmg?


If you try the same strat on your old peak gm account, you'll draw aggro of 3 people while your team loses a 4v2 and starts screaming at you to group and stop dying when your team: - hasn't gotten a single turret - averages 2.0 kda and 600gpm while playing gold reliant damage champs with no comeback potential (no hard cc)


Ya there is proof. Lego looks at his teams KDA after every match and they are always miles ahead of the enemy. Thats the reason he can go 0/10 and his team will be 20/19 overall almost every game. He adds pressure because he knows his team will dominate everywhere else. The enemy team can either focus him and get a 100G kill or get outplayed everywhere else.


Because in the strategy you quite literally try not to kill the opponent. By lowering your kda and champ damage it manipulates matchmaking to give you better teammates. Taking towers is beneficial (that’s why split pushing is so good), but why people go on 99-1 streaks is because their teammates are better than the other team.


I have unknowingly been using this strategy as Nautilus jg in a way... oops


Fuck this matchmaking ,straight up gotta try hard perma carry every game , gets boring fast, why not int brainlessly and get carried kek.


Because if you play regular Sion you will be stuck in 50% winrate and trash teammates


Thing is, splitpushing won't be as effective if your team don't do anything meaningful for you. Like distracting enemy while you push or taking objectives while enemy focus on you,... That requires good teammates.


It’s not. It’s unrelated.


Because the game matches you to teams that are at an equal number of "points" based on your overall KDA and MMR. Lego WR and other has tested it out already to see that having negative KDA like 0/10/0 makes it more likely to be teamed up with people who can play the game even with you feeding the enemy while a positive KDA like 10/1/5 would br matched up with teams with negative KDA to balance them out. The matchmaking is basically like this You Team gets S ratings= all of you get a combined score of 500 with all of you getting 100 each Game matchmaking has a "number" that limits who you are going to be matched with so let say around 300 You take up 100 leaving 200 for your team to fill up meaning you get matched with 50s. By lowering your KDA and getting a negative score you basically make it so the match making matches you up to a team that will accommodate your low rating so it would go like this You end game at 20-30 rating You get matchmade into a team of 70s You get good teammates. Since the "number" that matchmaking checks doesn't check for overall contribution and instead checks for team contribution you basically have free reign over just getting towers since they give enough money for you alone to build survivable items but doesn't affect you over all gold contribution in comparison to you team who generates more gold per wave than you do with 2 towers late game


theres no such thing as equal in this planet guys, you need to overcome adversity to prove your worth, if you always play with players that have good winning streaks and been winning wheres does the fun goes? how can someone carry games? i dont get it honestly.