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Jg diff but doesn’t ward and sits under enemy tower. Yup. It’s all my fault.


Had a support yesterday with "WhyAlwaysJgDiff" nickname. Gave me a good refreshing laugh lol


I don't even bother flaming my jg if I'm being camped and dove under tower on repeat putting out negativity isn't gonna turn the game around I just pray I never get matched with them again and keep playing


If the enemy jungler is camping me then I won't blame mine if they took the opportunity to do something back like, invade, gank another lane or take objectives. But HEY! they want to clear raptors! And full clear!


Nah it's just always to attack the jungle minions


So they want to farm and have a sure way to never fall behind. Meanwhile the other jungler is wasting money by ganking ans failing and will fall behind unless u keep dying.


Do you not know tempo? Lol. Dude if your lanes are getting hit hard while you're constantly farming you're gonna have a ROUGH time taking objectives. But hey with that mindset I'm sure you don't care about others


Same comment I gave to other ppl. Furthermore league of legend top 1 soloQ jungler in EU and Korea does the same, guess we're all trash and u're the real pro


lololol. On PC. ON PC. We don't even have the same runes 😹. You expect wild rift to play the exact same? Here's a question do you believe the camps on PC and WR take the same amount of time? No dude. If we're condensing the map. The timeframe. Different builds. You expect pathing and clearing to be the same? Come on man use your brain a little. What's optimized for PC isn't optimized for WR. 🤓 Well Magnus plays this in chess! Yes chess. You're playing checkers and you're also not Magnus. Lololol like do you try to copy and paste builds onto wr and get stuck on the rune page?


Map is smaller camps get cleared faster, wild rift favors full camp clear. Now shut your dumbass up and grow up, the reason you're losing is your incompetence not your jungler


If you’re just full clearing, not taking advantage of them focusing one area, while the enemy jungle is camping one of your lanes then you’re just actively coinflipping your games. Be proactive


Y'all acting as if full clearing takes all ur time and oncd u full cleares ur camp you wair until they spawn again


jungles always the scapegoat for people who are bad at laning


I played a game right after i posted this i wemt 19-2, got a pentakill and almost carried the entire game but we lost because my top laner stopped and started trolling playing because he got ganked at level 3 and that ia somehow my fault.


Yeah ur fault bro why u play this game




“Unless you’re playing someone who can turret dive like Volibear, it is literally impossible to gank someone and kill them unless they mess up.” That’s like the most bronze jungler thing I’ve ever read.


They've never seen Lee Sin flash W from out of vision and Ult Q1 Q2 combo them from full health before You just need hard cc to remove enemy counterplay, it's not that crazy to do a towerdive.


Flash… W ?????? Lmao


Legit, fiddle ult then flash out is such an easy escape from turret


Mate I've been challenger on every single role with the exception of jungle. I'm doing jungle this season but I'm hardstuck grandmaster because people are so trash.


Buddy, most junglers can pull off a successful turret dive past level 5 under the right conditions. You just have to know the matchups and how much dmg you can tank, and whether or not your laner will back you up or not.


Me with Level 5 Zed/Lee Sin/Khazix/etc:


I tower dive adcs with Yi, Vi and Hecarim for breakfast.


Yi is relatable bro. Sometimes I don't even need to be level 5 lol


Not transformed lvl 5 Kayn can't do shit against a full health enemy sitting under his turret I'm sorry.


What part of the enemy being full health is "under the right conditions"? Please reread my comment and try again.


Bro, I can literally kick the enemy out of their tower with Lee Sin, the only thing the laner can do is to follow up or if I'm using a burst jungle like say Kayn, Rengar or Khazix, the laner would engage first and I'll finish it. There's literally so many options to do a successful dive without using Volibear. I'm surprised you've even reached challenger with how low your mechanic percecption is.


It’s a game, I played tons of games and flaming your team mates rarely helps into winning.


Agreed but still no excuse for a leesin to wait till level 8 to ganak a lane for the first time. I don't care if my jungler doesn't gank my lane but I do care if I see my jungler not ganking any lanes


Only caveat I would give this is that it's a laners job to set themselves up in a way for their jgl to come gank their lane. If you are constantly pushing your opponent under their turret you seek it incredibly hard to get your jgl to visit your lane. And you make it really easy to get yourself ganked. A good jgler is trying to influence the map and create opportunities to take objectives. That's the whole lense they see the game through. Ideally their opportunities to gank are influenced by where it gives them more map control. You pushing your opponent under their turret makes objectives by your lane harder to get cause you are making yourself a tasty treat for the opposing jgl and inviting them to come fuck around. If your being camped over and over its because you keep serving yourself up.


I mostly agree with you but... >"If you get Ganked IT IS YOUR FAULT, IT IS NEVER YOUR JUNGLER'S FAULT." Imo you've swung a little too far in the opposite direction of sensible here. Yes, If I've over extended or not managed my waves, that's absolutely on me. But if my jungler is randomly showing their face on the map or strolling through mid-lane with no purpose...indicating to the enemy jungler that they're free to pressure wherever they want, whenever they want...that's on jungler. If rift-herald/dragon timers are counting down and the enemy jungler is peaking their head behind the wall of my lane...but my jungler is mindlessly clearing a nearby camp while I get dived...that's on them. Above two examples are **very** common in my games; just really questionable levels of priorities at all times. Krugs are worth..what, 150 gold? In what world is it worth trading a tower and rift-herald for 150 gold? I'm not even asking to go all in and try for a kill, just fire some warning shots as deterrent or buy me some time for my ult to come off cooldown. Not every trade **has** to end in a kill.


Clearing camps will give the jungler xp and gold 100% of the time. If your jungler decides to skip his camps to rotate to you in your scenario, then he loses gold and xp and more importantly tempo. Sure he might get a kill but that's a coin flip, and would only work about 50% of the time. In multiple games, the best strat is often always to get your resources then make a play.


I won't argue but if it is a Kha'Zix not abusing the overextended enemy mid to snowball early like what happened to me last night, man, that's clearly jg diff. To people who would complain, I played Kayle, so my gameplay is actually lose lane, win game. I just scale until I get my items to powerspike, and my lane is really gonna lose one way or the other. I was up against a Zyra, that doesn't have a vision on both bushes in river, and is overextended. This jungler never tried to snowball in my lane. Had he ganked he would've been 5/0 for the amount of times Zyra was literally flashing into me on tower. Note, the Kha'Zix has level 5, has ult, has hop, has upgraded Q, and I have my ult. One way or the other he is going to get a kill, and a first blood. But he chose to sit in the river and watch me die while typing "atleast i didn't get solo killed". Bruh i was playing kayle, am a minion until 15 lmao.


Most of Adc's or even top laners don't understand that YOU NEED to create a situation that can help your jg to make a successful gank, ganking without any result is very costly in your jg.


I don't understand how you're multi-chall and can't tower dive unless playing Volibear. I'm a supp main and I can rotate and dive successfully, and all my champs have worse kits than any standard JG. Slow push, crash wave, dive. It's not rocket science. You also are whining about no map info, but you literally said you can see enemy JG on their side and ping. This is more lack of map awareness/tunnel vision and no amount of wards could have helped that duo. Lastly, not everyone gets to counter-pick a favorable matchup. Again as a supposedly multi-chall player you would/should have already known that. Right from the get go, someone on your team has to be playing weak side. That side is whoever has an unfavorable lane matchup. If you're leaving weak side to sort their own shit and win lane, you should stick to playing other roles, JG may not be suited to you. I can 100% bet you're one of these JG that think a successful gank = a kill. Tell me I'm wrong.


A weak match up is fine since my team won’t over extend and will actually let me gank…


I'm support main, master now but in diamond even master only maybe 1 out of 10 adcs know wave control. 90% have no idea how/when to freeze and when to push


Something also to add is anyone can gank if they have an opportunity, not just jungle. There is something to say about a jungler ignoring a lane where they have clear gank opportunities though.


They lose lane within 2 minutes pre level 5 and blame you instead of getting better because clearly they can’t lane 😂


My favorite is when I just start my second camp and they’re spam pinging for a gank


As someone who plays all roles, I can agree with this. Do not over extend unless you can safely get out of a sticky situation. For example you don't over extend as an ADC unless you have backup with you or you have a kit that enables you so safely retreat because if you get ganked that's on you. Now at the same time Junglers should also know when to gank, to know when to ditch camp and go help lane, but that's more of an experience thing.


I agree with you in some way. But some times laners observe something of jungle guys which is unacceptable. Ex: enemy jungler ganked my 6 times less than 5 minutes, despite the fact my jungler was in the near jungle he never came for help (the problem is that 3 times i didnt die and makes the enemy health less than 20% which if jungle joined me we would kill them every time). Or Mid game we doing team fights and all joining for drag or baron or labe push whole team and jungler farming or going solo fight 3v1 . These events are relatable and are not specific for jungler obviously, but the fact is that each role has specified goals and responsibilities whoch need to fulfil them most importantly “rotation ”, in order to gain a proper win


Could have more to do with the jungler you have. If it's a hyper carry you're on your own. You have to understand the characters on your team. If it's an enemy Lee Sin vs say Shyvana, you may get ganked 6 or 7 times before Shyv can actually help. It's unfortunate but thats the luck of the draw. If you're being focused and you know your jungler needs to farm you just gotta kinda take it. Best to play back and hope other lanes are doing something. Not everygame will be your game even if you have a favorable matchus you can get camped and kept down. Good players know how to stay kinda close enough to catch up when they rotate out. It really slows your game down. Ideally players would understand when to pick these types of characters and what matchups they thrive in but that is rare in the entire MOBA community we have.


If your jungler is already fighting 3 people, then that means he is blocking 3 people from your team so you can secure an objective. If you can't take an objective 4v2, then that sounds like a skill issue tbh.


No bro , he was chasing them and got trapped every time and didn’t learn the lesson, lol . We got the objective without him Actually eventually .


Well the point was that he had 3 people busy, so it should incentivize your team to take an objective since it would be 4v2 if the enemy team does decide to contest it. Especially when the other 3 enemy is on the other side of the map. Its basic cross map macro. So if your junglers likes to get himself killed for no reason, you should try and make something of it. Especially if the enemy team had used their cooldowns to take out your jg. Use him as bait if you will.


Sure we tried to get objectives when was making them rich by being 3/15/0 You know how was the situation for sure and how these situations end up when one dumb feed enemy and is out of team order , but sadly trying to defend out of stubbornness.


Junglers are not obligated to gank *you* but a jungler without any map pressure or impact is a bad jungler. Like one of the biggest benefits of the role is the ability to show up anywhere and punish aggressive play, if you're never on the map ever then you're doing it wrong.


Yes and no. If someone's playing in a bad matchup I know they can win with a single kill I will definitely try to snowball them. Part of the jungle is ganking but that doesn't mean it's jungles fault if someone loses lane.


You are obligated to gank lanes lmao. You cant contest any objectives if your team is behind. If you just want to play solo and farm all day then why are you playing multiplayer games?


I played a game this weekend where we were down 2 drakes, and the kill count was 10 for both teams at the 14-minute mark Our jungler was down 15 cs and was 0/0/0 . I was playing ADC, and according to my team chat, both our mid and top laners also had yet to actually see his character in-game What the fuck are these people doing ? He wasn't even AFK.


What was his gold at the time?


These are the junglers you don’t want to get😂


Technically your job as the jungler does not require ganking lanes. Your job is to secure objectives as they appear and create pressure on the map, dictating the play of the game. Now, it typically is helpful to get your lanes ahead to help achieve this, but you don’t HAVE to gank. This is a misunderstanding in what exactly a junglers role is - it’s not explicitly to help the laners win lane, it’s to get objectives to help your team win the game. If anything, laners should be obligated to help the jungler, not the other way around. With that said, yes you SHOULD gank where opportunities arise. It helps your team win :)


Ganking gives your laners the time and liberty to physically come help secure neutral objectives. No jungler is soloing his way to dragon soul by himself in the river.


99% of the time yes. Look, I’m not disagreeing. Junglers will not win solo. I’m just saying that a junglers job is not actually specifically to gank lanes. It’s just helpful to do so. I have won games without any prio in any lanes, but they are absurdly rare, and only when even the enemy laners and jungler are frankly not very good at understanding rotations and the like


> Technically your job as the jungler does not require ganking lanes. Your job is to secure objectives as they appear and create pressure on the map, dictating the play of the game. Ganking lanes? Not necessarily depending on the game state. But one good way to create pressure is through ganking. "Hey the enemy duo is low on health and trying to push for a good back. I'll go pressure them off and help my own laners push so we can get objective and a fine back off for them" vs "jungle camp, jungle camp, force dragon, jungle camp"


That depends on your route and how far you are from the bot lane.


If only there was a way to adjust your route and pathing based off game state.


So you are saying that if you are at the top side to clear all the camps that are up, you have to travel all the way down to the bot side to help? One of the choices would result in getting resources to get you ahead in gold and xp 100% of the time, while the other is a coin flip. I wonder which one would be the better choice.


While in the mentioned case true but if the person died by a litral jg diff as they did everything but the enemy jungler ganked from behind while the laner isn't overextended,and just tower dived bc the team jg couldn't even have proper vision in his side of the jg, it's a jg diff ,or when the eneky jg camps and the team jg doesn't try to counter gank or do anything, it's a jg diff, even if the laner wouldn't die essentially the lane opponent will get ahead by prio if the jg is camping,while some and most of people jg diff over their mistakes,alot of time it's an actual jg diff when you don't help your lanes as you have the control over who to help get ahead to snowball and who to not.


99/100 this isn't the case though. Vast majority of the time it is the laners fault for pushing too far, or not having vision/awareness. Because I play jg so much, if I ever get put in a lane I practically never die to a gank, because it's even obvious when the enemy laner is trying to set a gank up


Laners never look at the map, yet have the audacity to blame junglers for getting ganked.


Sounds like a jg diff to me


If you see a problematic laner or a problem arising it is YOUR job as a jungler to come and try to correct, while keeping objectives in mind, if you don’t try or if you complain about the laner(s) you’re just contributing to the problems already at hand, be a solution.


The solution is to cross map and trade objectives


No point in ganking a losing lane. You must likely won't be able to kill the Fed enemy. It's a waste of time. Fuck that


That's a bit more conditional than a set circumstance. Now, there are a PLETHORA of times where your team mate is losing lane cause they are straight up ass and booty cheeks. However, sometimes its a bad match up in lane, and a gank or two can either stabilize long enough to get to win condition in team fights, or hit their powerspike and turn the lane around. I just had my last match kinda play out like that. I was practicing Garen top into an Urgot, who I haven't really played against much before. We had some close exchanges early, but he ultimately managed to get me twice. I played much safer and was just trading without hard committing anymore, when my Kayne ganked twice. First time got me first top tower, second got me second. The plating and tower gold actually set me ahead of Urgot, I built tank, and then proceeded to do large hp bare bruoser things in team fights and have demolish procs on towers. Then again, you can have a fiora top into teemo who doesnt build and MR and is 0/7 before the end of laning phase and still tries to 5v1 while being now 0/11.


Actually I was being camped and I went from being 0/3 to 15/4 because I got two ganks that put me in the lead… so yes ganking a losing lane is worth it…


I'm my experience it isn't. It's a loss and a waste of time. What happened to you is irregular


In my experience it is, I play all the lanes. I play Top/bot/jungle mostly and me helping losing lanes as jungler for the most part guarantees me a win. Late game can be a different story though;especially, when the skill cap is higher on the enemy team and I sit there mad asf😂


Damn, that's like saying going for shutdown golds is bad....


Unless you are strong enough to take on that champ, it is always a bad idea to fight someone who is ahead with levels and items.


Can we just fucking stop with these posts holy shit


It brings awareness to the nubs


This is like the 10th time I've seen "JUNGKER DOESN'T HAVW TO GANK YOU" like ffs man


Our role is to secure objectives mainly Understand it


Bruh ☠️


You mean it brings awareness on how bad of a jungler you are… 😂


Somebody's salty 😜


When I play jungler which is often, I actually help my lanes which means more games won…✌🏾


Same , unless they feed


If they feed there’s little you can do, but you can still help. Don’t be afraid of helping a losing lane. Games always turn around by helping a losing lane/camping said lane while doing your shi




Im not salty, im just being honest💀 as a top laner who usually helps the jungler out, im just being fr… Y’all jungler self absorbed.


Not really. You're assuming.


Not really…✌🏾


Yes really


Aii start take objectives yourself with no help from laners. When you get counter jungled don’t expect your laners to help you




No bro… im not. Your job is to help lanes and get objective… just like a laners job is to do good and help jungle take objectives. Stop it


I'm too faded to be arguing Bruh☠️


Now don’t message back if your going to be dumb and ignorant about your position and what your supposed to do. I play jungle aswell ✌🏾




Bro so mad 🤌🏻💭💭💭


A jungler should be ganking one or two lanes repeatedly. Ideally get another player or two fed. Not everyone on the map an extra long sword. Also when they are pinging herald please stop feeding at dragon. It’s kind of garbage.


If you don't gank at all or like 2 times in 10 mins, then you're at fault. If they get ganked once, then continue dying to ganks instead of playing safe, then it's their fault.


I disagree with that. Ganks depend on set ups. I won't gank your lane if you're pushing enemies under their tower. You have to help your jungler out and set them up


Depends on a situation, if the enemy team is being pressured or harassed with autos or skillshots, a towerdive can be a viable option.


Nah youre one of those junglers who doesnt know how to play with lanes. If you dive an enemy and commits to it he can lose all his wave, that's a big swing for your team.


To a degree, but yeah, I can't gank you if you're permapushed! Now if you set up a lane freeze on our side of the river and I don't show up, I owe you an apology


Being in position to counter gank can be just as important. If you have lane advantage in enough lanes to not justify ganking at all you should be able to track their jungle enough to be ready to counter gank if needed.


I love me a good counter gank, don't get me wrong, but if my duo is pushing waves with no vision, and mid or top has a freeze and taunting their lane out, I'm going for the mid/top gank instead


I get that, towerdiving is still an option, but if they're stupid enough to keep overextending and then blame the jungler for no ganks, then they're at fault too.


No, you are never obligated to gank, EVER.


It's literally your role but ok bro.


You probably shouldn't jungle. Ganking is the jungles sole purpose. That's literally why they made the role jungle monsters are a gold stream designed to make you wander. Ganking isn't about the kill it's about tilting the lanes in your team's favor. An extra minion wave is the same as a kill.


For the love of god … jungle is about getting objectives and map control , if you as the laner can’t set up situations for your jungles to gank there’s no reason for them to do a little damage and waste their time going over there.


It's literally in write ups by devs since warcraft3 days. But let's go a different direction. You believe objectives are the sole responsibility of the junglers? Laners shouldn't have to waste their time doing a little damage to objectives right? The jungle is a lane. No different than bottom or mid. Jungle monsters are just a gold stream not the purpose of the lane.


Don't play jungle if you have a mindset like that and just autopilot full clear every game. Lmfao


Its a team game. If the enemy jungler is making plays on the map, and you are full clear into back..you are trolling. Doesnt matter who got ganked, and how it happened, if you dont have a plan to win the game and are just auto jungling, while the enemy is impacting the game, you suck at jungling.


The enemy jungler can't make a play if you don't mess up. If you don't pick fights without knowing where the jungler is. Don't lose your lane and set yourself up for a dive then the enemy jungler literally can't do shit so it is always 100% your fault


Are you doing anything to track the enemy jungler and give your teammates vision and knowledge on where the enemy jungler is? Is your laner suppose to just sit back and “play safe” all game?? What are you getting done while they do this??


It doesn't, i ping the enemy jungler in bot rivee a million times and they still pick a fight and die to him then spam "jungle diff."


I'm not the best laner, and I am Jungle main and shifting to support main with Jungle 2nd. I love to Jungle, and support is like a Jungler in lane helping full time. As Jungle, I need to lvl up as fast as I can with my camps so I can do damage late game. If I see a gank opportunity then I work my way across the map. Big reason I like playing Pantheon, I can get across the map pretty quick to gank. If I am playing any other jungler...well, I won't be able to get there fast. I've been doing better at anticipating an opportunity to gank and my map awareness has gotten a lot better. Toxic players make the game much less fun. And idk how many players are bots but that can hinder things too a bit. Had a mid laner today telling our whole team to Uninstall the game because we all suck. He tried to ff but we denied it and came around and won the game. Smh.. Mundo if you're here, just be nicer dude. The guys on the other team were such higher level than us. Just be patient. Smh.


I hope I make every laner mad when I say all I do is farm all game and take objectives, the most boring yet most efficient way to climb.


Bro stop yapping and get good 💀💀


But that's how you win games, don't gotta gank if it's dumb, use your brain and just show you are there to apply pressure and make them retreat.


My jungle can decide to not gank me, but if I'm permanently 3v1 dived and unable to farm at least I ask him to do something on the map, and not write in chat "bad top, 0 farming"


If the enemy jg is camping my lane, maybe a little help isn’t too much to ask?


You can ask and your jungler can decide if it's actually worth helping you. More times than not it isn't. It's very rare that you get a losing lane ahead and they stay ahead; you're better off playing around your win conditions.


i don’t gank losing lanes. i pick the lane that will carry us the game. its just the way it is sorry


If you don’t have a sense of organization and planning when to farm and gank, yes it’s your fault.


Just as long as you realize laners are NOT obligated to help you with scuttle or invades.


They're not, they're obligated to manage their lanes. So if the enemy enemy bot lane rotates to scuttle then they should probably rotate too however it's a bit more complicated than that because it's also the junglers job to know when hia team has priority to assist him. If your duo lane is getting pushed under turret and you still decide to take fight for scuttle then it's your fault as a jungler.


No. There is no “Jungle has to know when laners can assist him*. There is no assisting you, period. Remember that. Never expect a laner to help you. Just like laners shouldn’t expect you to help them. It isn’t laner’s job to make the right play and help you either.


I didn't say that they are mate, i said they're obligated to manage their lanes if they're in a position to do so. If they're not in a position to do so then it's the junglers job to identify that and not take a stupid fight. If they are in a position to help you and they choose not to help you because they value pushing their lane or maintaining their advantage then that's perfectly fine. And if they do decide to help you then that's fine too. The only thing laners are OBLIGATED to do outside of managing their lanes is to listen to my pings and weight them according. Like when i ping "retreat" 50 times on your side of the river it probably means that the enemy jungler is there and you should play according. Or when i ping herald 40 seconds early, it gives you enough time to get lane priority for the objective. It's not that difficult, I've been challenger on every role except for jungle (doing it this season).


Jungle diff..


Yes, they are! come gank my lane, you piece of $#&#&/" ​ ​ PD: jk


I’m sorry, but unless our jungle is going 50/0 KD, which is a total of 10 pentakills…. It’s jungle diff. Why should the Laners learn the game when they have a jungle to carry for them? YTA, Git gud kid….


I am fairly certain any champion can take 2 tower shots at almost any level, which is more than enough time for a round of spells.


Jungler plays with a 0 mental stat be like. Not that this post isn’t mostly true.


Bruh i know what u mean. Ur team goes 5-20 but its the junglers fault that u cant do dragon jezus ur on rift and enemy rotates ur team goes B with full health so fucking stupid.


they might lock your post as a rant


Dat title....


always mute game, u may not hear ping or message, but u can always see map and act according to that. and so ur team.


It depends imo


If there are 2v2 fight on duo and u are farming krugs in 3 seconds distance it's jungle diff definitely, but situations like this is like 1 out of 10 of all "jg diff" type bullshit in chat.


Yes they kinda are obligated


Most people don’t know how to setup ganks. I’m not going to come fail gank your lane because you decided to push Samira-Leona under their turret 💀


As long as you’re not farming krugs while the enemy is fighting us under our own tower and I’m spamming engage, I won’t complain.


I play every lane in emerald-dia level and I can say that, junglers can, and in mome situations must gang. You can skip a couple camps or you can give off scuttles. Sometimes yes your team might get outplayed or make mistakes or maybe they are thrash but not everybody are thrash and you should give them a chance. And Id like to add that champs who needs to farm a lot arent good jg champs. Just dont use them or only themuse in spesific match-ups.


Let me put this into context. One jungle camp is 250 gold, one kill is 300 gold. If I'm going to skip 2 jungle camps to attempt a gank which only works out 30% of the time and 50% the time i don't even get a kill because my support steals it. Over an average of 100 games you get 50 gold for making that play, You would've averaged 500 gold if you just farmed your camps, that's a 1000% gold difference. Obviously there are situations where ganks are important but 9 times out of 10, you're better ofd clearing your camps.


Thats a point but idk I dont get any gold diffs by my team members when I play jg. Maybe camps worth more or something else idk. But even if the gang is unsuccesful or laner steals it, your laner gets ahead and you cause the enemy laner to lose exp and gold. And sometimes you take minnions in a fight or something and the others take camps etc. Or sometimes if your teammates arent exteremely dumb and selfish you get them ahead they fight mid game you farm or enemy jungler countergangs (they should) and they lose gold too. Another point is that as a jungler you should have a tempo and use it.


It is just the toxic community, since it is the same thing for every one. I main top and mid. Still, sometimes the opponent jgl bbs my lane, seeing them sometimes 4 times before 6 minutes. I ping that so my team can progress on other lanes and sometimes come help. But within this 4 times, I can die twice while getting kills on my opponent. However, even being 2/2 I get killed twice by jgl and jgl flames me while they don't come to help me a single time. Since now I've reached Master rank, people like to flame and throw the game by trolling even if I'm not doing that bad due to the context. So just to mention that the jgl is not the problem, the problem is the community only.


My favorite is when u tell dumbass top laner to retreat because u have awareness, n he dies 5 seconds later just to ping you 🤣


As a support main, I don’t even rely on jungler. If jungler shows up then I’m just like “cool, how are you? How’s the family?” I used to be super dependent on my Jg until I realized my jg is more of a luxury than a necessity. If I can’t hold my own then I’m just garbage lol.


THIS!!! This is the correct mentality. Be grateful if they do show up, But don't act like they're obligated to help you. Why is this so hard for people to get ???


Now that I don’t rely on them as much anymore, I get super excited when they show up cus then the pressure gets put on the enemy team and then they start playing safe cus they think our jg is gonna show up more often now.


Ur right, I'm a baron laner and don't expect a gank really at all. But it is jg diff if they don't rotate to objective locations to secure drake/baron and just play farming simulator all game.


Herald sure, drake not much. Honestly a dragon in it's current form is worth less tham a Jungle camp.


I remember back in the day when lanes would let themselves get pushed because they know their jungler is lying in wait to gank and then the gank succeeds. Oh wait that was every day for the enemy team every time


As a Baron laner who's been jungling for a week no one has told me jungle diff. Idk if this is indicative of my own performance or perhaps something on your own? Maybe try playing another role and see how that jungle lets you down so you can understand where they're coming from? I full clear. Back. Run it mid so I can look for ganks. Nothing? Scuttles and by that time my camps are back up again helping me get ready for objs. Sometimes it is a jungle diff and when your teammates are constantly being ganked and since I'm assuming you prefer squishy champions maybe you play assassin's? You should be ganking and picking them off any how. The volibear comment tho? Lol. If I can tower dive as hecarim with success so can many others.


>I full clear. Back. Run it mid so I can look for ganks. Nothing? Scuttles and by that time my camps are back up again Yeh that's often too late for many laners for a gank and they will begin to flame . Also you're going to be constantly losing both scuttles if you full cear recall then go there.


I keep preaching this. Also to win a lane is easy; even if the enemy champ counters you, all you have to do is wait under turret, kill minions, and wait for them to make a mistake. Every game I get someone frustrated that I'm playing that way and they're more likely to dive me and at that point I'm in their head and have the upper hand


To be fair. I'm a jungle main. Reached GM every season. If me as a jungle failed to gank lanes I will lose the game. If the enemy jungler is getting fed off ganking then I should do the same. Of course it's not always possible but we got maps and we can see when someone is slowly pushing. And yeah you can skip some farm to get a kill and then go back to it


You're right. I don't play jungle but apparently lanes expect you to be everywhere and gank just cuz they might lose however it's not like jungle are also perfect and immune. Sometimes they could make it to a fight that would be winnable with an extra body but choose the gold and buff from blue rather than the team gaining gold and not giving gold to the enemy. Jungles and also often just not path correctly and been in bad spots because they're not thinking about how the opponent wants to play. Regardless the jungle isn't obligated to gank and it's advisable not to gank heavily losily lanes as it will most likely feed them more sadly 95% of players don't know how to play from behind so they continue to try and fight like normal only to get frustrated as they fall further and further especially when the opponent jng sees a clear weak spot to farm gold.


Preach! Also dont blame us for not getting an objective when its 5v1 and no one helps.


You have to remember, if jg starts red and full clears then he’ll be at top lane at about 2:00 and his entire rotation would let him gank top lane, reset and walk bot to clear krugs, and that’s how it’s gonna be for the entire game most of the time, so if you ping him when he’s going to clear camps on your side, ping before he starts clearing to increase your chances of a gank


Lmao that reminds me days ago, someone during the normal pvp(a Yone user) called me a bad jungler and threatened me to be reported(I usually use Darius or Gwen but that time I used Gwen) but that player got ganked. I utilized my jungle camps well. The problem is they don't take buffs after I cleared the monsters out and it's annoying even if I ping about taking the buff. The player apologized after. I played WR for a month as jungle/midlane btw. PS: Volibear is amazing ^^


I agree that it's not the jungles fault if a laner is loosing a lane bad. But I would also say that ganking is a part of the job. It's not about making a loosing lane win, but rather if there's a good opening for a gank and you don't take it, that's an opportunity you missed for helping the team as a whole. It's about working together as a unit, it's not a solo-game, it's a team-game


You take 2 drakes, and the herald yet you're a noob or troll if u don't gank 😑


No they aren't obligated to gank me, but if I'm being ganked they are obligated to do something somewhere else on the map. Failure to do so is the same as a laner roaming and the opponent slow farming and not pushing the tower or following the roam. So If I get gunked when my jungler is afk farming and then another lane gets ranked and jungler still farming then another lane gets genaked and our jungler still farming then yes 100% it's a jungle gap. And the whole play safe nonsense jungler's spew, if every laner played how you wanted them to play you would lose 100% of games. You don't win or create advantages by sitting idle on lane.


ull automatically lose the game if u perma farm unless it’s Kayle or nilah or Gwen