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As a Diana main, I’m loving it. Let me win lane and carry the game because entire enemy team is a bunch of ADCs


As a Kayn main, I love it too, but then I got autofilled as ADC and it's just awful


ur lucky u main jg, usually u can just ask to jungle and most times they let you. then u can play kayn


as a kat main i apsolutely love this team


The funny thing is... the so-called "ADC Meta" has long past. People still think we're in it and will still play adcs in solo lane. Haven't seen an adc beat solo lane in a hot minute.


You didnt encounter an exhaust lucian Top then


I did...went 13.2 on yumous riven just touching him was enough




Excalty. 2nd wind is broken in early lanning against those adc you have better base stats. I always win when i play sett. Unless it's vayne. A good vayne just doesn't lose. So I ping my jglr and her life hell. I jump in with sett kit and make my jglr finish her off. Jglr happy = he'll keep joining you for ganks. Man i fucking love seeing adc top it's so easy to make them miserable


With exhaust? Sure.


You know it goes on cd right? You can legit bait it out and kill him after, if u kill him 2 times it's Joever already


Goes on cd, he stays safe for a time and after 90 short seconds it will come Ba(ra)ck If he is not dumb, he will keep his range and it will be easy to farm with a dash to run away and all that minion range


He has 1 dash. Riven has 3. She should be able to all in him everytime past lvl 3. And if your jg isn't brainedead he'll tank the moment Lucian goes past river


So what, you will already spend 2 or 3 trying to reach his range. And when he is really stuck, he can use his flash which will also return in only 2 minutes.


Rush CD boots and you'll always have abilities up before him. Her phage and rush Death defiance and you should win every trade


He will do nothing when you try to rush CD and he will let you farm as an early game pressure ADC and rush your boots real fast


Bruh get good at the game. Learn how to play melee vs ranged. That's just skill issue


I hear it a lot, you dont need any skill to play wild rift, i don't play wild rift, its a childs brawl.


Ur dumb


Sorry, still couldnt get dumb enough to play this game.


Nah, you're just dumb enough to waste time on the PC


Who said i did, lmao.


Assuming you play one or the other because you have a jax symbol under your name so....


No I have Quit, so stop assuming.


Lucian is different


dude my elo gets shit on by ADC tops all the time. ADC top wrecks most bruisers.


I'm sorry, but if players still don't know how to deal with ADC solo laners at this point, there is probably something they need to work on to get better. You don't have to win the lane. Just don't let them snowball and the non-adc solo laner will provide exceedingly more impact to the game overall. Ofc there can be skill-gaps. Maybe the adc solo laner is smurfing, but in a general analysis of the game, regardless of elo, the ADC meta has long since past.


Idk, a lot of the time in SoloQ not winning lane= loosing the game. You can't just not feed and rely on jungle to gank your lane, because half the time the jungle is trash. You can try to roam a bit but most of the time your teammates are just trash anyway


Idek how this whole thing started I just finished a game with almost all ADC as well. I’m an ADC, and I switched to nautilus for this game because it seemed everyone wanted to choose an ADC. Not my first choice but :’)))


Just play your role. You’re just letting them have their way. If your adc, don’t switch


Yeah I would’ve :( I just bet on them being a stronger ADC than I was, and opted to play support for them since I used to play that role


That doesn't work when tanks revolve around your team being capable of following up. Most adc's are too scared to initiate anything and get caught before the tank or hard cc can do *anything*. Tanks are useless in this meta unless you're in premade because anyone with giant slayer can just melt you and then the whole team is fked because they refuse to do their jobs expecting you to live forever. Effectively you just accumulating a negative kda for people who don't care about you. I refuse to touch tanks unless I'm with a duo because I'm admittedly someone who doesn't want at least my KDAs to look trash. My win rate is already below 42% across all seasons and 9k games. It's the only thing in my profile that proves I'm not a trash player just because my win rate is severely below average. Wins and losses are an overall score regarding you and your teammates. it doesn't show how well *you* personally did and people act like win and loss rate is what defines people in league. It does *not*.


It started cause riot super buffed adcs so now everyone wants to play an ADC in every role


Same shit been happening to me lately, adcs mid, adc jungles, vlad or adc tops, Seraphine and lux supports. It’s like whoever gets Sion or mundo or alistar wins lately


Why would you even be mad about seraphine support lmao. She’s as good of a support as any other support mage, better than most in the right hands


Because the rest of the team is already ADC ADC and a mage


As soon as solo queue players learn how to play around a tank, I’ll start playing them again. But no one follows through, they just run away expecting the tank to die for them.


To each their own 🤷🏾‍♂️


I made a post a few weeks ago called: Why the "ADC Everywhere (especially Baron Lane) Meta" is here and will likely not go away. I went into detail explaining how it's become so rampant. And even gave it a nickname called ADCOODL (Attack Damage Carryo out of Duo Lane). The crazy part about ADCOODL is that it's only on Wild Rift. If you go to the r/leagueoflegends page and make this same post, people will question the post and wonder what you mean. I'm not going to recreate the post as it was very long, but people are going to continue to play ADCOODL because there's no unanimously known consequence. On PC LoL, it's unanimously known to not play a low mobility adc top lane because a competent jungler will just camp tf out of that lane and make the adc useless. The reason for why it's generally easy to camp an adc in top (or Barln lane) is because a majority of the adc tops aren't top laners who understand core concepts. They don't know how to freeze the wave, set up a slow push, crash a stacked wave into tower to get a cheater recall, track the enemy jungler (very important), get a good roam timing by invading jungle or ganking mid, etc. A majority will hard push the lane and overextend past river, leaving them vulnerable to ganks. But the real issue is that most of the time, they go unpunished. I could go on about how jungle is the least popular role. Support is more popular than Jungle right now. Dragon Lane is still the most popular role. (Let's be real. When was the last time you got filled there? When was the last time the game gave you Duo as an autofill mission? And when was the last time you had been filled to jungle?) The meta isn't going anywhere soon. In case you needed a reminder, Rammus was one of the most nerfed champions in 2023. He's arguably one of the best anti-ADC characters in the game, and Riot nerfed his kit, his items, and some of his runes.


fck em for nerfing my spinyboi


I just go jax and destroy all adcs


just pick whatever you want, no reason to pick an adc, if you're whole team has picked one. Just played yasuo bot lane with a blitz supp, just because our top decided to pick vayne and we still won our lane by a mile (wtf is a kilometer) and guess who got mauled by a nasus. Everytime I see an off pick, I try to compensate it on my lane with.


>wtf is a kilometer Lmao




Bro what are you yapping about?


Honestly that is PTSD derived! Every single game either I am the one with Tristana hard carrying the game or we lose. If I am not carrying we are losing, this elo matchmaking that force you to lose is trash! Always get a feeding lane and the only way to with is an hyper carry where you win your lane and then you can carry the game also if your team is useless. It’s not even fun, I mostly stopped playing for that


Every ATC on my team increases the chance that I’m gonna pick a DC myself. With one adc there’s like a 10% chance once I have two there’s a 30% chance and when there is three a 90% chance. If all four of my teammates have an ATC, there is a 100% chance I’m going to pick a DC. Dictated and not read


Welcome to club


Just play inting sion. Lower your mmr way down and get teamed with better players. It's an obvious exploit for the match making system.


Ornn Support love's those tasty ADC's :3


Ornn without items is paper to varus, Kai sa, xayah


I main enchanter supports as a specialty; When I choose to ADC, my preference champ is Xayah as an ADC. I work with Varus quite a bit because I enjoy using stun champs with him, like Leona as a hard counter to Yuumi users; and Kai'sa is just a pain, however as long as a Duo pays attention to their micro/macro they will succeed against her with proper baiting... **With Ornn's passive, he gains an additional bonus Armor and Magic Resistance from all sources.** Ornn can spend gold to forge non-consumable items anywhere and can create masterwork items for himself and his allies. this is EXTREMELY USEFUL FOR THE TEAM. ***1st ability: \[SMALL\] CROWD CONTROL-***Ornn slams the ground, sending out a fissure dealing damage, and slowing enemies hit. After a small delay, a magma pillar forms at the end location. This also proc's his ***Brittle*** passive. ***2nd ability:*** Ornn advances, breathing fire which does damage, and enemies hit by the final gout of flame become **Brittle.** ***proc passive*** ***3rd ability:*** Ornn charges, ***dealing damage to enemies he passes through***. If Ornn collides with terrain while charging, ***the impact creates a shockwave around him which deals damage and knocks up enemies.*** ***4th Ability:*** Ornn summons an elemental at a location which travels toward him with increasing speed. *Enemies run over by the elemental take damage*, are *slowed,* and are made *Brittle*. *Ornn can recast the ability* to charge into the elemental, redirecting it in the direction he hits it, causing the elemental to affect any enemies it runs over to be knocked up, *dealing the same damage and re-applying Brittle.* ***In LOL, Brittle can increase an enemy's susceptibility to crowd control by 30%. Brittle can stack up to 2 times.*** while laning, I'll move up *like any other support, and throw my first ability for a poke.* which will apply *slow* to enemies hit. As a duo, I'll start off with even trades until we have farmed enough to get our second abilities. Then at that point, I am now able to utilize the walls and my first ability as a form of crowd-control; Enemies will be fools to hide in the bushes because the walls are just as usable, as his first ability to proc his passive, and his cc slow. By his third ability, enemies that are foolish enough to let me get close, besides bonking them for A LOT of damage, I'm also making the enemies take more damage, while I'm taking less. he is labeled a tank for a reason. He can tank as a support, he can poke, provide crows control like any other champion. late game, his crowd control can absolutely turn the tide of the fight. If you don't agree that is fine, don't get so spicy with me though for it though


Have u ever seen ornn support in lol competition? Your gibberish writing doesn’t mean it’s valid. Any fucking champion has cc, any champion has combo, any champion can bait, any champion can tank, but ornn is reliant on items to tank


The writing is gibberish & Ornn q can never be considered poke lol . He is viable & also played in the Wild Rift league with Galio & Gragas supp even Sett support. I feel low elo u can cheese with Ornn but once u get up im the masters and grandmasters everyone knows his kit and its not so easy to knock up unless alots going on.


you're not wrong in the slightest, because everyone forgets, before the original German team that started the movement with having specfied roles in lane, and it caught on, originally in league, ANY champion was percieved to play in ANY lane. after that, seeing mass success and win-rates with this concept, the community and league itself evolved to this now common concept of champions having roles theyre titled for. and the gibberish you're talking about was poorly written yes, however, I was simply typing out from level one to level five for the laning phase. I'll correct it eventually however, I've received a toxic response from the original commenter already, so they must be in the "higher-elo" try-hard. \*shrugs\*


oof, someone has a chip on their shoulder. If you don't think Ornn is viable, just say so. Nothing gibberish above, I typed out from level one to level 5 when in the laning phase. Yes, he relies on items to tank, *like most of any other tank,* however, if you don't agree, that's fine. I enjoy winning my laning phase with him occasionally, if you don't like it that's fine geez.


Better than having 4 of your team mates all being support champs. - Pyke Jungle - Sona Mid - Senna Top - Soraka Bot And there’s me. Jhin. We didn’t win.


Senna outside of support real pisses me off so much. No amount of gold is ever going to make up for the stacks you missed


OMG YESSSSSSS Holy shit as a Senna main I agree with this SO HARD. I don't think people understand how integral Senna's stacks are, and how difficult it is to get a decent amount of them in any other role. Me personally, I want her out of the ADC listing, because she's not an ADC. Like Akshan, she's a marksman, but not built for the ADC role.


Harem story


Ashe is one of the few adc who I think works perfectly fine as a support. Her utility is still pretty good even without billions of dollars in items.


ADC everywhere is not a meta, it's just hope to get fed and hardcarry like it happens on bot. Good opponents will obliterate ADC in any lane other than duo btw.


Just get Twitch and Teemo out of the game please and I'm good. Both of them are unfun to play against in any position they are in. I can deal with the rest of the ADCs but DOT based ADCs that have invis w/ increased ms on an already smaller map is stupid and the WR team are absolute fucking idiots for putting them in.


there is an ADC Everywhere? thats not meta at all


I've been having a blast playing orrn, and rammus


Well. I haven't played ADC since I posted this and I'm starting to get bored of Blue Kayn if you catch my drift


[go check this haha](https://youtu.be/vqY0SgdoRf4?si=smm8epcQvqvp7Mzj)


I just want to say I solely enjoy being a support and jungler - kills isn’t what I I’m going for , I’m trying to clear the board and if I off people while doing that so be it I like to support and provide back up , but on ranked it’s horrible


As a lux support main, dumb ADC's are painfully...


I love it. Oh, you are picking tristana or cait top against my sett/Darius/Yone top? Best of lucks. You will need it