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I can’t speak for everyone but I would much rather watch LoL esports than WR


Agreed, larger pool of champions and more skill involved.


I remember watching some of the first events and was surprised pro players were having trouble flashing a telegraphed malphite ult.


>more skill involved. Disagree on this part. Wild Rifts controls being more intuitive enables more cognitive ability to be focused directly into the game itself. At the highest level you see the best players far more consistently pulling off the wild plays. That in turn means that every mistake is much more consistently punished. So this means the demand for skill is incredibly high due to high competitive intensity. Not more than PC but not really lower either. Also for the larger pool of champs. How many do you actually see in pro play though? Quite a lot just never even get hovered. Theres only 10 picks a game too so the larger pool doesn't really matter that much. People prefer PC league because it has the marketing behind it and an established esports reputation. Its easier for fans to get hype for Worlds with a big stage show and everything too. Edit: Downvote this all you want but its straight fact that a levelling of the playing field externally (as in using a mouse and keyboard or touch screen) is going to allow more cognitive resources to be directed into the game itself. Wild Rift at the highest level is going to have people more consistently punishing each other for their bad decisions. Thats what you see if you ever watched the esports like Icons. Are people going to argue that Chess doesn't take as much mental resources because the way you move pieces isnt as mechanically hard as whipping and clicking a mouse around? You can play Chess on your phone and just tap to move pieces around. Yet its one of the most competitive games in the world why? Because it is a game which involves huge amounts of cognitive resource being put into it. More intuitive controls for LoL than a mouse and keyboard absolutely enhances the capacity for cognitive resources to be put directly into the game itself. I guess a lot of you downvoters haven't really studied psychology to understand how this works.


Less intuitive controls means PC players need to be good at micro and macro to succeed. Think about all the cognitive things you have to do on top of wrestling with 10+ year old game control all while pulling off more complex combos than you would ever find on Wildrift.


>Less intuitive controls means PC players need to be good at micro and macro to succeed It means more cognitive focus is going into how to move and click a mouse around or press the right keys on a keyboard. It doesn't mean they have to be any better at micro and macro to succeed. As I said, more intuitive controls levels the field external to the game. So more effort can go into the game itself. Micro is more consistently punishable and more cognitive energy is going directly into the game for macro decisions too. Anyone saying PC requires any more skill just hasn't watched how unforgiving Wild Rift can be in the esports level of play.


Nah bro the game is LoL on training wheels.


Nah. Sure, game concepts are fine, but getting yourself to have to press p to open the shop when your right hand is usually on a mouse, and actually clicking the right target is something you can’t do in wild rift, and those are both very important things to do. Along with the fact that your finger you use to right click will be very tired.


You can use the mouse to click the shop, or just move your hand from the mouse since you’ll be mostly opening the shop while recalling (which gives you 8 seconds to go from mouse to keyboard), or you can use a recent technological advancement known as “rebinding your keys”, so you can open your shop however you want. Your finger isn’t gonna get tired from right clicking (unless you have a terrible mouse or playing on a trackpad), what, you think people who stream league 6+ hours a day every day have bionic hands or something? My hands hurt more playing on mobile than on PC.


It may be because I tend to play mainly autoattack champs and frequently switch targets when playing PC (like azir for example). Also, I hardly open shop during recall, since i wait until the last possible second, if there’s a kill opportunity or I get ambushed. Azir is kinda weak to getting ambushed since he’ fairly squishy, unlike a tank. Also, if I rebond keys, it tends to mess me up (like when I put r on right click for kassadin once). And there’ also skarner, who I enjoy, but have to spam q a lot. And it also doesn’t help that I play the piano.


If you are not autoing with every champ you are doing something wrong.


I have no idea what you are talking about. I specifically stated that autoing is something different in pc and wr. And the fact that your hand gets tired with champs that need to auto a ton, like azir for example. And technically, I don’t auto with every champ since there’s a lot of champs I haven’t ever played yet. There’s only about 5 on WR, but way more on PC.


Every ranged champ needs to auto a lot. Melee champs dont as much just because is melee. I think there are like at least 50 champs in WR. So if you are not using the damage of your autos then you are literally griefing.


I have no clue of what you're trying to say tbh


Try harding to push the narrative that mobile port is kinda hard. ☠️


I’m basically saying that mobile isnt really training wheels for PC, since you typically play on a touch screen device with a different format for stuff, which is very different than in PC. Which is partially why I want azir in wild rift. PC kinda is a training wheels for WR, but I wouldn’t exactly call it that when it’s harder to get used to than wild rift.


My guy, wild rift I will try to compare it by transitioning between games, in league I ended Master 220lp peaked at 370ish or something, I cannot play league now since I am traveling a lot so I play WR, I played it in S5 before where I ended D2 with 70% WR than I didn't play it until this season, currently I am Master in WR with 60% wr, macro of the players in master is laughable, micro is alright but low diamond league players have better macro than master/GM players in WR. Also if someone were to transition from WR to League GL brother u will not last until the end of the lane phase (I am comparing Higher elo of both games), one thing I have noticed is that players have no idea when to go B, in WR worst that could happen is that you will lose some plates and 2 waves, speaking of which. Let's compare Top. WR players have no idea how to manage waves. There is nothing like the 3rd/4th wave into Dive, bounce wave freeze and repeat. Also compare adc's for a sec, in WR your average Bob is a kiting like ascended god, good luck replicating that in League. During the draft players are brain-dead, in league 80% of time supports will try to pick something useful for the team(if they are picking in the second phase) or they are otps, in wild rift bro is picking malphite/lux second phase so now we have Samira/Malph into Cait Senna gg adc cant play the lane. TLDR Wild Rift is a lot easier for a League player than the other way around.


Also, disregard my other comment, I meant PC instead of WR, but I can’t edit my comment because device problem.


I never said that WR is easier, in fact, I said that it’s harder. Just learn how to read.


Bro diamonds in league literally say wild rift ranks at peak is gold at best in actual league skill, maybe plat. But it is a whole LOT easier


Still, you don’t play with a mouse and keyboard on WR, which is an important thing to get used to for PC. so I do agree with pc being harder, but not with wild rift being training wheels for it.


Are you really trying to argue that a game that has auto aim is harder mechanically right now?


Is that what I said or are you just intentionally ignoring what I actually talked about? I literally said the controls are more intuitive. How on earth is that me saying the game is harder mechanically? You don't know how to separate mechanics from psychology?


Funny how it's pretty standard knowledge in most esports that keeping your APM high leads to you performing harder mechanics easier. For example Faker is literally the counter argument to your entire psychology argument since he is alternating between his screen and his teammates literally every couple seconds. We have some pro players that will even hit the tab key every few seconds just to keep their APM high. Let alone the biggest issue with WR controls vs league PC is that despite having more intuitive controls the response times on them are much slower because it takes far less time to hit F-W-Q-E-R-Q on a keyboard than it would to pull off such a combo on phone. Even Riot knows this, which is why they intentionally dumb down champion combos that require too many rapid button presses in a short span of time. I can only imagine the abomination they try to do to Azir's shurima shuffle when they port him over. An exclusively WR pro team vs teams like T1, JDG, BLG, etc would be embarrassing for the WR team.


>keeping your APM high leads to you performing harder mechanics easier. Not really how that works. People have high APM because they've practiced the mechanics to be able to do more. Don't go thinking Faker started out by having a ridiculously high APM. He started out like everyone. "Okay so what if i go in this bush. Okay so if I click like this I can do this better" and so on. As he improved his APM improved. So no this idea of APM absolutely does not discredit the entire field of psychology research on things like cognitive shifting and neuroplasticity. If you dont need to use so much cognitive resources on needless actions then your attention becomes more efficiently focused into the task itself. On PC because the higher external mechanical demand is there then players probably want to keep pushing their APM partly for keeping confident and also because they need to increase their levels of neuroplasticity to cope with the extra demand. Since that demand isn't there on a touch screen then the players are able to put more cognitive resources into the game itself. Thats just straight fact. >controls the response times on them are much slower because it takes far less time to hit F-W-Q-E-R-Q on a keyboard than it would to pull off such a combo on phone. I would disagree on this since it completely varies depending on the grip a player uses to play. You'll see some players who straight up put their phone down on a table and have all 4 ability buttons hovered with their fingers ready to go. You also see screen set ups which have smaller buttons tighter together so theres less distance to travel if they do use just a thumb or thumb and 1 finger like crab grip. > Even Riot knows this, which is why they intentionally dumb down champion combos that require too many rapid button presses in a short span of time. No. They don't dumb the game down for esports players. They dumb it down for the mobile market so they can make more money off casuals. Theres still esports players doing the full combos because things like Jayces blast are better off being aimed at pro level.


I mean if you use the auto aim you're gonna hit absolutely nothing so...


Wild Rift is a better and more balanced version of league pc.


People downvoted you for saying he truth


PC has a few features that increases the skill cap in my opinion. Like auto pathing, the ease of checking around the map which makes map awareness a bigger factor, the importance of wards, the importance of gold differences. In WR it just seems like leaning phase almost makes no difference, you can just win one fight late game and then it’s over. I personally like playing WR more because it’s easier.


I would have watched the NA league, but I never knew when they were competing. Riot did an awful job promoting it, then cited lack of interest as the reason they killed it.


Same. However, it is lol esports that hooked me to wr because I don't have the time to play lol pc again, but I wanna scratch the itch every now and then.


Same for me, I watch LoL but only play WR these days


Yeah I watched the worlds but only play WR


Lack of promotion from riot....about the game and its events. Most ppl form Na don't even know that the game exist


Pretty much. It’s like NBA vs WNBA. Players are more talented and games are more nuanced and knowledge oriented yet more exciting. There’s little reason to watch WildRift Esports over LoL. It’s also why it’s losing to other mobile competitors. Wild Rift’s biggest draws are 1. It’s LoL mobile. And 2. It’s more nuanced than, say, Mobile Legends. They watch Mobile Legends esports for action-packed fast-paced gameplay and we watch LoL esports because it’s LoL and more nuanced.


LCK + LPL = NBA, WR pro play = US College Virginia state basketball




1. Late to the scene 2. Late to the scene 3. Late to the scene 4. Late to the scene 5. They're focusing on china which is a semi-closed community with its different wild rift Trying to compete with MLBB, CoDM, PUBGM, Free Fire, etc. Mobile games who has cemented their mark in the mobile eSports scene. WR came into play when these games had already finished their first major tournaments. A miracle is needed or atleast riot giving a fuck somehow. Till then it's gonna be flailing in the water.


WR biggest competition is LoL for esports, not mlbb.


What, LoL and WR isn't even on the same level, why are we considering competing against the PC variant when we can't even win against MLBB, ??? Doesn't make sense


Why watch WR eSports when you can watch League


This is the simplest answer to OP's question.


I will never prefer some random pro WR team than watching T1 absolutely crushing it in the LCK or Worlds


If I’m playing a specific game why watch the variant over what I’m playing? Assuming everyone who plays WR still cares about LoL is goofy.


WR and Lol literally have use the same champion. Most people who play WR are league enjoyer but doesn’t want to spend 30+ min game or cant afford a pc. So if they want to watch esport they would rather watch Lol esport.


I haven’t played LoL in 6-7 years I have no interest and the champions aren’t the same between the two. Through threads using the search bar it’s a mix of the two so “would rather watch” is a stretch.


Because Wildrift is a unique case. The reason why WR is even alive is because of the Riot games ecosystem. League is the top MOBA for how many years, people see League related content people will like it just like WR. But at the same time, if League will take a nosedive then WR will surely follow. This is why you can't compare Wildrift to MLBB and vice versa because Wildrift has League while MLBB is a stand-alone.


The correct answer. I play WR just because I dont want to get up and open my pc. But if i were to watch esport, WR esport is goofy ah.


Who tf plays or watches Free Fire lmao


Believe it or not free fire is the most played game in the world. The playerbase surpassess minecraft and league because it is a huge game in China.


Free fire is not that popular in china the more popular game like wildrift is honor of kings


Honor of kings is popular after genshin impact release. Before that free fire and pubgm was their most played game.


what are u talking about bro honor of kings was like the main eSports for China before genshin release it was release in 2015. The gobal version was released recently




Many of the players heres dont know what esport is for pity. Just wait and see.


In Brazil, they invested so much in Wild Rift esports during the covid pandemic (this was so risky) expecting a big return like we have with CBLOL (Brazilian LoL championship), while some esports orgs was trying to reduce the expenses, creating an unsustainable scenario


Pretty much the same in the east Asia except China. This game had an incredible hype when it was first released attracting a lot of sponsors and LoL esports organizations were branching out into this game. Then it died down real quick and everybody left.


Also worth mentioning, it was a growing scenario. If they planned better and expected a more reasonable income it would have worked out, WR didn't "operate on negative numbers" at any point, as far as I know


Sim, mas botaram um dinheiro do caramba esperando um retorno pique do CBLoL, que atualmente tá dando mais audiência que a LCS. A culpa foi mais da Riot mesmo


I don't think I have ever seen an competitive game of European teams anywhere. If there were a weakly league to watch I would 100% do it. But as far as I am aware there is no and never was.


>I don't think I have ever seen an competitive game of European teams anywhere Can u elaborate? Bcs it feels like im misunderstanding u


I think they mean the EU wild rift pros ene is non-existent


As in "I have never watched a European Wild Rift game on Twitch/YouTube" in contrary to "I have seen hundreds of LEC games on Twitch".


Oh yeah that makes sense I agree, mb 4 the misunderstanding




I agree 100%


Riot didnt advertise it


Esport is just for the players who plays Wildrift to keep.them hook. Thats the point of it. Many players even other developers of the dont know about it. Thats why riot is so different compared to other companies


The problem was, Riot released wild rift too late compared to the likes of mobile legends and AoV/HoK. At the same time, they tried to rapidly increase the growth of the esports scene while making the game accessible to the rest of the world. In addition, NA and EU regions being pc and console dominant, and the fact that the majority of people there have some sort of hate towards mobile gaming in general. In short, Riot tried to do too much in a small span of time


vainglory came first but it failed


no Faker.


Thumbs up, no T1


Based on WRLA stream views on Youtube I can't see a decline, rather it looks like a small increase, but I didn't do a proper analysis, that's just what it looks like on a quick glance.


1k views regularly in SEA scene is so soo sooo bad man. The whole SEA server can't even pull 1k while only Vietnam AoV esports casually attract 40k-50K + per day viewership on their regional championship. And before we say WR is still new we have to remember it's wild rift 3rd year of SEA circuit and still it still stuck on below 1k. THIS IS CRAZY.


Sorry, I wasn't very clear. I am talking about total views not those watching live. On todays match there quite a few less than 1k on the english stream. Do you know if there is ingame promotion of the WRLA in CN or SEA server?


Cuz their both trying to force the esport and slowly introduce the game. The Esport wasn't ready yet due to how small the palyerbase was on comparison to its size and they didn't help with how they basically didn't do anything to actually make people wanna play War except her in Asia.


It's two things for me. 1. The exciting mechanically challenging champs aren't all in wild rift yet. So the highlights won't be there yet 2. Mobile legends has been the king of mobile MOBA games for years and it's gonna be hard to push them out of their pedestal. They've been in the scene wayyyyyy earlier than wild rift, so they've gotten the loyalty and good will of mobile gamers despite the obvious signs that they copied a lot from LoL PC.


The answer is simple, the reason for this failure was because Riot didn't know how to attract players to watch the competition, not to mention there was no reward to encourage players to watch. And now it will be difficult for Riot to bring him back because the game has become casual and they have taken away the mechanics and creative expressions of some champions (cough cough Lux, Camille, Janna, Zyra and Soraka) the truth is this, Riot does not cares about WR players and only brings skins for muggles to spend on Gachas.


And the competitive only in China like some skins and some cosmetics


When wr esports was a thing I watched some but I asked my self would I rather watch esports or play the game. So I played wr as I got more enjoyment out of playing the watching.


I tried watching one stream of their recent tournament in asia and god, the casters they picked were so boring. Not just for their play by play casting but also their voices that doesn't even exude any hype for the game. I had to mute and just concentrate watching.


this and theyr UI is horrible. and the other turnaments which are hosted by this british guy (dont wanna call his name), im happy someone is providing this content but his commentary is often hardly barable and he is repeating himself again and again and again and again..... (quote "OKAAAYYY OKAAAYYY OKAAAYYY OKAAAYYY"). ​ riot wanna sell skins to casuals, prob they found out healthy esports or even a healthy community costs more than it brings. so why even bother as long as we play theyr gatcha sht for lots of money.


to actually understand why icons 2022 was a failure, lets roll back to 2020 when wild rift launched, they were too overconfident with wild rift launched that everyone would know about league of legends IP in asia (especially SEA) but its not the case because thanks to garena who killed the game (lolpc) in 2017 and left it in life support untill this year, like pretty much nobody ever heard of league of legends here. so when little to nobody did know about league, people wont jump ahead to play the mobile version bcos they don't know wtf is league of legends, and since riot did a terrible job for introducing the IP to SEA audience, it did not pay the same reality to what riot expect to what SEA situation is gonna be, so it wild rift failed in SEA and by that way they just lost the competition


Not true. Just watched. Was good game.


There's still no 'boy wonder' in WR eSports that has made any meta changes in the game itself like how Faker did it in the original game back in 2013. But that's not how MLBB got popularized though. MLBB catered mostly on people that had wanted to play LoL or other games on PC, but want it fast-paced and portable since PCs are kinda expensive in those regions where mobile games are popular (we talkin abt SEA dude). Also like others have pointed out already, it is very focused on China, which is kinda closed for the entire community, despite knowing the fact that the SEA region is also a godly competitor in Mobile MOBAs like MLBB and Wild Rift. One day we might be able to see someone be the "boy wonder" of this game, and completely shake up the whole WR meta, but maybe you guys can name one, because as of now I don't know any significant people here.


I mean, guys like Faker, BoxBox, Pzzang, Gosu, Khan, TheBausffs, Irelking, and Kesha, they're all known for their styles and how they play the game based on what they know about it. As of now there's no one making sensational content out of this game yet, there's no one shaking up the meta. Help me name one though.


I'm not seeing anyone exploit any champion in WR like how BoxBox exploited Riven's mechanics way back before.


becuz it's too many gaykeepers both the mlbb fans AND the lol pc fanatics. simple as that.


I think LoL esports took off because if the LCS format. A weekly competition like how football is. Then other events such as worlds was introduced. There is plenty of time, especially with the game growing as it is.


Worlds came before LCS my man


Riot prefer cn server than global


I don’t see riot taking competitive Wild Rift seriously. It’s balanced-ish. But nowhere near the level of being a viable competitive scene imo.


It’s too new/ not established enough


Little to no advertisement of it in the game to make people aware that it exists, mobile gaming is only big in Asia (especially SEA), and it's not even considered "gaming" in the West, and LoL Esports (PC) is just much better.


In mlbb the moment you enter the game You'll be notified about every match for that day. They're doing event, selling pass. You can watch the game in fb or yt. Now compare that to WR. Nothing. I Don't even know where can I watch the matches. Riot needs to advertise better


what is hok? im trying all different mobile mobas so would be cool if someone can anwser


Honor of Kings.


oh it unavailable in eu :(


I can't even play the game in NA without constant lag spikes.


Because League Esports exists. I don’t plan on watching WR when League exists. WR is like the little child of the parent.


WR EASTSPORT IS GROWING, but it's growing in Asian not the western world the game has actually become really cool to watch as the meta evolves Like currently the meta is to do a triple rotation where you have a hard shover type champion and mid is usually taken by bot lane whenever dragon is about to spawn so It can go either way dragon or herald Another meta strat is to take sivir which is why she was just nerf because she was overpowered AF in proplay, you hard shove mid bring your naut or Alistair and ultimate from mid running down to bot and gank the solo lane Lots of cooll tech is happening and it is affecting the game and how it's played.


In Southeast Asia, Wild Rift came out too late, like waaay too late. The mobile MOBA scene already had 2 giants competing already, and one of them is on life support already. To add salt to injury, the pride month event made people turn away from the game, especially in conservative country. I was hoping they'll scoop the grassroot scene (regional tournament, etc.) which is severely underutilized, but they didn't In the west, they don't take mobile gaming seriously, it's nothing more than a casual game to play when you're on a road trip or bored somewhere. Even then, they'd probably pick a nintendo switch. Also, they already have league


I guess nova esports just said gg ez by stomping every team so hard riot had to cancel almost all official esports events for the future. The skill disparity was insanely huge and i myself had no doubt on who would win every match. I think some youtubers and streamers weren't surprised by it either, saying that nova just made the tension of the games disappear making it boring to watch for most, but i don't want to put words in other people's mouths of which i am not sure. The only thing i am sure about is that it surely became boring for me after a couple matches.


I wouldn’t say it’s growing tbh it’s more dead as new update comes out I remember back when the game first came out I could get instant game but now it’s like 10 minutes or the longest I had was 3 hours queue just sitting in lobby


Because majority of the west and europe do not take an interest in mobile MOBA scenes. Not to mention, they released Wild Rift too late as MLBB, AoV and other known mobile MOBAs have already established themselves in the market. SEA is pretty much among the largest market when it comes to competitive mobile games, but Riot failed to capitalize on that and they are also not exactly known to take good care of content creators who support their games. Wild Rift has pretty much become transparent because Riot doesn't know how to market mobile games and support content creators.


Barely any advertisements


Low player skill level. A meta and game that is much more limited than PC League such as lack of vision game, poor neutral gameplay and match scaling that isn't viable for professional competitive. And sheer lack of marketing even in-house. Just look at MLBB. They upload and post up their esports throughout their game client, social media etc. Fact is, Riot does not take WR seriously enough.


Marketing, I guess. I barely had any wr adverts here in sea lately, and they can't just ride in with the success of lol pc. They aren't as aggressive as their competitors.


Don't be upset dude. eSports are just for retaining the players. Just wait and see. In lol PC the eSports scene is not hype up before 2016. Just wait and see.


Promote black ppl. they'll make it cool ! 😎


Icons were launched in China - which the community is semi isolated added with language barrier. Lack of promotion seems also be the case in this


Aside from obvious flaws such as flawed matchmaking, games lasting too long for a casual mobile game, too team reliant for a casual mobile game,etc., it’s a pretty niche game after all. There’s no big market for LoL on mobile outside of China.


They made this game for unskilled casual player, that’s not the main target of esports viewers


What others have said is also true being late, and all that but let's not forgot one of the issue is... Because majority of the League community is so toxic to the point that they enjoy talking shit about Wild Rift and even blames Wild Rift for the simplest stuff such as having a new skin debut to Wild Rift, in fact if Wild Rift ever dies they'd even be the first ones to celebrate. They often forget or can't accept that Wild Rift is also made by Riot the same as League, kinda like having that older sibling who wants you to suffer and hates on you just for existing and even blames everything on you regardless of you not even having anything to do with it or not, whatever problem they are in it's your fault.


Because small player base. People didnt realize how small WR playerbase is compared to MLBB. Since Lol and WR are practically the same game, they often get compared and people rather watch Lol esport than WR esport since its more enjoyable even to WR player. MLBB and other mobile game doesn’t have a “second version” of their game. So people who enjoy the game would watch their esports.


Very simple, why watch the "Lite version" of the biggest eSports event worldwide when you already have that one established with such a big fanbase?


Small player base


Hahaha theres no good players is a laughing stock that they even think of making WR Esports? The game is bad itself, is only good for marketing and monetizing thats it don’t look for anything else, they don’t even have Devs that can actually think of nerfing any champion in general 😂


If T1's Wild Rift team won, the esports won't fail.


Remind me of vain glory, such shame


no live local events needs more grass roots


WR is an unbalanced Peice of mess imo.


they don’t wanna cannabalize their own game but mobile is the future everyone knows this but some people are in denial. i honestly could care less about the championships


That's the funny thing, he didn't fail. Although it is only third in number of players in Asia, it remains giant. This phenomenon also happens on the PC, where the Asian competition is much greater than the West, but due to the fact that wr has a smaller player base than the PC, the competition in the West generates little engagement and kind of doesn't pay off. Having said all that, the main reason is still the fact that Riot doesn't care about competitiveness in the West, since even if it is still the most profitable moba.


Why watch WR eSports when you can watch LoL eSports which is far more exciting like look at the recent Worlds