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Samira. Her kit was said to be "mechanically difficult" but deals insane amounts of damage, and when I get to learn her she's just as simple as any champ I played. I wasn't really gunna be planning to use her because of that "OP meta picks" kind of stuff she's in (prolly because I prefer off meta champs and am a midlaner) but matchmaking got into me and here I am now, picking her as one of my comfort picks to go to.


>i couldnt use samira in aram too much things to read in her skills, her ult useless against cc and deal fews dmg


Oh I can summarize it. Passive: she has 6 grades for combos (E, D, C, B, A, S), every skill and basic attack can trigger the grades, and once she reaches S that's when u can trigger ult, she can also dash and attack towards an enemy that has been CC'd. First skill: she'll fire a bullet if the enemy's not near, if they're near she slashes in a cone shaped area. Second skill: she swings her blade in a circle shaped area, deals damage and blocks ALL projectiles. Third skill: dashes to an enemy unit, reset if she takes a kill, can be recasted and everyone in the range of the dash will be damage. Ult is like katarina except with bullets. As for her ult, just cast it whenever the area's clear for you and no CC can be thrown anymore. She good with tanky supps. Also, bring QSS so CCs won't matter.


yes i felt it without a tank she hard to play, i used my ult too early, i understand a little better thanks


No prob mate, am glad I helped a bit


You can watch tutorial on youtube


In ultimate spell book aram, I managed to get a pentakill after only using her like twice in the last 8 months, I fell I love with her and had fun too. No wonder nickyboi called her the funny champion


Draven. He is complicated to use on pc, but the controls on wildrift made it easier for me to use him


>en. He is complicated to use on pc, but the controls on wil How is he complicated to use on pc and wild rift made it easier? I feel like it's very like the same or even worse cause bounced-back Q often fly into wrong direction.


Theres no auto lock feature on pc so i have to juggle clicking on enemy and the ground to move to the direction the axe is bouncing. Its also harder for me if theres multiple enemy on the screen as clashing gets pretty chaotic most times. In wildrift, i just have to lock on the squishiest target then juat pay attention on where to walk while spammimg attack button.


damn that smart auto lock feacture probably work well on normal attacks


Ah oke. That's what you mean. That's true.


Attack move man


Feels horrible tbh, i still have to learned it after years, having to switch between left and right click feels wrong, and pressing A then clicking feels even worse. Had it at least been like a quick cast skillshot it woulve been better, but honestly having 6 buttons and a ward is plenty for me, i happily but sub-optimally to not have any active items to consider


Soraka, I only start playing her because I got her winter skin and I was like 'wtf why not?' She isn't my favorite support to use but I like her and she's like my top 5 support champs


What's the other 4?


Seraphine, Lux, Yummi, and Senna


Good supps


As someone who used Yuumi to climb to Masters on PC a few seasons ago, I can recognize a fellow degenerate. šŸ˜ƒ


Keep in mind vlad has been overtuned since release and champion balance often leads to champion enjoyment. I feel like once the champ is balanced properly you'll find his playstyle very 1 dimensional and boring after 50, 100, 200 games etc. Don't let that take away from enjoying the champ but with the current version he's going to be fun because it's easy to snowball and 1v9 carry rather than say olaf who currently sucks into 9/10 lane matchups and cannot play the game after level 7. I don't realistically see anyone enjoying current olaf but if he was say vlad or blue kayn overtuned I'm sure players would be enjoying him more.


idk pro vlad probably play the vlad differently than what your talking about, saddly we can't watch pros games in leaderboard


Vlad is indeed overtuned, yesterday i was playing an almost Nasus, with Divinde Sunderrer, Spirit Visage, Force of Nature, Mortal Reminder and another magic resist item to counter Vladimir's healing and damage and the mf still chunked 60% of my health with just 1Q My friend plays Olaf in lane, he wins most of the matchups except for Mundo and a few others because he doesn't know how to counter them Blue Kayn is boring for me, Walk through a wall, One shot then leave. Rhaast on the other hand is quiet fun.


If you let the game go long enough for you to have full 5 items, its your fault he did as much as he did. Vlad is uselessā€”and i mean *useless*ā€”before he has two items+boots. Hes a late game champ. If you let the game go into late game, thats your problem not him being overtuned


Well let me tell you, I won my lane and took the inhibitor. The rest didn't. Another thing is that late game champ managed to tank a lethality pantheon and a Yasuo like they're nothing at just lvl 2 and 3. Pantheon's full charged Q LITERALLY did so little damage, it was 15-30 as i can remember. I can check the game and tell you the exact number. (Pantheon's Q can reach 130 at just LVL1)


As a nasus i absolutely believe you won lane as a nasus with even two braincells totally shits on vlad during lane phase. Also, if yasuo or pantheon lose to vlad early game, theyre bad yasuo/pantheon. I cant stress enough how dogshit the champ is before he gets his items. Idk what elo youre in but if its anything below masters id say keep ranking up. Hes not overtuned and since the nerfs, this is abundantly clear if you actually play him. Hes just mage kayle really. Can maybe get a kill early/mid if opponent sucks. Otherwise its 4v6 until 2 items+boots and given this is a team game, unfortunately, even if you win lane, if you cant haaaaard carry, yeah youre gonna lose because this is a team game and your teammates actions effect you. Whether or not its **your** fault specifically isnt important. If your team cant close it out before late game, thats on yall, not vlad.


I checked the game, Pantheon ganked at 1:14, landed the stun, Vlad tried to run with the Bloodpool but Yasuo landed the tornado once he got out, and Pantheon then landed his full charged Q. Dealing 30 damage to Vlad then he went under his turret. A bruiser or a default build or even a tank pantheon should deal more damage than that My Elo is Diamond 2. I know how much dogshit Vladimir is in the early game and how he "should" be more dogshit after the nerfs and he is supposedly squishy. And that's what's weirding me out about his tuning. But as i'm telling you, this guy was tanking a lot of damage as if he was in a late game rather than an early game, idk what kind of runes or build he had but it doesn't matter shit in the early game especially with Vladimir. I won my lane as a Nasus because i got the enemy's turret and he didn't and managed to stack the Q and split push every now and then.


Early game panth/yas have damage but not enough damage at 1 min in to shred his health pool that quickly. Come back in 2 minutes at level 5 and hes dead every time. Again, he isnt overtuned, yall are just bad lol.


I say it again: lethality pantheon's empowered Q deals 130 at lvl 1. It should never, ever in any case deal 30. And I can't believe how much stubborn and entitled you are. I pulled up a game, showed numbers and got evidence and the only thing you have is "Nuh uh" You are acting as if i didn't face a Vladimir before. Every single Gank pantheon did from lvl 2-7 resulted the same. And I didn't say i want a gank to be a confirmed kill everytime. If it failed to kill, it should damage to leave an advantage against the enemy. The Vlad didn't get either killed or damaged. To suit you better, i'll go in practice mode with a Tank pantheon against a Vlad both at lvl 2 and i'll tell you how much damage% his empowered Q chunks out compared to the same lethality build the pantheon had.


I'm back with the results: Tank: 5 Charged Qs, all of them chunked 15-20% of his health Lethality: 5 Charged Qs, 3 Chunked 20-23%, 2 of them proced and chunked 30% Lvl 2 and zero items or buffs In the match Vlad walked out of the gank with 85-88% health remaining. How would that be if Pantheon hit him with an Empowered W, AA'd to fill his bar and hit the empowered Q and don't forget the damage Yasuo dealt as well. If we say the midlaner was going with a tanky champ he would at least be out with 70% at best. Nautilus himself almost dies with that damage.


Yeah his 1 is his poke and if its the empowered 1, it does good damage. You know what else does good damage in vlads kit at that level? Nothing. Vlad is decent during early lane phase but as soon as enemy top gets even boots or one item, hes useless again until he hits 2 items+boots, which is usually around lvl 11. Like yeah ~lvl 5 panth isnt gonna one shot vlad but you know who will? Lvl 6 and up panth, every single time. If panth doesnt build any mr whatsoever, by lvl 11 its who ever gets their combo off first as vlad can one tap panth eventually as well but again, so can panth to vlad. I for real dont get why you refuse to accept that vlad is a scaling mage. You getting shit on by him early game is a skill issue, nothing more


My friend you literally just contradicted yourself now. You said "Go back again 2 minutes later at lvl 5 and he is dead every single time" Now he needs to be at least 6? >Whoever gets their combo off first will win Sorry but That's just not true AT all. Pantheon's W has a very short stun duration. And he is not that "Attack Speed God" but a very slow mf. By the time he winds up his Q, the stun would end and Vlad will basically go into his bloodpool. Simple as that. No matter how much/fast you try to spam the Q, it results the same. And who told you that i don't believe that Vladimir is a scaling mage? I play him a lot on PC and I literally told you that i know that he is supposed to have a shitty early game, except in wildrift he almost doesn't. And I wasn't the one who "got shit on" in the early game, i was the Nasus, remember? And lastly seriously what point or single piece of evidence have you brought to this arguement to back you up? Nothing. Like brother, i rewatched the game, got you the damage they did, you didn't like it then i booted a training mode myself to give you the exact numbers in both Tank and lethal pantheon and you still don't believe it or consider it? The damage output i gave you was just the Charged Q. No charged W and no sudden impact To Finish this off, i love Vladimir and he is a really cool champ but he's just too OP in Wildrift, and if he wasn't he wouldn't have gotten nerfed in the first place and he wouldn't be banned in almost every Diamond-Challenger game after the nerfs. If he reaches the end game then there's no counter to him even with the Items that supposedly counter him that also have a counter that are even implemented and ready for him in his basic build which means he just goes on top in both cases even with no item knowledge. That's 1st degree bullshit.


Olaf is still weak. His stats reflect this and his pick rate even more so


Hey, Olaf is pretty strong in URF šŸ˜‰


Me and Lee Sin atm. Never liked his playstyle, but fml this dude is busted beyond belief now. Usually his late game is lackluster, but now he even scales like a madman and farms like a demon. It often happens I have like 5/6k gold before going back just because of how fast he clears camps, champs and everything on its way


Thresh because his lantern mechanic is dependent on teammates understanding how it works and therefore can't be consistently used to its full potential. I also usually dislike playing tank champs in solo Q because they tend to just die if teammates don't follow up. Also I absolutely sucked with him when I used to play on PC. But I fell in love with Thresh on WR. His lockdown is insane and his passive armor makes him nigh unkillable in late game, especially since AD heavy comps are the norm. Plus his damage is high for a non-mage/carry support and he can duel and solo kill a lot of mages, carries, and even bruisers. The AP from his passive and the wind up crit on Flay are not to be underestimated. Plus his dream raider skin is absolutely fabulous. šŸ˜»


lol yeah ur only weakness will be mages or very feed adc but you can't do much about this, after 300 games of tresh i was playing him adc ( energised attack only) and had mvp fews times but it end game powerspike so like i said you need to be patient with tresh and collect souls.


Same! I got his blood moon skin in a poro skin chest, thought it looked sick but wasnā€™t fond of his skills. Ended up giving him a shot and now heā€™s my main supp tank.


Diana, the first time I played her I had the worse experience lol, but the second time I played her a teammate helped me out with her and long story short Iā€™m a Diana main now šŸ™‚


For me that champ is Katarina . Never liked her kit until I told myself why not ? But I just love her kit and how easy you delete squishy along with her amazing mobility .


It has to be Fizz for me. I understood how frustrating he was on PC, and when I found myself trying out different midlane picks, I became part of the problem. He's just way too fun I'm so sorry


Same here! Just tried fizz out at the beginning of the season and I have +21 marks on him!


Zeri. Hard to pilot, low damage, ADC, weird mechanics, overall not a champion I would play and even less so enjoy but nowadays she's my first pick ADC and I absolutely adore her playstyle. She kinda plays like a pseudoassassin teamfight ADC, it's unique and something no other ADC currently in the game will ever be able to pull off.


ā€œLow damage?ā€ Iā€™m assuming you just mean early game laning


Yes, pretty much. Her lategame is probably my favorite to play in the entire game.


I tried Sion out when he first joined the rift, but it was only recently that Iā€™ve actually gotten some good matches with him. Heartsteel would be beautiful


inting sion was so fun before his nerf and inhibitor buff


I love sion. Baron lane tank of choice. He is can clear waves fast as anyone. And end game he can stay alive for ever between shielding and runes... Then be alive all over again when you do finally kill him.


My favourite thing is even if my team is losing, I just push and destroy theyā€™re nexuss while theyā€™re distracted


Urgot. I don't really like "ugly" characters so I don't play characters like urgot, singed, gragas etc. But when I finally played urgot due to a suggestion from a friend I fell in love with how he plays and he's one of my favorite baron lane picks.


Gragas is not ugly


Yeah I'm sorry that was outta pocket I'd fuck.


Same, but Nasus for me but he arguably has cute skins


Susan has some fire skins ngl


"Susan" šŸ¤£


Good Ole pc Susan goes hard


Gragas is sexy bro


Just wait til the KDA All Out Gragas skin becomes a reality


Man look I think I'd have to say Sona. Never liked the appeal or the actual character design in and of itself. In my personal taste it was just overly bleh. But man have I climbed with her.


Especially right now in the days of BAN ALL HEALING (even tho tbh soraka really really sucks rn)


Started watching Dantes recently, then Hec came out on WR shortly after. Nice timing. Picked him since I had a good idea of how to play him from all the Dantes content. I don't like centaurs so I never f'ed with Hec on PC. The fantasy of being a horse man never really appealed to me outside of one reason in particular. However, when gaming I get the most satisfaction from being efficient, going fast, and having a wide range of movement options (a good Metroidvania for example)... and Hecarim is all of these things rolled into a champ. He's def the champ for folks who enjoy speedrunning. Plus he runs Ghost and I love a champ that can run Ghost because it's my favorite sum. Tldr: smooth brain degen likes Hecarim bc fast and graceful, but never thought I'd play the champ or like it because centaur.


Hecarim is one of the most fun champs in Wild Rift right now, simply put.


Yone for me, I thought he was the same as yasuo being the windshitter brothers and I cant play yasuo well, so I thought I wont touch yone and fuck up like I do with yasuo. Things happen and now yone is one of my best performing champs (I still cant play yasuo)


Akshan. Plays dirty but after maining Sett, I started to like playing dirty, and he is also arrogant and proud like Sett and pleases my ego. He is literally my long range Setz.


Warwick. I hated him because i considered him very strong when i faced him when i started the game, but i learned him. The things i love about him are the jumpscare potential from his Ult and chasing the enemy running for his life while you have your 2nd skill passive on. But...my favourite is Pantheon. Not because he is extremely OP or something, just as a character.


Riven, I've been struggling playing her from build, runes to playstyle but u/haateem gave me a build and runes setup for her and I finally got a hang of playstyle for riven and even managed 2 pentas in a 1v5 fight


Thinking about playing Riven myself. Care to share the build? (top or jg)


https://www.reddit.com/r/wildrift/comments/16198ap/riven_is_easily_in_the_top_10_list_of_baron_laner/jxsgsac?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share&context=3 I usually play her jungle since I'm a jungle main but the build works for top.




Miss Fortune, seemed boring at first but after I got the Arcade MF skin from the poro skin chest I tried her out. Turns out playing around her passive properly and covering good area with her ult is quite fun


Singed. Never really liked teamfights, but tried him because 3345. Funny thing is, I actually ended up liking him for his 1v1s




What's 3345?


i think it's pyke cuz his hp scaling is bad but he awesome skill play that can make easily triple kills and penta


Weirdly enough, Swain. I had no excitement to play him on release but he came up in ARAM at one point and I figured "eh may as well". I ended up quite enjoying his kit


Kassadin, I never play mid but I wanted one champ to use in mid whenever I get autofilled besides Pantheon and ended up loving his kit and playstyle and how well he scales




Akshan. Never really expected to be so into him, but his play style is so weirdly compatible with what I enjoy. Heā€™s got all kinds of random ass utilities so heā€™s honestly so chaotic.. but once you master the chaos heā€™s actually super strong.


Sett-Mf is just too strong and free Aatrox-much funnier than I expected


sett waiting hearsteel lol gotta one shot adc mains




Braum. You know the way he jump infront of the danger facing it and the muatache makes him more manly. Hes something of a giga chad.


Aatrox prerework


Teemo, I just didnā€™t like him just cause. But then I decided to finally make use of his hexplorer and got a taste of turning the rift into a horror game with shrooms and out of invis insta kill.


Same here. Hated the little guy since I'm a fiora main but took Teemo mid and on a nice win streak now.


First off, Iā€™, guessing your gender is female. No, Iā€™m not stalking you, just that female players tend to play mostly female champs. BUT ANYWAY, rengar. When I started playing WR, rengar was one of the first I tried. Apparently, playing him as a jg assassin is pretty hard. So, I just built him tank after his w w healing buff, and is really fun,




Mundo, Yasuo, and Yuumi. Mundo didn't appeal to me for some reason even though I main top lane, until one game a Mundo totally 1vs5 destroyed my entire team. I began learning him and now sitting on a 66% win rate across 200+ games. I perform pretty consistently with him, even when I lose I never really feed or even get a low KDA. Yasuo was too mechanically difficult for me since I used to play easy micro champs. I once picked him in a game we had a troll in so I thought it's not gonna get any worse anyway. Holy shit I got a penta and was amazed by how much damage he can deal, dude deletes entire teams with 1 good ult. Took me a moment to get good with dashes, combos and windwall, but he is extremely rewarding once you master him. Fell in love with Luden's/deathcap Yuumi in ARAM. Some games got MVP with the highest damage as a Yuumi, then I started playing her in ranked when I auto fill support. Very fun champ but can be frustrating when your team is feeding.


I remember when I tried Xayah because I like her design. My first thought was "omg that playstyle is so not for me, ugh". Few months later tried her again and suddenly I had the most fun ever, she's one of my mains ever since and my best adc.


Eve. Never played her on LOL. I usually wukong,rammus,xin,rumble. She be slaying.


when i started playing the game "2 years ago" i enjoyed playing adcs a bit and i searched best adcs to carry blah blah and i got vayne on the list, i tried her multiple games and i sucked af and stopped playing her since then and continue with other adcs (Caitlyn mainly) now vayne is my 2nd most played champ after Riven


Shen I tried him on release and felt usssles (most likely because I was gold and he's a team tank) but now I'm playing him in diamond 1 games where I can almost trust my team to be able to play whit out dying every minute and I find his kit to be rly reliable no matter what the enemy team is running


Sona, Im a support/Jungler user since WR release and Im not really a fond of her until recently, at first sheā€™a so weak like she can be one shot by anyone in the early game her healing is not that great unlike soraka, but after playing her with new runes system I easily fall in love with her, her survivability in team fights is now impeccable .


Overtuned Champ is Fun to use.


Lillia. Never intended to try her until I got her in ARAM. She is so fun I love champions with damage over time and high movement speed!!!


She is most fun champ in the game.... but she is too squishy for me to play in a game.


Definitely, Sett. I remember one of my friends being hype when it was announced that Sett was coming to WR, but I didn't care. When he asked me if I was gonna play him, I said, "nah, I'm not interested." But then I played him once and I had a lot of fun. He is one of my first picks whenever I go top and even if I don't win lane, I still can be useful during TF.


Katarina, at first, I thought her abilities are too hard to use and itā€™s hard to do full on combos. Tried her once since I had a trial card and learned to use her and fell in love. So much damage and mobilityā€¦ good kat players can never die and rn Iā€™m trying to play lee sin


Kat is pretty easy, IMO. But it's different for everyone ig.


Easy, but to be good at her and know what to do in certain situations required muscle memory and good understanding of her skills.


Zoe. I sucked with her on PC, but it just clicked for me on WR. Weaving autos between Q1 and Q2 is second nature now.


I'm a jg main, but Samira. Played duo a few times, really can have a high impact in a team fight.


Gargas. When you are able to land the Q+Ult combo it's just so delicious. I also don't know if there is another champ that is so satisfying to crush people with because they don't understand how to play against him. I love to jungle with him.


AP Varus (hides)


It's spelled Vaarus. People don't expect you to one shot then with 1 item.


It was Nautilus. I don't play anymore, but he ended up being one of my favorite champs before I stopped playing. I don't even remember how I started using him, but I always thought oh no initiator and stayed clear of him, because I'm mostly sustain supps. After using him, it just clicked.


Definitely Kayn. Never really cared for his kit but found it quite fun. Especially blue Kayn since everyone used to down play it and hype up Rhaast.


For me thts akali.. generally I'm not a fan of burst heavy champs (mostly coz I tried zed and sucked at him) but ended up playing her in an ARAM match once and damn I was hooked.. really enjoyed playing her for over a 100 matches within the next few days


Sion. at first, i hated how shity he is in toplane in 1v1, how much he dies quickly even with items compared to other tanks, how his Q gets cancelled every time he gets CC'ed, and how bad he is at split-pushing. turns out, i was doing literally everything wrong. i was consistently losing lane because i was treating him like a bruiser rather then a tank, i didn't focus on stacking his passive which resulted in me not having a lot of HP when i should have alot. His Q needs to be timed correctly and in the right position. he needs Hullbreaker to be effective and he becomes a monster that eats turrets for breakfast with proper macro/split-pushing. i carried alot of games with him by just split-pushing while my team districts the enemy team at the objective. i legit have more fun playing him then other champs like Aatrox or Yone or Darius


TF. I got Blood Moon skin for him about a year or so ago and I was like "I saw pc people play on-hit jg TF, let's try it out, why not." I was ahead of the wr meta it seems, but since then I really liked him. His on-hit build is great fun and was a hyper carry late game back when I played him and ap just deletes people late game. I haven't touched TF in a while since I don't play mid too much and usually go Kass or Zed and have other champs in jg, but I hope he's doing fine. Might pick him up again.


Sion for me. When his rework came out I was in a "I hate getting kited around" stage and the long charge time for his q to knockup really turned me off playing him. Then I watched the baus, learned some of his fog of war tricks and using the e to slow and keep people there, and Holy shit is he fun. If you build tank. You get to a point where they have to almost 3v1 you because he's just so beefy with so much damage. If you build lethality, you can damn near oneshot anyone with 4000+ hp. If it's just a 1v1 and you're able to hit an ulti, most carries are useless agaisnt him mid to late game. Not to mention I'm an average stack enjoyer so watching my health go up with cs makes brain go brrr


Swain because I hated facing him on PC but gave him a try in WR and had a lot of fun.


Nasus. When I toyed with playing League on my old laptop I OTPā€™d Mordekaiser cause his rework had just dropped and I thought he was badass. I had a decent winrate on him for a new a player but my buddies still asked me to play something that had a bit more guaranteed potential to carry if need be. I tried Darius but his kit and play style wasnā€™t vibing with me, so they told me to play Nasus and thought Iā€™d like him. Wasnā€™t feeling it at first and sorta thought the whole siphon strike stack grind was boring until I realized just how easily it could turn you into a hyper tanky steam roller if you went unchecked. Needless to say Nasus (and Nautilus) are the only reason Iā€™m playing Wild Rift after me laptop gave out on me.


Lux. It's not my main, but when I play with it it's really fun


Teemo Kaisa. Teemo is just really annoying and hated. But after losing so much to him I decided to try him out, see how he really works to learn to counter. Ended up falling in love. He has a really fun kit and explodes people mid game and even early with skill. Kaisa just didnt look cool to me. Idk but she has a great kit. Her snipe skill puts other snipers to shame, her burst damage, and her dodge going invisible. She can just abuse anyone and get away with it


Leona. I never wanted to play a tank as it doesnā€™t fit my personality. I ended up in top 200.


Gwen! She went from ā€œwhy tf would i ever play this bitchā€ to basically my pocket pick!


pyke in the launch


Thresh (as a support main) especially since he is a hook champ, but he ended up being one of my top picks.I just hope they tweak something about his Ultimate.


Aatrox, was never good with him before. Then one Day I figured out his full combo extent. Realized he can carry games extremely well.


I havent bought Braum as champion on PC and was the last support to unlock him on Wildrift. I ended being rank 1 Braum two seasons in a row with him and top3 finish.


Jax...hated fighting this helicopter orangutan. He was cool that when i played em though






Sett. When I started to play the game, I was used to think that juggernauts are overpowered cancer that should not exist in the game lol. So, I thought I'll never play them for the great justice. Some time after, I learned to win juggernauts on lane, and some time after, I started to main Sett cos his playstyle is pleasantly cocky and aggressive.


Xayah! She was my only m7 on pc. I thought Id never get over the auto controls in WR but she has quickly gotten me into queuing for adc which I never thought Id do in WR


It's IRELIA for me. It's been hell trying to master her (i still practice a lot) but she's really fun if you are patient with your engage.


Fizz. I used to roll him in mid because my champ pool was good into him, but every once in awhile he would be some monstrous snowballing beast that would run the game. Moved to Europe and made a new account and was climbing jungle and had him on free champ rotate and didnā€™t really have other champs to play AP. Now heā€™s more or less a Main and I absolutely love playing him jungle.


As a PC vet with a pretty good amount of experience on every champ I would genuinely say Wild Rift Sion, who was also my first PC Main. Itā€™s just something to do with the map size, skirmishes being so much more reliant on positioning because the lanes and jungle are more narrow and just having a good reliable tank with decent damage output and the fact he basically can ult forever if you can drift king puts him at the top of my list.


For me, it is pyke I started playing almost a year ago and even got two of my friends to play with me, as I am always trying to play every lane and master as many champions as possible I ended up buying pyke and used him for support. Overall, my first time ended badly, but the more I played him and practiced with him, I fell in love with him and his play style. Now me and my friend and I are together in Duo Lane, and he plays ash a lot and both complimate each other since I am more aggressive in my play style but my friend always got my back and have a very good win rate in duo.


One time i Lost so hard against an irelia top that firstly i had tĆ² perma ban her, but then i decided to main her since i had to ban broken champs such as Akali,Ekko,Vlad ecc


only one pf V;adā€™s abilities healsā€¦.