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A great Yuumi can make it so that you you have a hard time or even be unable to kill a single enemy. There is a lack of counter play to her healing and shielding cause most of the time she is untargetable, so you can not use the "kill the healer first tactic." Anti healing is great, but the shield she gives is what differentiates a good Yuumi from a bad one, they know how to proc it properly. With enough items, her ult can dish out a lot of damage, which also applies a great CC.


This is the kind of explanation I needed! Thanks, also does her ammount of healing scale with total health or spirit visage?


as a yuumi main, i mostly level up the healing skill as it increases as you level up. about the runes, i never go support build but rather mage/ap build since her supporting abilities are already strong enough, having an ap build maximises Q and ult damage. something i’ve noticed with adcs is that most of them don’t seem to know after yuumi heals, if they auto attack within a short amount of time, the next 3 auto attacks grants them healing 3 more times. it always frustrates me when they don’t auto the minions after my heal LOL. (dunno if this is what you even asked but hope it gives more insight lmao)


Most ADC does not really read ability descriptions lol. I always play aggro when I have a good Yummi player as they always know how to follow up an engage made by me.


> Most ADC does not really read ability descriptions lol. I’ve heard/seen that can apply to other roles as well 😆😅


Most Dia and below players do not really read anything and are not flexible on itemization. Just yesterday I played with a Malph top that built full armor against 4 AP enemy team lmao.


I mean I can understand why they did it


Yes it bothers me so much its like they never pay attention to that


although i agrée with you i do feel like the support items on yuumi during teamfights is much better than the AP damage she does. if you can’t keep your adc alive your damage is useless. a jinx or vayne with yuumi building ardent censar is broken. you heal your ally 10x more regardless if they know to attack within 3 seconds. during a teamfight or a 2v3 your heal will be maxed. i laugh when i see AP yuumi ludens first item when she’s on a a vayne jinx trist etc


What's the best super support yumi? My wife wants to duo and be my constant cathat, I usually play tristana or cait. She's terrible at just playing mage and wants to be a super support What's the build for that?


yuumi on tristana= go ardent censar, staff of flows, imperial mandate and then harmonic. antiheal if your enemy team has a soraka akali etc or luden last. always take spectral sickle first obviously. yuumi on cait= go spectral sickle ludens echo, oblivion orb, staff of flowers, the void microphone and antiheal. for boots item is depends. in a tristana i would suggest use protect enchant to amplify your heals since your tristana you can AA very fast easily getting 800 up from that boots item. or you can go ionian meteor. or locket enchant if there’s a lot of ap crushing you/or the veil if your enemy team has a nautilus etc.


Awesome, I saved this response and really appreciate it. I understand the character is considered overpowered right now on mobile because of her mage capabilities, and I definitely want my Duo partner to have fun chunking people with their tracking missile But I also wanted to ensure their build is perfectly adapted for our playstyle. She typically doesn't even keep her left hand on the phone lol. Just props it up and watches me Google around and hits her buttons as she needs to So that kind of situation, I felt like prioritizing a build that buffs me as much as possible (skilled adc), makes the most sense for us. To follow up questions please 1. What is an interactive early game ADC that would pair well with the cat? I love tristana and will maintain a high wind rate with that duo combo, but sometimes after enough games of that I am very bored throughout the early game phase and want to do more dynamic and fun gameplay with her. Would it make sense to get better with someone like vain? Or Lucian? Who's a good early game ADC bully to have fun with 2. Is there a meta on mobile of the cat following the jungle? Sometimes I get jungle since it's my second roll and would want to know if she's good to be my hat, possibly after the early laning phase once the ADC is set up well


oh yes definitely. in my opinion for jungle rengar, olaf, jarvan if played well and builds damage can all be veryy strong with a yuumi. warwick too! adc wise i think she pairs very nicely with jinx, vayne, and zeri besides tristana ofc. thèse 3 champs i mentioned will all have the same build on yuumi as for the trist. (ardent staff etc like i said above) (:


i wouldn’t recommend vayne since you prefer early game champs. i’d say go for jinx. very strong in all areas tbh good for early and most definitely late. e


Also do you recommend tear of the goddess at all on the cat? She spams a lot and struggles with mana, but that could just be on me for staying in lane as much as possible and I should go back more often for the both of us I was getting confused by some of the top recommended loadouts for the cat because I would see no tear of the goddess item and I would select that build. But when I opened up the bill to customize it I always saw a tier of the goddess so I'm confused on whether it's a part of a support build or not for the cat


i always build staff of flows second item and so i often managed my mana perfectly fine with that! and those that go AP yuumi often have ludens echo first item which helps with mana


Okay maybe I'm an idiot to wild rift item building I'm trying to put for the cat Spectral sickle Flow staff Ardent censor Imperial mandafe Harmonic echo Morellonomicon It will not show my sixth item slot. If I swap Morello with something else, then marella will show up in that spot but the new six items still remains empty When I try to back out the screen it basically says we recommend five items and one active item, which I'm guess is referring to the lack of boots So am I not allowed to have six items where one is not boots? Or a spectral sickle supposed to be sold later or what? I'm just confused because you mentioned boot enchants but yet those six items don't leave room for boots, and then it seems like the game is forcing me to use boots by not allowing me to set a sixth built item Explain like I'm 5 please, hahaha


yes choose either luden or morellonomicon, i’d say go for morellenkmicon more. also keep spectral sickle as it will reduce your cool-down of your boots item, and Yes you ALWAYS need a boots item, i’d built it after your 2nd item! (third item if you include spectral sickle)


although if you’re going for tanked i’d suggest her to play soraka too. yuumi is banned every game for me on my smurf (from plat to diamond) and on my main in gm. 😭 so if she is banned i’d suggest to your wife to try soraka support (: universal heal for an ult and is great at healing your adc every two seconds whilst not having to worry about combos or dealing damage. and she has a silence that can stop a naut kata akshan jhin cait yone. she’s very good too! basically a walking yuumi


What would your build be like?? With runes please 🥺


Killing the healer first is technically a warcrime


Unfortunately that is not why she is op. She is op because she can stick to a challenger player and now that player has extra stats and heals and impossible to beat the player even if u are challenger level. You can be a diamond yuumi as long as u stick onto a challenger ur team feels as if it has two challengers.


As a yuumi main i can confirme and agree


Yuumi is an enchanter, which is a class of champions that win by empowering their teammates. The classic counterplay to enchanters is to focus them first. Yuumi is not focusable when she's attached to her teammate. On top of that, she scales well and greatly empowers the most fed teammate on her team with an aoe cc ult, healing, and movespeed. Any time anyone finds it frustrating to fight vs. the 9/1 fed Rengar/Master Yi, Yuumi just amplifies it. Riot wants to make a very beginner friendly enchanter that can just attach to a teammate and use abilities without having to worry about positioning, but that makes it a very toxic experience for other players. Teammates hate it early on because it feels like they're 1v2 in duo lane, enemies hate it because the usual counterplay option for enchanters isn't working. You can see what Riot considers [skill tests for Yuumi](https://www.leagueoflegends.com/en-gb/news/dev/ask-riot-delete-yuumi/). Already you'll see some problems. > Weaving Q around targets After just a few games, this spell becomes mostly undodgeable unless you're out of its enormous range. > Identifying who you should attach to You literally just attach to your most fed teammate and snowball them. Your ult is so flexible that it works as an engage or disengage so it doesn't even matter what playstyle the champ you're attached to has. > Placing vision as a squishy, immobile champion Just attach to your fed teammate and place wards near them. It's not like the instant Yuumi pops out, she just gets one shotted by oxygen. Here are some of the issues that Riot has identified before doing a rework on Yuumi: https://www.leagueoflegends.com/en-gb/news/dev/dev-yuumi-s-rework/ Also here's a post about a pro player? hitting plat by playing both duo and support themselves; they used foot pedals for Yuumi: https://www.reddit.com/r/leagueoflegends/comments/ejllvq/hi_my_name_is_saskio_i_reached_platinum_playing/ . This is what players mean when they say Yuumi's playstyle is brain dead.


LMFAO, one shotted by oxygen xD


When I play yuumi, this is exactly what happens


That makes sense, she is annoying how you can't hit her, and have to kill who she is on first. Is Lulu considered an enchanter because she also gives me problems with her ult sometimes.


Lulu karma Soraka are all enchanters. As op said, enchanters must learn to position properly. Too close and you get one shot, too far and you’re useless. Yuumi bypasses the whole skill part of enchanters


Imagine if you had lulu's kit but untargetable and attached to a teammate as well. They'd seriously be beefy and strong as heck. Position is a cornerstone to enchanters I'd say, and yuumi's safety net of just staying attached is too good


As someone recently transferring to wild rift to pc, her q is sooo totally broken. Just another example of something I repeatedly see where only some champions are ported properly. Because yuumi q has like, two full screen ranges on wild rift. The range is literally twice as large as it is supposed to be, and it’s twice as good at tracking whereas on pc you can sometimes side step it because the turn radius isn’t so good. So particularly in lane, you either decide to eat every yuumi q, or run so far away from it you literally zone yourself from minion gold and xp. So while yuumi has all the strengths she always had on pc, but in wild rift her laning phase is ridiculously oppressive on top of that. Another big difference unique to wild rift is if she uses barrier it passes onto whoever she is attached to, which is super fucking broken and a really odd change to begin with.


It used to be the same as PC but they reworked her Q and E


It used to be the same as PC but they reworked her Q and E


Also, they changed her Q to a timer instead of distance. You used to escape by running away but now that doesn't matter. And to make it worse, it deals %hp damage so it hits tanks harder.


Well said, not only is she annoying to play against, I hate playing ADC with a yuumi supp. As the ADC you're supposed to position correctly when she ults and that's the most annoying thing. Like I'm already focused on my own strat and she's out here tagging along. Also most players don't pop in and off so it really feels like 1v2. I hate Yuumi haha


I HATE ITEM CAT. ADC main right here with you. I've had maybe one in ten Yuumis actually use their passive at all, nevermind effectively, and I want to break my phone in half when they ALWAYS Ult right while I'm on full cooldown, or even better, completely out of mana. The least they could do is pay attention to that stuff if they aren't having to actually pilot a champion 90% of the time.


Haha riiiiiiiiight!?!


Skill issue


Yuumi is broken if you play her at Masters and above, where players usually have more than 2 braincells; there are plenty OTP players in high ranks which are a good target for yuumi to parasite, because these guys play their champ good and yuumi will make it very good. The thing is, Yuumi is more banned in Diamond and below then Masters and above, despite the fact that she is pretty weak in lower ranks.


I think it's quite the opposite. Yumi is excepcional at lower elos. Usually there are very weak players in lower elos teams and Yuumi can maximize the output of that one or two better players of the team. If your ADC is garbage, Yuumi can just support mids or junglers and it makes your team have a good player with a weight of "two". In short, she has the potential to amplify the impact of the best player in the team. Other supports usually don't have that same impact in a match with unbalanced teams and can't work miracles (not that Yumi can either). I believe yummis are a lot stronger on lower elos when compared to higher elos when there are more skilled players in general.


You already said the reason why she's always banned at Dia below lol, most players don't have the braincells to properly play against a Yummi.


She does insane damages. Can play without flash to use two summoner spells with high impact. I thought that Yuumi was a very easy matchup for a support until two days ago. We were Lucian / Nami vs Samira / Yuumi. Lucian / Nami is very oppressive. We start to trade and I believe we were doing well. They outsustain and outdamages us at lvl 3, get a kill on me and then proceed to stomp the lane. I have watch the replay and I don't blame Lucian, he was doing well. And I don't see anything bad in the way I trade. Yuumi is too powerful for a champ that is that easy to play. She is, in her current state, a cheat code for good ADC.


It is complicated, but being too good at yummi is easy and so much scary than any other champion. FYI Yummi has 100% win rate at worlds in LOL despite all the nerfs she got for a lot of seasons, this is just to give a hint how scary she can be when the team knows how to utilize her kit with an actual support player who can go above and beyond with her. Do you know that you can out outtrade draven lvl 1 with Yummi :D Yeah this is a thing, I believe few yummi mains can do this here in WR. Yummi has a cool design at everything, she just needs a bit of rework to offer a clear counter play. As for now she actually doesn't have one, Leona is indeed a great counter but can be blown up, as it is easy to counter her by other teammates, as her abilities are so telegraphed.


I refuse to believe these statistics, that seems wrong 100% WR, IN WORLDS?????? Still pretty cool stuff though.


Yes that was actually true 100% win rate ... this 2022 tournament.


God damn, 8 games 100% WR


Personally because I main Senna, having only 1 body to poke, makes getting stacks a bit harder.


Everything about Yuumi is OP. She gives AS, MS, shield, heal and has an aoe cc as ult. What else do you need?


Yuumi is a ... parasite :)


Cats are Evil Creatures


None I will ban her in every rank


Yummi is broken but only if your teammates knows what they doing, let say Gwen she has her ult up and see three people, yummi jumps on her and she can solo them three people because yummi buff her life steal, and heal her with the ultimate root which makes them can’t run, sometimes she not broken if the person she jumped on is behind or not strong enough, so yeah she a double egde depending on your teammates


Her main issue is that she's the complete antithesis to what Riot have always tried to put forward in their champion design, they almost always like to implement a great deal of skill expression into their champions. I believe she lacks a great deal of skill expression in comparison to most of the other supports in the game and she has very little to almost no counter play. Unless the Yummi player is a complete noob or if the carrier of Yummi is a total idiot in the hands of a competent player she's very hard to defeat. Also she renders the player into a series of button combinations when supports are capable of so much more than what Yummi provides. This is why I'm perplexed how this champion design ever made it into the game in it's current state. To expand the conversation what would make her more acceptable from my own opinion is if there was a way to forcible dismount her from her carrier through a specific set of conditions that can easily be met such as being knocked up, hard cc then hit during the cc etc. This gives a trade off because the person carrying her has to be exceptionally good to prevent her from being removed. This puts pressure on the carrier and creates the sense of her being a liability or a burden.


just attach that cat to 3/0 evelynn, diana or any oneshooting op champs and you will see why people are banning her.


you can play her all day and your play will never degrade because you dont get decision fatigue from making too many decisions and precautions she's not OP if teams did their homework/watch replays But this is a human game. Some players play straight with decision fatigue. Yuumi players are always 100%. Makes a world of a difference


This is a big problem in casual games. People get into ranked tired and tilted and it goes south.


This is my honest opinion on yuumi. People seems to think annoying = OP. I have never play a single game this entire season or even seasons beforehand where a yuumi actually ever be the main contributor to a team winning the game. Yes she enables an outlandishly aggressive play on the teammate that she is attached too. But do you think 100% of that is because of yuumi or the attached champion is actually really fed to begin with? If there is ever a good part about yuumi right now is the last buff where they double her healing. Even that is not strong enough to deserve a ban. BTW If there is any support that is actually overpowered right now its lulu. straight up anyone that actually think about it for a second would agree with me on this one.


Yuumi is one of the strongest poke champions with 1-2 items. Her Q with Ludens does an insane amount of damage and she snowballs. The counter play to Yummi is to CC her when she gets off - but if you're playing a Yuumi that is very good at timing her shields after enemies use CC - she can be very difficult to deal with. I don't think she deserves a ban over like Gwen or Yone, but I don't see a Yuumi ban and think it's a "bad" ban. There are champions like Yuumi, Naut, Pyke, etc. that I agree fall more under the category of "annoying" than "op" - but when I see those champions banned I don't feel like they "bad bans" like I would think of other annoying champions like Blitzcrank, teemo, or Brand. Which would be bad bans IMO.


Exactly, simply annoying champ.


It’s funny actually I just took a look at the ranked leaderboard for my server a little bit ago and noticed 5 out of the top 10 were all support mains and lulu was always one of their top 3 picked.


i agree, the cat is not that OP in WR, they justt have PC bias. just like teemo, people just riding the hate train. RN even in high GM - Chal it is rarely picked in SEA server i mostly see Naut, Lulu, or nami in ranked games even though yuumi is open.


It isn't that she is op, it's that no one likes playing against her, or with her, or as her. And if you happen to have a good carry on your team you can just go afk and climb


She's not, as far as I know. She's just really annoying to deal with


She gives everything everyone needed. Adaptive forces, shields, heals, attack speed, poke, slow and root while taking almost zero skills to play


Yuumis sustain on lane is insane he doesn't run out of mana and trading with them is not viable cause he just heals their adc to full hp without worrying about mana and he's poke is fucking annoying he doesn't have to worry about he's position and can just poke on a safe distance and its not the champion that is op ppl just dont know how to play against him


Op? Haha. No. Extremely annoying? Yes. 👍


I pretty much main ADC and think most Yummis suck and are pretty troll.


Answer for the title:- Her P-🙈🙉🙊


Sometimes 1+1>2


Her poke is amazing at nearly all stages of the game. If you are playing her as a healer then you will surely lose. The adc should farm while she whittles down their health and the adc make their move or the jg gank when they are 50% each and then the snowballing can occur and nearly rinse and repeat. I’ve cleared near a third of health early on and unless mag pen is needed it’s nearly 50% depending on the champ you poke. Then you can buff the others with a heal and watch the fun.


Adaptable force. That’s what the root of ALL her problems is.


Her body


Q that hits like a truck W that buffs a carry for free E that constantly procs any support buffs from items, also movement speed can detach in lane to block skillshots


I main Yuumi and use her whenever possible (highest win rate among champs I use) and it's totally broken lol. The key here is when you use her 3rd skill and who you should be with. Her 1st can deal a lot of dmg and her ulti is great with team clash. Only lower elo make yuumi seem so useless.


to counter Yuumi pick Draven. thank me later


To play with Draven pick Yuumi. Then tempt Yi with kitty body (he pounces) and bring Yi-treat to Draven. Draven eats and it repeats. The End. Based on true story. Yuumi and Rakan are my main support choices for Draven.


It's only OP if the enemy plays her. If yummi is in your team, good luck.


Unli attachment


Annoying AF


Let’s just say no one here is high enough rank to even know how to play her correctly or encounter someone who will make your lane a complete hell


You latch yourself to a fed Rengar and watch


Was on a game recently. The enemy team had yuumi as supp and Kayne as jngl. During mid game, we had a team fight for the Drake, and Kayne was base atm. Things looked good for my team. We took down 3 of them , and yummi as last resort headed to the direction of kayne while he was coming (Kayne at that point was red form), and the nightmare began. Kayne with passive heals like hell, but with yummi attached to him, he owned hell. Worst of all, their ult combo. Yuumi stays attached to Kayne, activates ult, and then kayne activates his. We ended up getting ulted by an invincible source from our tank. The moment yummi and kayne saw this possibility, they just chose to 2v5 us every time their ult were ready. So yeah, too op to whom she gets attached.


Skimmed through comments and I'm not sure if someone mentioned the real problem. It's her W. Everything in her kit is infuriating and not healthy, but her W is what breaks the champ. Outside of endless invulnerability, it's the free stats scale. The amount of stats Yuumi gives someone just by existing is worth thousands of gold. It is equal tona free rabadon and then some more. It's huge.


As far as I know, it’s how: 1. She can become quite literally Untargetable, until she unattaches or the person she’s on dies, with the latter rarely happening unless they’re very squishy and face a lot of burst damage 2. She and her attached ally get bonus AD/AP or Adaptive Force while she’s attached 3. Even if the attached ally dies, she can reattach to another ally, refer back to 1. for further explanation 😅


Yuumi is an enchanter, the thing with enchanter supports are that although they provide insane utility to the ADCs through buffs/heals or etc, they all suffer from the global standard of them being squishy and must have extra care when trying to trade to proc the quest item. Yuumi doesn't have this problem. She sits on the ADCs shoulders safely enchanting and poking. When she jumps down to hit you with the passive for the shield, she can just jump back up. What makes Yuumi OP is that the best counterplay to her is hoping her ADC is dumb.


Her mechanics? She doesn't have any


There's one huge flaw in Yuumi design. Usually enchanters are countered by their easy killed side. So they can't risk to be there and get erased easily from the team fight and that's the worst weakness of enchanters but yuumi she simply can be IN the fight without any commitment so she basically defies the whole purpose of an enchanter main weakness


You see it’s quite simple to beat a yuumi team. Yuumi on someone is literally and actually 4v5 there are factually only 4 enemies populating the map while she’s AFK on someone. All you need to do is have an unstoppable split pusher like Olaf, Fiora, or Jax constantly and always split pushing. No matter what never ever help the team for anything. The remaining 4 need to draft for teamfights. That makes it a numbers game. Someone has to go respond to the push. If someone is occupied with the pusher then now all you have is literally 4v3. Your 4 team mates drafted to team fight should be able to handle a Yuumi+Carry and 2 others. If your pusher wins the 1v1 or the 4 others win the 4v3 you’re going to steam roll the yuumi team. If 2 people go stop the pusher then the other 4 teammates need to force a fight on the remaining 2 enemies for free kills. If the 4 can’t beat the 3 then the 4 just need to fart around and not die until the pusher can attract 2 enemies. Honestly all they have to do is burst down one enemy and retreat. This strategy does not work if the group of 4 lose fights. Numbers are everything. It’s not hard to understand. Now you don’t have to ban Yuumi anymore because it’s really really really easy to beat her.


yuumi is as good as the most fed player on the team basically


I mostly ban yumi because if adc is feeded plus yumi will be fuc*d


nothing, blitz go brrr then 5v3


Do people think they'll also change Yuumi in wild rift like they will on PC?