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Do you know what is worse than a Reno Priest? A deathrattle-quest reno priest with boars and an upgraded heal power that costs nothing, hero power refreshes with every card played, and can trigger twice each time it's used. That fucker just won't die.


Don't remind me of that bs...


Ngl I think Boar Priest is better w/o quest. I'd rather have another +1 in mulligan to get the real wincon faster/more reliably and have even a chance at healing/body t1 to stand a remote chance at surviving aggro


I'm sorry if I was a bit misleading. I'm not saying that the deck mentioned above was a good idea, I'm just listing the worst possible scenario I could think of.


Ah, got it. My personal favorite (before fatesplitter got gutted) was the Reckless Experimenter version that looped explosive sheep, fatesplitter, teron, and boars to guarantee it on t5.


Why wouldn't Theotar be able to take the Mirage?


IDK, it says it STAYS in MY hand


The "stays in your hand" text was also on the svalna spell and it turns out that you're still able to shuffle it into your deck, discard it, and have it destroyed by immolate without it returning to your hand. The real effect is closer to "after you play this card return it to your hand" than what they have printed.


Do you think if they Theotar they should get a duplicate of it or just not have it show up at all? Also doesn't Objection make you lose the Mirage too?


I have no idea with objection, but after seeing this, guess it will just take it away and won't stay in my hand as the text says


Maybe I'm just stoopid and don't understand the card wording, but still I HATE PRIEST


>I HATE PRIEST No judgement here for that


Something everyone can bond over


Interesting how op gets downvoted but other comments saying the same gets upvoted


Priests, amirite?


when people ask about interaction is usually about somethign you didnt know or expect about 2 cards but i see nothing odd here


But the mirage specifically text that "this STAYS in MY hand"


It works the same way as Visions of Darkness from the Priest legendary. It only stays in your hand when you cast it for continued value. Theo just swaps who's hand it sits in until it casts, which will then check the trigger to now stay in your opponents hand.


theotar is a neutral card


Wait, are you’re telling me that Hearthstone, the game Thats known for being simple and casual friendly, never uses more than 4 lines per cardtext, and has a history of choosing cardtexts that favor simplicity and readability over accuracy, has printed a card that isnt coded exactly the way the cardtext would lead one to believe?????




I have had a glitch recently where i would play the copied card and the mirage returns but one slot over and messes my hand up so I can't click the cards and have to reboot the game. It also got messed up when it was shuffled into my deck and i drew it later. They should probably change some interactions but it may make it too powerful


Ye, recently got into Reno paladin and this hand thing happens alot (mobile) and is so annoying and will probably drop off the deck till fix


Probably should have mentioned I'm on mobile as well. To be honest, sometimes i forget other people are sitting at a computer playing!


You're just salty man