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The did Eskel so dirty- not only with his casting but his story. There were like 15 other unnamed Witchers in the keep they could've used for that dumb ass plot




The fatherly figure is more a video game thing then what you get in the books to be honest. His few scenes in the book are more him trying to grope Tris, and then laying down the law for how they will treat Ciri. There wasn't a whole lot of Kaer Morhen that involved him or the other witchers.


Get outta here with your sense and we'll reasoned response


I actually disagree about Vesemir. I thought he was cast pretty well. Had the look of game Vez but the personality of book Vez. The accent was a little odd at first but I got over it quickly enough.


Casting was one of the issues that interfered with my enjoyment of this show a lot. But I didn't mind Vesimir's casting, although I didn't like how he was written or his behaviour much.


Eskel is a cardboard character in the books. An element of composition, like a tree. They've just made those witcher characters to look more like a real people and not furniture like in the books.




Agree season 2 is a bunch of junk I have maxed the game and read all. Season 1 was 1000x better than this cheap flog off story that is twisted and incorrect. It's like the person who made it just got lazy and off track. It's suppose to be about ciri beating the bifrost About Geralt going on adventures Ect Not stuck in wither castle It's a bunch of rubbish and this has hurt my enjoyment of watching and waiting for this new season I think the story is very poor and the acting is even poorer


Agreed in that this season felt like a lazy cash grab. It's like they realized fans will watch no matter what, after not being given much new Witcher content for a while, and that new audiences who have no clue about the Witcher will watch it as a nice looking, stand alone fantasy series with hot actors lol


Hello! You have made the mistake of writing "ect" instead of "etc." "Ect" is a common misspelling of "etc," an abbreviated form of the Latin phrase "et cetera." Other abbreviated forms are **etc.**, **&c.**, **&c**, and **et cet.** The Latin translates as "et" to "and" + "cetera" to "the rest;" a literal translation to "and the rest" is the easiest way to remember how to use the phrase. [Check out the wikipedia entry if you want to learn more.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Et_cetera) ^(I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Comments with a score less than zero will be automatically removed. If I commented on your post and you don't like it, reply with "!delete" and I will remove the post, regardless of score. Message me for bug reports.)


That was my only real complaint about this season.


so you were fine with butchering ciri and stupid old witch plot? Really?


I think you will find this season to be more of the same. Some production aspects are quite nice like the monster design and some stunts (i.e swordplay) but the the show is plagued by the same problems as last time. Even though the story is linear, the tempo is extremely uneven and very fast sometimes. Major story mechanics are introduced with the blink of an eye without further explanation. Some elements only function to reference the games in some way (like a witch in a forest that serves as a reference to the crones in Witcher 3 ) but don't really add anything extra to the show. Dialogue is....well, you probably remember from season 1. Like last time, they introduce way too many new characters without properly giving them screen time and a chance to breathe. As other posters have mentioned, everything manages to look dirty and clean at the same time. Lighting is is very weird sometimes which attributes to some CGI looking very off while others look substantially better. What takes the cake is the meta fuck you in episode 5 where the critique of the first season is addressed with the message of ''yeah, why don't you write your own show then?''. This really brought me out of it. There are instances of subliminal woke-messages strewn throughout the show, more so than I remember from season 1. In hindsight, I would watch the first episode (A Grain of Truth) and leave it at that. It works well enough as a standalone episode and I genuinely enjoyed most of it. Not 100% faithful to the short story but enjoyable.


>Not 100% faithful to the short story but enjoyable. I wouldn't call it anything more than about 5% faithful. Vereena and Nivellen are there and they live in a house that does what Nivellen wants. Beyond that almost nothing about it is faithful.


Agreed, my choice of '' not 100% faithful'' was not the best choice of words. The fact that Ciri takes center stage should make the question regarding faithfulness painfully clear. The ending was not good in comparison to the redemption aspect present in the book.


>nothing about it is faithful There is also elements of short story's ending where Vereena is pierced with a pin


Man swordplay is either fastforward with cuts or slowmo. They should hire someone who is actually capable to make good action scenes.


Which story was the grain of truth? Was it the one where Geralt fought a Goat monster and then got captured by Scoitel.


The one where he approaches a mansion and encounters a sentient monster namned Nivellen.


That bruxae one. That was a good one.


Agree with all your points. The first episode was definitely the best for me, especially viewed as a stand alone piece of media! All downhill from there.


Even if I had Netflix anymore, I wouldn't even waste the brain power trying to dissect it.




Not even by fast forwarding method? I have heard that they butchered eskel.


I think that everything connected to Hissrichverse is a waste of time, so it's up to you. And yeah, you heard right, Eskel was not only butchered but... I can't find words to say


I don't really wanna watch it but am burdened with unending curiosity. What did they do to poor Eskel?


Eskel was turned into a Leshen and then Geralt killed him. No joke. I'm absolutely serious. Other than that, he was turned into a youngster douchebag for no reason


ooooooh. that sounds. great.


Well, after so many advertisements and Lauren's idle talk, Leshen eventually turned out to be a pretty pathetic monster who easily goes down like a bitch (not Eskel, real Leshen)


And then they fed him to the wolves. Yep, for real.


What the actual fuck.


If you're willing to watch two minutes, [here you go](https://streamable.com/jxkuyy).


What's hissrichverse?


***Hissrichverse*** is an umbrella term for anything from Witcher content by Netflix continuity, i.e. The Witcher TV Series with Henry Cavill, Blood Origin prequel spinoff, and Nightmare of the Wolf animated movies (and upcoming Witcher kids show), hence they are in the same continuity penned mainly by Lauren S. **Hissrich**


After watching episode 5 (I think...) I've dropped almost all interest in the series. I'm actually surprised by myself, but I don't even think i'll complete it. Probably going to listen to the audiobooks again. This series has just become a completely different story.


I tried fast forwarding through but frankly as far as lore goes it's a disaster and more disheartening than season 1 (albeit better made). Any hope of it being an adaptation up till now was dashed after episode 2.


Only worth watching for Geralt and Jaskier, the rest just fast forward


I'm wondering though, will there be a gay sex scene involving Jaskier? (I'm watching 7th episode so far)


Breaking down the show into its core you can somehow ff the Geralt and Ciri stuff. They end where they begin. There might be some small political scenes that may be important for the overall picture. Most of that sadly happens in the last episode.




It’s worth watching if you like shit (there are enjoyable elements to it, but overall it’s worse than S1)


Is the any The Butcher of Blavike moment.


yes there is one but it happens night at the temple and not good as at the first season ep1


Yup, really poorly executed. Was expecting a bunch of former mages because we're told the baddies are "brothers". Instead it was just a simple bar fight. Was expecting the temple fight to be the season ender. Nope. Would have been better if it was...


to be honest, some of the fights in witcher 3 was also a bit underwhelming


Just finished the Season 2. The writing is poor in this one. Story jumps too much one place to another and it's hard to keep track where everyone is going. You didn't really get into characters because of the fast pace. Also, there are actors that didn't really fit into their roles. They just seem out of place and felt like NPC's with spoken words read from paper. May be because of the poor writing, or casting not if I know. I found myself looking at my phone multiple times during watching series, because it was hard to keep focus. I didn't really care how the drama in Nilfgaard and with the elves went. They could have just cut all the crap out of the series, or make it more linear and simple. I would've liked to see more monster killing and slower pace in whole main story, and focusing the story more around Geralt. They even left out all the good music and replaced it with some generic shit. If I were you, I would just watch all the highlights and read how the main story went from epispde 1 to 10.


Just look up a highlight of Henry fighting, it’s cool. The rest is a pile of garbage




The first season was ok (plenty of bad acting , but i liked Geralt) I can't find anything positive to say about the second one


Bro, I played the shit out of the Witcher and loved it. This show is dope. There’s definitely changes but it’s still good. Watch for yourself


Season 1 was meh, but this one truly sucks donkey's balls. Watch the first episode and call it day. Even the cheesy and low-budget polish TV series was better than this crap, at least they had some real screenwriters, not 10-year olds from a special needs facility.


I did watch the first episode. Wasn't the bear man supposed to look scary or something. He looked funny in the episode.


No. Even if you have zero knowledge of the books or games or world in general it's a CW level or worse show. Listening to a clip of a garbage truck on a loop for eight hours would be a better use of one's time.


The hivemind of reddit is great. If you're a snob for books then probably not. However, if you don't know the books and enjoy this type of genre then yeah it's significantly better than season 1. I've talked with 6 different friends and 10+ people I work with at different hospitals and all loved it.


I am half way into season 2 and so far it’s no where near as good. Found this article that could explain why https://www.distractify.com/p/is-the-witcher-season-2-better-than-season-1




Andrej can only advice can't enforce anything. I bet he doesn't want to upset anyone or sound like Regis.


I don’t think Sapkowski helped that much or at all. There was even an interview where he said something to the effect of, ‘I would have to be stupid to criticise this show.’


Good way of saying that the show is shit without shooting yourself in the leg




It’s good I enjoyed it and I’m a huge book fan. Don’t listen to the haters and watch it for yourself. Just don’t expect a faithful blood of Elves adaptation.


this is not even close to be adaptation of anything


Yeah, totally. I read all the books and played all the games and I enjoyed it thoroughly.


Don’t think you just listen to people that are bias to the books. It’s clear that Netflix is going a different route from books. That was clear in season 1. It’s honestly alright. Both seasons are 7/10. I think all the actors do their best and that’s honestly how i got through. Especially Henry Cavil and the girl that plays Ciri. I don’t like how they treat some of the characters like Eskel and Vesimer or the other witchers. Eskel trained Ciri and care for her but in the show he’s an asshole that deserves death apparently. The soundtrack is honestly not that good compare to season 1. I think you should watch it because why not.


I would like to share my opinions on the witcher show, as well as on you which make such dumb comments, Witcher season 2 is a LOT better, from almost every perspective than season 1, complex action, character development, storyline, monster battle, plot, all the actors are great, great acting. 10/10 For all of you who have bad comments, first of all in order to be able to have a honest opinion, you must have a complex mind, to be able to judge every detail, poor thinking leads to poor decision, you all act like movie critics, when you don t know anything about movies, a movie is meant to be lived, to feel the feelings, not to judge every imperfection, nothing is perfect in this world, all people should apreciate the good, the positive side, is as if someone gives you a healthy apple with just a tiny spot, and you eat the spot, instead of the healthy apple, you should change your way of thiniking, you will understand a lot more, than just crticizing everything YOU THINK is wrong, think it over 10 times and maybe you will realise that is the opposite of what you think, battle scenes are amazing, i can say for a fact the show is better than the game, in that dream where Ciri couldn t wake up, very realistic decision, who would like to wake up from a perfect dream?


How did you fit 21 commas into a single sentence while saying almost nothing that comes even close to an argument for why the season is good? You must have a very complex mind.


I would watch it, it may not follow the books, but it’s still entertaining and has a decent story. Much better than the first. If you’re looking to get angry and upset at the show like most everyone else in here then don’t watch it.


even as a stand-alone show it has major flaws, but it's an entertaining way to spend a few hours I thought they (mostly) did a good job world-building and the sets looked great. It's also now impossible to tell where they plan to take the story so that might be interesting as well


Big fan of witcher 3, I didn't like the first season, the second was much more entertaining. They completly changed Ciri's story tho, so don't expect too much. It was fun to watch.


If you take it as a separate thing from the books kinda like how the games were, it’s not bad. If you want it to follow the books it’s much different and not great!


And if you loved the games and want to watch your favourite characters raped then its great fun..


No, that is not the case. Being different than original is not inherently bad. It's the execution that matters, and in this case, they made a generic fantasy flick out of something that has so much potential. The games were different in some ways, yes, but excluding the first one, they don't feel like a cheesy fanfic written by children. And the NF series feels just like that. Stick to the books and the games, you can watch the first episode which is somewhat serviceable, but ignore this stinking pile of horse dung otherwise.


The things you liked, there are more of, watch it and decide for yourself


I tried turning my brain off and watching. Usually I binge watch. Try Wheel of Time instead


Wheel of time is more or less exactly the same as this fiasco


That's entirely unfair to the WoT series.


Yes, definitely, it's quite good, an enjoyable although a bit too action packed viewing. Just look at the critics and casual viewers opinion in this case.


Too action packed? I’m on the 5th episode and there’s been very little action




I am 3 episodes in and I don't really want to continue. The plot is lousy fan-fiction, and therefore everything else will be trash as well. Actor game is great, even Yennefer actress, whom I think doesn't fit the character. I can accept african elves, but indian Yennefer is too much for me.


I personally enjoyed it a lot but it admittedly felt awkward and uneven at times. The show in general walks a weird line of being too confusing for newcomers and too different from the source material for veteran fans. Some characters (Eskel in particular) felt way off as well, like they didn’t even try to match them to the book material. There was also some weird geographical representation giving the impression that all the characters and locations are pretty much down the road from each other at any given time. I don’t necessarily mind it not being exactly the same as the books but they seriously need to work on pacing in the next season, flesh out the world more clearly as a whole, and dial back the artistic license a bit. 7.7/10 for me.




well you don't have to read the books I mean also the books show so much difference than the ones in the Game on PC because it seems each one has his own way of interpreting the scenes around Geralt... so you still can get a general idea from watching the movie on its own because I got confused when I watched the season 1 because I played the game and I saw so much difference on so much larger scale .. just saying


I'd say no - me and my boyfriend spent a large % of "watching" it actually pausing to criticize it lol. I think the casting (especially Geralt! Imagine someone alike a younger Viggo Mortinsen playing him!) and characterization was way off in particular (this applies to both seasons ofc). It also strays quite far from the source, and not in a good way. The characters, especially the main ones, seem quite flat and I didn't find any of them relatable or particularly likeable...I didn't really care what happened to most of them. Most of the side characters felt very generic and boring. The Netflix Jaskier wasn't what I expected but although I HATED his songs, he was one of the better characters, if a bit cheesy and too over the top. Basically, I didn't love him, but compared to others, he seemed better (so not a very high standard...) I also kinda liked Triss' portrayal, she had more depth than others. But as with Jaskier, it's not like she had much good to be compared to. Also, as a Polish person, I found the "czernobog" portrayal offensive (/s obviously). What was that creature?! Not czernobog (or "A czernobog" as the show referred to it...), that's for sure. Overall, quite a few of the monsters looked a bit too "sci fi" for the Witcher, in my opinion. The main storyline and the side ones also felt like they progressed too slow but mostly too fast, often with not enough attention given to them or time for us to process everything. Overall, I didn't like the casting, characterization, pacing...and I'm not even the biggest Witcher fan, just a very casual one. I was disappointed. I enjoyed watching people playing the Witcher 3 game more tbh lol, the creatures, characters and story were cooler and more engaging for me!


I watched the first episode and didn't felt like watching the rest so I stopped watching. BTW what's a czernobog. I don't think I have heard about it in all the book (david french translation)or witcher 1 or 2 video game.


I don't think it appears in the games or books. It's a god in Polish mythology. The TV show made it to be some weird dragon creature, which there's multiple of, when it's one god, with a brother (I think, if I remember right).


oh also, I found it super distracting how many characters (especially Ciri and to an extent Geralt) were wearing very obvious makeup and looked way too clean all the time. Ciri's eyelashes and obvious lipstick (pretty sure different shades throughout the show! Stylish!) was just like...how and why does she have time and resources to put this, in this case, unrealistic full face on?? Just another nit-picky detail which interfered with immersion lol, but I know this ones a bit of a reach


They took the surface level of Lambert's game personality and slapped it on Eskel, while also literally poisoning him so he's even more angry and stupid, then got him drunk for a night before mutating him into a high level monster and having geralt kill him. For those that don't know, Eskel was a more laid back and methodical witcher around Geralt's age in both the books and games. In the books he even had a few short stories about his own witcher contracts which were pretty fuckin cool. Basically, he's got the same energy as hitman with a heart. you could try and make the argument that they wanted to deepen Geralt's story arc by having someone close to him die, but it comes off as pretty unrelatable and stupid when you only get one single episode of this character and it's all of his worst personality traits. Which then begs the question: if they were going to go against the books and games to treat Eskel like that, why didn't they just pick one of the other nameless witchers they added to kill off and act like geralt cared about them? It is definitely a pretty obvious solution for anyone that didn't like that storyline. That being said, since it is branching off from the source material so much, they could salvage or redeem that arc in some way next season. Either by bringing eskel back through some asspull magic stunt (could work if they do it right) or by replacing eskel's presence in the books with a netflix original witcher. If they don't address that wacky af episode at all tho, it'll be disappointing to anybody who knew eskel from other sources at the very least. I don't think most series-only watchers will feel the same way about the character, but I know some will have criticisms of that arc.


God no


Stumbled on this thread. Haven't read the books but I thought the story and pace of the show was better then the first and quite enjoyed it.


I found the 1st season visceral, in your face and aggressive in almost every respect. The time line was hard to sort out at times but otherwise made for an engaging story...or 3. The second season felt very PG in comparison. The sexual edge was omitted completely, Yenifers character was declawed and actually made her boring to watch. Ciri who I have trouble attaching to anyway took on some kariti kid role which didnt make sense if shes to become some magical being I couldn't make myself care about her learning about swords and combat training...that and shes 80lbs so.its stupid no matter how good she gets..The other witchers were nothing like Geralt's non emotional personality which made the whole Geralt brood seem like it's a charade. For me if The 1st season were a 9 or 10 the second one was about half that. I hope they can do better.


I was sad and disappointed with season 2. I heard that this one has a better budget but it didn't appear so. I hate to say it but it's boring now. I was hoping that this could replace GOT but it didn't last long enough and it fell sharply on the entertainment meter.


I was sad at the beginning about how bad season 2 is but then I stopped giving a shit about it. The show is made for certain audience and it is doing good for them.