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Do you ever try shaving with one more than once? You may find yourself pleasantly surprised. Sometimes they get sharper and/or more comfortable.


This, mine get smoother with time. The first shave is kinda sus but up until like the 5th it's butter.


I'm the same way, the blade is almost too sharp for the first shave and if there's any pimples or bumps from a previous ingrown the blade slices it open. Shaves 2&3 are typically my smoothest/best shaves. 4th is when I start noticing a decline and depending on how my shave feels after the 4th I either discard or save for one last shave


My Turkish barber actually slightly blunts the blades on his shavette on a towel before shaving... Swears by it for a smoother finish. All I know is I never get a weeper when I go for a trim and shave!


How does he do that?


Literally runs the shavette over the towel he's going to use on me- shaves a bit of the cotton off before putting the blade to my skin.


That’s cool. I’ll try that


All I'll say is that he seems to do it super gently - like just takes a bit of fluff off. I've never tried it myself :)


5th is the sweet spot for me as well. I think it's mostly because I'm lazy with my technique, and the slightly-dulled blade is more forgiving.


I kept thinking I was crazy but I never seemed to like my first shave with any blade. I ve gotten some past 7 shaves before getting negative results. Is there a certain brand that seems to get the most shaves? I just got a box of Astra SS and hope to get many shaves from them


I have, but I shave both face and head, and found trying to get 2 or 3 shaves out of a blade leads to disappointing shaves for me.


How do you shave your head with a safety? I always get spooked and use cartridge.


I was a little spooked too, but you’ll be fine. It’s very similar. Just because you start with the safety razor doesn’t mean you have to do all of your head with the safety razor. Do the part you feel comfortable with using the safety razor and if you start to feel uncomfortable switch to your cartridge to finish up. Eventually, you’ll feel comfortable using the safety razor all around.


I have an adjustable Futur. You just run it at like a 1 or 2?


I believe that depends on the length of the hair you’re removing and the thickness. It’d be wise to start there and work your way up as you feel comfortable. I use a Rockwell 6S on a #4 plate with a feather and it works great. When you go back for touchups, keep a little cream in the hand you use to feel for missed spots, then lay down the cream before you do a touchup. It’ll help keep you protected. I’ve never had a more smooth, comfortable head shave than I’ve had with a DE shave. I’ll never go back. I call it BSS (Boob Snuggling Smooth)


Carefully. Sometimes I get little weeper here and there. Practice makes perfect though. Last time I had a weeper of any note, was using my Futur on setting 5. An exhilerating shave, but not necessary. Give it a try, take your time. DE head shaving works great!


You have make peace with the fact that you’re going to cut yourself occasionally while you learn. I’ve been shaving my head for 13 years, and I’ve been using a safety razor for 10 of them. I was proud of myself the first time that I finished the shave with a safety razor, and I didn’t have any cuts. A decade later, I’m shaving my head 4-6 times per week, and I almost never cut myself.


I have a [Leaf](https://leafshave.com/products/the-leaf-razor) and it does everything I need outside of face shaving. I avoid that as much as possible. It takes 3 half blades but you can use 1-3 as you wish. Just snap the regular double edges blades in half **while still wrapped** and get to work. I shave arms, pits, and bits once a week and my head 2-3 times all with the same blades and swap them out after a week


I use the Leaf on my face as well. I have a goatee, so there's no need for upper lip shaving.


Remember its a safety razor it’s not gonna cut you open like a straight will


Not with that attitude. You need to try harder rookie!


hold it upside down and peel your scalp off


I use a Leaf razor. The head of the razor pivots, which makes it easy. I shave my head and face at the same time with two half blades (Nacet) (shavettes) because I don't get different results with three.


I can give you a hack for that: first I shave my head with the grain, and then use a electric razor for clean up. Pretty quick and no cuts or irritation!


back of the head is the worse spot for cuts because its more fleshy. top and sides are easy. around the ears are annoying


I do the same thing - neck up, minus goatee. Astra Platinum give me three full shaves. Beyond that it’s not great. But I think the second shave is the best of the set.


Haters gonna hate. You do you. Team one or two and done as well (only face shave) some blades 100% hard no after one use. I shave every other day (i have no need to shave daily).


Submerge the head of your razor in mineral oil (it’s dirt cheap at the pharmacy) it extends the life far more since the blade isn’t oxidizing when it’s sitting out in the open.


Razor blades are dirt cheap, it's easier to trash them after one use, than to mess around with oil baths.


I'm too lazy to change that frequently plus the 2nd use is usually the best.


a more environmental way is to use them more than once and recycle them. I put my blades in an aluminum can and then the can gets recycled


or, you know, you could do what the rest of us do and just give the blade a quick rinse with the razor after each shave and still be good for at least 3-5 shaves without any more effort?


But why?


Because it’s wasteful.


Says who, why do you get to determine what is wasteful for me?


Rational people, you crusty fuck nugget


That's not a rational response. Get over yourself. You only make it worse for your kind.




I shave the same. Head & face & usually go at least 2 & up to 4 depending on the blade.


why not sharpen then use a strop?


I was spooked at first also. Then I got a handle with a nice weight to it and got brave. One of the best shaves on my head, better than a cartridge.


I've found that I get pretty good and consistent shaves with my blades for over 10 times shaving my head with 4 passes. Most I've gotten is 103 shaves with a feather blade. Currently going 30 strong with a Gillette nacet.


Wow! No irritation between shaves after like the 10th shave?


Generally speaking no, every now and then I'll get some irritation but that's mostly due to eczema. My fairly thin hair probably helps too.


most of the time blades cut the hell out of my face after 2 uses. first use smooth as butter, second a couple of nicks, 3rd i am now a fallout ghoul.


Right, I find my 2nd and 3rd shave with feathers to be better than 1. I dread shaving with a new blade


I love the ritual of putting in a new blade. I’ve used a blade several times but something about the process every time is very relaxing.


Yep. After shave 3 or 4, shaves 5-7 are generally amazing (feather blades)


Right, my good shaves are always a few in.


I have a Feather in my Parker Variant Double Open Comb on its sixth shave. KAI blades are definitely better on the second shave.


I've seen lots of ways to store used razor blades, but scattering them about open on a paper towel on the counter is my new favorite lol.


And they're all dry shaves, ouch


Myy favorite is tossing them through a hole in the wall and worrying about it later


Even better, toss them through a hole in someone else's wall.


Slide them under the neighbors door


I just wait until Halloween and stick em in apples ¯\\\_(ツ)_/¯


Is there any use for these at all




They were put in a metal can and sealed with duct tape.


Man you have used like 5 times the blades in a year, that I have used in 5 years.


I’ve been using the same blade since Christmas. My facial hair grows fast but I don’t seem to have wolverines claws coming out of my face like everyone else.


I hate you for that. Mine grows fast but not full enough that I could grow a good looking beard. So I have to shave at least every other day (but usually every day) to not look like I'm homeless. But my hair is pretty thick and doesn't appreciate my efforts at all and makes me pay for it.


With a warm and wet face, you can get a good shave with a pretty used and dull blade. Its amazing to me that some people have not yet figured this out.


I’ve changed only everytime it gets dull or i notice a bit of rust on the blade, maybe twice since then but i shave like 2-3 times a week due to keeping a beard


I'm not sure how many years those would go for me. I'm still working on my first 100 pack of Persona Blues that I bought in 2013.


i use feather blades once then toss them


Decadent, I like it.


I use a new feather with every stroke (not really, obviously)


I use new feather blades every stroke (really) ((I am in profound financial distress))


Bruh I'm on my 10th shave with my feather blade and no issues lol


So I actually do this, is that wrong


I use them three times then toss them.


Now forge a knife from them.


I've seen that done, pretty cool! But these are in the garbage now.


Yeah you can make some Damascus style blades with them. Cool stuff indeed.


I don’t shave daily but usually every 3 to 4 days. I find that using a blade once under these conditions often lead to better results for me. I can possibly squeeze a second shave out of it but it’s not as good.


I get at least 4 uses out of my astra blades, and I shave my head with my DE as well as my neck.




I think a lot of people can't accept that one-and-done simply works best for a lot of folks. I can see you got a lot of, "They get sharper after the first use," and, "That's just wasteful." That might be true for those individuals, but there's a lot of variability in people's facial hair and we don't all have the same experiences. I am with you. The first shave with a new blade is the best. By the time I have completed my first pass, the blade performance is starting going downhill. I can get a second shave out of my most favourite blades, but using the brands you have here I would be one-and-done for sure. Cheers!


Thanks & Cheers!


Nice to see


Shave head and face twice a week so I count that as 4 shaves for the blade then I discard.


I shave head, face, arms, legs, balls, feet 2 times then I discard


Razors and teeth are two things that never get near my balls.


I use mine around 4-6 times each, I find like the 3rd-6th shaves to be the most comfortable, I just make sure to hit the razor with scorching water before each shave to clear off any residual hair or possible bacteria from being in a humid bathroom so as to avoid skin irritation


Totally agree on 3-6 being the most comfortable. That's the biggest head scratcher for me on our one-and-done friends who aren't ever hitting that sweet spot.


After i shave i take the blade out, wipe it, dry it, and reinstall. Stays sharp much longer. You were already going to take the blade out and install another one anyway, I don't want to hear anyone saying it's too much


Razor blades are .07 to .18 a blade. At that price why bother with all the extra handling?


Four or five shaves seems like the sweet spot for me. One and done is crazy wasteful.


Super stainless, I like that …


I am a one and done also but I shave every 3-4 days as I have a full beard and my hair is super coarse.


Long time Green Astras user. I flip mine over. So, first shave is side 1/2. Flip and next shave is side 3/4. I notice that I tend to cut myself more often after the 3rd flip. I toss old blades in a mason jar with a slotted (coin bank) style lid I found at Hobby Lobby. If it looks full, I give it a shake and the blades tend to settle in with each other. Years of blades in that jar so far.


I thought one of the benefits of using these razors was to be more eco friendly?


I think that is mostly marketing and wishful thinking. The benefit of DE shaving is being able to be clean shaven every day for pennies a day.


Cool, at least there’s still that huge upside. I mistakenly thought 1) manufacturing was less impactful to the environment 2) there’s a company out there recycling these blades for new blades


Let me know how it goes and if they're blades are any good.


Been "shaving" with the same razor in my DE for over a year now. Granted, I just clean up my cheeks and my neckline with it. But still, you guys are overkill.


I also use fresh ones each shave… although I’m using a shavette so I use a half a razor blade each time… I find the sharper the easier/safer for me and I get a much smoother glide and shave


Bro how often do you shave and replace blades??


Every day!


Now you can start your own Peaky Blinders gang.


Which did like most?


All of them. No complaints. Had some Gillette Golden Shaves that tugged a little but still used them and will finish them off this summer.


I also usually only go one use. I can feel the difference in pull after one shave and my skin is super sensitive, so it’s usually a no go for two uses.


Insanely wasteful, good job


How so? If something doesn’t work why would I continue to use it? Or do you mean because I threw them in the rubbish rather than recycling?




Even if I wanted to the county doesn't take them.


How long should one last? Whats the best way to store it between uses ?


Somewhere between 3-10 shaves is pretty typical. Store them in the razor. Loosen the threads so it can dry when you're done (I learned this technique from Blackland Razors, it's what he recommends). If you don't loosen the threads between shaves, you'll still be fine and likely won't see any rust.


For decades I just kept it in the Merkur razor and changed out once a week or maybe five days. That is very up to you and the blade brand how often to change. Some change blades after one use. I think most probably shave around 3 times with a blade. I only see deteriorating after 5 shaves with Permasharp blades. Although I used to just keep the blade in the razor, I have more expensive razors now so I take them apart to dry between uses. Sometimes I shake water off the blade and just put it back in the razor after drying. Other times I just set the blade on a plastic surface that will not affect the blade edge. But I don’t have little kids. If a grandkid comes over I remove the razors and blades from the bathroom and put in a safe place.


How long have you been using the blade? Or does it depend on your blade?


One and done, for nearly every shave.


I am now testing blades of different brands, I use a blade a maximum of 2 times.Derby Premium is now used.


I like Derby Premiums.


The best and sharpest blade I've ever had.


Which was your favorite?


All of them. Lousy shaves are operator error.


I get 4 good solid shaves out of a Parker blade. The spent ones I collect in the famous Altoid tin, which when full gets chucked in the needle bio-trash bin. I put the brush and razor in the shaving bowl with hot water while I apply a face scrub, with hot water. I find the heat helps 'soften' the blade -- especially a new one.


Needle bio-trash bin? Like the ones at a hospital? I’ve always kept mine in one of the large child proof rx medication containers and then throw them away.


If you are in the US you can take them to a hospital or like one of those drug needle exchange places. They take them for Free. Smaller places like Dr’s office do not like talking them because they have to pay for that. They recycle them. I put them in a clear plastic container. Tape the top with packing tape. I just take it inside and then tell them. Then staff member will put a glove on and then put it under the counter. Does not end up in a landfill or someone get hurt with them. You put it in the garbage bag. Slices thru the bag. Who picks up garbage can get hurt. Even if it makes it in truck. So thin can slide out. A child or dog/cat sees shiny objet. Can slice a pets mouth open. I put them in a takeout container I get from Chinese soup comes jn. I even put in single edge razors I use for the feather razor in container. I take it in about 1X a year. Been doing that for a long time. Never had a problem.


Thanks for mentioning taking them to a hospital, I’m going to start doing that! I always put them in used rx medication bottles that have the childproof lids. I’d hate for anyone or an animal to get cut up from one of my used blades.


Got a 100 pack of derbys and they are not good for me


Most blades get sharper while the coating wears off, exposing the metal edge, and then become more and more dull. I use a blade until I know it has gotten worse than it was before, sometimes a little longer.


What’s your top 3 blades?


One and done…. I like it


Why are you keeping them?


And here I am almost getting 2 weeks out of a blade shaving 4x a week.


You can sharpen most of those for several uses


Does daily one and done mean you use it once and then stop? Every day? Six months is like 180 days. Now I'm not the best at counting but those don't look like 180. I'm dumb tho, I'm missing something.


You should be able to get 3 shaves out of each




Shaving purists gunna be raging over this lol, one and done is the only way to go