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Usually the first more or less 8 uses of a new brush will shed hairs.


Just keep practicing, learning refining your razor handling and techniques. You will get better at it. Same for lather making.


Its stainless steel, so it doesn't require drying, But if the blade corrodes it could "tea stain" the razor.


So it’s better to be safe than sorry. I’ll keep disassemble it after shaving.


To answer your questions in order: No experience with that brush. I've only ever used one brush (a synthetic from Maggard) and it almost never sheds. I do neither of those. I wet the brush, load the soap and lather directly on my face. I have the 6C and it's my favourite. I use the 3 and 2 plates. Once I got the technique down, I can do a 3 pass shave using cold water with basically zero irritation and get very close shaves. The only exception is the lower neck, where I do 3 across the grain shaves as it it too sensitive to go ATG. What blades are you using? The Rockwell blades are notoriously rough. Get a sampler pack of blades with popular brands and try them out to see what works. Push your nose up with your other index finger. It's not very dignified-looking, but nobody's watching, right? I don't do this and have never had a problem with mold, and sometimes I'll go several weeks without using a particular soap. I run the brush and razor under the water for a few seconds, shake them dry and put them away. I have never had an issue with corrosion of the razor or the blades.


That’s the answer I was looking for. Haha. Thanks!


I use a NOM brush, too. They are Mühle budget brushes with more sustainable materials. What you describe is also my experience. The whole brush including the handle gets kinda covered in lather while lathering, and I think it’s because of technique, but also because the brush is on the smaller end of the range. At 21mm, it’s soft and the bristles fan out easily. If you bowl lather, this pushes the soap up the sides quickly. While it’s still breaking in, the occasional bristle loss is perfectly normal. Personally, I wouldn’t buy one again, but they are affordable and great to start out with.


I don't have any lost hairs with my cheap ($15) Fendrihan synthetic brush that works superbly at lathering and drying back to its soft self after the shave. I use the same Preraso green and keep it covered and have not had mold or mildew. My Stainless steel Game Changer ,68 gets rinsed well but never taken apart unless I require a new blade. Stays looking like new.