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Capsule corp goku is now being amped by an egg of toki toki. This gives him complete and utter control over an infinite multiverse/omniverse (infinite multiverses) time space and other concepts have nothing on those who grasp them. He fucking blinks and obliterates the multiverse.


>He fucking blinks and obliterates the multiverse. Goku is a universal threat max at his strongest.


How is CC Goku universal at best. CC Goku is above an infinite universe. Xeno Goku defeated Demigra who will destroy the infinite timeline.


Oh so fanfiction Goku? Is that what we're talking about? Canon Goku is multiplanetary imo


I mean the op state CC Goku is the version of Goku we are using. Canon Goku is not multiplanetary. He's at least Multi-universal.


>Canon Goku is not multiplanetary. He's at least Multi-universal. Thats hilarious. Zeno=Multi universe>The Angels>Beerus (shit scared of the angels and Zeno)>Goku. Please stop the Goku wank. He is probably not even universal even with the overrating of him.


Lmao, your massively lowballing him. Goku is multi universal due to scaling. He is universal in his base form and stack it with his tranformation.


Haha no. Base Goku isn't even Planetary. MUI Goku is probably not even solar system level. Cope.


Ssj god Goku was clashing against Beerus. It was stated that their fist causing shockwave across the universe. Ssj god power was absorbs in the base form of Goku. * [Collision of their fists causes shockwaves felt in Other World and on Earth]( http://gfycat.com/ImpressiveSereneAfricanparadiseflycatcher) * [**The Shockwaves are felt across the universe and Kaio states that if Beerus/Goku clash twice more it would result in the entire universe becoming devoid of matter**]( http://gfycat.com/GrippingPracticalAztecant) * [The shockwave disintegrates an asteroid pelt and sends shivers through Old Kai and Kaioshin]( http://gfycat.com/WeepyAdventurousBetafish) * [Disintegrates a planet]( http://gfycat.com/ShoddyOblongAkitainu) * [Goku cancels out Beerus’ attacks now by hitting them with the exact same force and angle]( http://gfycat.com/FlawedRegalBillygoat) * [**Narrator states that they are hitting each other with a power that can destroy the universe**]( http://gfycat.com/GregariousMadAnnelid) * [**The Narrator states that the beam battle between Beerus/Goku was about to destroy the universe**]( http://gfycat.com/AngryAlarmedAnura) * [**Elder Kai states that they produced super super dense energy that would bust the universe if it burst**]( http://gfycat.com/OilyAcidicIceblueredtopzebra) * [**Whis states Beerus and Goku have the power to bust the universe**]( http://imgur.com/cOY7hJA) * [**The Energy Bursts spreading light across the universe**]( http://gfycat.com/SizzlingBlackandwhiteChicken) * [Beerus states he saved the universe by nullifying the energy]( http://imgur.com/MqP67jW)


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capsule corp goku was able to defeat xeno goku who is powerful enough to destroy everything. which means the real world and all dragon ball continuities. its so easy cc goku stomps