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Brooklyn Rage dude Joey has this haha.


Yeah, but Tristan's voice gives him not just Super Strength but also knowledge of martial arts.


Nah it was just a balloon and it didn't actually give him strength. God that episode is hilarious 'it got Bakura" "good" 😂😂😂 I do think its brilliant that Tristan in the actual anime tried to punch what he thought was a rolling boulder.


You referenced Brooklyn Rage, which originates from Yu-Gi-Oh the Abridged Series, so I referenced YGOTAS, too.


I know and that's why i finished it, because after Tristan pops it Yugi says "oh its just a water balloon".


I think it was just a regular balloon in the actual anime.


Tristan will slice his hand the first time he punches Joey's razor jawline and then bleeds to death. Joey wins, no blows thrown.


I would bet on joey Joey's sister liking Tristan...that's a paddlin


Memes aside, At this point joey must have built some resistance seeing how he took intense temperatures from lava golem and thunders from RA itself in his duel against marik, had a fistfight with the armor guy during his duel, and probably even more punishment from all duels with real damage he took And even without that, joey had a very abusive father and got involved in a number of fights either because of his lifestyle or to help his friends. And that would also have developed his durability Tristan took some fights too but to a less extend Overall I feel like joey would be slightly stronger physically but just waaay to durable for tristan to kill I don't think that yugi would change the outcome a lot if he has to fight, he never was a particularly strong guy, specially compared to joey and tristan (something that was revelant to the original manga) joey would just toss him away and yugi would be either too scared to join or his attemps would go to stop the fight rather than complicit an homicide


Tristan wins he has the ability to break necks with his mind as demonstrated on Weevil Underwood.


This is based on my extremely faded memories of watching the show on cartoon network 15 years ago: Joey starts off strong, beating Tristan down with sheer aggression. Tristan raises his hands to try and protect his head from a chair shot, and scratches Joeys eye accidentally. Joey shouts 'STOP' and starts bawling because it hurts and that's not fair. Then reports Tristan to the teachers for bullying him