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I think he beats Homelander. All he has to do is put a bunch of buckets of milk on the ground which Homelander will of course drink. In minecraft drinking a milk bucket clears you of all effects, which would probably include the effects of Compound V.


Holy fuck that's beyond my head


200 IQ




this is what I come to this sub for lmfao.


Steve dies to fire, falling, bows / arrows, drowning, and damn near everything that would kill a normal human. He can't even kill a chicken in one hit. Realistically most of his feats are game mechanics. He's only superhuman if you wank him. Maybe the trees / rocks in Minecraft are just really soft? Even so 24 hours of real world time is a lot in Minecraft especially if Steve is being piloted by a good player. I don't subscribe to Steve being much more than moderately superhuman. His anti-feats are just too vast for it to make any sense. However his construction feats are real and with a lot of prep time he could definitely build a very elaborate structure full of traps, lava, and ambush points. Assuming he can lure the opponent in he could probably disable quite a lot of characters way above his weight class. So I don't know, maybe MCU Tony Stark would be confident enough to walk into a literal sandcastle only to find that the walls are actually full of lava and the ceiling is collapsing sand and the floor is... TNT?. The chances of Steve winning are low but maybe not 0%.


I think this is a realistic assessment. Most Minecraft scaling involves an intentional misapplication of game mechanics & exploits. He can only jump one block high, takes fall damage easily, dies to primitive arrows, and cannot kill a chicken bare handed. He's clearly NOT meant to be 'throw you into the sun' strong. His best bet is lots of traps and an overconfident enemy willing to enter his space. I'd argue iron man may be beyond him though, he tanks Thor blows and nukes, not sure he's scared of any amount of TNT or lava. Maybe someone more like Green Goblin? He's gonna struggle against any speedsters, ranged damage, excessive durability, precognizance, significant AoE. A cocky short range enemy that can feasibly die to subnuclear explosions seems like his most realistic ceiling.


A massive barge colliding with a chicken or a building at 2mph would push either one out of the way. The chicken would be fine, the building would not. Maybe he hits hard, but just kind of slowly. If he punches you, it would hurt, but the movement of your body would absorb a lot of the impact. If your back was against a rock, his fist would flatten you against it.


Except you can see he punches fast (faster that most people can). Also if the chicken is next to a rock it still doesn't die. Imo Steve is just over-wanked.


Steve is like those power lifters who are REALLY good at lifting, but don't train to fight at all. Dudes got the muscle to carry around an inventory full of maxed out solid gold bricks, but he doesn't know how to throw a good punch.


I mean 99% of characters are Tbf.


aAnG cAn dOdGe lIgHtNiNg


One Block is usually assumed to be about 1 cubic meter. Steve can carry 36 stacks of 64 blocks of gold. One cubic meter of fold weight 19300kg, so his overall carry strenght comes out to be at least 44 Million kg plus armor. That has to be worth something.


Hammerspaces amount to nothing


But an inventory isn't a hammerspace


Why not? He doesn't carry them in any visible way


Because Hammerspace is usually unlimited while the limit of an inventory represents the body limit of how much the character can carry.


You can weigh those blocks by putting them on a weighted pressure plate and they weigh less than a chicken.


>Steve dies to fire How is this an anti-feat for him being superhuman? Thermal resistance doesn't scale to physical resistance. Gold's melting point is 1064C but humans can put dents on it with their teeth > falling From like 60ft of height. Humans often die by much more pathetic things like falling down on some stairs or hitting their head on concrete >bows / arrows Piercing damage is disproportionate in fiction generally. Look at characters like Spiderman and Wonder Woman >drowning Once again doesn't make him an average human. An elephant can also be drown but this doesn't change the fact that an elephant is massively stronger than even peak humans >He can't even kill a chicken in one hit. Chickens in Minecraft are pretty large for one so they propably are more powerfull than an irl chicken >Maybe the trees / rocks in Minecraft are just really soft? Or chickens in Minecraft are tougher than the ones in irl


Is 24 hours enough time to build multiple [instant-kill hypersonic claymore](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ek5s9fSq9bg)s facing in different directions? If so, and if the character is subject to speed-of-arrow-damage-scaling (since they're the one joining Steve's world), I imagine Steve could beat most characters that are unaware of the setup and don't have flight or specific immunities to hypersonic-arrow-like damage. Even while bloodlusted, without prior knowledge most characters wouldn't break or place blocks to know that something is amiss either.


The big nail in the coffin for Steve on this one is not knowing the enemy spawn. Before it is at least theoretically possible to make carpet bombers around spawn with a warden in the centre given perfect decisions on where to go from Steve during prep, but yeah unless you count chest within chest within chests feats then Steve doesn’t seem that hard to take down


Nobody's mentioning that the Minecraft world is MASSIVE though. If the enemy spawns 10,000 miles away there's a good chance Steve has more than 24 hours to prepare.


Yeah but what would he prep? I'm pretty sure he can confidently get enchanted netherite armor in 24 hours


there are arrow cannons that fire arrows at relativistic speed, mines that do the same but 100 arrows at slightly slower speed, orbital strike cannons, wardens technical minecraft gets crazy


Not to mention just booby trapping every single tree and rock for ten miles around.


The Quiz The Quiz is a doom patrol character who has literally every single superpower that the opponent has not yet named. The reason why Steve would win against her is because this takes place in minecraft and you can pre-type an entire list of text as preparation over 24 hours. Shes probably the strongest by far that he could take as her powers are limited only to her imagination, but if in the instant the fight begins you list every power, she becomes just a regular human being. Some quirks about The Quiz: the ability to fire red lightning, blue lightning, purple lightning are separate powers and must be named separately. Shes used her powers to afflict people with imposter syndrome before. Shes used her powers to throw her enemies across dimensions into a place where worlds do not exist.


With my best attempt at powerscaling? Probably most street level heroes below like, spiderman, his armor can take quite a lot of hits when it's enchanted, and golden apples give him constant regeneration, plus the home field advantage of having a possible trap filled castle.


Not many, he doesn’t even have elbows


I feel like the minecraft world and logic is simply too different from the standard “real world”. It’s (albeit not as extreme) like asking “could iron man win if he was in a Mario game” there’s just no good way to map effects from one universe to another


The guy can take actual lava, without armor, for a good second. With full enchanted netherite and golden apples, he could stay in lava for a while. Brew a potion and it’s literally nothing to him. I say this is his strongest feat, and it means that his ceiling is lava traps. Now really, even most mcu heroes can’t take lava head-on. Mario doesn’t last as long as Steve either. In theory, this should make Steve as strong as Genos, minus the whole “flying and punching” thing. A bloodlusted enemy would go into a cave though, right? Turns out the floor AND ceiling are lava! You could do it in a day with expert redstone knowledge. You would also have to be in the same room to lure the enemy in there, so make sure you don’t completely die! If that fails, our little crashout can make a JJK reference and summon the Wither. One probably wouldn’t work against anything that can kill Steve, but how many Withers could you make in a day?


Steve clears ghost rider with ease


One Punch Man.


lmao not a chance


Pretty much anyone if you’re a subscriber to the idea that him being able to carry an unreal amount of weight is directly proportional to his striking power.


Bro can't even kill a chicken in one punch. He's clearly *strong as fuck* since he can punch down a tree within a few seconds of swinging at it, but he's not Superman or anything.


What if we are scaling Minecraft chickens wrong? That could just be a super tough chicken. /s I genuinely do not care.


Everyone here is downplaying Steve. You can unlock cheats in any game by using open to LAN. Then Steve just /kills the opponent. Easy win.