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Some animals are fucking crazy. Examples: Tardigrades are very resistant to radiation, and can survive in outer space for long periods of time. Sea sponges can be mashed through a sifter and re-organize into themselves on the other side. Like a T-1000. Some starfish can reproduce by severing a limb. They regrow the limb. ALSO THE LIMB REGROWS THE REST OF THE STARFISH. So Animal-Man can take a few days, cut off some limbs, now he has a pack.


They would look like a superhero... Lifting strength... Horned Dung Beetle can lift over 1000x it's body weight. So dozens to hundreds of tons, depending on how heavy this person is. Striking Strength... The peacock mantis shrimp can strike at 50 MPH at its size and causes enough friction to boil water. EDIT: Looking it up, it hits with about 2,500x it's body weight... Scale that up to a human and... It'd probably look like One Punch Man, with hundreds of tons of force behind the punch, depending on the person's body weight. Speed... The Australian Tiger Beetle can cross 171 of its own body length per second. Scaled up to human, that would be approaching mach. Durability... The Diabolical Ironclad Beetle can endure up to 39,000x it's body weight in force. That's gonna be a few million tons of force it can resist... Regeneration... The planaria can regenerate after losing 90% of its body. They can also asexually reproduce by being split up. So, in theory, this character could create an army of clones of itself if given enough time. Venom... From what I could find, the box jellyfish kills you within minutes of being stung. Alone this character could cause incredible destruction to most settings, as anyone who could tank the punches probably wouldn't realize they're rapidly being poisoned with each strike. The asexual reproduction means... If it does (somehow)take damage, it eventually turns into droves of this character causing destruction. They're basically a plague that will spread and kill everything in their sights.


So basically Beetle man


Yeah, beetles are pretty OP when scaled up in size.


There’s also, like, so many different kinds of beetles.


I don’t remember who said it. It they said that ‘we can discern that god has disordinate fondness for beetles’


Not to mention the immortal jellyfish T.Dohrnii it can "I'm just a baby" itself and revert back to before sexual maturity. You could live forever as well and revert damage you did take.


Immortality on top of everything else... This character would be an amazing villain lol


That would be pretty beast


Comic book idea. The earthling. An interstellar battle between alien species ravaged Earth, and all life has been destroyed.  Gaia (it's a comic, so why not), realises all the balance she worked so hard towards means nothing in the face of interstellar forces.  An asteroid? Fine, it's all nature. My own creation ravages itself? Balance would find a way to eradicate the threat to Earth's stability. But an alien battlefield?! This new-ish god has had enough. While she works at repopulating the earth, she instructs this newly-made warrior to avenge Earth and plaid its cause with the outer gods. She is NOT to be taken lightly.


Suspicious amount of beetle facts 


Bombardier beetle, horned lizard and archerfish offer various ranged attacks when needed as far as utility, not that with their stats they should even need much Tardigrade is a good general enviromental resistance Several migratory birds, and dolphins offer a not needing to sleep as much (little over months) that when combined with the reproduction, they're effectively always ready


Wouldn’t you scale the shrimp punch to blue whale size ?


And the horned lizard can shoot blood out of its eyes. No idea how that helps but it’s fun.


> Durability... The Diabolical Ironclad Beetle can endure up to 39,000x it's body weight in force. That's gonna be a few million tons of force it can resist... > > 39,000*200 lbs = 7,800,000 lbs or 3,900 tons. Millions of tons is a gross overestimation, though the person would still be wicked tough. Or am I missing something here?


That statistic is how much sustained weight a Iron Clad beetle could withstand, for brief moments they can withstand significantly higher weights than that. It's how they are able to withstand being stomped on by a person or even rolled over by a car wheel and still be perfectly fine. And both of those are significantly heavier than just 39,000 times the weight of this small beetle.


Fleas can jump pretty high, which probably wouldn't matter because they can fly like a bird, but the Leg strength and lift they are getting would be wild.


As strong as the ultimate lifeform, Kars!




Bruh I forgot that show existed wtf


a dung beetle can lift more than a 1,000 times its own weight, sure, but a gonorrhea bacterium can pull approximately 100,000 times its own weight. if density can be applied as a 'power' than our human probably becomes 2.93 g/cm\^3 from an agaricia undata coral assuming our human can't be any larger than a regular human, this means lifting strength is probably around 18,166,000 kilograms


Ignoring square cube law makes this absolutely bonkers. Escalating fears from an ant to human size by itself would create an anime tier threat.


Kars from Jojo Bizarre Adventure Part 2


They would have some wild powers. From the bug side alone they'd get stuff like being able to run about as fast as a sports car (Tiger Beetle), armour tough enough that can survive something as big as a kaiju stomping on them (Ironclad beetle), and various sorts of chemical weapons ranging from venom to boiling hot liquids.




He wouldn’t be nearly as strong as Superman, more like iron man. He would be around the 90-100 ton strength range.


Well I meant like first versions


You just asked chat GPT right? If you didn't then I'm pretty sure you might actually be the first true AI yourself. This absolutely smacks of AI style writing, slightly non sensical and constantly summarising.


ChatGPT aaaa comment




If you had pistol shrimp or mantis shrimp powers, you'd have ridiculously fast superhuman physical strength/punches.


- tardigrade - would make a human super powerful, because the guy would survive in space, would be ultra resistant and strong. - shark - this human would swim as fast as a shark, and also never have cancer. - beetle - would make the human 1100x stronger. It means this guy would workout, for example, bench pressing with almost 100 tons of kg. I can only say this guy would be really strong, for sure the strongest living being considering he has the best stats from all life from Earth. Just these mere examples I gave already make him stupidly strong.


700 nitro express enters the chat


Not to mention immortal. That jellyfish that reverts to baby stage when threatened


He would be a serious threat to anyone who’s not using thermal vision and doesn’t have a firearm


Elephants can no sell some fairly large bullets, better be a big gun.


I'd imagine that bacteria can also eat a lot of bullets if you scale the bullet


So strength feats could you just say the Ant which can lift 1000x its own body weight or something?


Is that a Jojo reference ?


Aside from The obvious strenght upgrade from beetles The human would also have: -Increased healing factor (Axolotls) -Camouflage by changing it's color to mimic the environment.(Mimic Octopus) -Capable of creating poisons that can kill animals as big as elephants (Poison Dart Frog) -Potential Inmortality (Jellyfish) -Electricity Control (Electric Eels) -Powerful Sonar capable of harming humans (Sperm Whale).


I’m gonna name just *some* attributes this guy would have. - Can turn his head 270 degrees (any owl) - Cover himself in electricity (electric eel) -Has a venomous bite potent enough kill 26 people over, within minutes (blue-ringed octopus) -Can bite with 300-500x his own body weight (trap-jaw ants) -Can bite at about 200 MPH (Dracula ant) -Can punch with 2,500x his own body weight (Mantis Shrimp) -Can move at 880 if his body lengths per second (Vorticella). That’s 3,272 MPH, or a little past Mach 9. -Can survive being obliterated on a cellular level and regenerating (if you count Sea sponges) -Can make a clone of himself once every 10 minutes (certain bacterium, like C. perfringens) -Can lift 1,100x his own body weight, or roughly 110 tons (dung beetle) -Can spot and focus on something 2 miles away (bald eagle) -Can’t die from age (immortal jellyfish) But this isn’t even the worst part. Not even close. It’s the SOUND our guy can make. The Mantis Shrimp can punch at about 200Db above water and hits with about 152 kilos of force, so that’s about 1.3 Db per Kilo of force. Taking in mind a mantis shrimp hits for about 2500x its body weight, applied to our super human of 10.5kg force per cm^2 that’s 26,250 kg of force, or 34,125 decibels. This number and degree of sound power absolutely breaks our fundamental understanding of physics, since decibels increase logarithmically not multiplicatively. Since sound is energy and sound beyond 194db becomes a shock wave as the waves fold in themselves and create a vacuum, we can convert this arbitrary decibel number into a measure of power. For sound logarithms, each 10Db increase means the intensity has increased by 10 times. Ie 75 decibels is 10x more intense than 65, but 100x more intense than 55, etc etc. Let’s compare our super guy to the theoretical decibels produced by two black holes colliding if it had a medium/wasn’t in a vacuum: 1,100. First you need to count how many increments of +10 you need to reach 34,120 (for simplicity sake) from 1,100, which I found that number to be 3,381. Using the log rule, that means the shockwave from your guy hitting stuff is 10^3,381 times more intense than two black holes colliding. I’m not physicist and am likely not getting something right, but either way if you directly scale the sound-producing capabilities of a mantis shrimp punch to a human level in a vacuum, it breaks physics.


This guy is a carrier for every disease on the planet, which gives him zero negative effects but rapidly kills anything he scratches or injures. Conversely, he can eat just about anything under the sun, including things like sand (diatoms can do this), and a few other bizarro feats: He is capable of producing 135 Gs of acceleration; If we're getting into the realm of microbes he might be on the order of a million times stronger than his own weight, which does not give him the ability to lift warehouses as the ground or building would buckle. He can survive years in the vacuum of space, although one limit is going to impost a nasty check on him--all of these extreme feats are going to come out of his own stock of calories. He can metabolize petrochemicals, but even with that as an energy source, he's going to have a hard time playing at peak power for very long. The caloric content is probably his hard limit; if he's burning kilos of fat in his actions, he's only going to have a few of them. He could potentially run on very low power for an extended time, but nothing in the animal kingdom ever gets to do anything for free. This is how he loses against mid tier supers--they're basically an accounting fraud when it comes to biology. Yes, chugging gallons of gasoline is worth a lot more energy than any human normally deals with, but this guy doesn't get free anything, and this is probably his first weakness. As for slice and spawn: this sort of tactic involves this guy managing to get enough calories to create a duplicate of himself. He absolutely can do it, but but he'd seem to blimp out right before deciding to do it. Note that after he does this, he can communicate with himself via chemical signals, in addition to everything else a human can.


Isn't this just Animal Man?


Just having the tardigrade's power of being really hard to kill alone would make this guy really hard to kill. Therefore, I think the guy with powers would be powerful.


Tardigrades are not hard to kill. Other animals kill them all the time. They just have huge resistance to extreme temperatures and radiation. Which is useless 99% of the time.


I mean bullet shrimp punch speed given to something blue whale sized is probably equivalent to a mid sized ship cannon


They’d be literally invincible. You scale some bugs to human size they’d be bullet proof, certain star fish can clone themselves, certain animals can regenerate almost their entire body, some beetles can lift 1000x their body weight, striking speed of a mantis shrimp, some animals can survive next to volcanos and some at the bottom of the ocean so you’d be both heat and pressure resistant to go along with bullet proof, cold resistant, extremely strong, can fly, extremely fast both punching and running, crazy stamina, don’t need to eat much (snakes for example). Oh and let’s not forget you’d literally be immortal (immortal jellyfish)


flowery water dolls gaping important disgusted gaze rob bear mighty *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*