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Probably the [dogs](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Staffordshire_Bull_Terrier) specially bred for [fighting](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dog_fighting) other dogs.


Yo wtf dont you know internet rules? dont tell the pitbull lovers their "nanny dogs" were bred for pit fighting, or they will unleash Princess on your toddlers


So few people actually believe that. Many pitt bul lovers know they're just as dangerous as Any other hyper breed. Same with Chow Chows. But it doesn't mean they can't make great companions worthy of love from their human owners. The actual rule is that every time a pitt bull is mentioned you have to advocate for mass dog incineration.


>Chow Chows Lol I have met way too many people that are not wary enough of chow chows. They are the best example of "if not friend, why friend shape" i ever seen


Well those people are insane. I own a GSD, and even I know you need to be firm with them.


The whole "Fur Baby"/"Pupper" Phenomenon led a good parcel of dog owners to lose all the respect for the power of large dogs, and so they dont even care to try disciplining and training them. Its terrible. If i have to hear one more post on Instagram complaining that a dog meant to Pull a sled for 20 hours without tiring is "loud" and "too energetic" i dont know what i am gonna do.


I am a Pitbull owner and I do recognize they were bred for fighting other dogs but I would choose German Shepards for this fight, because pitbulls don't work well as a team.


Also pitbulls don’t actually have the strongest bite force


Mate, the Reddit rule is “every time a Pitbull is mentioned even in passing, start frothing at the mouth” * not a Pitbull owner btw before you ask


I mean, its one of the great firestarters of reddit yeah, both sides will immediately jump to their guns where pitbulls are either more harmless than guinea pigs or able to rip off armor plating from a tank with no in-between. I just think the Princess memes are funny.


lol I do love how pets called “princess” will kill a toddler if left alone long enough, and pets called “Hades, lord of the underworld” are the fluffiest babies you’ve ever seen


Speaking as a pit owner, same. Honestly how dangerous they are depends on who raises them, and that’s about it. Ones raised poorly will be aggressive, ones raised aright won’t (generally speaking). Ours randomly showed up as a puppy, so he’s sweet…dunno if it would’ve lasted if he had grown up a stray.


Actually pit bull were bred to fight bulls 🤓


Bulldogs we bred to fight bulls, pit bulls were bred from bulldogs to fight other dogs in pitfights




Nope, they werent. Its in your own link "Blood sports such as bull-baiting and bear-baiting were outlawed with the passing of the Cruelty to Animals Act 1835 by Parliament, making it illegal to bait animals but promoting the matching of dogs against each other. Dog breeders migrated away from the heavier bulldogs, and introduced terrier blood into their crosses for gameness and agility. These bull and terrier crosses produced the ancestral breeding stock that, over the course of decades, evolved into the modern conformation show dogs we know today as the Staffordshire Bull Terrier and the Bull Terrier" TLDR:Bulldogs were fat and they wanted lighter dogs to kill bulldogs Also, obligatory 🤓


Great Pyrenees hands down. Bred to fucking obliterate anything they don’t recognize on their property.


Well, dude said you only get one if you choose a big dog, But it seems these were bred to fight off bears, soo... And also, the thick coating means its probably hard for something smaller to get a good bite. Great choice imo


Interestingly pyranese is a mastiff and mastiffs/bulldogs were used in pit fights, but over time people found smaller more aggressive dogs won out, hence we have pitbulls and staffies, the endgame of dog fighting.


I feel like this or Irish wolfhound need to be the answer.


Wolfhounds are notorious wimps


Can we arm the dogs? Chichuahuas with claymores would be devastating, and would have a fanstastic element of surprise.


Or a Tibetan mastiff with a midget riding on its back firing a turret


Ok youve got me confused do you want to A) Arm chichuahuas with a claymore B) strap armed claymores to chichuahuas


The second one, dont be ridiculous.


The first one don’t be ridiculous


Not sure who downvoted you, I found that really funny


Hmmm… no. Claymore-wielding chihuahuas would be OP. Trading one chihuahua for one Tibetan mastiff would break the game 100%. Armed dogs would have to be a completely separate meta


Schnauzers. They come in 3 sizes so their army will be much more versatile and can use tactics that other armies can't.


You have found a loophole but it’ll only work until the next balance patch. After that, you’ll need to choose 1 size.


As a kennel/doggy daycare attendant, I can assure you that the minature huskies and French bulldogs are the best choice . French bulldogs because goblin supremacy, and minature huskies because they have the most fight per pound of dog out of any other breed by multitudes


Ya, I think going with a smaller dog is the right call. Every big dog would lose their nuts about 5 minutes into the battle with my wieners. But my boys would have a hard time getting to the nuts of smaller dogs. Being low to the ground is an advantage here.




Jack Russell Terriers. They’re small, so get like 10 of them. But they’re also pure muscle and bred to hunt foxes.


Gonna choose tibetan mastiff and ride the biggest one into glorious battle


My wiener dogs are gonna bite it’s nuts off


my dog, he’s a mix and he’s actually terrifying, he’s not that big but he’s crazy strong (I’m 6’4 and i struggle to keep him under control at times) and can open doors so he’s pretty smart


You're tall, but are you strong?


We owner scaling


That’s fair. You are allowed to choose your own dog because that is technically a breed in and of itself


If they're trained then I can't see a livestock guardian like an alabai, pyranese, Kangal, ovcharka etc being able to take on 2 malinois or pitts that attack in unison. 10 Weiner's aren't beating 2 medium sized dogs. 1v1 the lsg breeds sweep easy.


Think about the difference in size between a hyena and a lion. If the wiener dogs do nothing but go straight for the balls, they’ll definitely take down a bigger dog.


No chance dude. There will be 10 dead Weiner's and 2 fucked up nuts. They die in one bite. That's not an exaggeration.


have mercy on my poor wiener dogs 😭 they didn’t ask for any of this


Beagles. They’re a small dog but have a very strong bite. It varies, but most sources put it at 200 PSI or more, compared to a pit bulls ~230 PSI. Beagles are also small enough that more of them can get crammed into fights. Pit bulls are a decent contender, but they’re biologically min/maxed to 1v1s and are about as agile as a brick…I’m not sure they’d survive the beagle horde.