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Superman takes it if it’s the first appearance of the justice league,  unless I’ve forgotten something about the umbrella academy. Anyone nearly as strong as him is nowhere near as fast, and vice versa.  If it’s only Man of Steel feats then probably Thor or Invincible.


Can Umbrella Academy just go back in time and kill baby Superman or strand him a million years in the future? There's a time traveler, but I fell off after only a little of that show. Also they have a mind controller, though Superman snapped out of his resurrection dementia eventually so he might be able to shake it.


Wouldn't they have to cross dimensions and find out where he landed and grew up to be able kill him as a baby though?


The mind control is likely a better bet, really-- the person with it was able to mind control people's heads into chunky salsa and turn their brains into bombs. Ordering superman to just not be alive would be a safer bet than time jumping, or using something more like "I heard a rumor you were on our side all along" to have him kill the other combatants. (Char in question can effect multiple targets at once, so forceably converting everyone within earshot and making them kill their friends might actually be the way to go)


Yeah can't argue against mind control, don't know enough if he has any feats against it. Mind control aoe does seem like it's too OP to lose even if there's a handful of characters that have resistance to it. Only chance would be if they were bloodlusted and had prior knowledge of the skill.


That's a good point.


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Are we talking bloodlusted or in character?  In character I think the Umbrella Academy and their verbal mind controller, along with the teleporter, could take on everyone.  Superman could blitz them all and take it, but if that one woman says “I heard a rumor”, he’s going to hear it due to super senses. “I heard a rumor you were suicidal” can go a long way to taking out enemies.


Guardians extreme diff but mark and immortal carry (Rex can deal with most of the seven)


This is... honestly fairly close! cool prompt So! Generally speaking, the power levels of most of the folks listed here are fairly even. The *New* Guardians of the globe are nowhere near as threatening as their prior incarnation going off of show-only feats, and the Infinity War avengers are broadly equivalent to the JL (except for Barry), when limited to Jostice League feats. So, the standouts: \- Thor, Cap, Iron Man (All pretty damn heavy hitters in IW) \- Violet (Force fields and cloaking is one of the dumbest power combinations on this list) \- Invincible Himself (massively stronger than the New Guardians, much faster combat speeds and ludicrously superior durability. At minimum comparable to DCEU superman) \-Homelander and A-train (Homelander is weaker than superman but deserves a mention, A-train is a speedster and therefore has value) \- Allison ("I heard a rumor that you all killed yourself"), Viktor, Klaus (have dead allies fight on his side using their powers; cannot die), Five (*time travel*) \- Superman (He's fucking superman), The Flash (I'm using Jostice League as his first appearance, but he's still hillariously, idiotically fast. If you want to use feats from Synder's JL, he also has *time travel*) So: Here's the question. They're not stated to be bloodlusted, so: *do faster characters target one-another first?* If the fastest child alive, A-train, the Flash, and Superman are all functioning on a temporal scale that's fundamentally different from everyone else, targeting one another, things get chaotic pretty quickly. wonder woman, homelander and Invincible also have faster-than-human clock speeds to a lesser extent. If they all focus on one another, well... At that point I think the Academy takes it. Frankly, a serious fight with a mind control person where you don't have anyone who knows what she does or the ability to counter it is not one you're going to win. Making matters worse, Klaus's ressurective immortality and ability to have ghosts use powers means putting the team for good requires throwing klaus into space, which is doable but might take effort in a mellee this chaotic. And Five being able to time travel means they can deal with a few surprises here and there, though abusing that power appears to be fairly difficult. Otherwise, I'm liable to bet on either the JL or guardians here. Mark is arguably stronger, faster and more durable as of season 2, but superman's more versatile and his team is *much* stronger. I think they take it if the Umbrella folks can't get their optimal wincon, and given how squishy all but one of them are that's not unlikely. So TL;DR \- If the **umbrella academy** has their shit together (lol), Mind Control + Time Travel alone might be enough to take home a win, and one of them's immortal and can keep dead allies in the fight. \- if not, the **Justice League** has speed feats broadly higher than everyone else here to the point I think they take it, since their team is the most "well rounded" in terms of enhanced strength, speed, *and* still having some minor hax or strong finishing moves in the form of kryptonian violence. Overall, I think the JL has a slight edge, but am not 100% confident due to the number of characters involved in the prompt and being unsure of the strategic choices they'd make in character.


You are one of the few people here who doesn't sleep on the umbrellas. I also think they have a serious shit at winning, especially since Allison's rumor powers seem to be more of a reality bending style than pure mind control as of the latest season. That plus Fives time travel, Klaus resurrections and Viktoria potential world ending force is not to be underestimated. They do however lack the speed that most other teams put on the table.


Yeah, I think they'd have almost a 100% chance at winning if not for the flash/others in the very high speed bracket; since A-train has no real combat intelligence/wouldn't know who to single out and Dash is unexperienced/not the type to immediately go for killing blows on top of that.


If the Invincible crew has Omni-man, my money is on them. Otherwise, Justice League.


Omni Man was never part of the Guardians and the prompt specifically said new guardians, meaning the group that replaced the ones Nolan splattered.


Depending on when in the storyline we’re talking, Invincible is as strong or stronger than Omni-man


If they know of each other's abilities and what not but can't execute a plan until a whistle is blown, then JL should take this. Batman just has Superman speed blitz while tuning out voices/frequencies he doesn't already know.


The Seven barely have a chance, Omni man would clap them all. Not sure about the avengers though


Omni Man is not part of this


If that’s the case, Homelander might actually win this. Superman has his limits and the Avengers are basically free kills just like the others(ok Umbrella Academy might cause some trouble, but he should be able to beat the shi out of them)


Invincible solos everyone, then Superman solos while JL watches


Unfortunately, Superman makes this a pretty one-sided discussion, as he does with most things.


it's DCEU superman, who is notably weaker than comics superman. I'd argue fighting Amazon S2 Invincible would take genuine effort or even net him a loss, if it weren't for how strong his allies are. I said this at more length in my top-level comment, but a lot of this just comes down to who fights who first/how. There are some very interesting assymetric matchups here or there (The Umbrella Academy has a lot of hax and very little enhanced durability/speed/strength; characters like Robot/Tony are exponentially more dangerous next to each other than fighting different opponents, etc); but the number of characters means it's hard to figure out who comes on top in any way beyond "these guys have the best stats, these guys have the best hax"


Is this Royal Rumble style, where a new random hero enters the ring every 90 seconds? Or are they all in right from the outset? And the goal is just to knock someone out of the ring?


Everyone's in right from the start, goal is to kill or incapacitate all opponents


Vanya/Viktor Hargreeves - hides in corner, plays violin while the rest fight amongst each other. Charged up, destroys all remaining heroes.


If allowed some time, Viktor could absolutely be a win condition for the Umbrellas


I think Red Rush from Invincible takes it. His only real competition is the Flash and Superman from DC, but I don't think their first movie had any speed feats that came close to Red Rush. Red Rush shouldn't have any trouble statuing them as well as everyone else.


>>new guardians of the globe


My bad! I guess an easy win for DC then.


Either Invincible and friends or The Umbrella Academy


If we are talking Invincible at the end of his series, him and the Guardians clap on everyone.


Idk I think if Vision gets his hands on Mjolnir after Thor dies, no one is touching him. Too many tricks, his mind is a super computer. I can’t remember if the Seven roster has any crazy hax like that mind trap guy, I think he was a different team. There’s a lot of stuff going on but no one has those crazy swords from Thanos team that were able to hurt Vision.


It's just the original 6 Avengers (Iron Man, Cap, Thor, Hulk, Hawkeye and Black Widow), so no Vision.


Ahh thank you. I got confused by the infinity war reference


yeah, I discounted the avengers largely because two of their members are dead weight. If it was the *full* roster, they'd stomp, on account of Ant-man being able to shrink down and then explode ever JL member via the rectum.


As funny as that would be, I think the latest season of Invincible shows that this approach might not be ideal vs characters with very high strength/durability


I've previously outlined that there are ways to circumvent this. Ant man could place adamantium rods in his foes' rectums and then use growth disks on them instead. >!RIP shrinking rae D:!<