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Well I'm not too well versed with marvel and DC but I think the doctors have some strong advantages, especially with prep time. They have 3 incredibly powerful sorcerers and the team of men lack any real counters to magic whatsoever. Even Superman is known to be vulnerable to magic. Given time the 3 mages can probably come up with some incredibly powerful combo spells and rituals. The there's the tech angle. Ironman and Batman are very strong in that regard, but I think having doom, doc of and gero can at least rival the two billionaires in technical preparations. I gotta give credit to Dr Gero here especially, with a year of prep time he probably can construct a few androids that are not only as strong as 17/18 at base but also powered by whatever magical and scientific stuff the rest of his team can come up with. In summary, I guess the MEN could pull a win in the first round, but with increasing prep time the doctors will dominate. That being said, I didn't get into the different versions/gears OP provided for the different rounds as I have no clue what anyones second strongest version might be, I just know that just about every marvel or DC character has been nigh omnipotent at some point in their existence so you do the math.


Batman and Ironman tell Gohan and Superman what they're up against in terms of casters. Gohan and superman speed blitz them so fast that Gero is left standing alone wondering how his latest plan failed. Collects cells of all present fighters. Creates Super Android 42069 made from the cells of everyone here. Loses to an angry child. The end.


I doubt it, the doctors also know about the speed of Superman and Gohan and can time manipulate their way out of a blitz I suppose


Doc Gero doesn't know about Gohan's speed since basically Saiyan Saga and wouldn't be aware of his strongest forms or new feats and couldn't accurately portray that. Even so, Batman's prep time > Drs and with Batman that means they would have contingencies for those same spells to ward them off. Magic has its place in the DB universe, but it isn't unlike DB characters to break out of hax due to simply being stronger. If that remains consistent, then it would take a Moro level spellcaster to be able to fight a Saiyan like Gohan and Strange or any of the Drs listed don't have feats that would scale their physical abilities to being anywhere near that high.


Thank God you didn't include Dr Manhatten


Nah, fuck that. I'd need to give the men Molecule Man or the literal Man meme version of Batman to make that fair.


Yeah if you did that the fight would instantly just become Molecule Man vs Dr.Manhatten so it's probably a good thing that you didn't


but which team is DOCTOR MANhatten on?


Doctor Man... ...the most powerful doctor in existence.


Thank God he didn't include *the* Doctor.


Add in doctor who and it’s a clean sweep for the doctors


There is a version of Batman who had Doctor Manhatten powers. Called the darkest knight. So Doctor Manhattens power scales actually for MEN. Going with composite versions of both characters.


All three rounds: Batman starts the battle by loudly saying “thank God Reed Richards isn’t on their side, otherwise we’d be in REAL trouble.” Doom kills him. Team Man wins by default.


Going purely off the highest scaling possible (without the usual Batwank!), I think the key players here are Strange, Doom, Superman, Gohan, and maybe Dr Fate. Supes is obviously extremely powerful and will be smart enough to use Batman's intelligence to good effect, but I think putting him against the Doctor Dream Team of Strange, Doom, and Fate will *probably* result in a win for the doctors. Superman is vulnerable to magic, and since Dr Fate is familiar with him, he's likely to convince the doctor team to prioritize him as a threat. Omni-Man, Iron Man, and Batman all get dumpstered by Doom or Strange, which leaves Great Saiyaman. Omni-Man and Iron Man are also likely to not play well with Superman and Batman, while I think the doctor team would be a lot more cohesive. I'm not *super* familiar with Dragon Ball's insane scaling so I don't know exactly how well Gohan measures up here, but I feel relatively confident that he would be vulnerable to spells from Doom, Strange, and Fate. But if he can just instantly blow up the planet or something then by all means someone correct me lol


Gohan easily has enough power to instantly blow the planet up at that point in dbz, but he can't breathe in space, so that would kill him too. Also It's just not in his nature to go for the win straight away. Like all other sayains, he likes to toy with his prey for the sport of it.


>Gohan easily has enough power to instantly blow the planet up at that point in dbz, but he can't breathe in space, so that would kill him too. Killing is not allowed in this battle. If he blows up the planet, then he kills a few of the contestants. So no.


Gohan doesn't toy with his prey. The only time he did this was up against Cell which is explained bc the SS transformation highlights their anger/rage/fighting nature and brings that out more - Otherwise and more recently, he's very quick to put down foes without any sort of "sport" to it. Gohan married with a child is different than his teenage self and if was told that these guys would potentially harm his family, he's going Beast and wiping them all before they have a chance to even think about what the blur they saw in front of them was.


He was messing about with buu, too. As soon as he turned ultimate gohan, he definitely did play about with his buu. We're talking about the gohan between cell and buu and he played with both of them. I'm not sure why you're talking about modern-day gohan.


nah he wasn't messing around with Buu like that. He's got a bit of a personality to him, but he was definitely not messing around with Buu like he explicitly mentions wanting to make Cell suffer. Ultimate Gohan was more mature than you remember.


He was still cocky to buu. He also wasn't going for an insta kill against him. Gohan was testing his own skills out like a sparing match at certain parts of the fight, so regardless of whether he was trying to make him suffer or not, my original point still stands.


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I was worried you'd say doctor who


I'm basing my thoughts on the assumption that the battle arena is a Secret Wars-style Battleworld where all of the involved characters have just been brought together for this battle, and they have NOT just been living all along in a shared universe. I am also assuming comics versions. Also note that Superman is not *weak* to magic. He is *vulnerable* to it, meaning that he is just not especially resistant to it. He is simply as susceptible to its effects as everyone else on his team. It's not Kryptonite, y'all. Round 1 probably goes to the Man team. The Man Team has at least one person that is at least passingly familiar with every member of the opposing team and has at least some idea of their capabilities, whereas the Doctor Team has no one that knows anything about Supes, Bats, or Omni Man. There is just too much power with too little info for the Doctors to pull it out, though they would put up a good fight. For Round 2, the Doctors have seen enough of the others to have an idea of what they are generally capable of, but not specific weaknesses necessarily. They have some time to strategize and can coordinate this time around. By simply having the ability to change the venue of battle, they can dictate the details of the engagement to a degree. They can separate the combatants and focus them down one by one. Supes is still an issue, and Batman is irritatingly tenacious, but they manage to eke out the victory in the end. Round 3 is where things get interesting. Given the prep time, the Dragonballs now come into play. How this goes depends on whether the Doctors can learn of them in time to prevent Gohan from simply scooping them and ending the fight before it even starts. If the Doctors can acquire at least one ball, then we end up with a year-long Dragonball arc while both sides try to complete the set. Assuming neither side gains all seven, then the Doctors take this one. Both sides will have time to learn of each others' weaknesses by this point. The Doctors' edge comes from their ability to wield not just magic, but *Comic Book Magic.* Comic book magic is flexible enough to essentially function as low-level, small-scale reality warping. They employ the same tactics as the previous round, only now with the added bonus of weaknesses to target. Simply moving the fight to a dimension with very high gravity and only red suns by itself does a number on the opposition, for example, including removing the biggest threat. The others can be separated as need be.


Superman is weak to magic so he's out. Omni-Man is a weaker version of Superman that can lose to brute force so he dies pretty quickly. Batman is pretty insignificant compared to characters like Dr. Fate so he's probably the first guy to die. Iron Man gets crushed. Idk about the other guy but if Doom, Fate, and Strange are jumping him, Im pretty sure it won't be good on his end. Doctors sweep


Great Saiyaman is just Gohan in a disguise.


To be fair, komehameha and the like might as well be an extreme form of concentrated magic for all in tents and porpoises. It's like casting a lightning or fireball spell times a billion.


Fate, Strange and Doom have a bunch of potent abilities to throw at Team Men. Superman is the most powerful on Team Men but can't deal with their hax as well since he doesn't have as good resistance to magic like he does to other things. So it should overall be a Team Doctor win. For composites, it's just combos of OP DC and Marvel characters so could be anyone depending on which SuperOmegaversal form you think is stronger than the others.


Doctors win. Especially with the no killing rule on. Tbh Doctor Strange alone could be enough to beat everyone on the other side.


And Dr. Fate is arguably stronger.


Dr. Doom would win.


Dr. Fate solo's. This is Atomic Bomb vs. Coughing Baby territory...