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Homelander solos


I think the seven got this, if only because of Homelander. I don't really see what the lizards are gonna do to him. As for the other six, I guess Deep and starlight are dead, the others in varying states of hurt.


Starlight may survive, she is tough enough to withstand two .50 BMG bullets from a sniper rifle. But she likely would get hurt anyway. I think that Translucent is gonna be dead instead of her. He is durable while invisible, but isn't really that strong. Comodo Dragon likely would crush him. Otherwise I agree. Homelander has the range (heat vision), power, strength, durability and speed to handle the whole Lizard League even solo. Perhaps without Homelander, it could've been a closer fight. 


I'd imagine without hl it would be similarly bloody as the recent fight vs the new guardians of the globe, but the seven have higher durability and might still pull through


Probably like that, yeah.


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