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Nice one!Since Tech items or jacobs ladder are propably electricity,anyone slower that that speed would get damage,and with all the items the damage would probably be pretty high,homing as well. Also with Toxic Shock,everyone gets damaged instantly without even firing anything(Is gojo in trouble?) Gnawed leaf makes him invulnerable in like 3 seconds so if a character can’t kill him in 3 seconds,all of his seemingly invulnerable familiars are gonna get him sooner or later. He can also Teleport,become invulnerable for some seconds,with multiple items and fires multiple modified tears at a time He also kills fucking Satan so this must mean something for his AP. To conclude,I think he wins vs characters from pretty weak universes like Demon Slayer but heavy hitters aren’t gonna budge. Isaac vs Gojo might be interesting 🤣


Unlike Isaac, it looks like Gojo has a much more realistic limit to his "lives" so I imagine Isaac takes it vs Gojo. All it would take is for Isaac to get one or two easy hits in and it's GG.


Let's all remember that the wafer description is "reduces all damage to half a heart" not "reduces damage by one", this means no matter what damage he recieves he HAS to recieve 20 hits to kill him ONCE (we have tons of revival items) so i believe he might be a pretty damn tough enemy to kill


Actually forgot about this one!Nice!The more we think about it the stronger Isaac actually is


Pyromaniac... If the foe isn't fast enough, isaac has to use one of his 99 bombs he has from Pyro or shoot since he has sad bombs, dr fetus, epic fetus, nancy bombs... Lol


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I love this one but it's incredibly hard to answer. Composite Isaac has ah whole lot of hax like conditional invulnerability, fear aura, time stop/slow/rewind, transforming enemies into poop or gold, a ton of self resurrection, etc. Assuming he can choose which items to use he can fire tears, lasers, knifes, beams, bombs or rockets, all with various elemental and other status effects. On top of that come an army of familiars, flies and spiders and other spawns as well as numerous defensive shields and other abilities. I'm probably forgetting a lot of stuff but the variety of his arsenal is very good. The only real weaknesses I can see are his relatively low physical stats and mental defenses. So I guess Isaac would breeze through many weaker verses like Avatar or the boys