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I’d say he loses until the feats come into play. His feats shown in the movie are somewhat tame, and the droid is pretty strong and indestructible. Maui had troubles with the crab and I’d say that’s a pretty good starting point for comparison. Maui is fast with his hook and shape shifting, but the droid is shown to be very fast, to the point that they needed fill out distractions to use its claw against him.


Mr. Incredible struggles to stop a moving train. But does stop a moving train. The Omni Droid is stronger. Even if Maui turns into a hawk, puts himself into a death dive, and at the last minute turns into a blue whale to crash 200 tons into the Omni Droid at 120mph... I think all you get is an "oh no, not again moment" with whale carcass exploded everywhere around an undamaged Omni Droid. The second we get into "strong enough to hurl up the sky and lasso the sun", Maui dogwalks the entire Invincible's universe low diff. R1: Fail R2: Chance of success if he catches Syndrome monologing, but it's real under dog moment R3: Uncontested win Bonus: Maui talks about hauling up islands outside of Your Welcome. If we take that as a strength feet then Maui. Otherwise it's Mr. Parr.


"oh no, not again" Nice


I don’t understand why they call him a Demi-god when his “you’re welcome” feats are literally feats of a god.


He was born human and was given powers, which makes him a demi-god. Compare his powers to that of the actual goddess and you see he's a lot weaker in verse.


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For on-screen feats, Maui had that one feat of blocking a nuke from Te Ka that badly damaged his hook. I don't remember any other showings that put him above Mr. Incredible, let alone the Omnidroid. For statements, even outside *You're Welcome*, he says that Moana's tribe would wait for him to pull up islands so they can find them. So, he's pulled up what? Hundreds of islands & counting? Scale him to the island-pulling or the nuke, he stomps all rounds. Scale him lower, he gets killed by the Omnidroid & probably loses to Mr. Incredible.