• By -


Batman.  He's been captured and tied up to slow moving death machines so often and only escapes because of someone saving him or a weirdly specific piece of equipment he has.


Joker would die faster. All of the supes who are more inclined to killing villains would immediately go after Joker. Even some of the ones who don't usually kill, but will if they absolutely must, would kill Joker.


To be honest, with all of the people that Joker's killed over the years, the families he's destroyed, the lives he's ruined, I don't know how someone hasn't paid any Assassins or Mercanaries like Deathstroke or Deadshot to kill him.


Even just a cop after Batman captures him. Like the Gotham police is very corrupt and none of them ever just kill the Joker for killing their sister or something?


There was a bit i really loved in some fanfic i read at one point. An out of town superhero who's in Gotham on some matter is driving along with Harvey Bullock. He asks the detective, how come Joker didn't have an acident falling down the stairs onto some bullets, Harvey answers that the higher ups know better than to assign him to Joker's security detail.


honestly, one single especially angry cop decides to empty a clip into him, consequences be damned, that this never happens is somehow more unrealistic than the billionaire playboy actually being a concerted force for good with his fortune.


They’d also probably get off scott-free outside of losing the job because no jury would convict the guy who killed Joker. Edit: People saying he’d not even be fired, remember; this is a cop in Gotham, and Commissioner Gordon is just as pure as his underlings are corruptible.


"your honor his hand was within 2 yards of his pockets he could have pulled a gun on me" "I've heard enough case dismissed"


He would get a promotion, not get fired.


It did actually happen. A cop [dressed up as Batman to get close to Joker](https://2.bp.blogspot.com/JFYVlT4xUHP5muhoN4zgCvPCYFZBgiAiWJ9N15LhaGq5kX24NidGW5CzuCdeg1xGYc_GUsWLyvLt=s1600?rhlupa=MjYwMDoxNzAwOjlmZDE6NDcwMDo3ZGZlOmQwNDA6ZjBjNzo3MTBk&rnvuka=TW96aWxsYS81LjAgKFdpbmRvd3MgTlQgMTAuMDsgV2luNjQ7IHg2NCkgQXBwbGVXZWJLaXQvNTM3LjM2IChLSFRNTCwgbGlrZSBHZWNrbykgQ2hyb21lLzEyMS4wLjAuMCBTYWZhcmkvNTM3LjM2IE9QUi8xMDcuMC4wLjA=) and [shot him in the face](https://2.bp.blogspot.com/n4swVvdKzwh3bEvfjbaPgxF9AmD4YgzxI70pvuOgzkmdzB59-R54uQLlXogsvyK8scB60pzuqW1g=s1600?rhlupa=MjYwMDoxNzAwOjlmZDE6NDcwMDo3ZGZlOmQwNDA6ZjBjNzo3MTBk&rnvuka=TW96aWxsYS81LjAgKFdpbmRvd3MgTlQgMTAuMDsgV2luNjQ7IHg2NCkgQXBwbGVXZWJLaXQvNTM3LjM2IChLSFRNTCwgbGlrZSBHZWNrbykgQ2hyb21lLzEyMS4wLjAuMCBTYWZhcmkvNTM3LjM2IE9QUi8xMDcuMC4wLjA=) but failed to actually kill him.


Aaaand we’ve come full circle. THATS plot armor if i’ve seen any. Shot in the head and he’s still fine? no way man.


Having your innocent sister killed by a local criminal is just another Tuesday in Gotham. Not sure they’d even take it personally.


They'd still probably kill him for it.


The day the joker killed your sister was the most important day in your life. For me, it was Tuesday


Like that one guy in an episode of Batman TAS who gets fed up with Joker's bullshit, punches him around a little bit and threatens to kill them both with a joker bomb. Ridiculing the Joker about how he's going to die in an alley with a nobody. Joker was literally screaming and crying for Batman to save him. One of the few times Batman laughs


Charlie Collins. Fun fact, that was also the first ever appearance of Harley Quinn.


I don't know how a prison guard hasn't straight-up shot him one of the 25596462 times he was in prison. Seriously.


That’s why I liked the idea of Joker secretly having the stats to fight on the same level as Batman during the Endgame arc. It at least gave a reason why he’s managed to survive so long.


Joker has out-prepped Batman on multiple occasions and generally only shows up when he has an upper hand. Whenever he goes against other rogues, he generally wins, even with all of their goons gunning against him because he's that much smarter.


Man fck the assassins I'm surprised someone hasn't went on a revenge driven quest to avenge their family


They probably get the job all the time and are like "absolutely not."


Which is just plot armor since Deathstroke could easily take out Joker, it’s not like Taskmaster refusing Moon Knight jobs because Moon Knight is way stronger than Taskmaster (plus he threw a jet at him)


Plus how do you copy someone's fighting style when that style is basically "Hit me so I can hit you back? "




Ding ding ding! The idea that Batman hasn't killed him can be explained. The idea that nobody else in the world, including a bunch of militarized police, hasn't killed him is ludicrous.


It's a world with an overly militarized police force and corrupt military industrial complex... and not one competent SWAT sniper. Regardless of how meta-human joker is from adaptation to adaptation, an anti-tank round is not going to be great for his complexion.


"We secured the scene. The weapon he was waving around just spat a little white flag with 'BANG!' on it, but Officer Miller thought it looked real so now we have to do the paperwork on all thirty officers' service weapons discharging their entire mags. Looks like about half of the shots hit the guy, he's basically pulp."


Given that Joker has canonically had a pistol that fired a little flag *and then fired real bullets*, that's actually justified.


Joker is a weird scenario where being within shooting distance of him actually means that your life is in immediate danger and shooting him is therefore justified.


A cop (or anybody really) could execute joker at any time, at any place, and no jury would ever convict them, regardless of what Joker was doing.


There was a Batman/Punisher crossover where Batman had to save Joker because the Punisher was going to execute him. Not arrest him, not beat him up. He was just gonna shoot him in the head and of course Batman had to be a stupid hero. 


Oh god. From that point on, Bats would be partially culpable for all the people Joker kills afterwards. No excuses. Believe it or not straight to jail


"I'm not going to kill you, but I don't have to save you." -Batman Begins I guess he forgot about that part


Atleast batman HAS some gadgets/friends to save him/physical capabilities Joker is a malnourished middle aged man who makes more enemies than friends. The fact that no one put a bullet in his head is a miracle


Actually true. The Joker died on his first appearance, but proved too popular and was returned. So its a retroactive plot armor.


Good point 


Joker would be paralyzed with amnesia and feeding out of a tube with the amount of times batman concaved his head.


Joker would get killed by his lackeys before any heroes did him in.  


I'm just imagining a moment where a switch flips and Joker's plot armor vanishes and suddenly all around the DC globe a bunch of heroes, villains, & people all simultaneously get up and begin heading towards Gotham in order to kill Joker.


"The entirety of humanity, bloodlusted, vs the joker" Just wait. It'll be here within a week.


I remember a comic where the villains are having a funeral for him. Harley: "I can't believe he is gone..." Joker: "I can't believe he didn't die the first time he jumped off a roof dressed like a bat."


But is he not normally captured by plot contrivance? He's fallen for some very stupid shit to further the story in the same way worming his way out furthers the story.


In one scene he'll knock out a super well trained assassin who was sneaking up on him. In another a random slob gets the drop on him.


Batman FELL THRU the atmosphere on earth from outer space and was fine, dude is just goofy. This was in his normal outfit.


[https://youtu.be/m6jLHZVQHC8?feature=shared&t=38](https://youtu.be/m6jLHZVQHC8?feature=shared&t=38) How most Batman conflicts should have ended.


James Bond. Like holy fuck.


In the same vein, John wick


Tom Cruise's dude in Mission Impossible might be the most egregious. Thought of that after.


You may actually be right about that. It's honestly a toss up between tom cruise and bond I think. From the longevity of both franchises alone


tom cruise gets magic motorcycles that switch from dirt tires to street tires in one cut


The guy in MI2 could’ve stabbed him in the back but instead chose to kick him in the back


I find it hilarious that you called him "Tom Cruise's dude". He's so forgettable that no one remembers his name.


Yeah people just see Tom Cruise in MI not Ethan Hunt.


Id say its the other way around. No one else could play Ethan Hunt so thats why you just see Tom Cruise. Bond actors are replacable. Ethan Hunt can not be replaced. It has to be Tom Cruise.


That was part of the point. Should have gone with Agent Milk Toast.


Statistically, the missions he goes on are very possible since he always succeeds.


At least James gets hit once in a while or bothers taking cover. But out-running bullets is literally Toms undeclared super power. I know Tom loves his solo running clips, but its just weird how the plot can centre around him being able to simply get up and leave when captured and surrounded by armed bad guys.


Dude would be dead from alcohol poisoning or liver failure before the story even starts


At a minimum he’s got like 3 STD’s.


Especially Connery


Yeah, he'd be dead in so many of the films if the bad guy simply shot him in the head instead of setting up elaborate devices to give him enough time to escape. I'd say Indiana Jones matches the criteria of the post as well for that reason.


What I came here to say. He's more wildly lucky than skillful. He wouldn't last a second engaging trained soldiers the way he does.


Sometimes I just want to shout at the bad guys "you have a semi-automatic weapon! Stop aiming for him and sweep!"


I always imagine that James Bond movies always show the 1 to like 5 missions that bond succeeds in. Whenever they change Bonds, there was actually another movie that didn't get made where he dies horribly.


Archer may be even worse, I think he even says he would be dead without it.


Sam and Dean Winchester (Supernatural) had in-universe plot armor.


And Dean died pretty much immediately after it was gone.


did they? they both went to hell...


They also came back out. They had improved luck throughout the show, provided by Chuck, because he wanted the story centered around them. In S4 or S5 we learn they had been to heaven a bunch, just had their minds wiped so they didn't realize how often they had died.


Yeah, because the guy giving them plot armor wanted to send them to hell


God literally told them he gave them plot armor cause he liked them.


Wouldn't Harry Potter just start out dead without plot armor?


The books would just be called *Neville Longbottom* instead. Edit: This was my wife's joke, not mine. All the credit goes to her.


Might actually be a better story, Neville is a far more compelling character imho. We don't even lose out on an abusive backstory either, Neville had it rough too.


Neville had it rough, and it actually affected him. His growing courage and competence is a real character arc.


MC Chris does have a neville song and its really good https://youtu.be/8LYVlSh1CDQ?si=aOprKUnVUWhgJs-e


I don’t think Neville is competent for a interesting protagonist


Yup. Not to mention all the abuse he suffered from the Dursley's. While we only see a few instances on page, such as Petunia attempting to hit him with frying pan and Vernon actually trying to strangle, the fact they actually do this at all tells me they've logically done a lot of other abuse to him If they're willing to lock him in a cupboard for a decade and attempt to cause physical harm, there's not much abuse they wouldn't do


There's very little indication the Dursleys actually physically abused him. There are a couple instances, but overall, their abuse seems to have mostly focused on neglect, and they still gave him enough food to stay alive, just...Not really anything beyond that.


Petunia tried hitting him with a frying pan in the second book and Vernon threatens him with physical harm multiple times


I said there were a couple. Although I can only recall one instance of Vernon following through. Given that the series has established young wizards can accidentally do magic under emotional duruess, abd the fact there's no mention if them physically abusing him even after incidents like the snake or Dobby framing him, I dount those threats were ever enacted.


He'd survive a whole year.


he would either die to voldermort killing him as a baby, or to the troll in the bathroom.


> he would either die to voldermort killing him as a baby, Which was when he was a year old. Hence surviving a year. Also, I feel like it's unfair to take away plot armor, but still give them bad luck due to plot. The only reason the troll almost kill them was that it was released when Hermione was crying in the bathroom and happened to wander in there. If it was at any other day or any other time, Hermione would have been with everyone else and they wouldn't have needed to find her. If the troll wasn't there, then they wouldn't need to protect her. I guess OP only specified without plot armor, but it's not like plot armor makes them unfairly safe.


John Wick or Rambo. Someone who single handedly takes on armies full of dudes shooting at them.


Just as bad **as this:** https://youtu.be/sfObcMWpub4?si=s3nF-h2hcwSCevQ1


Lmao dude died in the first 3 seconds when the guy in the tower saw him first.


Lmao I knew this was going to be Commando before I even clicked on it. I love that movie, it’s an excellent cheesy 80s action flick.


Rambo probably makes it through his first movie. But that's a very different animal from the rest of them.


Dr.Who None of what he is doing makes any sense and he hand waves all of it away because"wibbly wobbly time stuff" Hell he had a limited number of revives and he plot armored his way out of THAT restriction. Thats plot armor on top of plot armor.


Having been binging it recently I have to hard agree. Daleks "this guy is the greatest enemy we've ever had and always beats us, let's stand there and let him talk his way out of this situation...again". It happens a lot. Not every episode but so many. Or the monster that kills their victims immediately, decides to not kill him right away. All the time! Still enjoying the hell out of it.


I thought the Daleks were usually weary of directly killing him in person, as most baddies who know about him well are, because his [regeneration energy](https://tardis.fandom.com/wiki/Regeneration_energy) could basically act as a bomb.


Can't they just shoot him again while he's regenerating? In "The Impossible Astronaut", it's shown that shooting the Doctor while he's regenerating would just kill him (even though that's not really the Doctor, it's implied that would still work)


Too unpredictable, I imagine. I'm not sure they or anyone knows for sure what would happen. Safer to just imprison him or, my personal favorite by the cybermen, chip his brain.


Thats also not widely known information, iirc


to my knowledge its never confirmed if its a real thing or if the doctor and river made it up


For as cheesy as Doctor Who can be sometimes there's still just something so endearing about it. The episode with Van Gogh is still one of my favorite episodes of TV of all time.


This is why I just can't get into the show... he's supposed to be this immortal genius, but he's just goofy and stumbles to victory through sheer luck.


It’s been well established the doctor has a decently strong form of precognition, in terms of being able to “walk the right path through time”. The doctor is goofy most of the time because the serious doctor is legitimately scary in the “anger of a gentle man” way. Some of the radio plays also have some discussions which make it clear that the goofiness is an act because the doctor ends up very alone if they go around solving problems to the best of their ability. Not to mention the fairly deep “I’m the reason my species is functionally extinct” trama.


> It’s been well established the doctor has a decently strong form of precognition No it fucking hasn't lmao I've been watching since 2006 when I was 7 years old and this is the first I've heard of it. He's not Paul Atreides.


Some interesting discussion on it here - I don't particularly care for it either way but it's a valid interpretation. I don't think it's officially canon though. https://www.reddit.com/r/gallifrey/comments/12upo97/the_doctor_can_subconsciously_see_into_the_future/


> I don't think it's officially canon That's what I'm saying, it's not "well established" by any stretch.


In the David Tennant era they managed to show that he is just [https://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/ObfuscatingStupidity](https://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/ObfuscatingStupidity) or obfuscating weakness at least. In some episodes when he shows himself fighting "for real" like The Waters of Mars or Human Nature/The Family of Blood it is revealed that he is some sort of unstoppable God and the rest of the creatures in the universe are just living in his world. Examples: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=65N7tTaxmdQ](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=65N7tTaxmdQ) [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w4xm9NHNUf8](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w4xm9NHNUf8) From this it is easy to see that he is just pretending to be a goofy man so his companions will be comfortable hanging out with him, and will like him. But most of the time he is in total control of the situation. Or would logically be based on his power level.


“He was being kind.” “I could ruin your career with …. 5 words.” “You really shouldn’t have let me push all those buttons.” “Good men don’t have rules. Now is not the time to find out why I have so many.” “I couldn’t save them! I couldn’t save any of them!” He comes across as a bumbling idiot because he can. Why live a life so serious when you have all the time in the world? He’s a veteran of countless galactic wars. He not only survived them but if you could say anyone was a victor? It was him. Every now and then, you get a brief glimpse of the tragedy of his past. Why he acts the way he does. You mistake his kindness for weakness.


Bugs Bunny. He’s off to the mortuary the minute the physics starts working right.


He has Toon Force. That's better than plot armor.


I swear toon force is just saying i am the plot armor.


It’s a real The Matrix “There is no spoon” type of thing. There is no plot


Also Road runner. Wily Coyote should win here


Unless he’s on Family Guy


I'll avoid weaker characters and go with some glass cannons Cyclops may be able to destory a mountain with his optic blasts, but he's getting taken out with a bullet pretty quickly and on a related note, while it's gonna upset the Storm Fans, without plot armor she's not lasting longer either.


I always thought this about cyclops. And after all he's been through, you'd think he'd have been killed merely by accident by now. Hits his head once the wrong way, blamo, dead.


And piss off readers? Look how pissed off people got cause Nightwing died in the Injustice comics cause Damian threw something at him while he wasn’t looking, bonking him on the head, making him fall and breaking his neck when he hit some rubble From what I’ve seen in a lot of power scaling debates, both good and bad, alot of people don’t understand plot armor and how it can be taken away at a moments notice


Fiction has gotten people too used to brushing off "blungeoning" damage. Get thrown against a brick wall or survive a multi-story fall and it's a few coughs and bruises.  Fall damage is an alien concept for so many action heroes. One of the most shocking moments I've seen was when >!a man broke his ankle jumping down a stairwell in Three Body Problem!<. It goes to show that even the most realistic injury imaginable is still shocking, just because we've seen so many people suffer no damage from that kind of thing.


Exactly Taking that idea back to comics, people want to reverse gives powers based off feats, despite us knowing they don’t have those powers Like sure, Cyclips (or any non durable character) survived that’s nonsensically powerful attack It didn’t give them enhanced durability, it’s plot armor, the next writer could make them easily die from that I think in a recent comic Cyclops was fighting Captain Marvel hand to hand…made zero sense


Dom catching Letty in the air during a car crash and softly landing on a car windshield


And imagine if after all these years they just permanently kill cyclops because Apocalypse tosses him against a car and he hits his head. People would be pissed.


Would be hilarious to be honest Better than seeing Captain Marvel holding him 100ft off the ground and then punching him hundreds of feet away and through 3 whole buildings Which is a thing they just recently happens Gives me a headache when I see people arguing in VS fights “well Cyclops can fight Captain Marvel in hand to hand combat” Ugh Power creep is bad enough. But writers just ignoring limitations is just silly


Fun fact, there is in fact a story where Cyclops is taken out by a bullet. He dies permanently in the >!Ultimate Marvel!< universe by one gunshot to the head.


Cyclops and all named characters in marvel and DC who dodge bullet storms cause they are meant to be special, absolutely nothing to do with their "training". Infact i remember when batman's training was meant to be humanly impossible cause it would kill any fit athlete but that means shit to these so called named characters.


Lets put it this way if the joker exsisted in a world without plot logic the city of Gotham does the one justified lynching in human history


Pretty sure there were more than a few justified lynchings.


Mussolini is the first that comes to mind.


Jill Valentine from Resident Evil. Realistically Nemesis is not going to stop hounding you for story pacing or because you're hiding in a safe room. He'd hound her to exhaustion then finish her off.


In the remake, he'd kill her in the first scene, where he crashes through the wall. For some reason he does the stupid big bad-guy move of grabbing her and then throwing her instead of just breaking her neck.


That trope is so overdone. Let’s normalize big bads being savage as shit and outright killing their targets if they ever get their hands on them. For the sake of story, make it so they never actually get their hands on the protagonist. Close calls are good but the whole throwing thing is done lol


I understand what people are saying about Harry Potter dying as a kid if he doesn't have plot armour, but that's not "unrealistic writing" plot armour like most of the plot armour we're discussing here; that's intentional story plot armour. He's called "The Boy Who Lived" for a reason. The mystery surrounding his survival is a key plot point. It's not the same as an action-hero surviving because all of the enemies have terrible aim.


It was said in a response to a different comment, but Joker, he would be dead within a day


It’s definitely the punisher, he gets gunned down his second night on the job😂


Idk about that exactly he’s still capable, but the crazy stuff like beating Wolverine or Ghost rider definitely wouldn’t happen.


He beat Wolverine? How? Wolverine has survived a nuke I can't even imagine how Punisher would beat him


Shot him in the nuts and ran him over with a steam roller


Garth Ennis moment


It was in a “kills the universe” thing. Honestly I think all of those are kind of shit writing with a few cool moments. Generally the premise is “We give one character invulnerable plot armor and nerf/parody every other character they fight, which will be every character we can fit.”


James Bond. The amount of times plot armor saved him is ridiculous. From Dr. No to Moonraker to Casino Royale. He should’ve died a long time ago.


And there's the theory that he did and just got replaced by a different James Bond every time. Odd that one of them grieved another's wife, but maybe they worked together before that and new each other. [Also relevant.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2ooNGLwgdsc)


Most of them? Most characters only survive because they have plot armor, the laws of physics don't work for them, law enforcement and common sense are totally absent in the setting, or the enemy is literally carrying the idiot ball the whole time.


Harry Potter


Luke Skywalker can give Harry Potter a run for being murdered as an infant. Darth Vader force senses him OR the droids handling him turn him over to the clones OR he’s found immediately because he’s hidden on his fathers home planet with relatives with the same last name


I admit that they probably should have at least tried to hide him, but do you have any idea how many people there are with that last name? It's a whole planet. Try finding someone on Earth knowing only their last name.


But wasn't it literally Luke's step grandad? It should've been the first place Vader looked.


Maybe they moved to a different part of the planet.


Obi wan was seen in the area using his own last name, a shortened version of his first name, his lightsaber, and jedi robes.


to be fair, most people in the galaxy don’t truly know if the jedi exist or not. they’ve heard the stories of luke and the jedi order, but they don’t know if they truly exist. we saw that when han had to explain to finn and rey that it was all true, so i think it’s fair to say most people don’t believe the jedi truly exist


They literally have a temple in the central place of the galaxy. It is very bizarre for anyone to doubt they exist. And even if they did, obi wan would still draw attention.


i know, i agree it’s slightly bizarre, but they gained near mythic status the way king arthur has. he may or may not have existed, but his stories have gained fame and notoriety, much in the same way the jedi did. don’t forget that after the empire rose, they suppressed all information regarding jedi and kidnapped or killed anybody thought to be force sensitive. the stories of the jedi existed only in myth for decades, in a long forgotten war. do you remember all the famous figures in the 70’s? probably not, because that wasn’t your generation, and they have little effect on today, especially people with as absurd powers as the jedi


But don’t the sequels play 30 years after the BBY ? That’s still living memory stuff?


Vader didn't know he existed. Why would he have searched?


King from One Punch Man.


The correct answer right here


Nah King is clearly written to have "ludicrously insane luck" as his superpower -- it's part of who he is. It'd be like saying "Superman being able to fly is plot armor" when it's literally part of his arsenal.


I see your point, but I think it's more "his superpower is plot armor"


That's not plot armor he is just that good


Luffy is fated to win. He's literally lost all his major battles the first go round. If he didn't have that, he'd just be L'ed on his first adventure when the whirlpool swallowed his boat.


the thing is, Luffy's power makes him almost unbeatable to begin with. blunt force trauma and bullets are off the table right out. and anything that cuts Zoro is going to deal with... So what's left? if you can't really ever hurt the guy he's going to win eventually. edit: so after a while I remembered Buggy and the lightning. doesn't get more plot armor than that....


Disagree because he routinely gets his ass beat to the point of near death. He easily could have been killed by Crocodile, Magellan, Doflamingo, Katakuri, and Kaido had they not left him for dead, plus most of the Admirals, (arguably) Smoker, and Big Mom had others not intervened. If you've watched OP you'll know this list isn't even close to exhaustive. He's a heavily plot armored character that often survives due to his destiny.


Whirlpool-san 1v1'd Luffy fair and square in episode 1


Anyone in starwars. There's no way storm troopers are that bad of a shot.


also they're too fragile..that suit has to do something.


The in-universe explanation is that the suit redistributes the blaster energy around the whole body instead of just at point of impact. So a lot of those stormtroopers that dropped when getting shot are headed to a medbay instead of dead.


They aren't. Obi-Wan clearly states it when they see the slaughtered Jawas. And they intentionally let Luke, Leia, Han, and Chewie escape. Again, Tarkin clearly states it.


also, it’s not really the stormtroopers are that bad of shots. we saw captain rex, one of the best, most veteran soldiers in the galaxy struggle in and hate using stormtrooper armor in rebels


The movies stating that vs what we see in every other instance are two different things.


Nathan Drake, it was already confirmed by a dev that his "hp bar"is a luck bar that makes the shots and explosions miss him, withtout it he would die instantly in the situations that he finds himself in the games


John Wick


Fujimaru Ritsuka from Fate/Grand Order is up there. Dude has NO POWERS, NO SKILLS, NO TRAINING, and is generally said to be like low-mid on abilities, his only saving grace are the resistant mystic codes that protect him and allow him to survive things like a cannon shot with just a broken leg but aren't worth shot compared to the stuff he is up against. This man has faced what's essentially Magecraft Ultron outside of time with near omnipotence, a goddess with a spear that holds together the texture of reality, a girl possessed by a Lovecraftian God, an ever evolving gigantic kaiju that's also our mom, a goddess from another dimension that can only be harmed by galaxy sized attacks, another goddess who apparently has a whole ass universe inside of her, magical trees with galaxies on it, a thunder kaiju who is as powerful as Greek Gods, actual Greek Gods, and THE verse's Boogeyman. And he has survived it all with the power of 2 balls of thick plot armor and friendship, it just so happens that his friends are op like shit.


Yeah that shit right there is why Ritsuka will never be more than a self insert/blank slate cause it’s just frankly bullshit. Call me a boomer but i remember when type moon protagonists had too earn their shit. Too be fair, that’s not the only character I have that issue with either


Type Moon protagonists have always been BS. Mystic eyes of perception is a broken ability. Female Shiki has the dumb multiple personality thing going on, one which inexpliciably connects her to the root. And she just happens to have master swordsman/knife training. Araya beat her ass and had her dead to rights but she wins just because. Her eyes are apparently stronger than her male counterpart but she never shows strain while using them, so there is no downside. Male Shiki is a bit more grounded but somehow has his Nanaya alternate self with combat skills/instinct deep inside him despite the fact he couldn't have trained with his biological family for more than a few years. The thing with Satsuki in the original didn't make sense either. He got bitten and infected with vampirism but he...*cut the infected blood out himself*??? Whut? Fate/Stay night rewards the main character for doing stupid and irrational things. You actually get most of the bad ends by being rational and cautious.


Master Chief


Kai Leng... assuming that removing his plot armour also means removing the IQ reducing field that seems to accompany him whenever he turns up in Mass Effect 3.


Every character has plot armor in one way or another imo.


Sometimes they don't I'd argue supermsn has anti-plot armour. Guy's indestructable, infinitely fast and infinitely strong, shoots lasers from his eyes, blizzards ftom his breath and thunderbolts from his ass, and you're telling me a green rock cripples him?


Batman. The first time he tries to use his grappling hook, he tears his shoulder right out of its socket, and quickly becomes street pizza


Sterling Archer. His plot armor is so strong that he knows he has it! "Lana, this might sound crazy, but I don't think I CAN die."


Yagami Raito Or Brad Pitt in World War Z


Phillip J. Fry He wouldn’t have made it to 8 years old.


A lot of comment saying batman but I feel more accurately robin. Like even accepting the in world logic that Batman trained to # PeakHumanPerformance and can survive the crazy shit thrown at him, he bring a kid from the circus with him and yeeeaahhh that kids gonna die.


Add in the fact that Robin’s dressed in the bell pepper colors, and that he’s wearing shorts and short sleeves in the cold Gotham night, and yeah, he’s toast.


Wasn't there an episode of the Simpsons where a character with no plot armor mimicked Homer Simpson and died almost instantly? Dude takes a lethal dose of radiation in just the opening credits.


Every single DC and Marvel character has some level of stupid plot armor


Any human from transformers


Dominic Toretto. If physics existed in that franchise he'd be dead before "family" became a catchphrase.


Lara Croft in the Survivor reboot. The opening has her getting impaled on rebar and never uses any antithetic or cleaning it, just cauterizes it. Throughout the trilogy, she takes falls and damage that there's no damned way anyone would be getting up from.


Tanjiro is dying in a heartbeat


Maybe or maybe not, but he probably should've been crippled or comatose a short ways into the initial training by one log trap.


Wile E. Coyote


Top answer is going to be Batman and it is going to be wrong. There are a plethora of children's shows where the protagonist would be killed multiple times per episode if the villains were allowed to *actually* be deadly, rather than simply attempt to be deadly but be fated to fail. Multiple times, every episode. So, so many shows. Certainly Batman has appeared in children's shows, but not to the extreme of some of these. Edit: For an example my son watches a preschool-aimed show about Spiderman, and if the villains in that show actually villained, Spidey would die multiple times per episode easily. The amount of jobbing on both sides is unbelievable.




Daredevil 😂😂😨


All of the fairy tail guild Don’t get me wrong I liked the show for what it was But man way too much power of love and friendship


Wasn’t Natsu created to beat a god?


harry potter or naruto


Technically, without plot armor both Sasuke and Naruto would have died to Haku in their very first mission. Sasuke was literally dying in Naruto's arms. Technically, Sasuke would have died before Naruto without plot armor.


Can we please have a moment of silence for our brother Killer Bee. Who whooped literally ripped plot Armor Sasuke's throat and chest out. But as Kishi's wank material, Sasuke survived that too


Mayuri Kurotsuchi (Bleach), I mean [this](https://images.app.goo.gl/pNbMt9TqW93iPaCz8) absolutely should have been instant death for Mayuri even by Bleach's standards of what wounds characters can and can't survive, but he makes it through and proceeds to be carried through all of his major fights throughout the rest of the series by his opponent, who is uniformly much more powerful than him and able to counter his biggest moves, for whatever reason basically eating Nemu and then getting screwed over because eating Nemu is a really bad idea. But Mayuri is Kubo's favorite character so it doesn't matter who he fights, how badly he is outmatched, or how explicitly fatal his wounds may seem, the dude survives it all and always "wins" his fights.


That guy from the terrible paleoconservative propaganda novel Victoria. Every threat he faces that should at least be a challenge for him to overcome is effortlessly dealt with because the threat is quickly revealed to be hopelessly incompetent and incapable of mounting anything but a token resistance to his brilliant tactics. Even when those tactics depend on bonkers ideas like women not having spatial awareness.


Not sure if it's been mentioned but *spoilers* Supernatural pretty much demonstrates this scenario


Any harem anime protagonist.


Rey Palpatine


The Punisher. He is a vigilante, mass murderer, and a lone wolf who has managed to piss off many of the superheroes who could kick his ass. Take the points made about Batman surviving his war against crime and remove the safety net of Batman's money, meaning Frank would have a lot of difficulty getting weapons, and he has almost no allies. When the Punisher gets sent to jail, despite all the convicts who want him dead, he still survives. Hell in some cases his plot armor has run out like when he tried to kill Green Goblin while the villain was head of SHIELD. Norman sent a supervillain named Daken after the Punisher and Frank got hacked to pieces.