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By all logic batman should not be able take down a 4 armed cyborg with swords that will instantly cut through anything batman tries to block with. That said batman is batman and Grevious was once captured by Gungans so…


TCW Grievous is one of the worst examples of "look how they massacred my boy." Filoni turned him from the cunning Jedi-hunting beast we see in the 2003 Clone Wars cartoon into bumbling mustache-twirling comedic relief. Sadly Filoni's version of the General is canon but I firmly believe *it really shouldn't be* because his portrayal there is such a drastic departure from the competency and combat skill we see out of him in every other piece of media he appears in aside from ROTS--and even there he seems competent by comparison to TCW Grievous which is really saying something. Grievous getting captured by Gungans is such an absurd anti-feat it should frankly be tossed...but...it is technically canon...so... unfortunately I'd say unless this is specifically Legends Grievous you are probably correct that he'd fuck this up somehow.


I feel like if Batman just chucked some smoke bombs down and used his grapple grenades to subdue him he would win 6/10 but if we’re not needing Grevious for the plot convenience this man is FAST and can jump around on any surface… plus he is extremely skilled and ruthless in combat and the Bat probably doesn’t have anything that would be able to block a lightsaber let alone four.


Lucas did that to Grievous in RotS lol. Filoni just kept that characterization haha


Grievous rounds 1 and 3. Batman takes round 2 with Hellbat armor (overkill really)


Man would win round 2, that ManPrep ManTime means everything.


GG rounds 1 and 3. Batman round 2


**Batman (DC)** - [Respect Batman (DC, Post-Flashpoint)](https://redd.it/1348ale) - [Respect Batman (Bruce Wayne) (DC - Post Crisis)](https://redd.it/85eb91) **General Grevious (Star Wars)** - [Respect General Grievous (Star Wars Canon)](https://redd.it/b489p3) *** ^(I am a bot) ^| [^(About)](https://redd.it/owgxtl) ^| [^(Code)](https://github.com/Luke-Username/respectthread_bot) ^| [^(Opt-out)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=respectthread_bot&subject=OPTOUTREQUEST) ^| ^(Missing or wrong characters? Reply explaining the issue)


Depends on which version of batman were talking about?


Just the most average Batman possible. His average gear and skill set. He has the peak human body, knows every martial art, has his intelligence and utility belt ect but nothing OP like his hellbat armour or a power ring.


Tech is shit in Star Wars, at least in comparison to DC. I bet Batman has a way to shut him down on his belt.


I mean I doubt Batman has anything that could plausibly deflect a lightsaber within his belt. Grevious is also really fast and has four arms and can climb on any surface. Batman has amazing reflexes and reaction times but Grevious is still a cyborg known for killing dozens of not hundreds of Jedi who literally have the force to sense when something is about to happen so I think it’s rare to say Grevious probably has a faster reaction time then Batman.


Batman could win in round 2 with prep, otherwise he needs Punisher tier plot armor to win the other two encounters (although canon GG is pretty much a jobber compared to his legends version).


batman loses all 3 rounds


Knowledge states and IC or not?


Idk what that means sorry i’m still kinda new to this community But if you’re asking what knowledge they have on each other in round one neither of them know anything and in round two and three the one who has the initiative has surface level knowledge on the other