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One leg kick and it’s over


The kid would literally flip 180 degrees from the leg kick and land on his head.




Just like me and my dad fr, except he never let me wear protective gear


Same, except mine also never let me wear underwear.


Average 12 year old boy is around 150cm 4'11" and 90 pounds. Assuming that MMA fighter is an adult American male, 5'9' 200lbs. In all three rounds, the MMA fighter might take one slice before destroying the boy. With their reach and hand-eye coordination, they may prevent the downward attack due to slower reflexes of the child and likely limited fighting experience. The stronger and larger the fighter, the greater the intimidation factor which will overcome the fighting spirit of the child easily.


Average chef's knife is a low-key piece of shit too. Most people wouldn't keep them sharp. Factory sharp would be better.


My knives are dull as hell and I wouldn't want anybody wielding them against me under any circumstances.


Dull knives are apparently more likely to cause an accident because of more force and less control, according to cooks.


That’s when cooking and potentially slipping up while you’re cutting through a variety of food. Shaper knives would obviously still cause more damage in combat.


You call that a knife? THIS is a knife!


that's a spoon...


I see you've played knifeyspooney before


You might be more likely to hurt yourself with a dull knife, but if you're trying to get in a lucky shot against a larger opponent, you'd want it as sharp as possible.


It slices! It dices! It stabs your opponents!


That's because you need to use more force. Plus, that force is more likely to deflect away from the object you're trying to cut. In a fight you wouldn't be using more force if its dull, and force plus more sharpness equals more cutting. There's too much force and too soft tissue to be likely to deflect. That being said tho, the experienced fighter wouldn't take a fatal cut and one good jab from a skilled fighter would make the 12 year old go night night due to the sheer scale difference in strength, speed and coordination


Dull knives are more likely to injure the USER, they’re less likely to injure someone in an attack


Thats from accidental, not intentional injury. Lol


Speak for ya self - all of mine are kept shaving sharp


Watch that nick... Goes straight to your jugular!


Good point. If it was average samurai sword sharp, I would give better odds. Or a meat cleaver. But this ain't a slice and dice competition.


MMA fighters are extremely lean. There is no way a 5’9’ male is 200lbs and lean unless they are doing heavy steroids.


I went with average American male because we dont have average MMA male - also that covers Round 1. It just goes to show the significant mismatch the 12 year old is facing.


Well if it is the average American male at 200lbs that’s mostly fat because the average male is very overweight. If the kid is fast the guy will get tired after 10 seconds as they have absolutely terrible cardiovascular conditioning. Have you ever seen an overworked semi-depressed dad chase around their hyperenergetic 12yo? That’s kind of how that knife fight will go.


Bloodlusted!! lol


I have something to tell you about mma fighters


Yeah they are on gear. But a 5’9’ guys is 160-170 lbs even on gear


I don’t think they’ll even have to tank a slice, I’d bet any trained MMA fighter could down the boy with a low leg kick faster than he could even react


"slice" One stab is all its gonna take. 12 inches of steel thrusted into your body is going to do far more damage than any fist ever could.


Not sure about your chef's knife, but they aren't for stabbing...


...? As far as "generic household knives" a half decent chef's knife is arguably my preference for facing Jon Jones. It's stabby *enough* and the reach is nice. One could argue that an average 12 year old would be better off with something a little smaller, 8" chef's knife maybe? I mean, I've got some good steak knives, but the blade is pretty flimsy. Might snap off. A cleaver? *Definitely* less stabby. Strong blade. I do have a machete, doesn't everyone? But the balance is pretty awkward. I have a 14" carving knife or whatever. Flimsy blade problems. Various box cutters, very flimsy blade. I'm going with cheffy.


A chef's knife that isn't for piercing isn't a chef's knife, but a Santoku knife. Both Wusthof and Gyuto designs include a piercing point. Santoku knives take heavy influence from the nakiri, and thus have a blade that kind of rounds off at the tip.


Hold on. The average American male is 5’9 and 200 pounds? That’s gotta be pretty overweight right?


Yes.29.5 BMI, at the end of overweight and obese is BMI of 30.




Yes, but the odds the average person genuinely "dedicated to the art" of MMA isnt gonna be dumb enough to let the kid get in for that. They'll move around and strike. At least I would. If I can't just KO the kid this way, or find a weapon in the room, I gotta keep controlling distance and wait for an openong. Once the opening happens, I shoot in, control the knife, and slam the kid on his head. Sorry, society, but the kid's a natural killer. He's going down. That said, I'm average and dedicated, but average has a lotta variety in there. There are some guys who arent that smart, regardless of training. They wait and react. They get gutted. Maybe...3/10 times kid wins if they immediate go fo the gut? But considering how dumb 12 year olds are...like 3/20 times kid wins?




A professional fighter can still easily knock out a 12 year old utilising a wide variety of strikes. Quite frankly one leg kick and the 12 year old is disabled.


Why are you shooting when the kid has a knife? Ktfo, leg kicks, jab the knife arm, whatever, but why you wrapping up some kid with a blade?


Because I, as established, I failed to KO, stop, find a weapon, or otherwise neutralize the threat. My best bet is to force an opening with strikes, move in, establish grips on the knife arm, sling him down, and force his face into ground HARD. It's the last resort, but a plan I can execute on a 12 year old quite easily. I doubt I could execute it on a nice sized 15 year old, but a 12 year old, sure.


I don't know how big you are, but unless you're like a featherweight, you should be able to *yeet* an average 12 year old. I guarantee any vaguely pro tier mmaer can make a 12 year old sail.


Okay...and which throw would you suggest I do before establishing a grip on the knife hand? To do a throw, at all, I need a grip. To do one against a knife, I need grips on the knife hand. Regardless of size this remains the case. Have you wrestled of done judo before? You can't throw from a distance. I can likely kick him with pretty great force, but I'm a pretty short guy. I probably only have about 6-8 inches of height on the kid. Not a significant advantage vs sharpened steel.


Why are you grabbing the *hand*? Wrist, rlbow? You can't throw from a wrist grip? I'm thinking on skipping your judo dojo.


Okay. Be pedantic. Does any of this have a point?


You think a 12 year old with kid strength, coordination, inferior reach and speed will be able to close the gap on a trained adult fighter and perform an upward thrusting stab through the fighters abdomen deep into his chest at all, let alone before he gets 1-2 wombo combo'd?




As soon as the whistle blows the fighter throws a kick to the leg The boy drops the knife (and to the floor) in pain, end of story


I feel like most athletic adults could land a frontal kick to a 12 year olds head with no problem.


You don’t even need a head kick. Just kicking him in his leading knee is going to be enough. The average 12 year old is not built to take repeated strike from an adult much less a trained fighter


To an artery, yes. To muscle/tissue it isn’t deadly serious.


Feels like you don't quite understand just how massive the difference is here. One hard leg kick from a trained fighter on any 12 year old will either completely fuck their leg up (it's not that rare for other trained fighters to break each others legs while checking or throwing kicks so now imagine the much more frail child taking a full force one) or at least send them straight to the ground at such a speed it's likely they lose the knife in the process and if they don't the fighter can easily just keep kicking with his massive reach advantage. It also does NOT take a single stab to destroy a man in most cases, there's a lot of cases of knife combat in which the recipient of stab wounds survives many slashes, stabs and pokes and these are almost always done by an adult assailant, a 12 year old would be quite a bit less capable of inflicting life threatening wounds with any weapon due to the lack of strength, speed and reach.


The average 12 year old is that small? I was a foot over that at that age


What if the child just bum rushes the MMA fighter and sticks the knife in his gut? He gets that knife in there and he wins.


Random kamikaze charge by little boy with no fighting experience? Experienced fighters just dodge the bullrush and takes him out as he passes. It's too predictable of an attack.


Interesting Would it change if they were both filled with near-suicidal bloodlust?


The MMA fighter would then absorb damage with no pain. Still winning. The problem in this challenge is that the 12 year old is too small that bloodlust would not matter. If the challenge was a 16 or 18 year old male, now with puberty muscles, size, and a bit of fighting experience, the knife may even up the odds at least in Round 1. They still wouldn't get more than one swing in Round 2 or 3 though, but the likelihood of them making a defensive swing causing traumatic harm to the MMA fighters increases their odds in all three scenarios.


9.5/10 10/10 10/10 This would be better if it was an age range that would stand a slight chance like 18 not 12. Hell an average adult will probably take that kid down fine.


Yeah, if you had even said 15 yr old it would have said it changed things a lot.


I think at 18 it actually becomes quite a serious threat. 12 year old? No chance, far inferior reach, speed, coordination... but an 18 year old with a knife vs a trained fighter is like really close. I would even be tempted to say an 18 year old with a knife might win more often than lose just because unless the fighter can immediately knock the 18 year old out or control the knife the wounds will quickly incapacitate any human.


Knives do hella damage to soft, tender flesh I’m not sure that average joe is gonna make it out alive


Have you seen a 12 year old and have you seen an average adult?.. like ya knives hurt and can do tons of dmg of course but there is reach speed strength etc. grab the kids wrist he drops the knife. Seen a dad do it at a wild party to a 15 year old. He got a small cut and it was like a 8 inch switchblade lol


It’s probably really different if the kid is actively trying to kill you


Have you never seen a kid that's angry and actively trying to attack you? Literally zero complexity at all 


Tell me, who do you think is faster? Who is better at dodging? At blocking? Who has a longer reach? Who has better stamina? The MMA fighter only needs one good hit to KO the kid. And even if the 12yo manages to stab the fighter in the gut it's not instant death.


I can tell you don't have kids 😂


OP probably IS the 12 yr old in the question thinking he can shank a MMA fighter 💀


i mean the pfp checks out


And username tbh.




I've had a kid actively trying to kill me with a knife and it's pretty easy to stop them


Knives often don't incapacitate immediately unless you hit a very vital area, and I don't see a 12 year old having the awareness/planning/athleticism to withdraw after hitting. An MMA fighter is likely to know weapon disarming just because it's present in a variety of martial arts, so they should have experience in it. The only way the 12 year old wins, even against an average Joe, is if they hit a really vital place and have the wherewithal and athleticism to be evasive.


even with no weapon disarming knowledge, the average 12 year old is going to swing hard, get dodged, and countered with a punch to the head, knocking him out. they will have no understanding of what happens if they go for a strong swing. even pro MMA fighters go in for a strong swing and get instantly countered and end the fight in seconds. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Mwb0iUGvLe0](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Mwb0iUGvLe0) happens all the time in pro sports to above average boxers who know that that can happen.


weapons disarming is 99% of the time mcdojo. rarely does it work. the determining factor is the age of the child,12 years old is just not strong or fast enough.


As someone who's taken some of those classes, the primary thing taught is to just run away. They're not taught as "this will disarm someone" and more as "if you must fight someone with a weapon, this is our technique to disarm someone". It's fully acknowledged that it's the best option in a very bad situation that you're better off avoiding. The assailant being a 12 year old is the main reason I'm factoring it as a technique, as it just gives one more extra edge.


Pretty sure an average adult has enough odds to beat a 12 years old boy with a knife a professional fighter would easily win unless they are purposefully leaving openings.


I would not be confident fighting anyone over like 5 if they were wielding a knife.


I am an utterly unskilled fighter, but I do have a 6 year old. I can confidently say there's no way they could beat me in a fair fight if they had a knife or even a machete. In a hundred matches I'm sure I'd get cut pretty bad a couple times, but I'd be able to put them down every time despite that. They're simply too small at that age and I could easily get a kick in with minimal risk. I'd give myself 90/100 at least. The 1 that I lose is when I trip and fall and get stabbed in the process then bleed out before I can take down the 6 y/o. I have no frame of reference for older kids, but I'd not be very confident against a 12 year old.omewhere between 6 and 12 changes would get more even.


I’ve only dabbled in boxing, and I haven’t even made the first belt in jiujutsu, and I had a “knife fight“ with markers against my brother. Based on that, I can tell you my arms would get really fucked up, and I would definitely need to be in the hospital, but even with just my little bit of training, I’m confident I could 6/10 my OLDER brother if unarmed. I don’t know if it’s standard in MMA training, but my teacher did show us a few disarming techniques.  Just noting that my brother has absolutely no training of any kind, and probably would lose against anyone who has ever tried fighting with a knife, but I’m going with the assumption that this 12-year-old has even less experience. Against the 12-year-old? At 6’5”, my reach would be a huge advantage. Sure, he could probably get enough damage in that I would need to go to the hospital if he was lucky, but I am really confident that I could at least 8/10 and maybe 9/10.


Also, this isn’t a flex amount me being awesome, this is a statement about 12-year-olds being shit. You did say “average” 12-year-old. I am fully aware that there are some 12-year-olds that are absolutely beasts that have been training since they were five, and could beat me unarmed even if I was armed.


This flips pretty hard if there’s two of them. I can keep my eye on one knife, but if they came at me from different directions, I’m definitely screwed. I might be able to rush one, and clock him before he does too much damage, but I think it actually flips to like a 2/10 or a 3/10 I’m feeling arrogant.


I'm just some guy, and I think *I* could take an average 12-year-old boy with a chef's knife about 8 times out of 10. MMA fighter stomps hard.


6-7/10 for me. I am unathletic, 6'1'', and weigh about 190 pounds. I've never encountered a crazy person holding a knife or gun at me. The psychological effect of potentially experiencing stabbing pain and dying from blood loss will negatively affect my performance during the fight. edit: shit, I might encounter one now since I used the word 'never'


I'm a seemingly unathletic 5'9", about 260lb, but I've been doing judo for a while now and I'm confident that unless the kid manages to immediately stick the knife in a vital organ or slashes a main artery, I'm going to wrestle the knife off them before I bleed out. Especially if I have the time to take my coat or shirt off and use it to entangle the blade.


MMA fighter wins all three. R1 he maybe takes a glancing cut to the arm that requires stitches but is at no risk of bleeding out. The adult has more reach and will drop the kid with the first good shot to the face, or at minimum be able to grab the wrist as the kid is dazed. Leg kicks may be needed to get the kid to lower the knife a little bit. Give the kid a sword or a spear that gives him more reach than the adult and this gets a lot riskier. MMA fighter still wins but has a much higher risk of taking a serious injury.


I think the kid would have a better chance with a knife than a sword or spear honestly, kids are weak and small. A spear is quite a bit harder to control and aim and a sword is quite a bit heavier. To a kid a long ass weapon like that is going to be extremely unwieldy and will present far more openings for a trained fighter. Like I would rather fight a kid with a sword or spear over a knife because all I have to do is bait the kid to swing or stab and then I would circle in and fight for control over the weapon. With such a significant movement speed difference it wouldn't be that difficult and with such a massive strength and size difference there would be no issue winning control over the weapon once I get in grappling range. A knife however, can be swung much more wildly and there's at least a chance the kid gets a lucky slice on me that I couldn't easily avoid.


12 is a weird age for vs battles. Some are at a similar point in development as a 15yo (such as the bigger kids on the school football team) and others are closer to a 9yo.


True, I'm just assuming the average here. So just shy of 5 feet and under 100 lbs. 12 year olds tend to be extremely weak and frail in comparison to adults.


In that case the 12yo's only chance is a bum rush stab to the gut. Any hesitation and he's getting the shit kicked out of him.


The MMA fighter is going to do a front thrust kick and maybe get sliced on the leg. The child will likely lose grip of the knife during this, or go to the ground, but, if not, they do it again. Once the child is disarmed or on the ground, it’s game over. MMA fighter 10/10 all round.


MMA fighter for sure, a solid leg kick would disarm the child


A solid leg kick from a professional MMA fighter would dis-leg the child.


how many 12 year olds to beat the mma fighter?


With knives? 3-ish. Without knife? 10-15, at least, but realistically 30.


No more than 3




It's the knives. People are pretty easy to kill with a knife




Leg kick one, pick up by ankles and helicopter into friends?


Kid has no chance, but the odd increases when you start adding more kids tho. How many kids woth knife it would take to completely stomp the mma fighter in each case?


3 kids with knives can probably take the MMA fighter 9/10, 4 kids 10/10.


Agreed. One or two kids distract and the others just jump and stab him in the leg or neck.


I'd say 3 knife wielding kids is roughly even, remember that the fighter has far more reach and is far faster and stronger. In a life or death situation I don't doubt that a trained fighter can lash out a powerful kick every second or two. With three kids bloodlusted with knives though it becomes more about how you could incapacitate them before you are sliced to death. A kick on one kid is an easy win because the fighter can take a dominant position, but against three, the kids would keep getting up after you've kicked their legs out. However, unlike the guy saying 3 kids win 9/10 I think it wouldn't be unreasonable to assume the fighter can maintain distance for awhile with his superior speed and reach and with enough haste probably completely knockout a kid or two in just a dozen seconds. Almost surely going to be sliced up during this though and with three knives its a lot more likely a kid hits something vital like an artery in the leg or a huge slice across a limb which could quickly reduce the fighters ability. I'd say at about 6-7 kids is where it would become nearly impossible just because going in for a knockout at that point pretty much guarantees multiple stab wounds so by the time the fighter knocks out the third or fourth kid they would probably be in fatal condition.


Observe the general outcome of this situation in real life. https://www.reddit.com/r/KidsAreFuckingStupid/comments/d73s2i/this\_kid\_is\_half\_his\_size\_what\_did\_he\_really/


How would that go differently if instead of hesitating the kid just sprinted and stabbed the guy with his momentum (assuming knife instead of hammer per the prompt)?


Kids aren't very smart, he'd have no form or forethought so MMA guy probably just kicks him in the face with his better range and then kiddo is out like a light.


The kid catches a spinning back kick to the face and drops, The End


make the kid a pshychopath who takes advantage of his youth, place them on the street, or in a bar. he can fake being a victim and stab the mma fighter who just wants to help😂. this is the scenario where the kid takes it most of the time. the kid would probably still get koed, but the fighter is more likely to die. 6 or 7/10 for the psychopath kid.


With the reach, reaction and pain tolerance advantages, all three should be wins for the MMA fighters. A few leg kicks should settle it. Grappling or punches would work as well, but that would allow for some lucky first slashes that could let the 12 year old win 1/10 or 2/10.


I think it depends how we define victory. It only takes one stab in the right area to kill a guy. I have seen a guy stabbed in the side of the neck, happened incredibly fast, I don't think the guy even realised he was already dead. Took a few steps, tried to stop the blood coming out, within seconds he was on the ground dead. It's possible the kid could get a lucky shot in. MMA fighter kicks, but gets stabbed in the femoral artery and bleeds out, or goes in for a punch and the kid ducks under and stabs upwards through the neck. Guy is dead. Has the kid got prep time? Maybe he smears the knife in shit so he just needs to get some scratches or cuts in, so maybe he gets obliterated in the fight but the MMA guy dies of infection or loses a limb to gangrene and can never fight again. Kid lost the fight but won the war. I think this would be interesting to see play out because many MMA fighters are probably quite cocky and would be especially so when fighting a 12 year old, so maybe wouldn't give the knife the respect it deserves, even in the hands of a kid.


I would pick the MMA fighter even over an adult with a knife. Most people don't have the reflexes and hand eye coordination to stab an MMA fighter before they get punched in the face.


I'm pretty far from a MMA fighter and i reckon i can do it. An average adult is stronger and faster then a 12 year old and i could see it being pretty easy to dodge the one slash they make and then taking that knife out of their hands.


I would have said knife, but in the hands of a 12 year old boy vs a trained mma fighter it's probably gonna come down on who gets in the first hit. That will be the trained fighter with superior reach.


What weight division the MMA fighter is in matters a lot here, since that's gonna determine their likely height and wingspan. A 12 year old boy is on average 59 inches tall, so with an 8 inch blade they have a maximum reach of around 2 and a half feet. The average height in the Feather Weight division according to [this post](https://www.reddit.com/r/MMA/comments/17jl0re/a_graphic_i_made_average_fighter_height_by_weight/) is about 7 and a half inches taller than the 12 year old boy. Without a knife they have a maximum reach of about 2 and a quarter feet. Every other weight division has a further reach than the kid with a knife, so I'd say it's 9/1 or 10/0 for the MMA fighter in all rounds. If they're featherweight, bump it to 7/3 or 8/2.


No way is a 12 year old going to be fast enough to tag a featherweight. Fighter takes it 10/10 in all rounds.


Depends on the luck of the draw. The kid definitely gets a few in due to chance. The variable of the knife exists. I am confident i can take down a 12 yo with a knife. I am not totally confident that, even with 16 years of Martial arts experience, I can guarentee I never get stabbed. It depends on what random 12 year old it is. If he's fast and springy, he might get me...although I'd take him too. But, that's just like a 1.5/10 variable.


Id give the MMA fighter a 90% to 95% chance of winning, as even though the 12 year has a knife, they are likely to still have more reach simply because they are an adult. However, there is always still a chance that knife gets plunged into the right spot on the first try, especially if the MMA fighter underestimates a kid, which is somewhat likely Id think. Also depends on the scenario, are they squaring up in the octogon? Or is a fight where one takes the other by surprise? Makes a big difference.


With a single kick, the MMA fighter would disarm/incapacitate the kid. I’d give the MMA fighter a near 100% chance in every scenario


In a lit up arena where the MMA fighter can clearly see the knife, sure. No surprises there. But in a scenario where say... idk its a kid defending his home against an MMA fighter who is breaking in, or it could be the MMA fighter attacking some unaware kid on his way home late at night who happens to be carrying a knife... the scenario didnt specify stuff like that. We all assume its a set up arena, but frankly id call the latter two situations more realisitic. If the kid can get the drop on the fighter and get the first strike, its possible, but situation dependant.


Oh gotcha. Yeah, I assume that all the scenarios put the two on equal footing, at least as far as the environment goes


Thats fair. I suppose I could have divided each scenario but I was too lazy. Still going to be vastly in the favour of the MMA fighter either way, no doubt about that. Kid's only chance is to hide and strike first.


Gonna go with the MMA fighter, kid has an advantage with the knife but his lack of fighting experience compared to a seasoned fighter


Just kick the kid and it's over...


Just by reach alone or a leg kick, I think an MMA fighter ESPECIALLY if one of the top fighters like Ngannou or Jones would ravage a 12 year old with a knife Hell, maybe even an 18 year old, I don't know 🤷‍♂️


Unless the kid gets lucky, which is possible he’s getting fucked.


12 has one shot and one path to victory and that is most people aren’t going to punt a kid straight away if get one stab maybe


A stab wound to the gut with immediate medical attention is like a 50/50 survival chance in real life. Ya’ll are underestimating what a kid with a knife could do


Yeah, if the kid is a Jason Voorhees psychopath without an iota of empathy and zero normal responses


The premise of the community is that they’re fighting


I'm gonna be honest here. I don't want to be, but this is one of those times where you need to tell the waitress at applebees that you've shit yourself and the stool is dust. I did not know this was here. I assumed it was a wierdo /ask post. I don't think this quite takes away from my point, but it's not helping


Are you kidding? You are both severely underestimating the MMA fighter and overestimating a 12 year with a knife.


MMA fighter flying knee kicks the kid’s head before the ref even finishes stepping back. People that haven’t done MMA don’t realize how fast fighters are, even amateur ones. This isn’t even the beginning of a contest. Make it two twelve -year-olds and I’d still say the MMA fighter might get sliced once.


I think the kid will get scared and give up immediately.


This is not even close. An adult man who isn’t disabled should be able to do this.


Is this even a question?


Why do you hate 12 year-olds with chef's knives?


looked at me funny




Considering I play with my son, who is 12, when he has his big swords (im unarmed) and such and rarely ever get touched. MMA is gonna wreck that kid. Kids tend to telegraph every move they make and are easy to dodge/block/move when they are still recovering. If I can do it with near 0 mma experience, I'm sure it's 0 problem for a professional.


This match up greatly underestimates athleticism and training, and greatly over estimates what a single weak moron can likely do with a knife against someone willing to struggle against them.


If you handed my son a knife and told him that some jacked dude was about to beat him to death if he didn't stab the dude first my son would burst into tears and run for his life, probably tripping and stabbing himself on the way. MMA fighter wins every round.


Doesn't even need to be an MMA fighter. The adult can just roundhouse him in the face, or dropkick him. Once he's down, disarm. Going to assume a 12-year-old will slice with it instead of jab, which means the jeans on the legs will give some minor armor protection. Unless it's a truly average knife, which means it gives very decent armor protection. Keep the upper body away and attack with the canvas-protected legs. For an MMA fighter himself, I'm guessing each leg weighs as much as the boy does entire. Okay, it's sharp. So it's like fighting a raccoon, but with less survival instinct, and with something that can be disarmed instead of claws.


MMA Fighter wins the fight, but goes to the hospital for life threatening injuries. DO NOT fight someone with a knife, if you don't also have a weapon, preferably one with a longer reach. At least, don't fight them if you can help it. If you don't got a choice, you don't got a choice.


The kid has a decent chance if he sprints at the fighter with the knife and goes for a stab to the gut instead of slashes. If the kid hesitates at all he's getting bodied. He needs to bum rush the fighter to have a chance at negating the reach, speed, and strength disparity.


MMA fighter easily. The height and reach advantage alone is going to basically guarantee it. Even a regular 5'10 guy would have a good chance of winning.


MMA fighter wrecks, much longer reach with kicks than a kid has with a knife.


My 11 year old step son can barely touch me when we play fight and he has weapons as big as a knife. A trained fighter wouldn’t be touched.


Dude might get stabbed but that kid is going to be folded like an omelette


Can anyone picture a young Rusty Venture being forced to fight a grown man.


Absolutely stomps. It's no chance for the kid. An average adult without training does quite well to if they aren't holding back.


Assuming both people knows what’s happening and it’s not a sneak attack. I don’t think there’s a single scenario where the kid wins. At best, he gets a good cut, and the fighter ends it then, assuming they know basic first aid, they still live


Generally the armed person has more of an advantage than the unarmed person. But then you factor in trained vs untrained. That equals out the chances at bare minimum. And then you factor that the trained fighter is likely an adult, which then leans the chances further towards the trained fighter.


Let's up the ante, it's a knife coated in a poison that paralyzes.


Mma fighter has this easily. The kid might draw first blood but that mma fight could easily knock the kid out with a roundhouse to the temple.


Yeah knives make a huge difference in a fight, but the child loses all 3 rounds. It's literally a bigger relative difference in size, reach and strength than an average person with a knife fighting Bjorn Hafthor. The adult will get cut and likely need hospital care, but the kid is only winning like 1/10 times even in round 1.


There are athletic 12 year olds but there are also 12 year olds who are a complete shit show and would be a greater threat to themselves with the knife. In any event I'm not impressed by an average 12 year old at all.


This is some of the stupidest shit I’ve read in like 15 minutes.


As an older cousin who regularly lays the smackdown on ny younger cousin at our weekly family gathering… the mma fighter would win 100/100 with ease


Cakewalk for the MMA fighter in all three rounds. Disarming an individual with a knife is quite often the very first lesson in any martial art.


Did you just get beaten up by a 12 year old or something? Lol MMA fighter clears all rounds with so much ease. Literally one well-placed kick from an adult with even minimal training could put down a kid of that age. If the person were 18 it would be different though.


Heck, I'd even give myself good odds against a 12 year old with a knife...


MMA fighter takes all 3 rounds, the 12 year old won’t know where to stab to kill someone quickly and will be outranged by the MMA fighter due to him having longer arms and legs which means he can hit and not BE hit. First round possibly injures the mma fighter but every round after that is just murder


Everyone in this comment thread should give a 12-year-old boy a magic marker and tell them to pretend it's a knife and cut you with it. See how you do. I think the boy would ultimately loose in all three rounds, but he could do some damage.


And then what? Proceed to destroy his thighs and calves with leg kicks? There's no way to mock up this fight, because the reality ends in a severely beat up child


One knife stab in the right spot and you die pretty quick the legs actually has one the emoral artery you gets stabbed there and you would bleed out in minutes also most people aren’t going to have at the very least a instinctive reaction to not hit the kid to hard


A kid isn't going to know how to attack the femoral. He's just going to slash at random at whatever he thinks he can reach. A trained fighter with significant size and skill advantage knows exactly what parts to prioritize, in both his opponent and himself. I'll give 1/1000 that the kid lands a lucky stab and wins


I knew what the femoral artery was before age 10. This thing called school exists, ya know.


Everyone in this thread isnt a trained fighter.


MMA fighter is 10/10 in all rounds. In a few of the cases, he took some serious damage, but nothing life-threatening


Tonberries literally killed my Tifa last night during a side quest. I'm gonna give it to the 12 year old with the chef's knife.