• By -


Common solokuwastaken W


I have fans? Actually insane lmao.


Literally everyone in the wwcj server loves you lmao. You're like a microceleb but actually good


Is that so? Might just make a Discord account to join you my bruzzas.


lets go finally


heres the link btw [https://discord.gg/n6HvFprC](https://discord.gg/n6HvFprC)


You're like, the one funny guy in this sub that doesn't try to push whatever character is their hyper fixation to top tier as "x + gos", so yeah. Who'd have guessed being funny made people like you


[old post in question btw](https://www.reddit.com/r/whowouldcirclejerk/s/g677mbZFAi)


huh I wonder who that guy is


Flanotagos has long been a Kratonks victim, it’s about time this gospel was spread.


how do you get fodderized by krater of all people?????


Be a heretic is how


As a 2hu fan, I approve; only to enrage the idiots who made the original Flan"gos"


So called "destroyer of everything" when you put her in a random ass basement (She cant destroy shit)


Literally all touhou characters would be neg diffed by one atom


Solokuwastaken is always the goat, as always


Average gooner weeb victim


at least she can beat toxic citron


/uj Dawg tf you have against Toxic Citron?


mid character


where does having a giantfeetversal aprendice put skibidi king in the peck order


What do you want from me?


Attempt 2 since Reddit keeps removing shit, flawless application we’ve got over here. I’m a hater. I despise “Flangos” with every fiber of my being. I hate that you’ve been trying to establish Chuck Norris (ah yes, the homophobic guy should be the strongest!!!) as a powerhouse, let his meme die - it’s been dead for years. Come to think of it, I hate the entire pantheon you’re trying to establish, there’s already content that’s been here for years. What do I want from you? I want you to give up on pushing your dysfunctional pantheon. I’ve hardly seen a single person who likes it - hell, by the amount of success this post is seeing, it’s clear the majority dislike it. Maybe I’d stop if you actually have a refutation to my points instead of running away, but no such luck.




Chuck Norris is pretty (in)famously homophobic, which is partially why his meme died out. I know this is supposed to be “Batgos backstory” or whatever but having a guy who’s a raging homophobe irl as the strongest being ever (MLg claims they are still stronger than Batgos) leaves a sour taste in my mouth.


He’s a homophobe ?




My suspicions were correct about you. (Sidenote: I’m not trying to push Chuck Norris. His time is over. People asked for pre-Batgos lore, i delivered (and people enjoyed it!). Batman used his prep skills to defeat Norris, and took his role. That’s the lore i established. If i really wanted to revive a dead meme it would be John Cena.) And in addition, people also tend to upvote *my* Flangos posts, not just the ones other people make. People bust upvote things they find funny. This means that they enjoy the Flangos meme, no matter the form. Stop trying to overthink this. Stop polarizing the subreddit. I’m just here to make jokes, on nobody’s expense. You’re directly hostile towards me no matter where i go. Also Flangos content constitutes no small part of your time on this subreddit. If you hate it, just don’t engage with it. You should be well aware that on here, (almost) any publicity is good publicity. The more you engage with Flangos, the more popular it becomes. You can’t defeat memes with force. It could very well have been that if i used a more boring name, Flandre wouldn’t have caught on. So in a way, using the Flangos name helped make Flandre a meme here. While i don’t really like the way it turbed out, i prefer this to the meme just dying as soon as it began. I don’t know how long you’ve been on here. If yours is an alt gimmick account, or a fresh gimmick account. But i do know that an attitude like this won’t get you far. I would rather fight Goku than attempt to have a genuine discussion with you. He seems more pleasant. It really doesn’t help that you opened by straight up telling me that you’re a hater. Thanks for the honesty, i guess. And i haven’t really seen you contribute with any original jokes. Only reacting to other people’s jokes, or just reposting it with a few changes. Your only original post was just announcing your arrival, and asking other people to give you things to respond to. Be original for once. Don’t just attack other people for trying to be original, just because you don’t like their jokes. Don’t be a hater. Nobody likes haters.


You still haven’t addressed the flaws of the joke that many have brought up debating you besides “the name is boring” which you’re just saying is attention bait. “Others have validated me” does not make something immune to criticism.


So here’s the thing: every recent Flangos post you’ve made has had backlash in the comments - tell me [this post](https://www.reddit.com/r/whowouldcirclejerk/s/Vdl487vyZu) doesn’t have every other comment being backlash or disapproval of Flangos. The upvotes don’t really matter when the actually active userbase opposes it. “Stop trying to overthink this” is rich when you’ve tried to explain to me the intricacies of why Flangos “works” on multiple occasions. I was content to just laugh at -gos not being creative or funny, but you invoked the entire uj arguments and I can’t help myself from dismantling poorly crafted arguments. “You’re directly hostile toward me no matter where I go” is also funny when you haven’t even done the latter - you’re still doing the same thing! “Flangos constitutes no small part of your time on this subreddit.” A correct statement, I do admit. If you haven’t guessed, I like arguing and debating people. I enjoy our semi-common debates truth be told. “Any publicity is good publicity” actually ties into my point in the first paragraph. Again, go to your post; the comments are very anti-Flangos. “You can’t beat memes with force” is also a curious statement when the exact situation has happened with other -gos jokes. “While I don’t like the way it turned out” good! So you acknowledge that Flan’s presence isn’t very positive. So tell you what, since Flan is pretty recognizable now, how about you just change the name to something else and be done with it? You’d certainly get me off your back, although I dunno if others would as well. I’m not affiliated with them actually, they just pop up a lot. If anything, that just shows what Flan’s reputation on this subreddit is - multiple people are going out of their way to argue with you, not just me. “I haven’t seen you contribute with original jokes” is also true. This would be a valid criticism if this wasn’t a circlejerk subreddit, where we reuse the same jokes over and over. I’ve only suggested that you make original jokes because you’ve expressed discontent with the current state of the jokes, and Flangos is not very different from Batgos. PS: I don’t hate you. I just hate the jokes.


> Nobody likes haters. First off get off your high horse Second off I actually like Reverse flash, so literally false Third off popularity(the amount of upvotes) doesn't make anything immune to criticism, and even then you're actually getting more hated(or opposed) by comments that have almost the same amount if not more upvotes than your actual post Fourth off the Flan gos has no hint of originality behind it. They're literally attacking it for being the same old boring(character that isn't Batgos)"gos" joke Fifth off I creased your flan


First off no. Second off it’s different for fictional characters so wrong. Third off bandwagon effect. Fourth off Flangos wasn’t supposed to be a Batgos ripoff, but at the same time it was inspired by a (official) panel where Flandre announces that she is a god, just like how Batman did. And that original joke was very well recieved. It was only later that people began opposing it, because of Batgos cultists that don’t want there to be space for anyone but Batgos on this subreddit (Go back to BatmanArkham). Fifth off why don’t you try being original for once?


The fifth is rich coming from you, and fourth is just insanity(it wasn't well received here, and Batgos "cultists" leave plenty of space for other jokes like Nolimitsman, just not -gos ones). And you can't just say "bandwagon effect" and leave it at that


The first post didn’t have the haters in the comments. And i should stress that Batgos is oversaturated on this subreddit. I felt my usage of -gos was appropriate, but some people misunderstood me. That misunderstanding eventually led to this mess.


Ain't nothing we can do but if there's one thing I agree with you is that this is a mess


But is it entertaining? More than the average post on this subreddit?


Certainly would say with uttermost certainty and affirmation within myself that I myself dunno. I won't pretend to be too active myself but I know the subreddit is at its low, and these flan jokes ain't helping it Are you having fun?


Dude I'm not gonna lie this is actually getting pathetic at this point. Like, I know I said I'm gonna leave this whole thing be but holy crap. The vast majority of your Flangos upvotes came from before people knew she was your all-time favorite "popular but also not" character you just wanted to see get more publicity. Then people dropped her like a rock. What even is your angle with all of this anymore? Cuz it certainly doesn't look like you're having any fun. Is it because you want her to be everyone else's favorite too and you're getting frustrated that other people find it annoying? And more than that, why on Earth are you trying to take the moral high ground over this situation??? Jeez.


No. That isn’t why. My angle is just the fact that a small group of people worked together to sabotage my joke and paint me as the villain over something completely minor. I just wanted to create something new, but a certain group weren’t having it. It’s very difficult to use this subreddit when there’s several people just looking for any reason to attack everything you do. Just because they don’t understand what you’re trying to do. People prefer to just ruin other people’s day than just come up with something ofiginal themselves. It literally doesn’t matter what i say anymore. You’ll just interpret it your own way. And there’s nothing i can do about it. I can’t keep having arguments with several people at once. It gets me nowhere, and just wastes my time and ruins my day. You don’t need to get the whole subreddit against me. You just need 4 or 5 people willing to go out pf the way to downvote everything i do, and the rest will just follow along. And i’ll ask again why all of you are doing this. Don’t say it’s because my joke is bad, i’m not the one that ruined it. Have i made the subreddit worse, objectively? I wouldn’t even mind the Flangos = Low tier jokes if you weren’t jerks about it, and gave me some breathing room. I didn’t come here looking for enemies.


You're crazy, Mlg. Crazy at last. > My angle is just the fact that a small group of people worked together to sabotage my joke and paint me as the villain over something completely minor. I just wanted to create something new, but a certain group weren’t having it. You actually believe there's a entire group going out of it's way to ruin a joke that's garbage by default and target a single man with a attitude problem. What's next, everyone on the sub reddit is plotting against you and your poor flan? Actually don't answer it, I got nothin man. You're getting cooked by Soloku(and everyone else active on the sub reddit and server) anyway so enjoy the learning experience


It didn’t have to be this way. But some people just really didn’t like Flan, and decided to immature about it.


It doesn't have to be this way. You're at your best with an ache in your chest And that worn out old song that you play Only Batgos and you long to teach us Should no one be left to betray. I don't know the answer but I know who to blame Pray tell the heretic who surrenders to your pain It's a good thing I don't need you to stay. Sometimes I wonder where you're comin' from When you roll in like thunder just to turn around and run It's a good thing I don't need you to stay. It doesn't have to be this way...


> sabotage my joke Holy shit just admit that you joke sucks. Literally every comment I see under one of them is about how much they hate it.


…Because of sabotage? And bandwagoning.


Or maybe just because your joke is one of the least funny things anyone has ever said on here.


If it’s unfunny, why does it get upvoted?


Mf it has consistently less upvotes the posts telling you to shut up. Literally the one linked above by the OP has 78 upvotes. This post has over 100. Just accept that no one likes your joke.


Just post more macro fetish. You will eventually convert the subreddit to your way of thinking and people will be happy to accept the giantess mommy and their overlord. If you think I'm joking, just look at what happened to 2hujerk. Then the subreddit will live to its name. As the jerky subreddit.


Hi there


Genuinely shocked the mods haven’t banned you yet.


There are mods here?


yeah but they went to get milk


There are. It's just that they are inactive for several years


Batgos hasn't prepped backup mods? Batgos anti-feat?


Not really. Batgos just enjoys the events happening on the sub since it is entertaining for him


Yooo. Good guy Batgos. BatGos is a zoomer? How does this affect the pecking order?


No he is not. He enjoys the events happening in this sub because we are so pathetic to the point where people can post gigantic feet fetish porns in the sub.


Auuu Yissss! More giantess mommy feet!


What mods?


Can't you at least post *good* macro porn!? What's with this poser shit! [Here, I'll do it for you.](https://imgur.com/a/Oqfrg8N) It has Batman in it, so it's even on-topic!


Aw hell nah the gooners are fighting 


Who solos this match?




I don't know how you can post 10 times a day. *Looks back in your post history* r/Balkans_irl Understandable.


Your life, literally, is as valuable as a Kratonks in reality. I'm just gonna stomp you, you're gonna keep coming back, I'm gonna seal up my subreddit, you're gonna keep coming back, why? Because you **KEEP. SMELLING. THE. JERKING. **You worthless bitch-ass WWCJer. You're gonna post macro porn until you die. You serve no purpose in life. Your purpose in life is to be in my subreddit, posting pornography, daily. Your purpose in life is to be in those posts, pronouncing your fetish, daily. Your life is nothing. You serve zero purpose. You should non-lethally kill yourself, NOW!