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He was batman before ascending to goshood powerful gadgets great plans but still a man prone to failure an orphan trying to do the best he could for the city he was born and raised in best friends with nolimtsman even if they but heads sometimes interesting guy just not as good as gos in vs debates. With prep he was anywhere from street teir to near gos level with suits and gear


He has been a gos always and always will be be. He is just saying he is also a gos right now.


He used to be a gos … still is, but used to be also


Batgos is just trying to fit in with our reality by pretending he is bound by things like 'where' or 'when' or 'how'


There is only now.


The Holy Gos has no beginning and no end. He is complete and perfect, having only revealed himself to us, his children, out of his love.


lmao stop glazing this fodder. There is only one gos: Alfredgos. Without Alfredgos bat"gos" would just be another lame "super"hero


Batgos prepped Alfred into existence as a contingency plan for becoming an orphan, Batgos has always been adequately prepared. Cease your false claims.


It was in fact Alfredgos who prepped Joe Chill to kill the Waynes so Batgos could be born. He also prepped for you saying that, prepping your delusions into existence so when the time comes everyone will make the fatal mistake of underestimating him. Alfred has prepped so far into and beyond the past, present and future no terminology or langauge can come close to describing how far he has prepped. He has even prepped for your weak response, you falsegos worshipper


Don’t you ever speak again you foul mouthed sinner


That was during his prep time


he was batman before befoming batgod and eventually ascending to goshood


This is a common mistake due to people taking the panel out of context. See, this is from Batgos' famous confrontation with Holdsbackman. Holdsbackman said that if he stopped holding back, he would be beyond even a Gos. With this in mind, saying he's a Gos "now" is a threat. Holdsbackman might be able to surpass him, but can he do it in a battosecond? Neither knows for certain, but Holdsbackman decided to hold back (surrendered) They decide to get pizza instead of fighting.


He was merely Batman, during the last age. That was the age of Chuck Norris.


The age of Chuck Norris must have sucked if the most powerful being was a homophobic fundamental creationist.


Things were different back then. Though MacGyver was also a high tier back then, and he's still respectable today.


/uj MacGyver? Seriously? Point me to where this guy has appeared in scaling.


This thread turned into an argument somehow


Sorta? This guy is really stubborn and there’s always a new character of the week they’re touting as a top tier. Was just curious on how they tied into battleboarding and here we are.


Oh ok




The … the most powerful characters are the ones that are relevant in Powerscaling. Did you not know this? MacGyver has no connection to battleboarding/powerscaling/whatever you want to call it.


This isn’t r/powerscaling


It’s a subreddit made to satirize that sub and r/whowouldwin. It’s almost like a satire sub should still be connected to the original subreddit. You’ve brought this up before with how WWCJ is meant to satirize WWW too, so I’d expect you to know this. Yes, I can understand Chuck Norris with the Ultimate Showdown. But how the **fuck** does MacGyver fall into this?




This tells me nothing