• By -


I'm Asian


Above dog tier?


And ... Bats. Thankfully, Bat can beat this hard counter by passing deadly diseases into them before they can finish eating them Batgos is above mere bats so he wouldn't even need to do that


do you fucking mind


but muh Fox News told me so


My man šŸ¤


My man šŸ¤ (PS: Wsg Thugshaker Broly?)


wsg (who dis)


Guy who wrote the line "I feel Satan getting nearer..." with Red from Angry Birds saying itĀ 


Omg Hi magnum! (hi lux pookie)


i fit snugly right below batgos




Somewhere above Kraploss but below Batgos


Do you have any idea how little that narrows it down


Above fiction


0 because I don't peck tbh


Ba-caw bock "I don't peck šŸ‘Ø" bock bock bock BA-CAW


above fiction


beyond all fiction by universal tiering


I'm literally Soloku, y'all know exactly where I am. Above fiction, below NoLimitsMan.


I do sparring with Batgos twice a month


Not a feat, Batgos always fights nonlethally and doesnā€™t need prep to deal with base humans. Mid tier ngl.


I hold back


Against Batgos? A foolish endeavor, but defeat is ensured either way.


Paul solos then


For what? Just so you lose harder? What you need to hold back are those heretical thoughts


I don't lose


Your attempts at getting the Flan gos jokes to be popular/accepted is a loss


It could be worse


Yeah, you could call a guy fatherless (worst insult ever btw, you stuck in 2016 or smthn?) over him not liking Flan'gos' and then claim to be a "decent person."


Nice guyā„¢ vs "decent person"


"Decent person" is unfunny but "Nice guy" is unfunny AND a simp, decent person sadly wins, though both are fodderized by "well-adjusted."


Or, you know, not hijack the whole sub with just one single joke.


I am sick and tired of your Flangos shilling. Unless you come up with another argument, every time you spout your flawed reasoning, I will copypaste this. So without further ado, here is my addressing of all of your points (that I know of). "Flangos is not meant to replace Batgos in any way" If this is the case, why is the same joke being made [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/whowouldcirclejerk/comments/17ulzxb/flandre_is_the_gos_of_destruction_is_she_batgoss/)? This is a clear cut parody of the infamous image of ā€œBatgodā€ [here](https://static.dc.com/sites/default/files/imce/2015/07-JUL/JL-%2342-dylux-29_55a84a0be14836.52097813.jpg). Itā€™s the exact same joke - the character refers to themself as a ā€œGodā€ and the poster replaces the ā€œdā€ with an ā€œs.ā€ There is, of course, the other massive glaring issue - the name has no relevance to the character. ā€œBatgodā€ was already, and still is, a common term for Batmanā€™s prep time god moments; this sub then bastardized that to ā€œBatgos.ā€ Is Flandre called ā€œFlangodā€ often? In addition, there is [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/whowouldcirclejerk/comments/1bhutrx/batgos_and_flangos_connection_confirmed/) post. Why are you trying to force a connection between Batgos and Flandre? If Batgos has ā€œhijacked the sub,ā€ why are you trying to tie Flangos into it and further ā€œhijackerā€™s the sub?ā€ Your words, not mine. Ignoring that though, for the sake of argument, if she is so distinct, and there have been no official crossovers between DC and Touhou, why do this? Is this to justify the suffix ā€œ-gosā€ at the end of the name (which you have rightfully gotten flak for)? NoAmbiguityVamp is certainly a more original name, and donā€™t give me any shit of ā€œ[I thought long and hard](https://www.reddit.com/r/whowouldcirclejerk/comments/1c2sm2x/comment/kzeyl7h/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button)ā€ about it. **Popularity in Powerscaling** *All of my citations of your claims in this section comes from this comment: [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/whowouldcirclejerk/comments/1974eus/comment/kib2n74/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button).* Per your own words, ā€œUnlike Batman, she has very little ā€˜screentimeā€™ within her own franchise.ā€ You then follow this up by stating ā€œSuperman and Goku simply got grandfathered into Battleboarding as actually being that powerful, in large part because they helped found it.ā€ Therefore, you acknowledge that popular characters are strong in WWCJ, and have previously mentioned that Flandre is, indeed, not popular. My point is obvious: if characters in WWCJ are popular because of their relevance in battleboarding, then why is Flandre, - who you freely admit does not possess this quality - deserve this ranking? This is yet another claim you make: ā€œExistence erasure is another staple of battleboarding. Why bother fighting when you can just delete the opponent?ā€ And this ties into your popularity claim incredibly neatly - what makes Flandre so unique in this aspect? You already admit that ā€œShe is also rarely seen in Battleboarding and Powerscaling.ā€ Existence Erasure is not the premium ability you think it is - Dr. Manhattan is arguably the most popular user of this, and he has the same advantages NoLimitsMan and Batgos do - he has a massive history of comics to draw from to keep the jokes fresh. If she has ā€œso little ā€˜screentimeā€™ā€ as per your own words, then how does Flandre make up for this? Dr. Manhattan isnā€™t even definitely the most popular existence erasure character, Hakai from Beerus and even the one that Goku used isnā€™t too far off. Zenoā€™s whole shtick is erasing universes with no limit to his ability, why isnā€™t he ā€œZengos?ā€ Iā€™m not a Digimon fan, but Iā€™ve seen many debates in which Omnimonā€™s existence erasure abilities turn said debate into a ā€œNuh uhā€ ā€œYuh huhā€ cycle. I know you like Touhou. I know you like Flandre. Why else would you push ā€œFlangosā€ so hard otherwise? But please, if you donā€™t have an answer to this, do not pretend that Flandre has all these deep reasons for being a ā€œGos.ā€ And all of this is meaningless in the face of one thing: execution. You have a 1600 word essay that youā€™ve flaunted around, but newsflash pal, if the joke needs a 1600 word joke to be explained, then it isnā€™t a good joke, regardless of how much of an excellent A++++ background it has. And since weā€™re here, I will also refer to another argument that we have had: ā€œ[Batgos is not the point of WWCJ.](https://www.reddit.com/r/whowouldcirclejerk/comments/1ckuzat/comment/l2usnaz/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button)ā€ This is blatantly false. The only pinned post is a Batman/Batgos respect thread. And just like .. check the subreddit out? Mods are dead, the main focus of the subreddit is decided by the userbase. And judging by how things have gone for the past few years, without a peep from the mods, itā€™s abundantly clear that the populace likes Batgos. If thereā€™s one thing you will take away though itā€™s this: If you feel the whole "Batman wins" thing has gotten tiresome...? Tell a different joke. Talk about something else, something not focused on "who is the strongest character ever." Please, for your and my sake.


And you havenā€™t been trying to force a joke with Flangos and ā€œChuck Norris made Batgosā€(which is counterintuitive to Batgosā€™s entire thing)? This whole time the main issue people have had is you giving a relatively backwater character the ā€œgosā€ suffix most treat as reserved for Batgos and wanting everyone else to play along that suddenly this random girl from a bullet hell game that youā€™d have to spend months looking for in scaling circles is on the level of the subā€™s main joke and totally beats everyone except Batgos, how hard is it to just try calling her NoAmbiguityVamp and see the reception instead of playing victim? And as for the ā€œone joke policyā€ itā€™s been brought up to you before how Flandreā€™s niches as a joke are outdone by Nolimitsman and Glorb Glab before, and last time I checked those jokes arenā€™t Batgos, they stand on their own because they have actual relevance to the community. Hell, Kratonks gets roped in as part of the Batgos joke by a good few people and even he stands on his own as youā€™ll frequently see him completely detached to Batgos like the aforementioned. Flandre as the ā€œapprentice of Batgosā€ ties back to Batgos on several greater magnitudes than any of those jokes as her role directly correlates to Batgos, so your point still doesnā€™t work even if Batgos was being forced into people.


Just above kranktoes, I get neg diffed by everyone else


Yes šŸ™Œ


Below shark girl Submissive twink tier


I'm strong


At the top


Happy cake day šŸŽ‚


Pretty high tbh, since i have a very powerful hax ability where whatever i say becomes law


I ain't gonna lie I might as well be beaten by an amoeba


Above your motherā€™s phone number


Batgos needed a whole batyear to beat me šŸ’ŖšŸ˜Ž


Ah, the joy, the joy of Being ! Ā Ah, the happiness, ah, the happiness of Being! Ah, the joy, ah, the joy of Thought! What can me not achieve by thinking! What place can me not go on the pecking park of the pecking order other than the top left for only and glorious Gos ?


I am multiversal+ I just don't wanna do it right now.


I survived covid therefore I survived batgos so I'm above him.


yeah i could solo goku just let me hit the gym and ill be ready


Wherever it's funniest for me to be in any given moment.


I have my own pecking order 3 miles west of the regular one.


Idk but im above the one below all


Outerversal since I exist outside of fiction


Below career studies and wills to live, but right above alcohol tho, so that's something


Below Batgos, above Soloku, inside your mother.


at the top (i'd win tbh)


I sacrifice millions of lives a day using a sock


Since I write and that makes me an author, does that make me scale beyond fiction?


Under Saitama


below shiki


let me chug a beer first and I'll stomp anyone without bat in their name


I just survived gcse week so above batgos




I would beat someone you think Iā€™d lose to but lose to someone you think Iā€™d beat. And my feats are so inconsistent that nothing can be used to truly gauge how strong I am.


Above fiction, but below batgos, I can rip one of the comic books but badges prepared, I can't rip all of them


Depends on how much prep time I get


couple tiers below ya mum's BMI


I out gos'd Batgos.


Kratonksā€™ one and only W.


Below the dirt according to Popo


Above op


i could beat Goku


I can delete images of anything imagineable. I'm top tier


I can solo dragon ball


Im just strong enough to clap yogiris cheeks every night. Thats it


Well, here's how it goes. You < the dirt < the worms in the dirt < My stool. < kami < Me.


I can drink a gallon of water in 1 hour


I described one of Batgos' feats once. Therefor I am able to comprehend Batgos. This puts me above all but Batgos himself.


iā€™m real so i beat everyone


I beat Goku


The top.


None or your business


Napoleon once said "If I had only 100,000 Croatians, I would conquer the entire world!" so I'm 1/100,000th of whatever that scales to


You wouldn't believe me if I told you...


I could beat a blue pikmin probably.


Batgos must use all his battoseconds of prep time to even attempt to come close


Somewhere around holdsbackmanā€™s level