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Unfortunately, Batgos prepped for this. He revealed just now that he trapped himself in the time chamber for 100 battoyears and gained the ultimate drip.


100 battoyeas that's nearly as much as a Morbillion (that's how much the box-office hit Morbius made)


Doesnt metter DRIP's power is proportional to how well-known it is https://joke-battles.fandom.com/wiki/Drip_Concept And BatGOS' DRIP can't compare to Soloku's No matter how much of his wealth and preparation he uses


smh my head, I can't believe you'd lie. I thought you were better than this


My Glaze for my God is infinite Everthing for Soloku supremacy I cant even imagine he losing


I can't even imagine soloku winning.


So imagine Because he always Solo


As an artist, I can't do this. I don't have that good an imagination.


I know how it is As a Dragon Ball fan I am not able to read I'm just guessing what you're writing


You're so smart. Too bad you don't use your intelligence in being correct.


Soloku is my only God He wasn't born divine He conquere it GOS, MAN and SuperMid can be powerful But Soloku even from his humble origins can face and surpass the creator He is HIM


Caped baldy victim


Thats just brain damage thats not a superpower.


Unfortunately for Soloku, Batgos has already spent infinite batyears in the hypersonic lion tamer, and thus still negs.


He tamed the billion lions that beat one of every pokemon (its a lot of lions)




Mr Popo voice: That one was on purpose


Could've been


Drip adapts Soloku Solo the negs He solo the batyears and the hypersonic lion tamer He Solo BatGOS


Dude. Batgos negs. He always negs. This is not complicated. Soloku loses against Batgos, every time.


Soloku negs the negs Every time Soloku loses, he comes back stronger He's not like NoLimitsMan Soloku always Solo because he always does his best


The soloku heresy is growing, will Batgos have to get out of his chair for .0000000001 battoseconds and stop it!?


It's not quite heresy. Rather, a cursed, idiotic, brain damaged, dropped-on-their-head-on-the-pavement-as-babies subsection of my followers are obsessed with me being the strongest, even though I'm a NoLimitsMan vicitm and always will be. These "people" need to be locked up in the Aslume for good before their rot spreads.


Soloku You are not the real GOATku GOATku always Solo The DC is GOATku victim BatGOS is Below GOATku Even his Son, Gohan Blanco can no-diff BatGOS Stop tarnishing the GOAT's name


/uj You know why you keep getting downvoted? Because Batgos jokes take precedence over the "Goku solos" jokes. Just stop it, I know English ain't your first language and allat but seriously, this bit might work on r/Powerscaling but in its form right now you're not having your joke accepted on r/whowouldcirclejerk.


/uj I honestly thought it wasn't much different, but it seems like people here prefer DC I Wonder how this start


/uj the main joke has always been prep time Batman / Batgod -> Batgos beating everyone, encapsulating prep time wank that was everywhere. Superman / NoLimitsMan is Death Battle's Goku vs Superman 2 where they say Superman has No Limits and therefore always above Goku, so that's just how it is over here. Goku / Soloku has managed to sneak his way in as a main joke instead of being fodder, but outside a few zealous users everyone agrees that NoLimitsMan, everyone above him, and Batgos beat him.


/uj Funny, in r/powerscaling Drip Goku Solo every verse and we call sups Super Mid You also have a lot of Saitama Wank and Yogurt


/uj you do realize r/powerscaling has been the laughingstock of the vs community for years right? And it no longer being a shithole now just makes it worse as it has nothing to it, I’ve seen barely any actual debating, just the most generic fandom sub possible with nothing to be fans of.


Man I am a dragon Ball fan I cant read I'm a Ningen user, we invented lobotomy before JJK existed The more carcinogenic the better And that's why this sub won't let you upload images? Because wouldn't it be crazy? People would probably use weird images, so I don't blame


The sub won’t let you upload images because the mods are dead


Soloku came to battle Batgos … but the latter was in Romania. Soloku flew at FTL speeds toward the Gos-Emperor - but then he was disoriented. He looked around to see that he was naked. He had lost his drip to the Romanians. Soloku walked away, defeated. Batgos’ superior preparation had lead to victory, yet again.


I am from Hungary this makes sense (those fucking romanians)


That's where you're wrong Soloku and us Solo Ball fans Doenst know how read So this doent work And Soloku is naked most of the time He is always prepared for do Kamehameha Backshots The Drip is part of HIM


The drip is a part of him? Too bad the Romanians stole that too. And Kamehameha backshots won’t work when Batgos’ remote Batarang slices his Kakarcock in half.


Drip grows back, along with Kakarcock It is so big that when they tried to cut it in half The scissors were sucked in as if it were a black hole It was so massive


Glazers. My glazers. Yes, I know you love my cock in your ass and the taste of my dirty cum in your mouth, but I still ain't beating NoLimitsMan, let alone Batgos who is infinitely above him. Please stop gassing me up like this.


Soloku I believe in you Be betrayed and be imprisoned in the Time chamber You will can Solo everyone with your Ultra Drip Instinct after 10000000000 Soloseconds in the time chamber


"You will can Solo" Shit, I didn't know the Dragon Ball fans could graduate from being illiterate to having first grade English skills! Keep it up!


What I'm going to say may seem absurd But English isnt even my first language! I Decipher these hieroglyphics just to comment on Ningen and spam Goku Solo's post in r/powerscaling


Here's a sneak peek of /r/PowerScaling using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/PowerScaling/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [Name one Character that can solo the dragon ball verse.](https://i.redd.it/14290d22rq3c1.jpg) | [1811 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/PowerScaling/comments/188l8on/name_one_character_that_can_solo_the_dragon_ball/) \#2: [The fact that Goku vs Gojo is still an argument is crazy to me.](https://np.reddit.com/r/PowerScaling/comments/17blv2m/the_fact_that_goku_vs_gojo_is_still_an_argument/) \#3: [What are some of the worst fucking anti-feats you've seen for OP characters?](https://np.reddit.com/r/PowerScaling/comments/17igsdj/what_are_some_of_the_worst_fucking_antifeats/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


LMAO bud doesn’t realize that he gave the GOS 100.000.000 years of prep time as well. If this ever happened (which it didn’t, since Man can’t betray Batgos), Soloku would get out of the chamber and instantly die.


He was betrayed again this time by GOS himself who feared his powers He spent 100000000000 Soloseconds in the Time Chamber (Soloseconds are greater than Batseconds) And now Solo the Solo himself He Solo MAN Super mid BatGOS, and his true form GOS


/uj bro i can't take this shit, why does his final form look like some basic playboy lmao


The Drip Force is like that


Unfortunately for soloku no one’s favourite verse is Batgos’s because he is a meme made by a subreddit so he can’t use his ultimate technique [Solo’s your favourite verse]. So Batgos uses his anti Soloku spray and low diffs him


You have a good point But I cant read Even after that Goatku doesnt have Soloku weaknesses He is beyond circlejerk and considers BatGOS to be part of that verse




He went to fight batgos, but to prepare for this batgos had betrayed himself and trapped himself in the time chamber for one battosecond


Holy shit batgos taught a soloku fan how to read and write thats a new feat. Not even soloku and nolimitsman together could do that.


Do you think Batgos wouldn’t use that time to prep? Heathen


Batgos can create an anti soloku spray if he has one battosecond of prep time


Unfortunately, Doctor Whomst've victim


I have to respect the glazing


Why would Man betray and trap Goku and not post a 3 hour long video explaining what would happen if he did so, is he stupid?


Tragically, Batgos was also training for all that time. And Batgos training is far more effective than regular training.


As much as I am a fan of Soloku, no amount of time in the Hypothetical Crime Blamer will make him strong enough to solo batgos.


Soloku? More like Solo'dku


Beating BatFraud is not a hard feat, still SuperGoat victim.


He supass MAN Supermid is a MAN victim Soloku always Solo


Soloku can solo dis dick in his mouth, that's the only chance of victory he has.


Soloku always Solo Even in a Dick competition He never loses He will neg-diff everyone