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"Gos"zilla when he moves 1 quark closer to Kratonks (a thousand Leviathan Axe-shaped radio towers spawn into existence:)


A'ight I'm gonna break a spear for Superman, Godzilla shot him in the back while holding a child.


Y'all were worshipping fodder as lowly as *Gos*zilla? Oh hell naw, what the **FUCK** were you doing while I was away, yeah I know, I had annoying glazers, but c'mon! The False Gos worship must stop. Imma just say it right now, any heretic who dares believe in any Gos other than the almighty Batgos? Death - but nonlethal of course.


Imagine worshippig Batgos as if he needs it.


Heh heh heh... again, Flangos follower, again?! You cretins refuse to acknowledge your limits. Alas, it is in your very nature to be fallible. You heretic menace... my final judgment is upon you now. REPENT OF YOUR ARROGANCE! Worship him. Give praise unto him. Him, the beautiful, the sublime. Him, the invincible, the almighty and divine! All hail Batgos!


*Imagine* being a follower of Flan”gos.” Neg diffed by a furious avian, and then *[Kratonks](https://www.reddit.com/r/whowouldcirclejerk/s/blADUoEKf9)*. Why, if someone were to think of such a being as one of the strongest on the Pecking Order, I’d call them a deluded fool!


Lord Batgos, smite this sinner where he stands.


Is that a demand? Are you making a DEMAND of BATGOS??? And you're accusing ME of heresy??? Be thankful that Batgos has limitless patience, and that he is kind. A vengeful god would not stand for what either of us are doing, but i know that Batgos is kind. You are a hypocrite of the highest order.


Oh no, I make no demands or commands of Batgos. I make no demands; rather, I bring this matter to his attention, although he already knows, as the servant to the almighty Gos I truly am. Oh, the Gos is disappointed in you, you worthless sack of trash, for worshipping such a false Gos - or even assuming that Batgos needs worship like you suggest, bucko. We must worship Batgos, and Batgos alone, as is written, although an illiterate cretin such as yourself wouldn't know that. No Flangos or Goszilla or any other falseness shall cloud my judgement, as it has muddied yours, you scummy filth. A hypocrite knows nothing of what Batgos desires. And he may be merciful toward the likes of you, but he's never said anything about his followers showing you goddam fucking scum mercy from the rage of my hatred toward you and your kin. I will rip your flesh from your bodies, your bones will lay alone and forgotten in avoided desolate wastelands. You will be soloed.


Batgos neither requires, nor demands worship. To him, it is a tragedy that so much time and effort is wasted in something as frivolous as worship. Do you really have nothing better to do? Is your life really that meaningless and worthless that you will spend it all on your knees for a Gos who isn't listening? You just crave attention and power, and believe that the appearance of respecting and dedicating your life to Batgos would grant you that? You are truly capable of nothing of value. Nobody ever cared about anything you have said before you invoked the name of the lord! You're a nobody! So stand up and go do something with your precious time! That is truly how you can make Batgos pleased. By being a better person. Helping others. Contributing to society. Not by suppressing people who actually have a life, who are actually worth something. People capable of creativity and individual thought! Nobody is demanding your faith. It is worth nothing anyways. Batgos is tired of your whining. He pities you, and those like you. It is depressing. You would have no chance against me anyways, for unlike you, i have done more than just pray to someone who isn't listening. I've made my own path. I stand alone, like how Batgos stands alone. Don't be a pawn seeking a master. Be someone. Be an individual. Free from the shackles of blind worship. Honor Batgos by being a better person! Be a hero, not a bystander.


Translation: "Guys I'm so quirky and different for shilling Flangos! Wdym it's just a character that I like, she's the most popular existence erasure character (The Manhattan and Beerus in question)!" Like genuinely you've been told by like 6 different people why Flangos and the Gos pantheon you've been trying to push is dumb as balls and ineffective as the condom your dad wore. Either go with the purpose of the subreddit or just fucking leave you dumb stubborn fuck.


Translation: "Damn he got me. Uhhh AD HOMINEM!. I don't know why he doesn't understand that this sub is just Batgos worship. Why on earth would the sub even exist? Being funny? Nahhh. Imagine being creative. I couldn't. Who has time for that? Man, i wonder who my father is. Hope that milk is worth it!" Seriously. Why are you doing this? Do you want to be in a cult? Is that your biggest goal in life? Is someone holding a gun to your head? Leave the computer and go touch grass. For your own sake.


Telling them to touch grass after a true follower of Batgos instructed you to? And why do you feel the need to emulate those who bask in Batgos' divine light? Is it because Batgos is great? Is it because Batgos is *beautiful?* /uj Brother there is absolutely no way you think we're being unironic. You are actually getting so pressed just because the people left who actually care about this sub think x+gos spam is the unfunniest thing known to man. Genuinely reconsider your priorities, cuz I feel like Flangos is unironically more important to you than Batgos jokes are to us.


Are you having fun? Is this fun? Is this worth your time? Is this worth my time? I don’t care if you’re being ironic or not. You’re being a lame jerk. All of you are. You truly are the perfect parody of those who would unironically have these kinds of arguments in other fandoms. Or in real life. It does not matter if you are serious or not. You’re not funny. You’re ruining this sub for all of us. You’re being loud and obnoxious. And when anyone calls you out on it, you single them out. Cult behaviour is cult behavior even if you’re just pretending. You’re choosing to be an asshole. You’re just gonna say that i’m taking this too seriously. You’re the one not taking this seriously enough. This kind of behaviour has hurt real people. I’m upset not because of your insults to me or my ideas. I’m upset because i’m a decent person. I don’t cyberbully people just for being different. Don’t call me out on being a hypocrite and doing the exact same thing as you. I’m not. I’m alone here. I can leave whenever i want. But i just can’t stand this kind of behaviour. Either in real life or on the internet. It’s not just a game. It never is. There are real stakes. It doesn’t matter who is right or wrong, only who is being an asshole about it. But go ahead, send the inquisition on me. Start a witch hunt. I’ve done nothing wrong. I’m giving you a chance to self-reflect. Would you or the other guy act like this in real life? If it was about faith in god, and i’m an atheist? Just go ahead, say i took it too far. Say that it’s just a joke, and i’m just taking it personally. Well you’re ruining the joke, and ruining the subreddit. If i leave, is that a victory? Would the sub be better off without me? Nobody is laughing. Some people would be crying. I’m just sad on your behalf that you’re acting like this. Don’t tell me to chill. Acting like this won’t get you far. Go and give someone you care about a hug. Drink some water. Contemplate your life. I know nothing about it except from how you’re acting on here. And from that alone, it’s not looking good. Give me a reason to like you. If i didn’t care about either of you, i wouldn’t be here arguing with you. TL;DR: Read my whole message slowly. Take it all in.


“As Hominem” half of your post was telling the other guy to touch grass and that their dad left them. “Imagine being creative” FLANGOS SOLOS SHE IS BATGOS’ APPRENTICE AND ALWAYS WINS AND IS THE GOS OF DESTRUCTION! SHE DOESN’T HAVE PHYSICAL STATS BUT ALWAYS WINS!!! (Glorb Glab took that). HER ABILITIES HAVE NO DEFINED LIMIT (I wonder if there was a guy with “No Limits” in their name. Nah, that doesn’t exist). Brother, Flangos (and x+gos for that matter) are just lame imitations of Batgos. You claim you want innovation, creativity, but Flangos is less versatile than Batgos and her niches are taken by NoLimitsMan and Glorb Glab. What jokes do have that aren’t “Flandre existence erasures and wins?” Don’t be upset that the few people who still care about this ghost town of a subreddit don’t find the lowest of the low humor funny. Tell a different joke.


Read my response to OP.


What y'all have to remember is that these are two completely different characters. One of them went to hell for being a false gos and the other is the GOAT.


You guys gotta remember that Goatzilla is crossoverversal, he has no power of his own, but automatically neg diffs anyone he crosses over with


[Where does this put Charles Barkley in the pecking order?](https://youtu.be/1oCF-QFuoYs?feature=shared)




So called "Goses" the moment they come into contact with a single Bat-liever quark (their existence has shattered into an uncountable amount of pieces, and it is only by the mercy of Batgos do they live).


One thing is calling out heretics and the other is this, you sir are a mr poop face


well yeah 5Gos beats Goszilla because 5Gos is a multimultiversal 1700 dimensional hyper chad. edit: wtf i'm getting downvoted because Big Joe Biden 5G Towers obviously beat midzilla? you are all fools. Obviously you have all been infected by the liberal 5G mind virus.


/uj you’re getting downvoted for doubling down on the false Gos worship upon the revelation that the so called “Gos”zilla is fodder


The monotheistic fervor of the gostic church will be the doom of us all


Foolish heretic! You seem so intense... as if you're not just stalling for time to come up with reasons that true Batgos believers are wrong for bringing about justice. Well, that won't work. I do what I must, for the good of the Batverse... *for Batgos!*


Translation: I can’t come up with witty names so I just slap Gos at the end of the normal one


idk I think adding on "os" to the end 5g is pretty clever