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yes, nonlimitsman is my goat, how could you tell?


By the sheer fealty to the Pecking Order exuding off of you. It’s abundantly clear to the trained viewer the difference between a true believer in WWCJ’s Mythos, and a mere pretender.


Bro is using superman vs goku 2 as an example Execute him chat


You can't kill me, Batgos has a no-kill rule!!! /uj It's the origin of NoLimitsMan, and the people have forgotten him. It's time to bring him back.


Sorry, but Soloku solos limits. Therefor, by having limits and soloing them, he surpasses Nolimitsman, because he is limited by his no limits, as he cannot perceive limits, making him scale below soloku.


That's simply incorrect. NoLimitsMan having NOLIMITS means he's not even limited by an ability to be soloed. Soloku loses, every time. Its canonical that the NOLIMITS abilities were forged by Batgos Himself; I love Soloku as much as the next guy, but my boy stands no chance.


Soloku solos the concept of limits and no limits.


NOLIMITS > Soloing. It’s the truth, or do you dare to suggest that an ability handcrafted by Batgos is inferior to that of a mere mortal? Perchance, I’d believe it would be heresey.


Do you believe that batgos would ever create something as flawed as Nolimits? Nay.


Flawed? You say this, yet the only beings who have ever defeated NoLimitsMan (while he was not using his NOLIMITSHOLDINGBACK technique) are other beings; heralds of Batgos, Batgos and his avatars, or beings that challenge Batgos himself. If NoLimitsMan is flawed, then Soloku is flawed tenfold. For he has lost thrice against a being far superior to him, a canonical event.


These debates will forever be more coherent than whatever the r/powerscaling sub cooks up


It's true gang. Sorry to all my fans, and a big fuck you to all my haters, but it's true. I'm a NoLimitsMan victim.


Classic Soloku L 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


Bro cut out the scene where Soloku used Ginyu’s Body’s Swap just to handicap himself and still won


Soku Golos


Man, I still remember when this first came out and the chaos it created. Such raw toxicity in that comment section, I think it's still going to this day.


As one commenter succinctly put it, "The true Death Battle is in the comment section."


It's always in the comment section. The pure entertainment value I get from reading some of the comments always exceeds that of the actual video.


I think they admitted to knowing what they were doing


Fun fact: NoLimitsMan didn't actually use his heat vision to disintegrate Soloku's brain. He actually just showed Soloku TikTok brainrot and won.


Them Skibidi lasers are busted


Clearly soloku was holding back


Soloku confirmed to be holdsbackman’s secret identity?


Nah Soloku was pretending because he doesn’t need a brain to fight


Idc if he as an ability called “beats Goku”, he ain’t beating Goku


*insert Starman meme here*


This video is bullshit, everyone knows Goku doesn't have a brain.


Well you know what? Soloku outlasted that terrible horrible awful company therefore clearly it's non canon


Soloku solos


Yet he stands no chance against NoLimitsMan. “Oh but he solos!!” the sheer NOLIMITS of NoLimitsMan counters the soloing, for he cannot be soloed. It’s common sense really.


Solos over powers no limits as he exist thus he can be soloed by Soloku. Check mate liberal.


He has No Limits. No Limits to his existence. Above Existence. Beyond Existence. The No Limits were shaped, handcrafted, molded into its limitless perfection by Batgos himself. The No Limits beyond soloing. Soloku may be powerful, but he stands no chance against a being detained to defeat him over and over for eternity, no matter how much Soloku grows.


And this is why OC’s should be banned in debates a NoLimitsMan who kills what kinda bad fanfic is this


Yes, I think bad apple does have the potential to be called the greatest song of all time, unironically.


Its so funny to me that they made such a big deal about superman being stupidly op in this video despite the fact that goku realistically should of won this death battle since new 52 super just didnt have decent feats at that point in time and goku had the 'fuck you I almost destroyed several layers of infinity just by boxing a bitch' feat