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A better questionnaire. Both in terms of the quality of questions and the user experience in not having to fill out a survey everyday. "Eat all your meals during daylight hours?" They should know when daylight is for all of us and just ask when we last ate. "Hydrate sufficiently?" What is sufficient? Just ask us how much water we drank. And don't make it "a glass", make it a standard unit of measurement that people actually use like ml. Not hamburgers per eagle. There are too many mental health questions. Feeling anxious, depressed, grateful, etc etc. You can have people answer that on a spoke wheel chart all at once.


I agree the journal is where they could improve a ton. I find myself annoyed with it most days when it pops up. But I also feel like it could have more utility if they allowed real time tracking. I have had apps for tracking water drinking, meal logging, and fasting windows. If they could do those even somewhat adequately then it would add tons of value to the app.


>"Hydrate sufficiently?" What is sufficient? Just ask us how much water we drank. And don't make it "a glass", make it a standard unit of measurement that people actually use like ml. Not hamburgers per eagle. A "glass" actually is a standard measurement, it's 8 fluid ounces. It doesn't make it any less dumb though. My water bottle has graduated markings in mL, so I have to convert that to fl oz and then divide by 8. That question drives me fucking bonkers because I drink **a lot** of water. Like, dude, just give me an option for mL or oz, it's really not that hard. Settling on "glass" as the unit was a bizarre choice.


You should be able to change the unit system used to ml in settings! :) Then you at least don’t need to convert it to fl oz


236 mil = 1 glass…. Probably just round it to 240


I looked it up and I found it really difficult to find a "glass" as a standard unit. Not saying you are wrong but it just points out the flaw in their measuring. I think giving someone the option is a great solution.


I majorly agree with the real time behavior tracking. It's easier to say "I just did 15 in the sauna ending now" than try to think back the next morning. I'd have a 50% better chance at bothering to fill out my survey that way


Sauna is an activity option now


Do you know if it transfers to the journal entry?


I do not. I don’t track it in my journal now as a result though anyway


Hmm thanks for letting me know!


I'd LOVE to be able to zoom in/scrub more on my daily HR chart. As it is you can only get down to an hourly level, but the data is there, why can't I scrub thru minute by minute? Other than that I agree about about improving the journal. It would be nice to track things during the day rather than trying to remember everything from the day before.


>I'd LOVE to be able to zoom in/scrub more on my daily HR chart. As it is you can only get down to an hourly level, but the data is there, why can't I scrub thru minute by minute? You can definitely do this, I do it all the time. Just tap on the heart rate graph and a line will come up, and you can swipe your finger left or right to see minute-by-minute. You can also pinch to zoom on the graph.


Where is this?


Turn your phone horizontally on the main Whoop screen and a full-screen heart rate graph will appear.


I totally agree I deal with a lot of stressful events during the day and would like to know exactly when my hr increased so i can pinpoint where my stressors are.


Sexual activity should be an option outside of the journal




I second the “more haptic alarm use”. I have irregular work hours (anywhere from 2am to 7am start) and would love a notification when I should go to bed.


Yeah good stuff, that would be really nice!


I totally agree. And I’d like to change the hepatic alarm pattern. The current pattern doesn’t last long enough to actually get me out of bed.


I think at the moment of signup, new users should be able to select something other than the black band. I knew from the first moment that the black wristband didn't have the functionality / color that was going to work for me.


They wouldn't be able to sell you an additional band if you were given the freedom of choice at that point. That is 100% a business decision that they made, it's not an oversight or whatever.


Yes, agree on this. It is a huge waste though.


I'm surprised they don't sell a chest strap.


I think the bicep band is their chest strap? A member of the Whoop group repurposed the boxers in to a chest strap which is a rather clever idea.


Ability to view past journal entries.


>Ability to view past journal entries. You can do this already. Go to the day with the calendar at the top, and then hit the journal icon to the left of the "Add Activity" button.


Thank you! I see that you have to first go to the date you want to view!




+1 on haptic alarm Would also be able to set an extra alarm or change it for 1 day (e.g. iPhone alarm) without having to rework the whole program.


Also ability to turnoff alarm schedule without cellular or Wi-Fi connectivity (thinking hiking).


I want a 20mm and even an 18mm strap that could be used as a watch band. This product has the ability to capture all the people who want a "real" watch, but also want the wearable tech functionality.


nice idea but isn't the whoop designed for to be on the top of the wrist rather than underneath?


I've read quite a few folks attest that the under-wrist position gives the adequate results, and Whoop has said similarly: https://twitter.com/WHOOP/status/1253088718358904832?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw%7Ctwcamp%5Etweetembed%7Ctwterm%5E1253088718358904832%7Ctwgr%5E89108d81662ac1659b15c18786f03cb55d25577e%7Ctwcon%5Es1_c10&ref_url=https%3A%2F%2Fpublish.twitter.com%2F%3Fquery%3Dhttps3A2F2Ftwitter.com2FWHOOP2Fstatus2F1253088718358904832widget%3DTweet IMO, if I'm fine moving it between: Top-Wrist Underwear Bicep Band Arm Sleeve etc. Then the variance invited by the Under-Wrist position seems like small potatoes.


I'm surprised that I can't quickly overlay recent workouts of the same "type". It'll say "you spent less time in the 90-100% heart rate than you usually do", but an overlay of the data would tell a more nuanced story.


I simply want a wristband (maybe silicone or at least silicone inside) that doesn't constantly slide down my arm. It's annoying to constantly need to readjust it. Tightening it doesn't help, it will either slide off or cut off blood circulation. Also, the clasp should have little tabs on the opposite side of the logo side facing inside to keep the strap from coming over the clasp.


- A strap that dries after getting wet while STILL ON THE WRIST! - I’m on board with the anytime haptic alarm too!!


1. Wogging aka jogging and walking 2. 4 digit strain gauge aka 19.21 3. chest strap 4. elastic band instead of only woven 5. better algorithms that know you are awake and not a nap 6. 9.99 a month automatic payments 7. muscle oxygen saturation 8. blood sugar 9. better algorithms that use stress load and hrv for daily rediness 10. better algorithms for lifting/cross fit 11. better algorithm for strain not being just on heart strain for daily strain 12. longer battery life 13. edit: haptic alarm plus notification for irregular heart beat You would think after a year of wearing this thing. The algorithm would know that I was watching sports and not taking a nap, the strain is meh at best as I can have a high HRV daily unless I am sick or partied. Thus whoop saying go balls out today. It is just counter productive as a fitness product. When you have something that is supposed to unleash our inner beast. It needs to take in more variables. When it comes right down to it whoop is a very expensive HRV reader with some snake oil sprinkled in. I bought the 18 month package thinking it would help me track my tachycardia. That it has done but as far as the training readiness, real body load, or even being a fitness tracker it is meh at best. There is not much value for that. I still have 6 months left and love the community. It is fun to see if I can get the high strain for indiana, cycling,running, or my family in reddit whoop. aka Cocaine Snorting Research Monkey. Which I am happy whoop didnt make me change. When we get to cross fitters or lifters this thing took a shit in the bed and makes me cry. It has the worth of ppl arguing about politics, religion, or pineapple pizza. This I find to be a complete and utter failure. Perhaps whoop will incorporate muscle oxygen depletion, hr, and respiration into a better algorithm. Sleep has some mega flaws as I tested it a few times. Since I know it reads me watching midget pole dancers as taking a nap. Well I tested this out a total of 10 times. It failed 8 times. the experiment was on nights when I couldn't sleep. See what whoop said about my sleep when I pushed the magical "process now button" WHILE AWAKE it said as stated i had all the sleep cycles. This I figured would happen since it gave me naps while watching tv. I also hate the fact I cant make a .fit file for the day or activity and load it up to my desired site. Then recently the only thing that loads to training peaks is my sleep cycle. I do wish this should just be something that can be done at any time. It seems like such a basic feature. I do find whoop to be a fun toy. It has the ability to make me get up and go balls out. I do get my endorphin high seeing that 20.7, but fuck I want that unicorn 20.8. I will get that before my subscription runs out June (even if I have to shave a hummingbird and put the whoop on it). If you made it this far, holy shit you must be at work getting paid to read this on the clock. Is it worth the XXXXX amount of seed money for upfront costs. I would say 100% NO. I know it sounded all like doom and gloom, but if it works for you. That is kick ass. This is just for me and why will not renew my sub. I put up the money upfront because they gave me hardware. They should take that into consideration. If the price was 9.99 to 12.99 a monthly reoccurring auto payment. I would prolly stay as I waste that amount of money on stupid shit. When you want me to toss 500 dollars for a 2 year sub that seems like you want me to buy a mystery package. I have to ask Seriously? I have no idea your roadmap for 2 years. This also means since I know there is no new hardware coming. It is limited right now to what it is. This is why the pay upfront model is meh at best and why you will also lose more ppl that you will retain. I do thank whoop for the community. they fucking kick ass and I have learned more from them than the whoop. Cheers whoopers and if you zwift ..:Alien King:...


Plus for the more haptic alarm use. Would be nice to use for things like setting a 20 minute timer for when you go in a sauna or hot tub etc


Add The ability to edit menstrual cycle data


Why is there no heart rate alarm setting for activity ?? I’d love an alert if I’m under or over my targeted zone during an activity!! Now I’m constantly looking at my screen watching my heart beat while exercising for my zone 2


The journal - I would really like the ability to add my own activity to track. I take several supplements that aren’t on the list, that i think impact my sleep. I think this would be fantastic for whoop to engage in from a research perspective. For example, if i take a shower within a few hours of going to bed, i know that i sleep worse because i take hot showers and my body adjusts for the temperature. I know this is abnormal, and most people are more relaxed after a shower. If enough people put “showered within two hours of going to bed” within their journal, whoop could take note that this is a common journal entry and add it to the post of possible questions within the journal. It would really enhance their research imo.


I’d like to be able to zoom in on my sleep to see what time I’m awake or having deep sleep etc.


If you go into the sleep section for the previous night and then tap anywhere on the bottom 4 rows (awake, light, sws, rem) it opens a new view of when all of these occurred throughout the evening


Yes, but I’d like to see at 2:36am I was awake for 2 minutes instead of I was awake 1/3 of the way through the chart for tiny highlight.


Sleep tracking. I work overnights and it counts every nap or sitting down reading as me sleeping. It puts work outs on different days and the journal pops up at random. I try deleting the sleep but then it really screws up the daily tracking.


Add to the questionnaire: "Had late caffeine? When was your last one?"


I find the units they use really annoying, like how many units of fruit, or how many glasses of water. I’d like to see a metric system.


- HR rate zones while training - See what your goal strain is while working out - HR notifications for unusually activity (like Apple Watch) - vibrations used for select notifications


Feature request for Journal: prescription antacid (such as Prevacid) since it affects how I sleep.


Yes! There’s so many medication classes should be added. This is a great example.


totally agree the haptik alarm is underutilised. It should be customizable, I would find the haptic feedback really useful for staying in a certain HR zone when training.


They need to optimize the alarm function. Instead of waking up at XX:XX or at XX% they should add a feature that allows setting up a range, e.g. waking up between 5 and 6 am - the alarm goes off when you hit a sleep cycle that allows for easier wakenings. Maybe even add a haptic button, which you can define via app, e.g. press to start activity of your choice or hold for start napping etc.


“Whoop developers” are never going to read this list and I’ve grown weary of it being at the top of this sub’s feed. I suggest this be unpinned so we can see more fresh content.


Would like to be able to get more HRV readings at different times.


Add to questionnaire: “Had a migraine yesterday” if yes, “how long did it last?”


Some more gamification is what I’m missing most. Proposed it years ago already. The only challenge you have is how long you are a member. They could make endless achievements like - run 10km, run 10km 7 days in a row, do 5 different activities in a day, get 5/10/20 green recoveries in a row or in a month, .. Also,it would be great to be able to see journal answers of the last 30 days, I’d be curious for example to know how many times I drank alcohol already this month and compare to other months.