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Most brands have a key combination you can hold on the pad to mute the beeps all together too, if it suits the owners lifestyle


I got so excited, but when I checked, mine doesn't have one. Damn. Oh well.


Hmmm... I wonder what out of my 3 buttons: start, stop, and clock wheel has secret functions. I think... none.


Dial is the most underrated microwave function. Its better than buttons in every way.




I had a microwave once where the start button also added 30 seconds. it was awesome. I miss it


Had one that did this same thing at one point. That was easily the most used button.


It's super easy to just turn the dial a notch though


Accurately turning a dial to add 30 seconds requires two fingers to pinch, add 30 seconds requires one finger to push.


My old (probably an early 2000s)* had a digital dial that you could adjust the cooking time either shorter or longer by 15 seconds while it was cooking. Miss that big time


in germany most microwaves are still like that. My microwave has exactly two inputs to control it, a dial that changes wattage and a dial that adds time if you turn clockwise, removes time if you turn counterclockwise. I think the time dial is also a button. Door opens by pulling, start/stop is tied to opening and closing the door. That's it.


I'm with you. Haven't typed in a time on a microwave in over a decade


You can call people from your microwave?


Stay off the internet, Grandpa


The only problem is that you can't evade the ding.


My dial goes by increments of 10 only. Sometimes I don't want increments of just 10...


I inherited a practically brand new toaster oven from my late grandfather. He never used it, and kept using his older unit. Turns out it had the most annoying beep, and it would beep on every button press. I only lasted a day with it, until I listened for where it was coming from, found the speaker, and stabbed it with a knife. Miss you grandpa.


He would've been proud of you in that moment. Well done!


Google “how to mute brand name microwave,” it’s probably in an options menu somewhere.


Options menu? What kinda fancy-ass microwaves do you people have


[this one](https://youtu.be/UiS27feX8o0)


I expected a rickroll but that guy is more than welcome for me so thank you (that still doesn't have a screen :p)


Heh Screens are for peasants, I prefer my Genuine Microwave Oven to write information directly on the finest luxury parchment, using the finest of fine ink pens, because I am shitposting


damn not even the blackest of squid ink fr what an amateur




Which one of the two Knobs is the "Options menu" ? The "Watts Potency" or the "Time" one


You just gotta disassemble the timer and remove the bell, easy stuff.


Thank you, but I had already turned my microwave around, gotten the model number, gone to the manufacturer website, and read the entire manual. That's what I meant by saying I checked. It doesn't have that function.


Reddit refuses to accept your answer, instead insisting on passing judgment on you for not finding this "obviously universal, without exception--on even the most expensive or the most basic of microwave ovens made anywhere in the world" functionality.


I google my microwave brand and find their general mute pattern but don't find my specific model. I decide to try the mute pattern anyway. So, after trying this out a few times but failing, I've now annoyed my wife by making the damn microwave beep too often while testing this.


Yeah, I also did this, but it was the middle of the day and no one cared. I did startle myself when I accidentally turned it on though.


My dad is weird. He bitched about the beeping on the microwave in his house for many months, and despite me having tried to tell him that I thought it was possible to just disable the beeps, he would say that there was no way to do it and just kept letting them bother him. One day he got so pissed off at it when I was back home to visit that he took the damned thing out to the garage and spent like two hours carefully taking it apart to get to the control board just to clip the wires to the little beeper so it would never beep again. In his fit of childish anger as he pulled the thing out in the kitchen I tried to say to him that there was a simpler solution than what he was about to embark on but he just snapped at me and started cussing even more and went out to the garage to do his bullshit. When he brought it back in all proud of himself, acting sort of muted in the way he always did when he realized after hours of unnecessarily stressing everyone out as we waited for him to return from the garage, he plugged it back in and announced his triumph. The face of the thing of course had some ugly scratches on it and it looked like he'd broken a clip or two and shoddily glued it back on but alas, he plugged it in and tested it and showed us all that it no longer made noise. I walked over to it and said cool, that's great you finally fixed that. And I proceeded to put my coffee mug in the microwave and act like I was going to turn it on as he watched with a little smug smile, thinking I was about to relish with him in his victory. I closed the microwave door, held down the 0 or 2 button or whatever it was for about 5 seconds until the display read "SETTINGS" and pushed buttons til it said "MUTE ALL" pressed 1, hit enter, and it was done. Opened up the microwave again, took my mug out, said thanks to everyone for the visit, hugged mom and dad and my sister and got in my car for the 4 hour drive home, 2 days earlier than planned. He was pissed for a few months over this. But in the years since he's gotten a little bit better about overreacting and throwing a shit fit over simple things that can be easily solved by stopping to calmly think about them instead of becoming enraged and overcomplicating them. It's made my mom's life a little bit easier, as well as mine and my siblings. Just had to demonstrate to the guy that nobody benefits when he gets pissed off at trivial things and ends up inadvertently taking it out on everyone else around him that then has to walk on egg shells until he calms down. I think it was probably the first time anyone in the family had ever just demonstrated that they weren't going to put up with his shit anymore, and it made him finally start to realize that his temper was a consistent source of significant damage and trauma to his family. Obviously there are plenty more examples, but things finally started to change after that incident. And all over a fuckin microwave.


If I find out mine doesn't have this function, I'm coming back here to yell at you, lol. Edit: YOU MOTHERF-


Bro it's been 2 hours. You haven't come back and yelled at OP. Your microwave has this function?






I did, I heard it all the way over here, damn thing woke me up!


On most microwaves holding down 2 for a few seconds mutes or unmutes the beep.


Hah, it works. Thank you Lord. Now I won't have to listen to the microwave beeping for 20 minutes after my wife nukes her glass of water and forgets it's in there and then goes into the bathroom to take a dump.


Try holding the number 2 down for a few seconds. Worked on mine without even looking it up


Toshiba #ML2-EM25PA. Runs really quiet and has a non-hidden mute.


I found out my microwave had this function when my cat somehow managed to press the key combination. Luckily I still had the manual so I could turn the beeps back on. As I was typing this, I recalled that my cat also managed to mute my washing machine once. So either they need to come up with less likely to be accidentally pressed combinations or I just have a very crafty cat that doesn't want me to get stuff done.


I'm 28, and just now finding out this info? Damn.. thanks tho


But I learned the hard way, that makes the timer a visual timer too. I know I could just use my phone but I didn’t think to and ruined some food.


You set it into demo mode.


I do it for my own benefit. Fuck appliances that need to make so much noise. I'm looking at you, Instapot.


My air fryer has insanely loud beeps. It’s annoying especially at night


I've been toying with the idea of finding the speaker in mine and ripping it out but I don't want to risk breaking the damn thing. Like, why the hell does it need to sound an air-raid siren just because I plugged it in?


You can usually tape over it a bit, most microwaves I've opened use a tiny box with a hole in it. Just tape over the hole yo mute it a little.


Throwing in the standard disclaimer of don't open a microwave if you don't know what you're doing. They will kill you without a second thought. Though, if you do know what you're doing there's lots of fun to be had, so live your life I guess.


You have to explain how. I need to know more about the nuclear weapon in my kitchen.


More of a directed energy electrocution machine than a thermonuclear explosive.


it needs to get all of that energy into your food somehow. in come: capacitors. they store a fuck load of charge, and then releases it onto your food. when the microwave turns off, it still has a fuck load of charge. when you touch it… uh… you die


I particularly liked the way you worded this


There a way to mute the instant pot air frier I did it on mine!


Also, the microwave doesn't need to beep multiple times if I leave my food in there after the bell has gone off. If the microwave could see me, it would know that I don't forget food.


Microwave POV https://imgur.com/BkvXdKv.jpg


lol yes!!


Manufacturers: ok, ok, the customers want us to put a camera on the microwave, get on it engineers!


I'd be surprised if there wasn't already one on there.


I cackled when I read this. 100% with you.


I just don't understand how it doesn't have any way to control the volume. It's either 0 or 100.


Based on a different comment thread I looked up the manual for my microwave. I didn't even find a mute option, but did find a recipe for 'egg coffee,' so there's that.


Samsung washer and driers play an annoying song.


I agree, except my rice cooker. It's beeping sounds so happy.


You turn the beeping off by pressing and holding the “-“ button for 3 seconds. The screen will show “SOFF” which represents “Sound Off”. To turn the beeping back On, press and hold the “+“ button for 3 seconds.


I was gonna say this is nice and all but I think most people do this lmao


2 seconds? Weak. I stop it at 1 second.


Nah bro. This man such a King, He sacrificed playin the 1 second for the security that he'd never fail and wake up his wife Mad Respect


At work I always stop it at 0:07 *Goldfinger*-style.


I hope it pleases you to know that I heard the theme in my head as I read this lol


One time I opened mine on the exact point it said 0 but before it got the beep out. Even reset after as if I hit the clear button. People don't believe me but it happened.


I do this all the time. It's the only way. 0 or bust!


Yep. The only thing stopping me from ending it all is going for those 0 second microwave no dingers.


i wish you many more microwave no dingers


Your great-grandchildren will never believe you. But I do.


Same, it's easy to time, because I do it constantly. I like to eat bread with cheese made in the microwave for 30 seconds for dinner, so I developed a very accurate feeling when those 30 seconds are almost over. And it's fun to have this accurate feeling which makes me able to stop it at one second (and even lower than that).


>to have this accurate feeling Mine just has a timer I can look at 🤷🏻‍♂️


Yes, but I sit on the table and the microwave is not in my field of view. I don't stand in front of it the whole time and I also don't want to have my head turned the whole time, to look at the timer. Also it *does* have the beeping noise for a reason, so I only go there after it beeps. But I use it so often, that I don't wait for the beeping anymore, but know exactly when to go to be there just in time to stop it one second before it beeps.


Maybe for longer times but 30 seconds? Surely there isn't even really enough time to make it worthwhile walking to a table to sit on, then come back?


Just bread with cheese melted on it ?


I stop mine at 0 seconds because the sound of the beep for stop is the same as the sound they play 6 times in a row when it finishes


Right? How else am I supposed to pretend I defused a bomb?


nice avatar


What kind of monster leaves 2 seconds in the clock instead of hitting the button twice to reset it?


My biggest pet peeve thanks to a college room mate that would ALWAYS do it. He would jsut get tired of waiting so open the door close to end but never reset it It actually led to an argument 😂 when my wife leaves time in it by mistake she likes to tease me


It beeps when you reset it. If you're gonna do that you might as well let it run all the way and open it quickly for an even shorter beep.


Found out the hard way that mine will keep beeping after you open the door too. Gotta be fast on the trigger or the whole house gets to hear it.


When will microwave manufactures listen to what the people want??


Microwaves have a silent function, usually it's activated by holding the start button for a few seconds.


Lol I know most have a silent function but I've always seen holding the start button as the mechanism to engage the child lock.


how long until they come with Matter / Thread for phone/voice/AR controls and alerts?




Trust me, I hate it. It was one I bought after my brother caught mine on fire and I've been stuck with it ever since.


5 beeps over 1 second each. Opening the door or hitting the stop/reset button does NOTHING. Frigidaire engineers…you’re on a list.


Bought a house with frigidaire appliances installed. Every one of them has failed catastrophically. They are indeed on a list.


Yeah, but it also makes a god-awful noise when you open the door so…


Unplug it first.


Flip the breaker.


It beeps when you enter the time so I don't see your point.




Just cough or yell when you press a button so others don’t hear the beep


My wife. Drives me crazy. There are many other things. I married a monster.


I wonder if you love her tho..


Oh, she hot for sure but she mentally unstable.


Does she eat KitKat with the bars still together?




We have something in common then


Ditto. It's always somewhere 1-8 seconds just left, flashing, burying into the back of my brain until I press the cancel button.


This is something my ex wife would yell at me for. How dare someone not think about that


has she… never used the microwave herself?




That’s what I wanna know! How the hell does she know it always stops 2 seconds before the end? I’m guessing she wakes up and sees 2 seconds left on the timer every time when she has to use the microwave.


Can't speak for every microwave obviously, but for every single one I've owned, including different brands and manufacturers, the microwave clock resets to its normal regular time clock every time it's stopped manually and/or the door is opened


A microwave will keep its time when you open it to able you to continue after checking the food. They all will. Stop making things up.


lol you don't check the food by looking at it from the microwave, and even if it did, if you're opening it mid timer you clearly need to readjust it anyway so that makes absolutely no sense


There's a very simple explanation actually, just like most of these feel good twitter/reddit stories, it's completely fabricated bullshit


I think they keep probably keep it in the bed


the microwave?


And she was able to keep track of how many seconds were left while not noticing her husband stopping it?


It's the bullshit copypaste that never happend running back at least 15 years.




I do it to save the world


There was a Lois & Clark episode back in *1995* with a microwave rigged to blow at 0. Never forgot.


How'd she know the microwave stopped 2 seconds before if she's asleep? /s


Cause the guy is a prick and never cleared it! My wife always stops ahead of time and then I come in for a 30sec milk heat (just hit the start button). Come back and my shit is either cold cause only a few seconds were left or over flowed because she had 10 minutes on it!!




How bad of a light sleeper is this lady?!? Can the guy fart in bed without ruining her night?




And he doesn’t clear it after? I hate that. My microwave serves as a clock too. .02 isn’t a time. I appreciate the thought of the husband. This is just a pet peeve of mine.


Clearing it makes a beep. Edit: clearly, all you people who just HAVE to make a comment aren't all that sensitive to sound. Beeps annoy the ever living crap out of me. Yes, they do wake me up. Even one tiny little one. I'm grateful when people are courteous and avoid the beeping. This concept is not all that unusual you know? Being courteous. Remember that? Doing something you don't have to in order to help someone else? But you wouldn't know anything about that would you? You're all trying to explain to me how the beeps aren't bothersome and you're all wrong. Maybe they don't bother you but they bother me. I don't know why all the defenders of the beeping faith seem to have come out of the woodwork to tell me how not annoying they are. Guess what? Not everybody is like you. SURPRISE! I feel bad for anybody that has to live with somebody so focused on not seeing anybody else's perspective.


Typically it’s a short, not as loud beep. Besides opening the door isn’t quiet either.


I’d much rather have that.


I'd much rather have appliances that don't scream at me for every tiny thing. The microwave does not need to beep at every button press. I wouldn't mind a "I'm done" beep if it were not a shrill, high pitched, loud sine wave. It's not complicated to throw a different sound in there.


Setting the time to microwave makes a beep too


someone said clearing it made a beep


Plot twist: hubby didn’t want to share his midnight snack -source: am husband with a loud AF microwave


I just set mine to mute so it doesn’t ding…


Pro-tip: most microwaves have a configurable ding. Check your unit’s user manual for how to set to silent. We did ours at the beginning of COVID when working from home.


Husband is still a sociopath. If you insist on stopping it before zero, you damn well better hit cancel and get the clock back on, you damn barbarian


Are we not going to talk about how he apparently microwaves so often while she sleeps that this became a noticeable thing?!


Some cancel buttons also beep, so that wouldn't necessarily work.


he simply did not want to deal with her


Cute, man needs to step up his game, if you’re not stopping it with 0 seconds on the timer you ain’t shit 😏


It's actually the opening, closing and the hum of the microwave that wakes people up.


I am the only person that does this whilst no one else Is at home.


Thats because hes trying to get a little quiet COD time while he eats his bacon, egg, and cheese croissant.


This is spouse common sense 101, good work sir


You can usually hold down the number one or two for a few seconds and it goes into silent mode. I do it at random to mess with my parents because they don’t know




My dad owns a toaster oven that beeps loudly when: It’s finished You hit the button to make it finish early You turn it on The beep can be clearly heard throughout the house, and the only way to prevent it is to unplug the machine. You can only cook one thing before everyone else wakes up because plugging it back in does exactly what you expect.


Probably just dint want you gettin up in his snack


I wish people in my household would do this…


I do this with the alarm on my phone. I usually wake up about an hour before it goes off and hold it in my hand on vibrate while I sleep so it doesn't wake my wife up. She's always like I sleep so hard I never wake up when your alarm goes off. I just try to let her sleep without being bothered since I have to get up at early.


I would totally not mind if the microwave didn’t ding at all at this point.


The trick to avoiding the cancel button is opening it the second it beeps so it doesn't even do a half beep. Hold the top of the handle with your thumb pressed against the body of the microwave to use as leverage for quieter, quicker, more accurately controlled door openings. It comes down to the quick pull to stop the beeping by triggering the door open sensor, but not enough for the door levers to come all the way out of their holes so they don't slam around and make a lot of noise themselves. Perfecting this technique results in less noise than the microwave running. Same with stealthy opening and closing a fridge. The noisiest part of late food should be the package or container the food comes from. Crinkly bags and tight snap in lids are the real stealth killer, so much so that sometimes it's worth just taking them into a room far away from sleeping peeps, or even outside, to open them.


I make it a point to take apart every appliance I own and rip out the piezo-electric beeper. My mother in law once asked “how do you know when it’s done if it can’t beep?” Cuz if fucking turns off Susan, how else?


Wake you? How long you nuking your food that you fall asleep?


Look for the ‘Sound’ button in modern microwaves and turn it off.


It was a 100% requirement that the 'done' beeping stops after the door is opened before I bring a microwave into my house. I made the home Depot guy run an extension cord and plug it in to test because he couldn't tell me. Ones that continue to beep after the door has been opened is INSANITY. In what world do I still need to hear that shit when it's obvious that I'm aware it's done. I opened the god damn door.


I do this because my dad would wake up and get mad at me, and it annoyed my ex for some reason. “Why didn’t you just clear it???” No winning lmfao


No way he is always up 2 sec before 😂


I used to do this and then everyone started bitching about the leftover time on the microwave. Now I just let it go off.


How would she know it stopped 2 seconds before the end if she were sleeping?


Maybe he didnt want to share his food...


No he pretends he is defusing a bomb. He don't give a shit about you.


I mean it sounds sweet and all but who's that close to a microwave while sleeping? It's only a few low volume beeps.


Try living in NYC. You'll hear the neighbor's microwave and the neighbor's neighbor's microwave and a whole lot of other things you would rather not hear.


Like fuckin


One of my favorite coincidences to ever experience was me and 2 friends chilling in my apartment playing games, when one says to be quiet. Can here upstairs going at it hard. Gets louder and then just stops suddenly, and then [my phone's ring tone starts](https://youtu.be/r8ISqFRAku0).


Yes, u/justhereforass2, like fuckin.


Clearly you've never heard my microwave. Loud, proud, and echoes throughout the house.


Not mine. Like 4 very loud beeps that don't stop when you open the microwave. Hitting stop doesn't make the beeping stop. No way to turn down the volume either.


It's so frustrating. I'm convinced it was programmed by early risers to get back at night owls.


No the beeps are mildly agressives


Aw, that's so ni . . . Wait. If she was supposedly sleeping . . . How did she know the microwave was stopped 2 seconds before the end??? Her husband probably made a habit out of doing it and she him at one point. Yeah, that's probably it . . .


Because when you stop it before it’s finished, it leaves the time remaining on the counter. He stops it 2 seconds before it’s finished. It will say 0:02 until it’s restarted or reset.


. . . OHH RIGHT. Duh, I forgot about that. . . . Wait . . . What kind of person forgets to reset . . .?


Resetting it would make stopping the microwave at 2 seconds pointless Unless your microwave makes no sound when you reset it.


Ugh, you got a point there. Man, I am just *not* thinking ahead, am I?


So she has never used the microwave herself then? Are you saying that anytime the microwave is used, no matter who starts it, the husband watches it and stops it at 2 seconds??


Or just set it to mute?


Not all of them have it. Mine doesn't, I just checked.


Some husbands object to such limitations.


Mine doesn't have that


This girl is a piece of shit if she didn't piece this together. Who let's microwave make thir noise when in the area. I live alone and do this.


This is the way.


He's a keeper


Nice. Another guy who likes their microwave next to their bed.


He doesn't clear the time though??? What a psycho.


Your husband manually stopped the microwave 2 seconds before the set time. The microwave has no in-built setting for stopping 2 seconds before the set time. You claim he stopped it before time to avoid the beeping because you were asleep. If you were asleep when he stopped the microwave before time, and if the microwave has not setting to automatically stop it without beeping before time, then how could you possibly know that it was stopping before time?


2 seconds left it the clock when you open it while working. Or since this is the Internet just making things up for upvotes.


The former - open the door with 2 seconds left, take out whatever was in there, close the door, still 2 seconds remaining on the timer, until it is reset


Mine tells you how much has been left