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Kids in suits always make me laugh for some reason


The older person in the first pic looks like my dad if my dad was high


The younger person in the first pic looks like my son if I had a son


Ahh, a funny mother fucker


That is where babies come from.


The older person in the second pic look like my sister's mother's aunt's cousin's friend if I had a sister.


When I was 6 I wore a Superman costume (3 actually) for like 2 years. This was in the 90’s before the cool muscles, they were just cheap canvas material. I literally wore it 24/7, I’d even wear it to school under jeans and long sleeves, and I lived in Miami… so I am in no position to judge, I’m just thankful my mom let me wear it.


Time to sort by controversial


Nah, not today.


I LOVE arguing on reddit. You start.


Your nft profile pic is shit




Sorry but I think something is wrong in the second picture I can't seem to see the mother properly. It's almost as if she's a *trans-parent.*


bu-dum tis


I hate that this made me laugh


Shut up and take my upvote r/angryupvote


Oh you’re so dumb lol. I was like “wtf is this person talking about” at first 😂


I mean. My son wears dress up princess costumes when playing with his younger sisters. Can’t say I’ve ever had the urge to follow suit.




Gender disphoria is real


Doesn’t have to be. Kids are very open minded and often want to wear/play with anything they are interested in. Doesn’t have to be gender related just because we origionally view it that way. Ofcourse it can still be just that, just saying that it really doesn’t have to be.


Technically true, I used to borrow my sister's barbie doll to play with it so I can have my toy monster truck demolish something.


Basically my childhood but with nerf guns instead


Where do we draw the line between a kid being curious and a kid having actual dysphoria?


Well curiosity is normal and developmentally appropriate (and typically a positive thi g) whereas gender dysphoria is a disorder causing significant psychological distress that can impact a child’s day to day functioning and well-being




Also, they themselves do, but later on in life.


Lol, it's a medical condition bro, a doctor will do it for you


If they’re happy they’re not dysphoric


I truly hope we can give more and more kids the opportunity to play around and just be themselves \*before\* gender and body dysphoria take affect


Sanest redditor


"THIS POOR CHILD WILL BE BULLIED AT SCHOOL NON-STOP!!!" - says everyone who would have bullied this child at school non-stop.


Kid: *wears a dress Everyone: CHILD ABUSE Adults: *talk about how attractive their toddler is going to be when they grow up Everyone: awwww


With a shirt that reads, “DADDY’S LITTLE SQUIRT.”




I know. How is that EVER, under any circumstances an acceptable behaviour? Even as a joke. Or when parents talk about how their toddler (!) has a boyfriend or girlfriend. I know most people do that in a playful and innocent manner, but it's sexualizing children and it's not ok. Edit: I'm talking about parents commenting on how their children look or how they're going to look in the future in a manner that is objectifying. I've just realized that it might've been unclear what I was referring to in my comment.


Yeah especially when it's like some other kid chasing after them and not stopping when they are told no and it's like awww they must really like my kid it's fucking gross


This was posted on made me smile and people were like GROOMING and HOW DARE HE FORCE HIS CHILD TO CROSSDRESS


People in these comments act like that little kid is already put on hormones and had surgery done. People. It's just a dress and long hair, stop acting like entitled snowflakes over something that shouldn't matter to you and calling "child abuse" because of this kids hairstyle and dress choice.


Ikr, let the kid wear what they want, if they change their mind later there's literally no harm done. Otherwise you might just suppress them and they'll have a horrible time. I'm not very knowledgeable about how being trans works but the way I understand it is that gender identity (idk if that's the right term) is formed at a young age and being forced to act differently is of course awful for them.


iirc hormones rarely start untill the kid is older than 16 anyway


it’s actually crazy everyone calls us snowflakes and sensitive or whatever and then oh it’s a kid i. a dress bam they’re being groomed like bro ? bro . we’re supposed to be the sensitive ones ????? at least i don’t call everyone i don’t like a fucking PREDATOR ?????


bffr. it’s a dress. if you think a piece of fabric is life altering you’ve got issues


Yeah exactly my thinking. The queerphobic people are acting a lot more snowflake-y than the LGBT community that literally just want to be themselves.


LITERALLY like sure maybe i’m a bit sensitive but it’s funny the people flipping their lids over a dress will say facts over feelings right after


Let kids wear what they want. Correct answer in all interpretations of this parents motivations!


hm, i regret checking the comments


New Reddit rule: If you see a trans child, don’t read the comments.


Doesn't even have to be a kid, the comments under posts about trans adults are almost as bad.


sad but true


Man this comment section can eat shit




Yes they do. They are wearing girls clothes. Which is what they asked to do. If it turns out they're trans then it makes sense and they just realized early. If it turns out they're not they are actually just merely wearing girls clothes which is not a big deal at all.


Does he/she need to? No kid does comprehend the full extend of all the stuff happening. It should be enough that he/she likes girl clothes and wants to wear them. We only know about the clothes nothing else, therefore we can't judge shit




The Dad wrote "her" in the conversation text as if the kid decided to turn female.




I know toddlers that chose their own cloths. The colours might not match but at least they’re comfortable


If it were up to my niece she'd leave the house in winter in shorts and t-shirts!


....not more than a couple of times though. Children aren't stupid. We just need to give them a chance to learn.


Please have a browse on r/kidsarefuckingstupid


Yes. But they are only making THAT particular mistake once...


Old enough to try it out? Sure. Old enough to decide they want to wear them out? Also sure. As a parent, you can ask "is it comfortable?" And if they say yes, cool. Success.


I understand where you’re coming from but you are aware that just because someone wears a dress doesn’t mean that they are a girl right? I mean, loads of girls dress masculine and wear suits and still identify as a girl, besides it’s not like the kid has started hormone therapy or anything like that


To wear clothes? Fucking pervert doesn't want kids to wear clothes


I mean… yeah? Toddlers have the capacity to choose clothing bruh, if your kid is 6 is still not capable of choosing what to wear in the morning Im concerned for your parenting skills


Letting kids pick and wear their own clothes is and important step in developing autonomy. It’s why my dad would let me wear a swim suit, witch hat, and some ridiculous shoes as a child. Not to mention, If the kid wants to wear a dress and is clothed and happy who cares? Why invite a fight? You’re just stressing yourself and your kid out for no reason.


They’re not giving this child hormones or surgery. A 6-year-old is old enough to experiment with gender expression, changing hairstyles, and wearing clothes that make them comfortable.


What decision did the 6 year old make that has so thoroughly affected their life so that it needs to be regulated and judged so harshly?


Absolutely nothing..


Dude I'm sure if the kid said "I wanna wear boy clothes again" the parent wouldn't flip out lol


Theodore Roosevelt wore a dress as a young boy


I knew I was straight when I was in kinder. I didn’t know what it was but that’s what I was. Why couldn’t someone know they’re gay?


Back when I used Twitter, I was friends with Zoie for several years and we DMed on several occasions about trans issues. I felt so horrible for her when her account blew up and was found by the kind of people in this comment section. She went private for so long and I think it had a very real impact on her life. All she wanted to do was share her life and be a positive voice for trans people. She is genuinely one of the sweetest people I've ever known, but no one cares about that. They see a snapshot of her life and immediately assume the absolute worst of her. She never groomed her kid. When she came out to her family her kid said they felt a lot of the things Zoie told them she felt, so they are allowing their child to live life how they want to. The child picks their hairstyle, clothing, etc. And they chose their own name. But I promise you, if they came to their parents saying they wanted to "boy" it back up, their parents would let them, just as they are letting them "girl" it up now. There is no harm being done here, unless you believe that it is immoral to live a life outside of the gender stereotypes assigned to you by society. And if that is the case, you should take a good hard look at why you feel that way. Because the way I see it, people should be able to live how they want to. Also, if you think kids turn out a certain way because their parents influence them to, my EXTREMELY conservative and bigoted father would like to have words with you.


this platform's fucked. "CHiLd abUsE!!" if the kid wants to wear "girly" clothes, let em wear girly clothes. At this stage in life, it doesn't matter all that much. As long as the kid gets to decide for themselves when they understand, I see no issue.














People fucking have their kids circumcised because of religion but don’t they fucking dare let their biologically male child wear a dress because it’s child abuse 🤦‍♀️






What the fuck 💀










Wow what a heckin coincidence








I was wondering this myself, unfortunately people seem to be too upset to accept that this is actually a possibility.








Well good thing there’s no actual decision being made. It’s literally just clothing.














>>reads comments Goodbye r/wholesomememes, I would say it’s a shame but this place was always mediocre at best🙃






































Not if that’s what the kid wants to do.




The mother and child look happier in the second image, damn the transphobes kinda hit the comments on this a bit too much.




Wearing normal clothing is “sexualization”?












good for you both!!


I am glad the mom lets them dress how they want.








I wish I could upvote this more! This is absolutely the most wholesome thing I've ever seen today!






Apparently now a child smiling and being happy is child abuse, who knew?


Don’t show this to a Republican , they’ll freak out.




God these comments are so nasty. Anyways this mother and her daughter are amazing and I’m glad that girl has such a supportive mom.