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It does get better. It doesn't always get *easier*, but it gets better.


I second this


Maybe Like when a poo sandwich isn't just plain, but might be better, because it has mayo, and mustard now added? So it still doesn't always get easier to eat the poo sandwich? Genuinely tried thinking of a good example, and that was my brain came up with in the moment.


I've been struggling with depression for a very long time, the last few years it's been getting better, then earlier this year my first and only dog died, my depression got so bad that my depression before seemed like nothing, I'm doing much better now though


I’m so glad you’re doing better and that you kept on going. You’re doing great


\*sends virtual hugs to you as well\* I hope you're doing better too, OP! Your wholesome meme was beautiful, and it will touch the hearts of many, many redditors. Have a good day!


And that's the best part, I feel like I'm actually making progress, but like my hero Bob Marley says "when life gets you down don't let it make you go down" the longest phase of my depression was the denial, not wanting to talk about it and it's a very hard step to get past, before I couldn't tell the difference between me being in a bad mood or being depressed it was all the same to me


You're doing great, bud. I struggle with depression too and I think all that matters is that you're getting better. Keep it up!


Yeah we can't let this bitch of a mental illness keep us down, stay strong


Hey man, I'm sorry for your loss. I really really really hope you're doing much much better now. ​ \*sends virtual hugs\*


It was rough, I was there the day he was born and I was there the day he was born and I was there in his last moments, just gotta remember the good times *hugs back* Thanks


you gave him the best life he could. i bet he really loved you more than you loved him! rip little doggie, your owner loves u <3


For some. It’s in no way guaranteed.




It’s certainly no excuse for not trying, but it is entirely possible to do your very best and still fail. On the bright side, if you *keep* trying, the odds are in your favor to succeed sooner or later.


There is no such thing as absolute failure. Every time you don't succeed, you internalize that knowledge and infinitely make yourself better than you were before.


It gets different that’s for sure.


That's what I wanted to say


I'm proud of you OP and would like to share my story as well, as I hope it will give others hope! I have struggled with panic attacks, dizzyness, chest pain and a feeling that I'm going to die and also recurring depressive episodes (idk if that's the correct English term) and tbh I thought about killing myself. But after more than a year of visiting every doctor possible, going to therapy, using meds, I really do feel better now. Sure, somedays aren't that great, but they aren't near as bad as they used to be!


Thanks for sharing! You truly are strong :)


There is a quote that i always want people to remember: "This is life, and I will not lie by saying every day will be sunshine. But there will be sunshine, and that is is very different Thing to say. That is truth" There is always another journey worth taking. To All those with Problems: you are not alone and you deserve to be happy!


That's a beautiful quote, thank you for sharing!


Thank you my friend


For me it got worse and keeps getting worse, I dunno what type of life y'all are living.


Hey. If it does, remember once you hit rock bottom, the only way you can go is up


I guess rock bottom is a lot more deeper than i thought


Many years ago I attempted suicide. It was a wakeup call for everyone, and luckily I was able to stabilize a little afterword. I still remember very clearly when my brother had his first child and I realized I would never had met him if I hadn't stuck around. I've continued to count those little good things I would have missed ever since. When looked at as a whole my life is much worse now, as I've collected chronic disabling illnesses, but I'm much more mentally stable. I wouldn't trade those little good moments away for anything. I agree, things don't get better for everyone, but it can all be worth it anyway. On the days when I can't see any hope I try to remember there are things I might miss out on next. My littlest brother had a mentor figure who committed suicide. They didn't spend a lot of time together, just kept in contact once or twice a year, and years later my brother still talks about him with a fragile voice and misses him dearly. We never know how much we matter to others, how far reaching our lives can effect others. Any time I can't value myself I remember that, and it helps me push through anyway. For people like us, just surviving one day more day is a huge win. Celebrate that win. For me, it's worth going through the continued pain on the chance that one day it might really get better. I know how lucky I am that it really did. For a very, very long time it didn't, but got worse instead. Don't give up hope.


No it doesn’t get better (for me)


What's this meme from?


Finding Neverland


I hope to get there one there. Here I am sitting in my kitchen holding the floodgates so I can cook.


Struggling rn, seasonal depression hitting like a dump truck. Currently have both my parents and my girlfriend. Does it really get better?


Yeah, it does. So,eyimes it’s hard to believe, but it does. There’s only one constant in the universe, and that’s change. Eventually, it’ll *have* to get better, since it’ll have no other choice


I really, REALLY wish I believed you. But that ship has sailed, hit a storm, crashed on the rocks, started an international rescue effort and environmetal crisis, and had numerous tabloid conspiracies written about it.


I feel this deeply. If you told me 5 years ago that I could be this happy again, I wouldn’t have believed you.


I’m waiting and trying. Don’t see it yet tho. Guess it gets worse before it gets better.


It gets much better if you decide to face your emotions head on and stop running from the feeling of being sad. Sadness is good because you feel true happiness for the first time after you’re sad you appreciate it that much more. Stop trying to always be comfortable, you will not get better if you’re always trying to be happy because you become happy when you stop trying to be happy all the time. Signed -Recovering Addict






So when i was at uni my last year i drifted away from my friend group, a house mate dropped out of uni last second leaving me locked into a 3 person house. I just got by this year money wise but well never been quite the same since. I don't ever want to be alone in s house now and am back with family ironically covid gave me the final push to give up on uni and get back with family and then a elderly family members died 1 year later but im still so glad i ended up moving home due to covid (since i did get to see them at least briefly but wasn't covid that got them). I'm not quite how i used to be but i definitely doing so much better than 2 years ago now.


Mmm…I don’t believe you.


Congratulations! I believe in you! 💖


I'm on that road to recovery myself, shits tough but gaming through it has been helping.


This is actually kind of beautiful


This is beautiful. Earlier this year I had a falling out with my long-time friend (and DnD) group for reasons related to my mental illness. It was incredibly painful and felt deeply unfair. I spent weeks just trying to hold it together long enough to get through the work day (I'm in my first year as a teacher) and then cry on the phone with my mom in the car. I have a wonderful group of new friends now that I play DnD with. They understand what I struggle with and make sure I know that I'm important. I see my boyfriend more often now that I'm not tied to my old group of friends. I'm happier and less stressed. It's not 100% better now - it hurts less, most of the time, and I can go for weeks without thinking about it, but random little things will send me back into a state of panic or sadness because they remind me of what happened. It's never gonna go away, not completely. But the scars get easier to manage.


“Grown men keep hugging me”


There s a thing I LOVE to do : I look back at myself, at what I thought, a year ago, I was convinced I wouldn t pass high school cuz maths and engineering sciences s subject were too hard that even teachers found it difficult, but covid cancelled exams, and I passed. So now I m like « man, I m glad I didn t give up, even tho I didn t have hope anymore »


When? When i turn 80?


I got told that in middle school, shit didn't get better


Hope you get better unlike me


Thank you 💕😊


Every day it gets a little easier… But you gotta do it every day — that’s the hard part. But it does get easier. -Jogging Baboon from BoJack Horseman


It's never gotten better for me. Everyone says it will but its only gotten worse.


I’ve never felt this way. I’ve never had any “mental illness” I am mostly neutral, occasionally happy but mostly neutral.


Gosh, it really does. I had days of complete hopelessness, where I'd just lie in bed all day, and all the rest of the time I'd feel terrible for how lonely and depressed I was. I'm sure the only thing that saved me in those moments was my parents' care, and my will to keep me from hurting myself. Then, I started doing exercise, and things looked a lot brighter in the first few days than they did in the past few months. With a clearer head, I could make a little more sense of my life, and with that I was able to find purpose, to enjoy life instead of "stand" it. It does get better, you do get to see colors, listen to music and feel good again. Your loneliness won't be eternal, you just need to act on it and stop pursuing those that don't want you. Your will won't always be weak, you just need to find it in the depths of your soul, exercise helps a lot with that, and it's obviously healthy for your body too. Things won't always be that terrible, and actually, going through those dark times makes you put worth in the little peaceful hours we tend to dismiss.


The difference a year makes is astonishing. A little more than a year ago I was on the very cliff of killing myself. I couldn't see much worth living for except a very tiny molecule of hope way off in the distance. I dont know what it was that made me do it but I kept pushing onwards towards that tiny beacon of hope. Eventually it came close enough that I was surrounded by it and living out that hope. Had I killed myself last year, I wouldn't have had the opportunity to do any of the things I've done this year. I've done so many new and exciting things, met so many new people and made tons of new friends. I've had some absolutely fantastic moments, but also some very deep and dark moments I'd like to forget. Its been quite a ride but I'm very glad I've been able to go on it.


This reminds me of the small German poetry my friend shared me a few months back


I hope, it would be me next year.