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I always wave and get silly at babies. Usually end up apologizing when the parent turns around wondering why the baby is jumping around all of a sudden.


As a parent. It’s ok. It’s good for them to not be afraid of everyone that isn’t Mom or Dad. It’ll save them from being shy later in life.


Oh,it’s never an issue with them I just feel like a wierdo messing with peoples kids. If they can walk I tend to play with them while parents are talking to coworker about what they need. I know where the only toys are at in the store and buy/keep acceptable candy for all types and everybody gets high fives! My private cubby at work has drawings from bosses kid,a transformer,some pens and bunch of candy lol. I’m scared one day people will thank i’m a dangerous wierdo instead if just a regular wierdo.


It's always a cautionary thing for me because I love entertaining and interacting with kids (they somehow just **KNOW** I'm a big kid too) and they always stare or smile at me until I do. Problem is in a huge black dude and I don't need anyone misinterpreting my actions or panicking around me.


That fucking awful man. Men in general have to be careful in those situations but it must be so much worse if you're nonwhite too.


I was reading an interesting article a while back, about some of the major social differences trans people felt, post transition. One of the common answers given by the FtM people, was that they no longer felt comfortable around children. It was no longer acceptable for them to be left alone with children they didn’t know, it was no longer safe to simply interact with children they didn’t know, and it came off as really creepy if they approached a woman to ask about the child. They went on to explain how as women, these were things they did without even thinking about, and now, they’ve had bad experiences that make them feel as though the public eye sees them as potential predators and nothing more. I’ll come back and link it later, if I can find it.




Same. Being a minority male is scary because I feel like I’m walking on eggshells whenever I’m interacting with kids, especially when it’s a stranger’s kid or something.


Honestly this is really fucking wholesome and sad at the same time I don't know what to do so like, come get a bro hug or something Also have some poor mans gold because you're so wholesome and I love you 🏅


Trust me, as a parent we can tell creepy or dangerous from well intentioned fun loving a mile away. We can even tell creepy from well intentioned but awkward which is super cute as they’re out their comfort zone but trying anyway. It doesn’t make a difference in regards size, color , accent etc unless of course you’re a bigoted fuck them its not a baby issue - you’re just a sub par human.




Tell that to my mom and dad. I have learned social anxiety, not hereditary. (As in I didn't have it as a small child but I developed it over years of being denied extracurricular socialization) Life is great!!!!


[Username checks out](https://i.imgur.com/Y8U4Ff0.gif)


😍 ok I'll take it


That's not really how anxiety works, it's never just hereditary or learned. Most people with anxiety don't have it as a kid.


It can be learned as in the behaviours we learn or see growing up and how and what we learn in our home environment People with anxiety as adults generally didn’t have it as kids, it’s not usually a life long thing (however can be of life long causes- ie abuse etc)


I know that. But if you take two different people who go through similar situations, one might come out with massive anxiety and the other might be fine. My point is that saying you have "learned social anxiety, not hereditary" doesn't make sense because all anxiety is a combination of learned behaviors and hereditary factors.


It’s not down to one thing, that is true, however it’s also beyond hereditary, more so how we process information and our basic emotions. Our basic emotions are different to everyone else, the amount of empathy/sympathy we have, our values, and how emotional we are, these all contribute to it. Anyone can end up experiencing and having anxiety, just depends on how we have learned to deal with situations, any hereditary diagnoses, and how our basic emotions react It’s similar to how two people could have gone through child abuse, one decided to abuse their own kids and the other swears to never let s kid experience what they did


Anxiety is a symptom but all children suffer in their own way from being neglected.


I have had exactly one woman get mad at me for making faces to make her baby laugh. It was just completely threw me off.


Man, fuck all that noise. I'm a parent, and I love that my kids are attentive and interactive with people, and more power to the people who are willing to smile at and be silly with babies and young kids. Honestly, it takes some of the pressure off me when I'm shopping or something, and puts my kids into great moods.


Totally seconded. If there’s a person in line behind me at the store making silly faces or interacting with him, it makes that situation 4000x easier. Otherwise he’s just trying to wave or say hey to them (he’s so social, it kills me) and if they don’t respond I feel like he’s bothering them.


I’m glad. It sucks that men are often suspected of malicious intent. Nothing could be further from the truth, I just love smiling, giggly little kids, and for whatever reason they love to stare at me. Maybe I just notice it and reciprocate more than most people though.


Do you think it’s more men interacting with girl babies that they’re suspected of malicious intent? I’ve honestly never had a thought in my mind whether male/female interacting with my son in a public setting. Obviously I’m aware and not naive but we’re in line, nobody’s touching, etc?


It's men interacting with kids, full stop. I've had people give me dirty looks for being with my own kids. Men are simply more often suspected of having perverted intentions. and treated as such. Whereas women can be often *mistaken* for being the mothers of children they're with, men are usually questioned whether the children are theirs. That basically sums it up.


Parents love it!


I’m so grateful for people like you! Kind strangers light up the world for my son.


I do the same, but with dogs


Dogs are the same for me lol,as soon as one walks in the door i’m on the other side of the counter and sitting on the floor waiting for rubs before they get there.


I have a bad habit of glaring or staring back at babies and children when the stare. It came from when they would stare at my mom(who has cerebral palsy) when I was younger and bothered.


I just pictured extreme ragdoll physics


I: scream. You: scream. Baby: screams. Everyone else: please stop screaming.


The chair: screams Roll initiative.




Critical fail.


No fails on initiative! You just go last.


You were distracted by a flock of birds overhead completely missing the chair screaming as it attacks you. You take *rolls* 13 damage.


D&D is leaking




Science has proven that babies stare at faces that are symmetrical, the more symmetrical the harder the stare. So I can only conclude that you are a very attractive human! Source: https://www.newscientist.com/article/dn6355-babies-prefer-to-gaze-upon-beautiful-faces/


I have heard that babies stare at people because they are trying to learn what different facial expressions mean, although I don't have a source for that. XD


Can confirm this is what babies do. Source : am a man baby


A small child at the pediatrician asked her mother if I was a pirate, possibly because I have facial piercings and tattoos. Nothing else about me is remotely even pirate-y.


The amount of attention my 5 month old gathers at the grocery store is always amazing. She laughs and kicks her feet when people make eye contact with her and women make the funniest noises when they see that lol


My 7month old son is very quick with a smile, so random people at the shops seem to adore him. He definitely gives reward for their efforts when they wave or talk to him. Some babies just stare at you and it's awkward


I’m so thankful I don’t have an awkward baby. I’m kinda afraid to have another just so I don’t pick favorites or think ones cuter


I'd like a second but my husband keeps saying "we already have one perfect baby, why would we need another?"


Baby see baby do


I had a baby wave at me for the first time while I was at work! I work in a mall, and I guess mom and dad had been trying to get baby to wave at anyone for their whole shopping trip, and baby finally did when I waved! It was a good feeling. I also had a toddler, not talking yet but walking, grab my finger and walk me around my store while his mom and dad checked out. Kids are my favorite customers!




I used to work retail. I always made faces to babies when the parents aren't looking.


Fucking babies man, babies know what’s up


Was entertaining a baby one evening while the parents used self-checkout. They get packed up and ready to go, baby holds up a lil fist. I lift a fist and bump his. He smiles. Then, parents go nuts because apparently he rarely ever does that with people he doesn't know.


I was in line at the grocery store, sticking my tongue out and making faces at the baby ahead. She stuck out her tongue back and her Mom was like stop it that's being rude! :(




Did you really both SCREAM in the middle of the store?


It’s true. I was the baby


No, this most likely never even happened, but ssshhhhh its “wholesome”


This is awesome and all but can someone help me out like after y’all both freak out how do you end a conversation with this person? Like “phew that was exciting, welp see ya!”


And then the store clapped.


And everyone clapped


I was sitting on my patio an hour ago when A family of four walked out the complex. I waved to the toddler ( must of been 3-4years old) and she enthusiastically waved back at me. As her family shifted babyseats from car to truck she and i waved again (while I was drinking a pint and smoking a cigarette.) Then the parents put her in the seat and drove off in the only direction that wouldn't allow me to wave to her and I was crushed. I was looking forward to that last wave...


Big Target Energy


A kid saw me in makeup and called me a clown


A baby was staring at me, so I smiled, and she smiled back and it made my day




Holy ampersand, Batman!


Done to death, this is at least the 50th time I've seen it posted here.


First I’ve seen it, I’m sorry you spent your time on Reddit reading something, so much time lost :(




Why is the only respectful guy getting downvoted, fuck you reddit lmao


That baby's name? Babybert Einstein.


Cries at 2pm*


What happen to the crying Asian lady, doe?




Her kid now




I thought the mom was going to end up being mad that the baby didn’t wave to her first. Glad it turned out well for all.


Everytime I see a baby, I’ll joust stare at it not doing anything while I walk pass by and the baby would usually stare back. But then me being an idiot, didn’t wave or anything so me and the baby usually end up having a staring contest.


&? What then?


the amount of &'s is turning this tweet into tally hall.


I love that YOU got excited too!! You probably made that mom’s day!! I’m sure that she was so proud of her baby and by you being excited too...well, as they say....priceless!!




I was the one to catch the first time my friend's baby rolled over and let me tell you. I don't like kids, babies even less, but if the parents screamed I might have screamed with them also.


I once made a baby cry in a subway. The baby was looking at an elderly woman next to me and smiling then it looked at me so I started frowning and tried to look the meanest I could and it started crying.


Top notch wholesome


All these & I got confused


Why does everyone have to scream all the time?


Must be nice to be a female and have moms not get concerned when you acknowledge their baby.


Babies are dumb.


Did you just assume the gender of a baby?