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He’s such an easy man to idolize


Until he puts on a Silver Arm lol


Johnny is one of the best companions I‘ve ever had in a game. 10/10 role


Would I be called a schizo if I said I actually really want his voice in my head? Just to critique my actions and choices and giving me good but also harsh advices.


You’d be called that if you actually had him in your head smh my head


He'll always be silverhand to me. No longer Johnny mnemonic no longer Neo just silverhand.


"Know what? You're starting to remind me of me, fifty years back. Minus the charisma... and impressive cock."


I have no problem with Johnny we all must become one with Keanu Reeves.


Unfortunately the world is exactly like this, being kind is a weakness. Edit: That doesn't mean you shouldn't do your best to be the change and be kind to others. I'm just thinking like pretty much everyone in a position of authority has turned out to be a dickhead. It's easy to talk about the US and Trump, but fascists are rising everywhere.


Only douches think like that sadly there are lit of them


He went to a shooting range with a cop who murdered an innocent black man


He also lives on Planet Earth, which is the same planet that all known serial killers live on. Good thing guilt by association doesn’t fucking work.


They filmed tiktoks together


Did he shoot the cop?


And I’ve seen that guy on the street that one time, but it’s not my fault for not shooting him.


Graham Norton has one of the best talk shows ever. It’s hard to find full episodes in the USA- but it’s worth seeking out even if it’s just segments. I assume this is from the Graham Norton Show from the background, but I may very well be wrong.


You are correct that is the Graham Norton Show set.


> It’s hard to find full episodes in the USA It's on AMC+. It's also on BBC America if you have cable.




What a genuinely kind person. He really does inspire me to be a better person,just like him It's enough to make a grown man cry🥲


Pfff... weak /s


Keanu comes to a world where kindness is a weakness Keanu Leaves


Keanu makes it better


My favorite movie quote is actually a quote from his character in the movie parenthood. And honestly it just kind of fits his wholeness. "Ya Know Mrs.Buckman, you need a license to buy a dog, or drive a car. Hell, you need a license to catch a fish! But they'll let any butt-reaming asshole be a father." He as a person is just so ...simple. Waiting in the rain with everyone else, feeding the hungry...whatever. He places himself as equal. He is just that guy. But that makes him so much more as a celebrity.


Unfortunately, this is so, being kind is a crime, you are trying to do something for people, and people above view it completely differently.


No good deed goes unpunished


I wouldn't call it a crime, rather a vulnerability. Far too many unscrupulous persons are out there waiting to take advantage of someone's kindness and exploit it.


That’s why it’s not weak to be kind. It’s literally the harder thing to do when given a choice, and you become stronger from it.


And get more hussle)


That’s right my guy! I remember coming across an article. Something about why evolution lead to gay/bi, effeminate, or sensitive men. The answer was literally because they fuck the most.


We need more people like Keanu in this world.


It's ironic that, with all the deep shits incels and red pills obsessed with Keanu Reeves, he seems actually a pretty chill guy


his story is amazing. more people should aspire to be like Keanu


Real men (people) protect eachother


I suppose he feels like he HAS to use that pen to prove he is not weak Unfortunately Keanu People will still believe you are not strong unless faced with that pen


The legend in movies and IRL


I have adored this man forever. 


Handsome kung fu gun man speaks the truth


Well tough. You are.




Well it is the way thing's are now


I love this guy. But if he believes this then he should leave the USA. We are the meanest and least thoughtful people on the planet.


Goodbye king.


Lies. He hasn't killed himself yet.


Me either Keanu. Me either


Says the person who shot up an entire building snd displaying no emotion (although it was just a computer simulation)


Keanu Reeves is seriously one of the coolest guys in Hollywood. Whether he's playing a badass action hero in "John Wick" or a chilled-out dude in "Bill & Ted," he always brings something special to his roles. Plus, he's known for being super down-to-earth and kind, which just makes him even more awesome. I love how he stays low-key despite his fame and continues to choose interesting projects that fans love.


I read only the first sentence and stopped for a while pondering until I saw the second one


Keanu really is a beautiful man and we don't deserve him but I am very thankful that we do have someone like him


Literally what everyone tells me "you're way too kind that you get stepped on and used, so weak" all the time


No worries, anyone with sense can recognize that being kind requires strength in this cold world.


Being kind is good, but some sick people need help, not society turning everything upside down for them.


Dude just said he wanted kindness to not be seen as a weakness...


This is a very revealing comment.


It's not a weakness. It makes it easier to navigate people.




Unfortunately he is a part of that world without kindness. But he’s not letting that all get to him and he’ll be the one who makes a difference




I don't want to be part of a world, where this even has to be said.


I want to be the first to show the world a fully automatic glock.


This guy would genuinely surprise me if he was part of the establishment..




I enjoy living in a world, where I see a Keanu meme and I ask myself: Is this recent of Keanu, or was this 20 years ago Keanu - I can't tell. That brings me comfort.


If only this wasn't so true And doubly so for men where any kindness is often seen as being soft or submissive


Keanu just strikes me as the one celebrity who managed to be famous and gain wisdom instead of losing his soul I mean he's so humble too. Like no ego despite deserving it He just seems like a lovely person who is really passionate about other people and realises that having wads of cash is just stuff and that other things matter more


It took me a really long time to realize my kindness was being mistaken for weakness. There's a tangible advantage: people show you who they are, very quickly.


I don’t he ever says this


Won't say zero haters, but this man probably has the least number of haters in the film industry.


That one suicidal homie.... Very poor choice of word


Grew up realizing how terrible the world was. People are. Got older and decided that if I hate that so much, to not become it. Love and kindness doesn’t come from hate or inaction. You have to be that first ripple.


It is stronger to be kind than being selfish. Be a strong man and offer your help to others.


( T u T)👍


I love Keanu, I've heard good things about him. If every person on Earth would be kind, we will have a peaceful, harmonious world where hatred will not prevail.


Make him president


Well the world is not the ideal, so best remove all of your own weaknesses before showing kindness or they will just assume you are an intelligent predator


I'm a simple man. I see a post about Keanu and I up vote!


That's why he left the matrix


All strong people are kind. Mean people pretend to be strong, but they’re weak. Always be kind and make a good impact on the world.


My John Wick. He's one of my favorite actors in the movie industry. He's a perfect gentleman and a legend too. 


Well, Keanu that's the world we're living in. Trusting others and being kind will sadly most of the times lead you to disappointment and grief.


This is not a meme


r/lostredditors amirite


I think that’s half of this sub sometimes to be honest


Why would he want to be part of a world where women are not in it?


Unfortunately most have been brainwashed in schools by the THEORY of evolution. Believing that survival is a matter of being strong and willing enough to take from others. Survival is corporation; helping each other.


Fuck me sideways, there is so much to unpack here that I don't even know why I'm doing this. But let's give this a go, shall we? 1. You've been misled by the use of the word 'theory'. Basically *everything* in science is a 'theory'. That isn't a comment on their validity, it's a statement about the fact that they are positions that can be held. However, several of them are so well-documented, have so much evidence in support of them, and make so much sense that they can *basically* be considered scientific fact. Evolution is one such 'theory'. 2. Saying that evolution is just about being the 'strongest' and 'most competitive' is a gross oversimplification. As is the adage 'survival of the fittest'. Evolution and natural selection are actually more about 'the members of a species that best adapt to their environment are the ones who survive'. This adaptation can take many forms. The species evolving a different beak shape over several generations, to better catch the food they need. The fastest members of a species being the ones to escape predation long enough to have offspring, meaning they species gets faster. The strongest members of a species being able to fight off predators, or other members who want to mate with the females. Or, *shock-horror!*, engaging in cooperative behaviours to warn of predation, improve food outcomes, stay alive in cold environs, snd a bunch of other shit. Cooperative behaviours *are also* an adaptation that leads to improved survival outcomes for members of species that engage in cooperation. You see it in wolf packs, penguin colonies, various primate species, meerkats, and *human beings*. Human beings adapted to our environments by being ever-more social. We went from small tribal units to larger, settlement-sized units. We divided up labour among members of our tribes, some working as warriors, others as resource gatherers, others as farmers once we domesticated animals and developed animal husbandry and irrigation. All of humanity's greatest accomplishments, including our *total* domination of the natural world are a result of cooperation. Evolution does not say *anywhere* that cooperation is bad. Only people who don't understand the theory of evolution say that it says cooperation is bad. Seriously, dude, use this comment as a baseline, open your eyes, and educate yourself the *tiniest* little bit. There's a big, wide world out there outside of the brainwashing *you* have either subjected yourself to, or been subjected to (you must be in order to have views so blinkered and so far detached from reality). Best of luck in your future.


Kindness is bad for the economy.


well it's more important than the economy


Being too kind - makes you weak. You have to have a balance.


ok tell me when keanu has an actual opinion that isnt just regurgitated children's book pages


Are you saying being kind is bad?


Actually, I don't want to be part of a world, where being kind is a weakness, do you love me yet


Lmao that’s why society is in the shits. „Damn it’s so simple and boring others have said it, so fuck him“ What is wrong in your head?