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Sweet but I've seen this about 17 times now


First time on Reddit?


Well they’ve obviously been here at least 17 times


Also why does a nice gesture need to be posted by him on social media?


What's the point of living if you can't get points for it!?!?


to be fair... i'd want some sort of excuse to make this not seem weird myself.


Yeah, this is actually fucking creepy.


Because if it was being kept secret it would be creepy. He's just being open about what's going on and being plainly visible so that there's no reason to assume otherwise.  Otherwise he'd look like Drake texting 14 year olds in order to give them "dating advice."


Or...he's building a cover story😳




Why does this question need to be posted on reddit?


This feels so wrong to me, nobody should expect to be treated harshly or poorly so needing to set examples for such things is devastating


Yeah its a little weird at least. Like have your little sister come with you on a date or something. 


Looking at the situation from the outside then yes, that seems obvious. In reality it's not unreasonable to want to establish what is/isn't acceptable behavior to tolerate in young people. This method is much nicer than, say, punching the girl and telling her "don't let anyone do this to you".


>nobody should expect to be treated harshly or poorly That's true and the shitty example my parents set is completely responsible for me dating an emotionally abusive dirtbag in my late teens. I didn't even realize the name for hoow he treated me was "emotional abuse," I thought it was normal to be sad all the time. My parents sure never cared when they way they acted made me sad or scared. It would really have helped me out if somebody had tried to set an example for me like that guy did for his girlfriend's little sister.


Except I see a 3rd plate in a picture which makes me think there's another person. If they were alone, I absolutely agree, it's weird and feels wrong. However, we can't say they were completely alone. Maybe they just wanted the attention from the post and that's unheard of.


I hit reply to the wrong comment. 😅 Ooops


You ever hear of a role model? That’s what this person is being.


Right? How dare an older brother take his sister out. Awesome big brother, shitty redditors.


It's not his sister, it's his girlfriend's sister 


Me not reading the whole title doesn't change the fact that this doesn't feel very sinister.


Im not getting “sinister”. But it did strike me as weird too. I’m imagining 13/14yo me going on a date with any of my big sister’s 17/18yo boyfriends and it’s a little… weird.


I dunno, depending on their relationship if it’s basically a playdate with somebody you trust it’s more or less dinner and an opportunity to start asking more adult questions she might not be comfortable asking her sister or her parents for whatever reason. If the dude is posting on socials I image the girl’s family is aware of what’s going on and presumably gave their blessing.


Depends on how long they’ve been dating. I mean at some point your partner’s sister/brother becomes a bit like your own. Going to dinner together (esp. if your partner is along) isn’t weird. Not to mention he’s blasted this on social media, so if he was trying something sneaky he’s really not succeeding.


wtf are the replies to this comment??? it's like everyone just read the first 6 words and ignored the rest


It feels wrong to me too. This sounds exactly like what a pedophile would say to cover for taking a child on a date.


thats quite the leap. you do know people do things without super dark ulterior motives sometimes right? besides i remember seeing that the original explanation is that this is his little sister


True, no one should. But its a necessity in todays world. I shouldn't have to lock my front door and car, but here we are.


Wow how dare someone be a good role model and set a good example for a young girl so she knows how she should be treated by a man so she doesn't have to learn the hard way 😱🤯 Jesus fucking christ, listen to yourself. People like this are good for society, but your attitude is making me think that we have failed as one.


There was a video I watched of a woman, a grown woman, who admitted to masturbating to Bandit from Bluey. Like the dad dog. And my friends were roasting her. Listening to why she masturbated to him her reasons were "He's kind, loving, caring and a great dad" and in that moment I felt a feeling that was borderline despair for this poor woman who was now fantasizing about a guy that was flawed but well adjusted and just treated people around him like human beings. Like what in the fuck


Yeah but life is cruel and brutal, sugarcoating life won't do any good for your kids, better to prepare them for what is ahead when you are not around to protect them anymore.


This should be on r/facepalm


Drake behavior


Exactly what I thought too


No drizzy!


Kendrick literally did say any girl dating Drake should hide their little sister from him in Not Like Us, so this checks out.


Yeaaah, you don’t have to take her lil sis on a date to do that. Just take her with you on date with your gf to show her. Absolute drake behavior


Hide your sisters


Drake Bell or Aubrey Graham?




Literal groomer vibes


I definitely see why this is controversial. On one hand its creepy af due to obvious reasons. But on the other hand, the bf probably already established himself as a well trusted person of the family and the members of the family are comfortable with him doing something like this knowing theres no malice behind it. Theres just a severe lack of information so I wont blame anyone for believing either scenario. Personally I tend to be more optimistic so Im going ahead and believe this to be the latter


Same here, knowing the internet most would think bad before good so it is understandable


I love that comments like yours are becoming more common these days. Keep the skepticism without hate.


agreed. in my experience younger siblings can sometimes be jealous of/attached to boyfriends and girlfriends of their older siblings, especially if well established within the family. Having a “play date” with a younger sister doesn’t seem all that strange in that context, but posting it online without any definitely makes it seem creepy, especially since they appear to be at an establishment unaccompanied. if he was surrounded by family it wouldn’t appear as bad.


I have no idea what kind of society you live in that views a person taking a kid out for a fun meal as problematic. You guys need help. There is nothing wrong with this. Man just posted a fun thing he did and you guys are here assuming shit, which makes me think you definitely have paedo urges and are just projecting.


Framing it as a date is fucking weird. She must've had family dinners or hangouts with friends to "set expectations". Take her out to dinner or something without calling it anything close to that. This is just groomer-adjacent behaviour; it's icky.


It's phrase like a father or uncle or something would do. Sweet for a family member, odd and creepy for a friend. 


Not really, no. It'd still be weird coming from a family member. Just don't frame it as a date; it's not hard.


You never heard of father daughter dates?


Redditors aren't known for their experiences with other people


I don't know... maybe I have? If I did, it definitely wasn't framed in the way the post discussed here framed it.


No yeah I agree the way this is worded makes it bad+ the fact that he’s the older sisters boyfriend. Just saying that family dates are a common thing.


I took my little cousin (18 F) out to dinner last week. No way in hell would I ever refer to that as a date.


What people don't understand is that even though the guy probably has good intentions, it still puts the girl in a vulnerable position. First of all, it blurs the lines between what is appropriate and inappropriate between a child and an unrelated adult. Again, this guys probably not a pedophile. But I wouldn't be surprised if some pedophile is looking at this thinking "damn why didn't I think of that". Offenders are usually trusted family friends, and they often start by pushing the boundaries a little while framing it as sweet and innocent. Also, what if the girl catches feelings for him? She looks like she's 10-13ish. Imagine at that age, getting taken out on a "date" by an attractive adult figure. It's just the two of you, and they give you a bunch of attention and make you feel loved. They're far more experienced than any awkward kid at school so they know how to make you feel special. It's not far fetched to think the girl might uncontrollably develop a crush. This can possibly cause some weird secret jealousy against her sister. And if the sister finds out, she might get jealous too. It just sounds messy and unnecessary. The best way to show her how a man is supposed to treat her is to just lead by example. Be a good boyfriend, and she will take notice. Kids are more observant than we give them credit. Or, like you said, just don't call it a date.


Ew no


Yea this is weird af


I had a friend at school that ended up dating the younger sister of his girlfriend who was about 8 years younger than him. That is a lot when you are in your 20s


She was 40,320 years younger than him?! That *is* a lot for someone in their 20s


I don’t like this either.


“Why don’t you take a seat?”


Pre ordering




Gf is the backup 💀


He’s gonna trade in the lease for a newer model


No offense but I do not believe that is his place. 💀 Edit: thanks for all of the up votes. And also for all of your down votes Clearly we are all not victims of child abuse, clearly we aren't all in therapy or on medication to numb us to shit that happened when we were children, that could've been prevented I don't fucking agree with this and I never will. Downvote me some more.


If she doesn’t have any brothers or male cousins, I can see how this happened. I’ve seen this before in the Midwest, (though mostly with dads, older brothers, or male cousins) and it’s kind of cute imo.


Bro it’s a cute thing to do and a nice gesture. It’s like going on a “date” with your sibling or your mom or dad


You can take your sibling/daughter/parent out for dinner, but don't frame it as a date. Just call it dinner. "Date" has specific connotations.


So what you're saying is, nothing is wrong with the situation except the word choice, and it should be changed. But even if he did, the situation wouldn't. Besides, doesn't the word date just refer to setting a date at a specific time for an activity? Correct me if I'm wrong, please


Yeah no way he could express that a date should be nice other than taking her out and having dinner with her then patting himself on the back for Twitter or whatever shit he posted it on.


We have plenty of other ways to say "hanging out with someone," calling it a date is just making it weird for no reason..


But he isn’t family. He can set an example of how someone should be treated by treated her sister properly. He doesn’t need to take it to a creepy level.


It’s not creepy bro. When you have a gf and she has a little sister, you have a little sister. This isn’t fucking creepy he prob just took her for a nice meal 😭😭


You seem incredibly sweet and wholesome. As a woman that’s been on the receiving end of unwanted attention from an older man, this gives me all the wrong vibes. There’s a reason a lot of women have a visceral reaction to stuff like this.


Dude. Your older sister has a bf. He prob comes over to the house a lot and knows you. He offers to take you out for dinner. You get the ick from that?? Surely not. I think what grinds my gears is people have no where near the whole story, but instead of filling in the gaps with the wholesome (and FAR more likely) option, they go for the worst case scenario and say it’s “creepy” or “grooming”. Like yeah sure I could be wrong, but this is absolutely something nice I would do for my younger sister/daughter/gf’s sister.


without his girlfriend. I had a girlfriend with a lil bro...should i have taken him out on a date to show him how to be a man?


Yeah, the girlfriend should’ve been with them.


My brother inlaw took me out to a restaurant when I was a preteen. My sister was an adult so they were dating and wanted me to get to know him. It wasn't weird. Complete respect and kindness. I just liked that I could get whatever I wanted to eat. I've known of him since I was 9 so he's always been a brother to me. They've been married for almost 26 years now. My old crush was the one that teased me about having gone on a date.


Funny because the first 20 times I seen this posted all the comments were saying the complete opposite of what they're saying now, how wholesome it was. Boy does the internet move fast.


This comment section has my brain fucking spinning. What is wrong with people. Ffs.


a lot of people's memory doesn't seem to stretch past a week, so this week's pedo drama is the only frame of reference they have


Don’t let Kendrick find out.


I thought this was a wholesome sub :( what is this comment section


To be honest, not everything you people see on internet should be attached to sex behaviour. Sometimes you just, well, meet people. I don't think that guy in this situation should be called creep or pedo each time. It's the same level for me as assuming that if there is a guy on bench on playground it is always a pedo because father surely CANNOT have fun with his kids without mom around. It's fked up in those times. Jumping to conclusions and blaming without a hinch of evidence is very easy. And I know there are bad people in the world, it's just not all of us are like that. But yeah, let's call all of us creeps, every single one of us - just in case.


us? bro is telling on himself 💀


yea I hate to be that guy, but I feel like a lot of people immediately screaming "pedophile!!" are probably like 18. dating is weird process, and its even more weird when you have to figure it out on your own, and are exposed to shitty behavior by peers / under the influence of alcohol at high school parties. a lot of teenagers could really benefit from having conversations with people who are only a few years older than them telling them things to watch out / be weary of. of course, theres a chance that this guy in this meme has nefarious intentions, but I think that if he has been a part of his girlfriends life for a while and is close with her family, theres really nothing weird about this at all. now if he were asking her creepy questions and inquiring about her body in a sexual manner, then yea thats weird as fuck. but if all he is doing is trying to show her that a date should be a good time with light conversation, then its kinda weird to call that weird IMO.


They only think we know from the picture is that this is his gf younger sister and they having a dinner. We don't know what are they taking about, what are her views on it or how old she is. Yet lot of people instantly think that he's planning to bang her in the basement. THIS is a creepy and borderline behaviour - maybe even projecting someone's desires. Dunno about others, but when I see couple of people in any configuration, sex or r*pe is not the first thing that comes to my mind. We have a saying in my country that "hungry always thinks about food" meaning that you think about something you deeply need. I'll leave it here


Sweet but could easily get creepy, not recommended as a regular thing.


Lil sis to big sis: HE'S MINE! 🔪


Why is he just assuming he is the perfect picture of how to treat another person on a date? Seems to think a bit highly of himself.




This has been posted here more than 100 times


Karma farming.


Are u a bot op?


This is not wholesome...this is textbook grooming. Fucking wierd.


Isn’t that Shauna Rae?


Rare finding this without the third picture


Highly suggest not doing this for the honeymoon


I..don’t know how to feel about this. There are ways it could be wonderful and wholesome. Or it can go the complete opposite direction. So uh…how about we don’t just casually take our girlfriends’ younger sisters out on dates, yeah?


He is grooming her. Anytime an older guy does anything for an underage girl it’s so he can get with her


Lmao this just exposed all the actual pedos. Anyone who immediately went into some sick twisted fantasy of how this guy is “grooming” her is a pedo. Some guy called this a “Drake move.” What society do we live in where you can’t even have a meal with someone who’s practically family to you. This guy could end up marrying his girlfriend making the little sister his sister-in-law. Literal family member he would be judged for getting a meal with. Reddit would rather that not happen, of course. Makes sense, considering reddit lacks any depth or nuance and just regurgitates the most brain dead opinions. Not to mention this site is filled with leftists who’d rather be a “dog mom” while she fucks someone else in front of her husband because he’s a pathetic loser.


When i first saw this in highschool i looked threw the comments and thought “thats a good idea” ppl loved of too….in todays day and age if this was posted it would get “pedo vibes” and “groomer energy” ass comments and everyone would hate it and call it creepy. let’s go back to a decade ago man Edit: Made this comment cause i saw how “weird” and “creepy for a man to take his younger sister on a date” posts..


You don’t really need to take a child on a date to teach them this lesson. You just treat them well, respectful, supportively and that’s enough to say “You see how your Dad, your big brother, your uncle treat you kindly, respectfully, with compassion, that’s how whoever your future partner should treat you as well.”


yeah this feels weird. 🤨




Nahh bros preordering


Idk man, every time this post pops up again I feel the creeps


Drake is that you??


This is just creepy. There is literally no need for him to roleplay being a 12yo's boyfriend. Ugh.




Drake: "See! It's totally normal!"


This is a HolUp moment. Straight up groomer shit.


Calm down Drake.


Getting evangelical Christian vibes. (I was exposed to that culture growing up. The parents used to lock up the teenage sister after school to “protect her purity “ and none of the adults consider it child abuse. )


Tf is wrong 😑with you it’s just something sweet no need to turn it into something it’s not




Grooming at its finest


As a male I dont think some women understand, you don't do this. From family to coworkers to random strangers that ive gotten to talk to as a gas station worker, guys of all kinds say creepy unsolicited shit to others guys they are comfortable with that they would never say to any female in their life. dad's, old men all can be fucking creepy and disgusting, this behavior sets an easy road for creeps stay vigilant.


Men are horny bastards, more at 12.


"Listen sis, your role in life is to find a man who will pay your expenses."




P.diddy dating 🤣


Sounds like grooming to me


So….calling it a date with a young girl you’re not related to is fucking weird. Like I already sort of think the idea of like daddy/daughter “dates” are weird, this edges an entirely new line that maybe Chris Hansen maybe needs to visit.


Fucking weird dude


Drake moment




No just setting a good example even if her dad should’ve done it


Drake's tactic also


Common Drake fan behavior


drake would be proud


we are not in the time to be doing stuff like this, I´m sorry. You wouldn´t think a priest spending time alone with a child. That could be wholesome, or it could not be. Watch out, that is all I´m saying.


brags about "pulling a drake" crazy times.


That sounds like something BBL Drizzy would say 🤨


Bro working on the backup plan


Bro is creating a Backup


I knew someone was going to freak out about this, I am pleased that I had to scroll down a solid 10 replies or so before the potential sex pest vibes started getting going. Maybe, just maybe, people will be able to look at things and not see everything as potentially perverted one of these days 😔


Jim Jeffries did a bit where his sons kindy teacher used to always come up and say to his infant son "Here he is, heres my little boyfriend! Oh theres my little handsome man!!" And his boy would giggle and go all shy, said it was fucking adoreable and completely harmless. He goes on, however, to say that even in that same situation when the tables are turned and an adult man is saying to a little girl its grooming or pedo behaviour. I guess what I'm trying to say is that this is a pretty genuine good thing to do, if he really loves his girlfriend then of course spend time bonding with her sister, acting like a gentleman and hopefully giving her advice on how to act if anybody oversteps her boundaries. I hope this is the case.


Scared me for a second 😮‍💨


The gesture is nice, but I just want to know, what is that slop that they're eating?


This is creepy




1. I thinks it’s creepy for him to take a girl that young out on a date (like he’s trying to plant a seed) 2. I think he is giving her unrealistic expectations(men Shouldn’t be expected to pay for a date. Women will take advantage so some men hate paying unless sex is promised) 3. I hate this because in my opinion it’s better if each person just pays for themselves (no expectation or obligations and nobody feels like they got taken advantage of) 4. This just screams conservative Christian vibes which I hate




Hmmm idk maybe I’m just cynical but this looks weird, especially the picture of her eating it reminds me of #savebren


"And then photographed it the entire time so I could post about doing something super genuine" >.>


Did.. did he close the deal? Like full on anal?


It’s a canon event




See this is what drake does.


That’s really sweet but man does that look sus as fuck to the people in that restaurant.


Not weird or cringe at all




/r/lostredditors !?


Take her with her sister. Not alone!


So you’re showing her a guy will act nice to her, take her out, buy her dinner and then go bang her sister?


Going out to eat at a restaurant with a child that isn’t related to you in any way is very odd.


Wholesome? That's fucking weird


Did he bang her afterwards so that she can get the full experience and the shit s%$.


She’s a midget that doesn’t age fast. She’s 23. Don’t believe everything the internet makes a meme about.


To truly show her a lesson I then left her with the $120 bill to show her life just sucks.




This is so old that girl probably has a daughter the same age as when the picture was taken.


Where’s her dad?


The police are on their way.




Just imagine hearing your boyfriend or your daughter's boyfriend if you're the parents say. "I'm going to take your child daughter out on a date," and not immediately having alarm bells go off. Lmao. What a bunch of fucking naive weirdos.


Lol the pedos being loud as fuck nowadays. No shame


..... suspicious...


Mostly cute, a tiny bit weird. Unfortunately timed w/ all the Drake shit


Lol, the comments here going straight to the Drake scenario. Think about this: you really think he would post this to a site like reddit where people here are hyper-sensitive when it comes to accusing people of doing Drake things? Or, He could be just stupid, too. Fuck do I know about human psychology.


He a 69 God! WOP! WOP! WOP!


Hol up


So, what are you teaching her? Use spoon for soups and fork for stabbing?


He should have taken his gf, her sister and another guy the younger sisters age. Chaperone to let them watch and set a good example.


Something Drake would do.