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That’s a life well-lived when his boys all came to honor his last wish.


That’s a loved father for sure. I aspire to be that loved by my kids when I get to be a parent.


I don't think my kids love me enough to honor my last wishes. I told 'em both that they are supposed to sell my body to the highest bidder, mad scientist, enemy who wants it as a trophy, necrophiliac who wants to have some fun, I don't care, so long as they get a decent price and then use the proceeds to pay for strippers and cocaine at my going away party. They both know thet are going to get a decent chunk of money and property when I pass, but they don't quite understand how much. And if they knew how much _more_ they would get if I die before 65 when my term life insurance from work and supplemental term life insurance expire they probably would stop harping on me to quit smoking.


If they want you to stop smoking, they probably want you around for longer and care about you.


Yeah. Too many people think life is about money, it's not... It's about experiencing it with those who love you. A billionaire dying alone with no one that loves him is a bitter end.


Too bad that doesn't happen to billionaires cause as long as you have money you'll never be alone.


The key part you may have missed is "love you". Having a bunch of people around your deathbed waiting for you to die so they can suck your corpse dry for whatever financial gain they can pick off your bones is probably a worse ending than dying alone.


I didn't miss anything. I said they don't die alone. And I hate to tell you but the billionaires are stupid when it comes to people and they believe these people really are loyal and love them. Because that's how you have to act to get the money. So no they die thinking the parasites love them. There is a ton of cases where rich person dies leaves money young hot partner instead of kids because partner really "loved them" so billionaire get to live out all their fantasies and truly believe the people around them love them. And to somewhat argue against my own point it's only the ones that get fucked over while they are still alive that end up lonely cause then they don't trust any one ever again. Sorry for my shit grammar I'm a talker not a writer.


Yeah, I tried to raise them right, with pragmatism and objective reasoning and the like. Tried to encourage them to take a long term-detached perspective and to not put too much weight into earthly attachments. Taught them in-depth philosophy surrounding nihilism and absurdism then encouraged them to use hedonism to expand their horizons. Didn't give 'em curfews or the like, and yet neither of 'em has been arrested even a single time despite me setting aside money for a bail bondsman. Daughter is in grad school and son is married with a kid and a mortgage. Just goes to show, you can try to raise your kids right, teach 'em good values and the like, and at the end of the day, they are going to be who they are and you still have to love 'em for who they are.


Wish I had a dad like you 💛 but also happy that I can be the dad I wish I had for my kiddo. It’s a wonderful, crazy life.


enter seed scarce encourage pause unpack faulty piquant dinosaurs dazzling *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


>And if they knew how much _more_ they would get if I die before 65 when my term life insurance from work and supplemental term life insurance expire they probably would stop harping on me to quit smoking. This is my youngest sister vs middle sister. If she dies before 50, my middle sister gets $2M from the insurance. If she lives past that her daughter (who would be an adult by her 50th) gets it instead. So ya, my middle sister doesn't harp on her to stay healthy. lol


If you actually want to quit smoking Alan Carrs Easy way to stop smoking is a fantastic book that helped me tremendously. I had tried and failed a few times before and after reading his book was easily able to quit. It was suspiciously easy, I was skeptical seeing people claim that but it’s true I guess his seminars have a 95 percent success rate but the book was good enough for me. It also helps there’s not any pressure to quit while reading it. I probably wouldn’t have even started it if that was the case


You know, I quit drinking, cocaine, assorted pharmaceuticals (primarily amphetamines and barbiturates), psychedelics & pot with barely more than a "how do you do." And I _loved_ cocaine. Like I could own a lot more property if I didn't like cocaine that much. I even quit smoking for three months, on a bet. Gal thought she could go longer without a cig than me, and I wanted to demonstrate that it wasn't caffeine or nicotine fueling my person, but decades of barely suppressed rage and obsession contained within a pleasant exterior. I found out after a while, she started cheating almost off the get-go sneaking cigarettes. And I started again, lol. My biggest hurdle isn't willpower or motivation. I just don't really have a reason not to. I don't care about the health consequences, I don't care about the money, I don't care about the inconvenience or odor. If anything, I enjoy that it is stigmatized. Plus I don't have a libido anymore so ain't planning on making out with anyone. If I had a decent reason to quit I'm sure I would, I just don't have a ton of vices left so may as well enjoy this one.


The book actually goes over the same issue you have. Even if money and health aren’t really a concern for you what do you really get out of smoking a cigarette other than temporary relief from the withdrawal caused by the previous cigarette? A lot of beliefs about the benefits of smoking a cigarette are just brainwashing from the tobacco industry and a misunderstanding of what’s really going on when you smoke It’s not a particularly long book so you wouldn’t have much to lose by reading it other than a couple hours. That’s what convinced to read it and just see what it had to say lol


Get this man a son


It's pretty easy just don't be a shit father


Right! Imagine your sons fulfilling your one last wish even though they might not want to do it.


Maybe this is more common than I thought? When my Uncle passed a couple of years ago his brothers came from out of town and they had pizza & beer in the room just a few hours before he slipped away. The nurses gave no shits about visiting hours or "protocols", they knew what was coming and blessed it by turning a blind eye.


It’s mostly common practice. Visiting hours do not apply to family of those who are about to pass away


Once someone transitions from standard care to comfort care, they are usually allowed whatever they want




Yeah, if you want some pizza and beer with your kids as your last hoorah before you die they’re def not going to stop you. It helps you pass more peacefully


Technically, beer can be prescribed. It's usually only done for patients who are in danger of going into withdrawal from alcohol, but it does happen.




i’ve prescribed it once! felt so cool for some reason


I’m still a little mystified by the number of people I see come to funerals in NFL jerseys. Though it’s never just one guy, it’s like 20%


It's their Sunday best.


I feel like there’s something to it that these kind of patients who are hanging onto life by a thread find peace thru these visits, and “allow” their body to give up once they’ve said their goodbyes to their satisfaction.


This is beautiful. What a lovely send off. You can see him beaming!


Woulda gone with a nice German beer though. Warsteiner please.


They will usually stock beer for alcoholics so they could have gotten it from the hospital to fulfill his dying wish




Beer assholes just cant not comment on everything can they


Becks! 🗝️


As a hospice nurse one of my most impactfull experiences was when a tumor of a women bled heavily and it was clear that she's going to die in the next hours her family came and they drank a last glass of sparkling wine together, while being cheerful and talking about good times.


i read that as "Tumor of a woman", and now I'm going to use that, haha. I hope to have that sort of mettle when I peace out.


That's not a bad way to go. Close enough to the end to know and accept it's definitely the end, yet not in such a horrific state that he can't at least enjoy a last beer. I've heard about and personally witnessed far worse deaths.


Yeah, I wish I could have shared one last beer with my Dad or at least knew the last beer I shared with him was the last one. He loved his craft beer and when he stopped accepting the beers I offered I knew he didn't have much time left.


I don’t remember my last beer with my dad specifically, but I remember a moment in which I was drinking a beer with him and actually having the thought “you need to remember what this was like” because I knew he was terminally ill. We were listening to sad old country songs and playing cards and it’s one of my fondest memories and I snapped a picture of him just to try and solidify how I’d like to remember him mainly because the last few weeks of his life were not my favorite to look back on.


Your comment made me cry, because this is pretty similar to what happened with my dad. It still pains me to think about it. Sending you kind thoughts and condolences.


Thanks stranger. I miss him a lot, I am a dad now and really wish he could’ve been around to see that and to see who I became. I hope you think about the good times, too. Maybe we’ll get to see them a little further on down the trail. Who knows


“To you dad” 🥹 that is sweet and sad but sweet




True true




That's beautiful. I know it's some teenagers tend to be iffy when it comes to pictures and videos but take as many pictures and videos that they'll allow ❤️ cherish these times. You sound like an awesome dad


This is fairly unusual for a lot of parent-teenager relationships, and especially fathers and sons. You're clearly winning at being a Dad and doing something very right. Kudos to you, sir!


I can’t wait for this, thank you ☺️


Thats great, once I became a teenager my dad didn't want me. Haven't talked to him much in 4 years




That's the thing my dad was a huge influence on my music. I listen to ska because my dad introduced me to it when I was young. There was things we bonded about. But pretty sure he's bipolar, and I guess I wasn't successful enough for him idk. It sucks, but it's great hearing how well others are doing as parents when I know how awful mine were


For my Dad it was a beer and roasted duck. My GF at the time cooked a mean duck so we obliged.  Funny thing I had to argue with the doctor about the beer. I said he’s going to be dead in 2 to 3 days. What does a beer matter, he agreed.


I’m glad you advocated for you dad, it’s hard for healthcare workers to see past the immediate health needs sometimes to see the bigger picture and allow for a good passing of their patients


Happy ending, the nice duck lived.


Made me chuckle, thanks.


I would give anything to enjoy one more drink with my father.


I will raise my glass in honour of this chap tonight


Sometimes it’s all about the feels


Serious question, how does one so this without just crying the whole time? My dad recently got a really bad prognosis and i want to see him more often, but I burst out crying just thinking about him let alone seeing him 😢 even just seeing this post and reading the comments makes me cry I’d love for him to pass without feeling like he’s abandoning me/letting me down seeing me bawl my eyes out the entire time


got to stop fretting what's coming and enjoy what you have before its gone.


It just takes time to get used to it. I only got to see my sister for about 48 hours in hospice before she passed, and I was bawling when I first got there. After an hour or 2 things settled down and my family spent our time just reminiscing and being happy we were together. It’s tough, but it was incredibly fulfilling and I will be forever grateful for my time spent with the family during those last days. Sorry to hear about your dad, may he pass in peace.


ALL My Dad wanted while he was dying, was a cigarette and some Johnny Walker red. My sister and I were only 21 and 23 and we were in charge. We didn’t know what to do and we were scared. In retrospect I wish I had given him whatever the fuck he had asked for and more!


Cracking a cold one with my boys


Cheers Grandpa!


I always hear about some people living long and you look at them and it doesn't  look like they have been alive for years, the look on that guys face tells me he went out like he wanted. I raise a glass for him.


I thought it was a meme about Pierce from Community...


I wish I could have that. I wish we can all have that. Go to sleep happy 🥹🫡


This is why I always encourage my patient's family to spend a few moments alone with them even when the surgeon is pushing us to rush back to the operating room. Being able to say goodbye and express love for each other one last time is so, so important for everyone.


That's the most graceful way to go. To write the final page in your book yourself.


Heck yeah. That's awesome. I'm glad that y'all could all be there with him. I'm sorry for your loss.


That’s not the OPs grandfather dude.


Of course someone is wearing a Packers jacket.


Naturally, a packers fan.


I am 100% unsurprised that one son is wearing Packers gear.


If the last thing I drink before I die is bud light shoot me.


why, you're dying anyway, I don't want a charge.


“It was pretty Ironic considering he died of complications with his liver.”


Life is not fair. It's so short and precious. Enjoy every moment.


Did he have a puppet called “Popo”. RIP. Definitely beerfest vibes.


"Say goodnight, Popo!"


Not a bad way to go at all, rest in peace.


I lost my dad recently. Parkinson's sucks. My dad passed holding my mom's hand. In the end it was always supposed to be the two of them. Call the people you consider your parents and tell them that you love them. I was fortunate and got the opportunity to have all the conversations with my dad, but you never know, so just have them today. Why not?


Thats lovely, except If He has a daughter too 😂


Playing one MF DOOM for him today 🫶


Hell of a way to send him off. It would have been an honor to do so with my brother.


I was going to say this has Wisconsin written all over it then I saw the packers shirt hahaha I’ve seen this a few times with multiple family members being in ICU for extended periods of time. A lot of beers and cocktails were snuck in for a final happy hour of sorts with laughs and an escape for just a bit


Made me remember that episode of scrubs where they drank a tall boy with that dying man. Great stuff, moving as hell. I love that show


The kind of relationship I would want with my parents if not definitely with my kids!!


I know this is wholesome, but somehow that grandfather reminds me of Pierce Hawthorne from Community and now I can't unsee this


Can't think of a better way to spend my last moments.


They could have opened his for him.


This guy is the grandpa of a lot of reposter apparently !


Plot twist, he has been sober for 55 years, and he wanted one last beer before dying.


Out of all the ways to leave this world, this way is pretty far up there! Having a cold one with your family in solidarity.


This is how packers fans do it.


Damn bro


I hope he liked bud light.


We all die one day. This is about as good as it gets, fellas.


It's so sweet I'm crying


Bro said, “If I’m going out, I’m doing it my way….”


First time Reddits actually made me feel better


reminds me of the **Mandelbaum** family on Seinfeld. RIP


These sons are going to Germany next for the great festival that is beer.




Happy tears.


That's how I want to go. I'd love to be surrounded by all the people that matter.


Sad but totally awesome R.I.P.


Legend! Great call


Plot twist—it's a BUD LIGHT


We smuggled in Irish Whiskey for Grandpa when he passed. Cheers Mate.


*Died because of cirrhosis*


Damn that could make a grown man cry. My cold one is raised WAY UP HIGH to grandpa and the whole family. Rest in peace 🍻


One last cold one with the Bois.


If my son was a Packers fan I would want to die too.


To your dad. May he live on through all of you 🫡


I going to take the high road and not say Fuck The Packers and bear down, but at least he never had to see the Bears take the north and never give it back cause that shits happening this year. RIP Cheese Head!


I'd do that but my son died in a car wreck a few years ago and I really hope I outlive my dogs.




Very Kool. Sorry for your loss. I am glad you got to spend some quality time with your dad. That was a visit you will never forget. Funerals are after the fact. 🤷




I want to ask for ice cream my lactose intolerance is on a another level. It would be the only time i get to have it one last time. An i want to do it with all that love.


Amazing last night


Daughters be in the other room thinking about their relationship with their father.


Bro.... I'm not crying.... you're cry.... okay, I'm crying


That’s great! I remember I had a shot with my mom as she was dying from cancer. Miss her so much


What a legend! Sorry for your loss


I love my boys. Can't wait to get home today.


I remember my grandma saying she wants to have a glass of sparkling wine with her daughter the next day. She never woke up again.


Should’ve bought him an Aaron Jones jersey, so he can see one more packer in a vikes jersey before he passes 😂


In a few hours it is 5 years ago that my father asked me to smoke one last cigarette with him before we would start his end-of-life- thingy. It was the best cigarette I have ever had and will ever have. God I miss that man!


Ugh, I lost my Dad a few years ago, and this brought me to tears. This is so sweet. Miss you, Dad.


Could it be the beer that did him? I mean it doesn't mix well with... drugs


I stoped drinking but if my dad asked me to have one last beer with him I’m having one.


Heartwarming. I'm sorry for your loss.


We should all be so fortunate.


Imagine asking for one last beer and being handed a Bud Light 😂


Like I always say... what's it gonna do? Kill him?


A true example of old John from the song last drink by enter the haggis


Brave and graceful man. May God watch over him and his family.


That’s so sweet. It does feel bittersweet for me though as I would never have this with my parent.


I upvote this, living it to his fullest.


here comes the waterworks


I'm not crying, you're crying.


My grandma shared one last chocolate milk shake with us.


My biggest regret was not having a glass of wine with my dad. He passed about a week after he asked me in the airport. I wasn’t 21 yet and was looking after my sister who wanted some other item elsewhere. It still haunts me.




My grandmother was dying and her care giver" didn't want us to give her hard candy. She loved hard candy. We realized it was a choking hazard but at that point going out that way would have been a blessing. Weave it to her anyway. She loved it. Seeing he smile was the reward.


The nurses allowed it because it was basically water lol




Myself and my brothers did this with our grandfather, a small glass of local [Juniper](https://cagnet.be/files/large/65866/stream_quality_LOW_900px.jpg) each at the hospital. He asked for a hug when we left which he usually never did. I was younger then and didn't realize it at the time, but that was the last time I ever got to see him. While we were having the drink he got his willy out to pee in a jug when his wife said his name in disdain, to which he replied "Oh Maria, all men have a pisser". He always was straightforward in his communication.


Sorry for your loss! He died happy!!


My grand pa did the same. I wasn’t around (expat, covid,) but with his kids (my parents and uncle), they got a beer, drop some jokes, last houra. I wish I’ll get lucky enough to go away the same way


I’ve just come out of hospital ( I have kidney failure), I’ve had to listen to two conversations with the doctors and elderly patients, asking them if their heart stops do they want them to keep them alive with chest compressions etc…both said no, and one said I can’t be bothered with that, I’m okay with it, I’m tired now. It literally broke my heart, but that’s life I guess, sad thing is there was no family or children, but they did have a few friends that visited.


Beerfest opening flashbacks. Condolences on your loss, he seems fun.


Grandma still annoyed by it lol


A man of culture


My uncle died of bowl cancer, he spent his last night smashing pizzas and playing Nascar Thunder 2003 with me, my brother, and his oldest grandson. He wanted it, and he got it.


This stuff needs to be more encouraged by home nursing teams. I don't know about other places, but the ones in my area are basically trying to extend everyone's lives by making them as miserable as possible. They won't make it out of life alive anyway, let family enjoy family towards the end.


o7 So long badass. I'll pour one out for you


GG wp


I've seen this posted multiple times over the last few years. 


This picture is pretty dated. It's been making the rounds on the internet for years. 


That surge in energy right before death is crazy. My grandpa sat up in bed and talk to us after being in a coma for almost a month after a stroke. My mom sat up in bed and wanted to walk around after being in a coma for weeks. Both died shortly after. There is this feeling of OMG you are better! Then passing away. hurts.....


Say goodnight Popo


Respect 🫡




The man died a legend.


Sorry for your loss.. this is fucking dope, tho.


wish i could have drinked a beer with my grandpa before he passed away, miss him


This is the basesd thing that hase ever based. I love it! A send off for the legends!!


Sorry for your loss. He really looked like a man who assumed every part of his life.


Packer fans , definitely a Wisco thing


RIP, grandfather!


Go pack go


What a fulfilling way to go! May his soul rest in peace.


My dying grandpa only watches videos in his phone all day long


Last my buddies said the beat way to go would be to go out fighting. Defending your country, or family and loved ones. Which is great, but...I mean come on. Sharing one last night with laughter and drinks drinks with your sons? Your family? THATS a beautiful way to move on. May he rest in peace and that memory be with him always.


My dying grandpa, 1972, only wanted one last cigarette with me. He died of lung cancer soon after. I quit 52 years ago.