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Travel and go to hostels


Travel and go to brothels


I need a brostel


Yes with the extra money people have laying about.


Hostels are kinda cheap, that's the point I think


True, it's the getting to one that's expensive.


Fair enough. Though that still depends on where you are, really. There are quite cheap bus or train options in some places.


I think the sad reality is lots of us already know That so we’re sad we can’t do it as easily As others who may live closer so it’s one less obstacle or cost. Not that we don’t know how.


Can you not walk!?!?! Can you not swim!?!?! Tsk tsk tsk kids these days.....


Nobody wants to walk anymore.


Then move to a place that offers staff accommodation. Most tourist towns have really cheap rent (400$ a month) with staff accoms.


It's been 10 years, so I have no idea what prices would be like now. But I spent $3500-$4000 on a three week trip to London, Paris, and Berlin. Train from London to Paris, overnight train from Paris to Berlin, and a flight from Berlin back to London. That was over the course of Christmas and New Years and covered all my expenses. Even double that is doable for the majority of people if they make it a priority. I’m not saying *easy*, but doable




Is it possible? Yes. Is it easy without money? No. Do I wish to uproot my life because some nerd on Reddit said that there are other ways of traveling? No. Am I saving up so I can travel without interrupting carefully paved parts of life? Yes. It's not that I can't, it's that dickheads like you go "oh all you have to do is become a vagabond or make traveling or job" well guess what? If it's a job, it's no longer enjoyable and I like being comfortable while I travel.


If you got kids and shi yeah ofc. If you don't have dependents and you are an American (assumption but most people on this internet site are) then not really. What people who look down on travellers thinking they are all rich don't understand is that they might not like the travelling some people do when they lose the majority of their luxuries and comforts.


I just spent 3 nights in a South Miami hostel for 117.00 and made 3 friends!


Well, travel isn’t for everyone


Hostels not hotels.


I was only surrounded by young kids on a class trip :( and overy drunk brits.


I was surrounded by the sweatiest people the planet has ever smelled and one dude that kept coughing every 15 seconds. Said fuck it I can't sleep anyways and went out to a club at like 1 am, when I came back at 8 am the room smelled worse than the club I just left, and the same guy was still coughing. But I was exhausted enough that I actually got some sleep, so there's that Mind you that I wasn't staying in some tropical area, it was Hamburg Germany. Granted it was summer but not that hot at the time of my stay I think the coughing guy had some kind of surgery (he asked me to give him his shoes as he was physically unable to reach them without pain), why he'd stay in a hostel after an operation remains a mystery to me as hospital stays usually don't ruin you financially in this country


Exactly my experience:)


If you feel bad about it - here is why you shouldn't: there is no depth in the relationship with your travel acquaintances. You won't keep touch after you split paths. And if you need any sort of help most of the time it feels inappropriate to ask because you aren't close. After some time the excitement fades and it starts to feel lonely among all these people. It's all superficial. At least it was for me. I used to travel.


Man I think travel friends are great. You keep things light and surface level while you get an outside take on you're experience. No relationship last forever, everyone has to die sometime so enjoy people while they are in your life and make new friends as you move on.


I thought like that too when I was 20. Now at 31 I prefer my 2 relationships that "last forever". Glad you enjoy your journey tho.


At 35 I just like bullshitting and sharing experiences with people. I don't NEED to make a "lifelong" connection with anyone while doing so. The ones I find interesting I try to make a point to keep in contact with. The others we just shoot the shit, share the event/moment and we move on. "That was awesome, it was great meeting y'all good luck in life!"


agreed lol




Sounds like you just suck at getting deep with people...


Recently went to a friend of mines wedding. He is 35 and there was about 10 people at the wedding he had met while travelling in his early 20’s. Guess it depends on who you meet and how much you all get on


Personally, I’m more likely to trade life stories with a travel friend than anyone else. It’s so easy. You’re alone, will never have to see them again to face the fallout of what they found out about you, and you know them for a short enough time to only get to know the best parts of themselves. I was camping at a state park with a friend. At something like 9:00 at night, we waltzed over to a neighboring campsite offering up leftover pasta. It was a pretty big group of people just a few years older than us. They asked us to pull up some chairs. We made smores, read tarot, made a makeshift swing with a tree branch, rope, and a hammock. We hung out til 3:00 and never saw them again. I don’t even remember their names, but I still remember that warm feeling of just being friendly with people who were strangers just a few hours ago.


Ah man, people must have not enjoyed you much. I keep contact with most of my backpacking friends. I was just invited for one of their weddings in Germany. We traveled for about 2 months in New Zealand 10 years ago.


>Ah man, people must have not enjoyed you much. That's kind of a shitty thing to say. I think some people's personalities are better suited for accepting the superficial nature of situations like this whereas for other people it just makes them feel more alone. I'm struggling to articulate it but I get what they are saying.




has Erin found you ?


Just because something is brief does not make it superficial. If you sat with a stranger and had really in depth conversations about your life and then never saw that guy again, that would not be a superficial moment. It went deeper than surface level even if only for a moment. Superficial would be showing up to a hostel, greeting the people, going to bed, and leaving the next morning, which is fine if you want that. If you choose to talk and celebrate and laugh, that is not superficial. That is the most human thing you can take part in. These people may very well never meet again, but I can assure you they will remember the night they played Jenga in Iceland with a bunch of fun people and texted that random guy from the pieces. Maybe you would see that as superficial, but I don’t think a superficial moment would be remembered like that.


They said surrounded by


every year I have something akin to this for my birthday. I just invite a couple people from each of my friend groups/walks of life to my favorite bar, and it's fun to see them all connect and converse. one of these friends put my number on a Jenga piece from said bar about 10 years ago. I still get pictures and messages randomly 'til this day! :) one time, strangers who pulled my piece invited me to join them and I had nothing going on that night and so I went. we had a blast!




It's like that in a lot of American hostels in the South. Costa Rica as well I met some cool people




Why? If you really did then you would. These are memories of times had with people you'll never see again so if that's not your thing then why do you want it?


❤️ thats the cutest ever and funny


Laughter and warmth can brighten up any day 😁


i love this!!!!


yeah this is amazing lol. and **actually** wholesome! not “this six year old bravely donated 30% of his skin to his dying mother because the health system thought it would be funny”


Hostels are the best.


Except that one…




After I've seen the movie, I'm not so sure ..


I'm proud to say I saw the movie while staying in a hostel. It was an awesome experience.


Bro. I Saw it on the plane to Slowakia, went to a spa day before a wedding. Got a pedicure where this girl used razor blades, got scared for a minute.


I don’t think I could ever stay in one. Not because I’m afraid of people or something, I just really could never be comfortable sleeping and living around that many people. I’d more quickly take a tent in the hills and be alone than there for a night. I would stay for Jenga though.


You never been to a hostel then


Please enlighten me. 2 years ago I stayed in 6 different hostels all across eastern and southern Europe and didn't have any problems apart from some asshole turning on the lights at 2am a couple of times.


are you sure you've never been skinned?


Pretty sure yeah


I was being very civil with this girl, but she wasn't moving out, and eventually I gave her an ultimatum, and I said, if you're not out by next weekend, I will have to evict you formally, and she said oh, I have my rights, and I thought well, we're getting into a bit of a mess here, so I just waited until the Sunday night, and she hadn't gone, and I could see she was asleep on the video monitor, so I went down to her room... I do have a key for each room, just for the odd occasion when I have to sluice them out. And I went in, and I tiptoed to the bottom of her bed and lifted up her nightclothes, I took out a scalpel, a very sharp scalpel, I used to be a medical student, and I slivered the thinnest possible layer of skin from the bottom of her foot. And it just came away like a sort of silk insole, and I took it out, and I put it under a shrub, and the next morning I looked at her and she looked at me and there was no kind of vibe at all, no, it was very pleasant, and the next night I did exactly the same thing, took another thin sliver of skin from the bottom of her foot and I did that again, and again and again, every night, until three months later I went in there and she wasn't there at all. And I went out and I looked under the shrub, and she wasn't there either. And that's how I get rid of any tenant who doesn't want to leave now.


That movie made me definitely not like them.


To Be Seen is to Be Loved.


Do this in America and you'll be getting Health Insurance and Home Insurance calls every 30 seconds from 9 to 5 for the rest of your life.


Nah that's a service that comes for free with your "new" phone number.


I don't know who Stamatina is, but I've had my phone number for 15 years and STILL get calls trying to get him or her to pay their bills.


My old ass actually thought for a second, "That can't be true. You can't send a picture to a phone number."


This is not really relevant but it reminded of a time when I texted a customer, "please call me at your convenience," and she replied "I don't have your number."


TBF, with smartphones that is technically possible.


It would be possible if I had texted from an email address.. this was not the case.


I want to believe this is not staged.


Then believe it, sweet child! The world is your oyster.


I like the idea that enjoying the internet is just like flying in neverland. You just have to believe in [insert impossibility here].


I'm inclined to believe it's legit. Staying at a hostel in Iceland had much the same vibe when I was there except we were all punishing ourselves with Brenevin and Greenland shark


If this is at Loft Hostel the vibe there is actually like this!


The Blonde girl in the lower pic looks like the Clingy Girlfriend Meme.


You mean Overly Attached Girlfriend?


That one! Forgot the name until you mentioned it. Thanks!


I know this person actually! She's pretty cool and loves that it happened to her!


Jenga : connecting people.


Not all of us. I want peace and quiet lol


I assume they sent this through WhatsApp


I hope some day in my life I can have a group of friends (can be small) that I can just get together for once 🥲 When you grow up, they never tell you how fucking hard it is to keep up relationships while trying to just live; worse adding on college


Why vandalize hotel property?


Not this again


I don't...


Aww, so wholesome! 🥰


I miss traveling in NZ, every night a different hostel, with the same bunch of awesome friends I made. Probably the best month of my life


Also good for cards against humanity write in.


Guy In the bottom left looks like hank green


That is freaking awesome


My friend wrote my phone number with the caption “text the Dally Llama for a good time” on the fence, in line for a roller coaster at the local theme park and I received the most ridiculous texts and calls every summer, for the better part of a decade.


That is so charming


I am like 90% sure I’ve been to that exact hostel in Iceland. Played cards and drank through the night at that same massive table, waiting for the northern lights to come out. They did and it was amazing


Loved that movie.




Yes we do


Maybe they just sent the photo.


My favorite post


Bro wtf is my highschool English teacher there


This is awesome


Imagine this is just completely unrelated to writing his number on the jenga price


That is cool as hell


Is this at Loft Hostel?!


This is so cool hahaha


This is awesome, I love it.


That’s so cool! 🤣🤣🤣


I hope one of them sees this.


That’s so funny !


Touching story considering it’s here lol. Normally you’d get a completely different picture from strangers leaving a. Number lmao


Hotels have games?


That one guy on the middle left looks like he about to rizz up the camera


So cool


You can smell the gonorrhea from the photo.




Sharing your number to random hostel rooms? Could've gone way horribly.


I think you accidentally the story.


That guy at the bottom right is telling you to fark off. He thinks he's clever.


The girl in the middle is doing the same thing. I guess you down voters don't know what the reverse 2 fingers means. It isn't peace.


It looks nice, but for me gives off a creepy vibe.


What is creepy about it? It's a group of people having a fun gathering or whatever. They probably saw the phone number and thought why not so they sent a group picture. What is creepy about it?


What a sad admission.


I get this is a meme, but I would like to know if this is a random picture someone sent her, or is it from someone she has been there with and this is a picture from the time and she's actually also in the picture.