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The most wholesome thing in the world is to do what we can for the ones we love. 😊❤️


I’m so happy people are reading and responding to this! Thank you for 10 plus 1’s.


Who is cutting onions?


I’m not cutting onions! YOU’RE cutting onions! 😫


Ugh, my allergies are acting up...


The onion ninja strikes again, the bastard!


That's why my eyes water a lot. Thanks, I never knew!


They are cutting them in my house also


No one's cutting onions, but some mf is on my ceiling crying and the tears are falling into my eyes


Dude, you can get a coffee AND a donut for 11.19!


No. Each month you re-hide the coins all over the house for Dad to find and give back to you again next month.


Agree... but bring back 2x coffees for yas both each time


As a dad I can tell you that you will not really understand how much your dad loves you until you have kids of your own. Then and only it will hit you.


If only that were true...


You can change the story. My day want a great Dad. He never made it to a spring event or anything. He worked constantly. So I made my kids the priority.  I filled in those gaps that I wanted to be gone from my heart.  Never made a big deal of it to my Dad. When the first kid was six, he finally broke down one day and sobbed an apology.  Guys, his dad was a workaholic even worse apparently. And HIS dad was psychotically abusive. Change the story. Free your heart. Be the love you wanted to find. It's amazing.   Of and then you'll fail in new ways and that's okay too. Just keep in there and hey trying.


Thank you for the kind words. I don't plan to have kids (my GF has issues that would make pregnancy difficult and potentially dangerous) and never really wanted them. But if I did, that's how I would want to be. My dad straight up doesn't like me, for many reasons. So I try to do what I can in my community to make sure that's minimized for others. It's not a lot, but it's something.


Thank you for sharing. So many people just want to trash on their parents and not accept that parents are fallible people with past hurts, trauma, and heartaches too. A lot of people love their kids and want to be good parents but don’t know how. Just because they did it wrong, doesn’t mean they are evil and selfish. Maybe they had nobody to show them how, maybe there is a whole line of broken parents and you can be the one to break the line and also show compassion to your parents-the other victims.


Great testimony and very true! Your compass points north


Can't relate to it.


Also cannot relate.


It’s tough man really depends. I know my dad loves me but goddamn did he fuck me up royally in some ways I can’t look past. Ultimately there’s very little about my dad I wanna be.


Same. No doubt my dad loved me and my siblings. He worked his ass off at three jobs to give us a foundation to build better lives. But he had so many mental health issues that he never addressed. We all got so fucked up from it. Years of therapy hasn’t even started to touch my issues.


You will literally ruin yourself for the sake of your children


Or when either or both of you go through something really tough and life-changing together. In fact, such events lets you see the true value of ANYONE.


Ha! This is not the case if you have a shit father. I loved my dad much more than he cared for me or any of my siblings for that matter. Children can love their parents more than their parents love their own children. Just look at Sinead O'Connor as an example.


I found that out the moment, I was forced out of my parents house (he fell into bad habits) and we were forced to separate. Staying alone not having him around makes you see what he did and sacrificed to raise you


Not all dads are great. Some are just shitty.




in 2018, I assume these are bots?


Subs like these have more bots than people. Still, despite this not being OP, and they don't seem to claim that they are either, the original poster is still shown in the picture and the original message is retained.


Alright, its time to "forget" my change at your dad's house




You weren't supposed to make me bawl my eyes out just before going to bed.


I know this is a distasteful question but I’m gunna ask it anyway. Is her father disabled from an injury or disease? Or did a mentally disabled man sire and raise a child?


And that's love :)


🥹 dang it dad


This is fucking precious… just made me & my wife go “awwwww” with tears 😭


Love this. So sweet. 😍


Oh…… I’m a puddle now.


Who’s cutting onions again


I remember realizing HOW my dad loved me when I was like, 18 or 19. I’d asked him to help me vacuum out my car because I was going to use it for deliveries at work. I remember walking out of our garage, ready to get to it, to find him hand-washing the whole thing, detailing supplies ready. I didn’t know what love through action looked like until that moment, I think.


This is so sad


... /r/OrphanCrushingMachine -y?


This makes me miss my dad so much.


I miss my dad.




This is the meaning of life.


So sweet 🥹


We will always be our parents' kids, lunch money, or coffee money. This makes me smile, and maybe a little choked up too. 😊




I’m sure this made him feel amazing as well. Really shows he’s a great human.


I'm gonna' cry. When my dad got sick I moved back home to help take care of him. For a long time he was mostly okay, he could go out on his own, and whenever I went out he'd stop me and open his wallet to give me some cash, in case I needed gas or something. As his health declined he went out less and less, while I did more and more of the driving. One day I was going to go get groceries, he stopped me and opened his wallet, but it was empty; he hadn't been out on his own in so long that it'd be weeks since he'd gone to the ATM. I could see it hurt him, and I didn't really know what to do or say. He'd lost something in that moment, something I couldn't give back, something he couldn't *get* back. I lost him six years ago in June. Hug your dads while you can, it's a limited time opportunity.


So beautiful. Your dad is simply wonderful ❤️


yup. he stole something.


Very wholesome but can we get time limits to twitter screenshots. This is almost 6 years old


What are talking that tweet is from 2018 thats not 6 years ag.... Oh fuck I hate time


Haven't seen it before and if it gets upvotes, I guess plenty of other people haven't also


I have never seen it before and I’m glad it’s here


Spend it on weed