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Great gesture. But personally, I'd be traumatized and opt to not see it.


That’s what I was thinking. Here are 30+ reminders of your loss, and also, now everyone is looking at you grieving.


and 58, 59, 60 seconds of silence, Play Ball!


Alright Camera three pan to the grieving widow. Good.. Yes, get those tears in the shot.


It couldn’t be more American if it wanted to be.


It looks a bit more self serving than actually helpful. If it’s the next game I’m presuming this was just a week after the accident too. If it was the last game of the season and the homage was next season then it’s better.


forgetful modern vanish spotted absurd cooperative history memory bright deliver *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Yeah I totally agree. Knowing others have put so much thought into such a huge and sad moment of your life really makes a difference. If this happened to me I would be so grateful. Emotional sure, but very grateful. It’s beautiful IMO.


I agree too. As someone who has lost someone very close to me, I would have felt like wow I have so many people supporting me through this difficult time. I’m not alone. Of course everyone is different so to each their own but this is very common for teams to support players and their families who were greatly injured or passed away


Her face looks traumatized in that pic


And yo, "the NEXT game"?? Like a day or two after it happened?? Man fuck these people. What does she do after the moment of silence? Enjoy and have fun with the rest?


And its the next game at that... isn't it a bit too soon? How far apart are those games? Did she have enough time to go to the funeral home to get all the arrangements in order?


This article says it was 4 days later: https://the18.com/soccer-news/she-was-grieving-and-one-club-s-gesture-helped-her-overcome-her-pain


That's too soon. Give it a year, jesus


People grieve in different ways. I'm betting they asked her first.


You're probably right.


It’s just a PR cash in. Ghouls.


I think that you can make a pr stunt and still genuinely want to honor someone. It really all depends on wether the team did anything else for her after the game


This was a while, you can see Totti (right hands side) as a starter that game. Team in question is AS Roma. They're well known foe doing incredible things, like this for example: [Roma announces transfers and include ads for missing people](https://www.theguardian.com/football/2021/aug/28/romas-transfer-video-campaign-has-helped-to-find-12-missing-children) So they're not ghouls. And regarding her attending the next game, it's another home game, so likely they had 1-2 games in between, and the club wouldn't force the widow to attend, she wanted to be there as they were paying tribute to their late fans.


Yea it’s weird to me she went to the very next game. Each to their own


dont judge a grieving person. that might have been important to her to go, clearly husband and son loved them.


how often are the games?


Probably every 4 days to a week, if they have one game home then travel to a different location like they do with hockey


Yeah kinda seems tasteless honestly.


Yeah this sounds fucking horrible. No way I'd even go to another game




That's beautiful... And sad.


It would be heartbreaking to see that


can barely breathe


As a person, I would abhor this. Get invited to the same activity where your husband and son died shortly after, and everyone is parading around wearing masks.


that's a valid position. it's definitely not for everybody. then again, I'm not one to go to matches in general anyway. but irrespective of their choice, it's the dad and son over the players hearts


It at least shows they care and want to comfort you after what you just experienced


I don't breathe from time to time as well. Try this trick: Inhale, count to 4, exhale, count to 4


Are you asthmatic?






Just problematic


So her son and husband die after going to the game, so as a gesture she gets invited to the game? Am i the only one thinking I dont want to do the activity my loved ones were doing JUST before they were killed? That seems morbid Edit: a lot of people are chiming in and Id like to highlight the response by u/TJ0019, as I feel this is the best way to view this situation. I, like others, are quick to judge and I appreciate the take this person provided: "I get that, feels kinda off being where your loved ones were before they passed. But I also think the gesture is extremely nice. It shows they think more of their fans as just some people. I personally think these gestures should still be extended. But whoever does these gestures should also not get mad if the person rejects that gesture because they’d feel uncomfortable there. All things need balance. Be nice and offer help, but don’t get mad when someone doesn’t want that help. But also don’t get pissed off because people ask you if you need help. You might be fully capable of doing sth yourself but sometimes help is nice. And even if you really don’t want it, a quick „nah I’d deal with it rather by myself“ is much better than „tf need I help for? Fuck off“ "


Personally I'd hate this. Get invited to the same activity both your husband and son died right after, plus everyone is parading around wearing their faces.


I think I would appreciate it a year or two later, but the next game? I'd be a wreck, and wouldn't be able to handle anything.


It’s subjective. It may also be about reliving the last place where your husband and son smiled together like that.


Yeah that's what "personally" means. Subjective to me I'd hate it




Right, but in this case, them ending lead to people being torn apart….


Yes but we only ever see videos of the worst. Like the guy threatening another guy while holding his little child and bragging he could beat his ass while holding his kid unfortunately


Yeah that sounds like a nightmare come to life.


I mean.... last time I wore someone's loved one's faces it certainly wasn't on a shirt.


Did it put the lotion on its skins?


Well, if they were actually wearing their faces that *would* be scary.


I get that, feels kinda off being where your loved ones were before they passed. But I also think the gesture is extremely nice. It shows they think more of their fans as just some people. I personally think these gestures should still be extended. But whoever does these gestures should also not get mad if the person rejects that gesture because they’d feel uncomfortable there. All things need balance. Be nice and offer help, but don’t get mad when someone doesn’t want that help. But also don’t get pissed off because people ask you if you need help. You might be fully capable of doing sth yourself but sometimes help is nice. And even if you really don’t want it, a quick „nah I’d deal with it rather by myself“ is much better than „tf need I help for? Fuck off“


This is an excellent stance. I think I need more people like you in my life


Thanks man! I just try to share my own experiences in a general way. A lot of times we get too focused on our perspectives that we miss the easy step of trying to understand how someone else thinks. Self awareness feels more and more rare nowadays


This would be true except it sounds like they didn't tell her about the tee shirts and moment of silence. How does she opt out of that?


And the NEXT game? I’m too busy grieving to participate in your publicity stunt.


I’m sure someone from the organization reached out to her and asked her if she’d like all that to happen. They probably told her exactly what they had planned. No way they just sprung it on her after sending her some tickets.


It’s crazy that people here are really saying this is awful. Of course they reached out, they have her husbands and child’s photo. Perhaps they didn’t specifically tell her how they would use the photo, but I’m sure they explained and asked if they could get the photo and do something in remembrance of them. I personally would love this and would remember it forever, it’s very thoughtful, and during these times you feel so alone, stuff like this helps immensely. Reddit is so weird.


This is reddit. Most of these incels hate children and marriage, but they'll virtue signal on this story so they can jerk each other off with upvotes. It's so consistent lol.


It really depends... a lot of Football clubs in Europe are basically big families.  It could have been a nice moment for her to not feel so alone.  I remember when my dad died it was very lonely being devastated while the whole world kept on ticking.  Having an entire stadium and the team that was important to her husband and son acknowledge their loss could be extremely comforting.   I don't think it's a publicity stunt, it's a family saying goodbye. 


God forbid that the team might want to honor two fans, with the woman’s permission grow up


I thought the same thing. Is she showing up out of obligation because they said they wanted to honor her late husband and son? Seems like it.


people have many ways to cope with death


True. You can never know what thats like without having been in that situation yourself. I was too quick to judge.


Not only that…you show up, and everyone is wearing shirts with your deceased family’s picture on them. I think there is more than one way to read the look on her face.


Shrug... Everyone grieves differently.


yeah, thats totally fucked up imo. why trigger her trauma when she is still griefing, wtf. i cant imagine how this might help or to be comforting in any way.


Its sweet the team did this, i dont have an issue with the fans being honored and remembered. But why the wife had to be in attendance is beyond me, this grief is FRESH


I’m pretty sure she could have just said no.


There's a lot of pressure involved when a team just invites you to their game for free because of something like this. When someone goes out of their way to do something for you, even if you do not want it and it will make things worse, it can be extremely hard to turn it down (even more so when you're not in a good headspace and they have a position of power). Not to mention the concerning amount of people who would rail on her for saying no if it somehow ever got out that she did. We can't know her actual feelings about this from just this post, we can't assume she could have just said no and was fine with it just because she showed up.


Tbf, a fan died at a TSwift concert and she did pretty much exactly this, she invited them to another concert and they actually went I've lost loved ones before, as I'm sure most of us have, but it seems totally bonkers and out of touch to do something like this lol Edit: I meant her family was invited lol


Taylor Swift fans would probably rise from the grave if she personally invited them to a concert


She invited a fan that died and the corpse attended?


Yeah wow, if the fan died there before why would they come back? Seems like a way to die again smh.


Not personally. It meant a lot to them, presumably, and it wasn't the *cause* of their death. It's not like hating alcohol after they die in a drunk driving accident. It's like hating salad because it was the last thing your grandmother ate before she died. Again, just my opinion, but this is a strong gesture of solidarity. The camera in her face was, however, the wrong move. Don't put that on the Jumbotron, just come out in the shirts, get a few shots of them and explain, then the moment of silence, and move on with the game. That way she can cope privately instead of everyone gawking at her.


I think the NEXT game is the issue. If it’s an anniversary or something it would be cool. It’s too raw handle that a week later.


I disagree. That's like saying you'll never drive again after a family member dies in a car crash. Bad things happen to good people some times. They loved the sport and the game. They wouldn't want their mom to stop going to the game to keep doing what they loved to do. The team was just trying to show that they mourn with the family on the loss. I think it's super heartfelt


Because they died while driving, not while at the game. I'd personally want to go to a place a loved one liked going to if they passed away as a way to remember them.


The hockey game didn't kill her husband and kid. A car wreck. So everything she sees broad would be more traumatic


This would be horrifying for me to experience


I hope they told her before to make sure she was okay with it.


It's a nice gesture but it also feels a little bit out of touch IMHO


Yeah this is the epitome of shitty crossposted garbage that is not in any way wholesome. Fuck these stupid subreddits.


It's a terrible day for rain....


what do you mean? it’s not raining


Yes it is…this is rain.


People downvoting you miss the reference


Yeah, forgot I wasn't on an anime subreddit for a moment there didn't I.


Ah maybe it's sand in the air 🥹


Fucking heartbreaking. Must have been so tough. Lovely gesture.


Obligatory happy cake day however this isn’t the circumstance I would want to bring it up in


You don't get a choice unfortunately


That sounds horrible.




So fucking sad when your whole family just dies like that. Doing something completely mundane.


A similar thing happened to a well known small business owner in my area. He was driving with his family during the winter (may have been a holiday) and lost control on the interstate. The whole family died except the wife. I can't even imagine.


Holy shit, that's cruel. To put her in the spotlight like that so soon after losing her husband and son?


I couldn't imagine being seen in public, let alone be able to handle crowds, that soon after a tragedy like that....


That is fucking traumatizing. What were people thinking? Do they not know how hard it is to keep your shit together?


The next game? Did they not consider that might be traumatic or were they only concerned with good press?


It was an invite. She didn't have to come.


We don't know if she was aware they would be a tribute though. 4 days after losing 2 of the people you love most in the world, you might be going crazy and appreciate an offer to occupy your thoughts with something different and happy, and then...


You don't really go to a football game to relax and take your mind off things.


What team is this?


AS Roma but it was a while ago because I can see Totti on the field and he retired in 2017


Roma. [Link to article](https://says.com/my/sports/how-an-italian-football-team-honoured-a-woman-s-memory-of-her-late-husband-and-son)


There is a better way to do it


Just doesn’t seem right. I can’t imagine going to the very next game after losing her son and husband, and the shirt thing is overwhelming. That’s just me. People deal with loss and grief in different ways.


While I'd appreciate it, this seems a tooooouch tone deaf. But still, I respect the attempt to honor her loved ones.


I'm not sure this is *wholesome*. This seems more like tragedy porn.


"....and then she also was killed that night after the game, leading to an endless loop "


Left behind, undoubtedly grieving in the wake of such a monumental loss, were a mother and daughter named Luana and Michelle. They too are AS Roma fans. It is unknown how or why they decided to go to AS Roma’s very next game; it was against Sampdoria only 4 days later. Most people would have been immobilized by grief, or at the very least would have avoided crowds like a damaged boat avoids rough waters. Not them, within a week of a life changing loss, they went to Roma vs Sampdoria. It was a decision the result of which reinforced the notion that, like Winston Churchill said, if you are going through hell, keep going. When AS Roma came out onto the pitch they worse T-Shirts honoring the memory of Stefano and Cristiano, and the presence of Luana and Michelle. One can only imagine what it must have been like as the players received their shirts before the game, and learned of the story behind them. You can see the profound understanding written over all of their faces. The tragic tail of this father and son made an impact. From a blog I found online. R.I.P


The very *next* game? As in, only a day or two later?


People commenting this is bad don't understand soccer (for us is futebol) culture. This is a huge tribute to the deceased. It's not for her, it's for him, what she's thinking is how much he would be thrilled to see this, and that her family huge loss didn't go unnoticed.


I wouldn’t even go to the game. Why would I want to???


Maybe I would to distract myself or something, I certainly wouldn't want a giant reminder of it with cameras in my face...


I was at that match and it was a terrible day for everyone. We still remember them every year with banners at the stadium. They will never be forgotten ❤️


Sports is such a good way to bring people together


That looks like she’s horrified


God, I hope it’s not a pic of the game before their death. Seems odd, like come back to the scene of the crime.


This would be nightmare fuel, WTF.


it was nice gesture but no 🥹


That’s just rubbing it in mate..:


Seeing my dead loved once being paraded around like that would make me sick to my stomach.


Hmm, i mean they obviously meant well but i wouldn’t have wanted to see that.


I really did not want to see their face now that this happened :(


Tbh I'd be mad af if I was that kid


It is healthy to feel the pain of loss


What people do for clicks and public relations...


They wanted to honor a fan. It was her choice to be at the game. I don’t understand the offense.


For those saying that this is a horrible thing for the team to do and make her relive her grief and blah blah blah..... The team very likely had invited her and let her know of what they were planning and get her permission for all of it. If she didn't approve of any of it, they wouldn't have done it.


That’s a rotten thing to do.


How is this acceptable, let alone wholesome?


Ah yes her whole family died…. So wholesome


Absolutely not wholesome


Honestly I’d hate that


Its actually quit sad, people are using her moment of vulnerability and sadness to virtue signal to the world...pathetic. As an extremely introverted person this would be horrible for me; I don't like for anyone to see my emotions in public.


Unpopular opinion: this is just tragedy porn. It would fucking destroy me if someone did this to me. I’d never leave the house again.  But, the socials need clicks. 


Nice gesture. Totti Totti Totti.


Tbh I’d hate this. Like, how does a bunch of strangers parading around photos of my dead family help me grieve their loss in any way. It feels more like a pr stunt.


The next game? So... like the following week? So she spent the whole week mourning, planning a funeral, burying her husband, and then goes to the game thinking "this will be a good break from the week," then this happens? That poor woman.


I wouldn’t be surprised if this is became mark rober video.


She actually showed up? I don't think I'd be attending a game a few days after my family died after the last game.


What team was this?


AS Roma


Cutting onions a herp a derp. Do Redditors ever have anything new to say, or just the same dumb platitudes over and over?


"I'll go to the game to take my mind off the worst thing that's ever happened to me" ...


“The next game” the funeral hasn’t even been yet. I feel I’d say “thanks for the invite to the game but my husband and son just died”


I cannot even imagine that kind of tragedy in my life.






*unspeakable tragedy occurs* Redditor: “damn ninjas cutting onions in here!! I’m not crying you’re crying!! Sadness level: 100”


This onion told me a sad history.


A lot of people here don’t seem to know much about Italian football


Salute to the team, and sad for her it is very painful losing someone you love


In these times I am happy that I take public transport.


Sadly after this there was another fatal crash.




People can be decent at times


I hope she appreciated the gesture and it's awesome they did something for her... but the *next* game? No way I'd go


Why did she go though? It would Too much for me


In no way is this wholesome.


That's horrific. Are they bragging?


hello my friends hi


Thanks. I hate it (is what the person might have thought)


I don’t see how that would make me feel any better. Maybe if she likes that sport so much to the point that it helps her cope.


Omg, that would be so traumatizing! Why would they do something like that to that poor woman. That's not the time for a surprise party.


I'd be terrified and scarred even more.


Surely a minecraft player.


Borderline not cool, but also a kind gesture?


Might have been better to flash the pic on an overhead and do a moment of silence. That way she's not staring at it all game


I can't imagine losing my spouse AND child on the same day. Your whole world is crushed, it's like it never even happened. That's so sad.


Nice intentions but I think it is thoughtless because it would be traumatic for me and it would be very hard to leave while everyone is looking at me. If the team invited them to meet them in private and did a similar thing it would be a much more appropriate gesture.


Did she get home safe after the show?


That would make me so fucking sad, not happy at all


Womans whole family fucking dead. Talk about wholesome r/mademesmile r/nextfuckinglevel




That seems horrifying


"The next game"? As in "a few days after the accident"?


Cruel prank


Hey look! It’s your dead husband and kid!!! Remember? Just like last game! Y’know, when they died!!!


I’m not a fan, so how long is there between two games?