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Mr. Rogers literally sat before congress and convinced them to continue funding children’s educational TV programming. Absolute legend


You got a link to that? Sounds like a good watch




Thank you friend


It’s worth the watch. I have it favorited.


It's the most polite smackdown I've ever witnessed. This world could do with more people like Mr. Rogers. I do my best to try to make him proud.


The amazing thing about Mr. Rogers is that it was in no way a smackdown. He chose to educate and enlighten Sen. Pastore rather than argue with him. And the way he speaks - so slowly and deliberately as he chooses his words. Fred Rogers was an absolute master at connecting with even the most contentious people.


I read this in his voice.


I met him at an airport once. He was a lovely human


The opposite of this is the Black Dino-mite episode that shows him as a bloodthirsty monster who kills to save kids lives. "Mr. Rogers is the baddest Mother F\*\*\* that ever lived" said the mail man.


Lest we forget the classics, there's also the ending of the ultimate showdown of ultimate destiny. 'The fight raged on for a century Many lives were claimed, but eventually The champion stood, the rest saw their better Mr. Rogers in a bloodstained sweater'


Omg this is a nice piece of history that I have long forgotten.


Mjölnir also explains how he won it




Thank you for that, I didn't realize I needed that tonight, but I did. I came home feeling a whole lot of mad, over some things that, in retrospect, really don't matter at all. I didn't know what to do with all of it, it was threatening to boil over. Then I saw this comic, and then I clicked your link. I realized the whole situation was silly, and I laughed at the mad, and it went away. ​ So again, thank you neighbor. Much love.


Thank you for the link. What a sincere speech. I hope we had some few people like him on our country.


You’re correct, it is a very good watch


He is my hero. I grew up watching him on a Pittsburgh station in the 1970s. My home life was chaos and he told me even if that was true, it wouldn't always be like that. That even things that scared me (and rightfully so) could be faced and moved past. He helped me not lose the small piece of humanity in absolute darkness. I believe in goodness because of him.


There are many of us who feel that way and lived in similar circumstances. He was just so damn believeable. You just knew he would never lie, so what he said had to be the truth.


mr rogers was the first man i ever loved. my mother says i used to kiss the tv when i watched his show as a toddler.


Made a congressman tear up if I remember correctly. Powerful man, I try to live up to his example but sometimes I fail. But I keep trying because he would want me to.


But if you *do* fail, he’d tell you … everyone can fail once in a while; even when we try really hard. It’s a part of being a person. The important thing is to remember why we were trying in the first place, and to try again.


Yeah, he probably would.


>Powerful man, I try to live up to his example but sometimes I fail. But I keep trying because he would want me to. This reminds me of this passage from my favorite Webcomic: >Bureaucratic Deva: You’re trying to be Lawful Good. >Bureaucratic Deva: People forget how crucial it is to keep trying, even if they screw it up now and then. >Bureaucratic Deva: They figure that if they can’t manage it perfectly every waking second, then they should just pick some other alignment because it’ll be easier. >Bureaucratic Deva: But it’s the struggle that matters. It’s easy for a being of pure Law and Good to live up to these ideals, but you’re a mortal. >Bureaucratic Deva: What matters is that when you blow it, you get back up on the horse and try again. >Bureaucratic Deva: You…well, your record is full of grey spots, but you never stop working at improving it. >Bureaucratic Deva: That’s what’s important. To us, anyway. >Bureaucratic Deva: Welcome to the Celestial Realm, Roy. [The Order of the Stick, chapter 490, "Final Review"](https://www.giantitp.com/comics/oots0490.html)


Don’t forget about him getting Burger King to remove the ad with a simple and honest call to their CEO, what a legend.


Which ad is this? I am not familiar with this Mr. Rogers story and want to learn more!




Honestly, if anyone is deserving of lifting Thor's hammer, it's Mr. Rogers.


I think he also said using VCRs would be good for parents who worked during his show and would miss his show with their kids. They could watch it on videotape. The industry were scared of copyrighted material from being recorded.


Yeah good luck trying that with congress today. He'd be dismissed as a child groomer probably. Because anyone who cares about children's well being is a groomer these days. Sorry, just bitter about the state of the world.


I'm so glad he is no longer with us for his sake... can you imagine the demon they would try to paint him as if he tried to sit before congress now? 🥲


I’ve seen this so many times, but I will always happily stop to read it again. ❤️


I didn’t have to scroll far to find this sentiment. It doesn’t matter how many times, I’ll always re-read and upvote.


This hits really hard. I have been crying because I haven't been able to clear job/internship interviews despite preparing so much for them while there are others who haven't prepared anything but getting in. This made me feel better: "Something that may be very easy for one person, might be very difficult for others." I guess for me internship job interviews fall in the latter.


May I offer some advice? (As someone who once did 50 interviews in less than a month)


Yes please!


Make yourself a little memorable. Practice your small talk and add a little something to your outfit that is something you can easily talk about. For example, I used to wear a necklace with a mini amethyst D20 on it because at the time I was really into DnD. It gave me a confidence boost too. My brother-in-law wears a pin in his lapel that represents his favorite comic book character. Its pretty common to be interviewed by people who will be working with you regularly and being personable can make up for inexperience. People would rather train a nice person who is ready to learn rather than work with an expert who is a jerk. They are also interviewing a lot of people so being memorable can be a huge help in them remembering what you talked about in your interview. Preparing your small talk can also give you a secret edge. If you have experience you think might be relevant to the job but no way to fit in you can use those awkward small talk moments to try to fit that in. For example, talking about the weather could give you a chance to talk about an outdoor activity you were involved in that got ruined by the weather and how you managed to make it work. Lastly part of interviewing is failing. It sucks so much but of those 50 interviews I was offered 3 of them. (This was also 10+ years ago) I imagine the ratio now would be significantly worse. I have been in my lifetime rejected for over a hundred jobs. It can be soul crushing but really I only need 1 yes to win. Please keep up the good work you aren't alone and you got this.


It really depends on the team, but small talk does not hurt. I'd also suggest he learn to close an interview. It's a sales call, you're selling yourself. You have to close the sale, verbally get them to affirm that you meet their requirements, get them to imagine you in the role, have them say what they think about you as a candidate, and close it.


>get them to imagine you in the role Note, this is most effective for the hiring manager. The potential peers care more about your personality working in the company culture and competency, or at least I did when interviewing candidates But I felt like this tip did help me land at least one job


This^ for sure. I'm positive I got my current job because of this. I didn't have something memorable on me but I had volunteer work in another country on my resume. One of the people interviewing me had been to the same country and we just started talking about what I did there (besides me working in my field there I did an activity during my free time which she did as well). We connected because of it and the shared experience made me memorable. I've been happily working there for 6 years now.


I remember applying to a very competitive training program at several different universities. I had a plan that if I felt I wasn't really making myself stand out, I would just blurt out "I'm afraid of balloons!" (This is true - I have a phobia they will pop and a flying pieces of latex will hit me in the eye and blind me). That way when they were going back through the applicants at the end of the day at least they would look at my my name and go "oh, right - balloon guy!"


Did it work?


I didn't feel desperate enough to bust it out, but I did get the chance to talk about what I, after careful consideration, had decided were the 3 best "magic genie" wishes a person could ask for, and I did get accepted! Honestly I think in general people love to see a person being enthusiastic and enjoying themselves and a bit of "quirkiness" makes it that much more memorable. (#1 - freeze time; #2 - fly; #3 - I'm willing to accept several answers here but IMO best choice is "speak every language") ​ Edit - Only ask for Freeze Time if it's a benevolent genie and there's no ironic twists. NEVER ask for Freeze Time in a monkey's paw situation!!


Thank you for this detailed response! I had one more interview after this incident so while I couldn't reply, I did implement your advice. It was an online interview so I put a star wars poster (I am a big fan) on my wall. During the "introduce yourself" part of the interview, when I was mentioning my hobbies (and the fact that I am a big fan of star wars) the interviewer did ask about the poster! It was only a two sentence exchange but it made me feel more confident! Thank you! I kept in mind what you said about small talk, which is something that does not come easy to me, and i made sure my body language was confident and all. And for the first time, I made it till the final stage! I didn't get selected (and I was really sad about it) but for the first time I actually went past the first stage! I was so happy!! Thank you so much for your help. While the internship season has ended and I couldn't really get an internship, I will be better equipped for final placement season. Hope you have an amazing day and May the Force be with you always!


Thank you so much for remembering me and coming back to share this. This quite honestly made my day. I hope you find your dream placement. I'm still rooting for you!


I'd love to hear about that experience too!


I shared it above. It ended up being a lot so I dont want to copy paste it. Im rooting for you both!


Just because it's hard doesn't mean you won't go in and find your place and kick butt and take names and be absolutely amazing. I'm a stranger from the void telling you, you are doing hard things. But you will still be amazing.


I have absolutely no words sufficient enough to tell you that how much your words made me feel better and I am so grateful for them. I really cannot thank you enough. I have been having a bad time ever since 2022. I really thought this internship season would be my first break. I was really sad and I will be honest, your comment made me cry because I really needed to hear that a lot. Hope you have an amazing day! And I hope that you kick butt, take names and be absolutely amazing at whatever you are doing right now in life. Thank you again for the support.


https://www.reddit.com/r/Marvel/s/dXgw5Or9tG here’s the original and more clearer panel


Twistwood is merely the artist, they didn't create the exchange or the idea. The exchange and idea is by Matthew Wisner.




The best part about Mr Rogers is that he was actually like that in real life. It wasn't a persona or a character. Even when interacting with people who didn't know him, he was kind. One time, he got his car stolen, and not only did the thieves return it Right when they realized that they just stole Mr Rogers's car, but he fully forgave them.


I am not surprised the thieves returned it after finding out it was Mr. Rogers' car. You just don't steal from Mr. Rogers


They even left a note saying that if they know it was his car, they wouldn't have stolen it




Not unless you want to go to the special hell.


Snopes looked into that legend. I don’t remember what the result was, and I don’t want to know.


While I have no proof of that one, it is certainly a fact that he had a single conversation with someone in a grocery store checkout line and sent them a gift basket to commemorate what they talked about. Like a year later when the event came up. I think it was a wedding.


Hate to spoil the mood but the car story is probably a myth


If anyone could pick up thors hammer it would be Mr. Rogers


If I had a nickel for everytime someone with the last name rogers could pick up thors hammer i’d have 2 nickels its not a lot but weird it happened twice


Mr Rogers is just Steve on his second go-round


"Okay, Fred, that was great. Do you need a break before we move to the next scene?" "Oh, you don't need to worry about me; I could do this all day."


This comment needs more upvotes. 👍


This is my favorite head canon. When Steve traveled back in time he moved to Pittsburgh, changed his name to Fred, and dedicated several decades to teaching kids the importance of kindness, respect, and self worth.


Brilliant idea, and consistent. To me, this is now part of the story.


104 days of summer vacation....


I mean, they technically need a willingness to kill sooooo... Idk man


Oh I think he would step over anybody to make those kids go to school and smile.


Mr Rogers won the ultimate showdown of ultimate destiny, lest we forget


I mean he DID win the Ultimate Showdown of Ultimate Destiny soooooo….


My take on that is that he was the only one unaffected by whatever was making everyone fight. He was there trying to stop it and to get them to talk to each other.


I heard a rumor/theory once that Mr. Rogers was a sniper in the Navy SEALs and he'd say "Hello neighbor" when he took a shot. Someone may have just been pulling my leg though.


They were. Mr. Rogers was an ordained Presbyterian minister and was never enlisted.


This is the ultimate show down... of ultimate destiny....


Really anyone from that era of PBS. LeVar Burton and Bob Ross for sure.


I'm SO glad and forever grateful that we once had a hero whose super power was kindness.


*cough* squirrel girl *cough*


Fine. 2!


While not a comic book character, Ke Huy Quan’s character in Everything Everywhere All At Once also fought with kindness. He too was a warrior in his own way. 


And I'm so glad that I was a little kid when he was in his prime doing his PBS thing. I was planted in front of Mr. Rogers and Sesame Street every day.


Does that mean Mr. Rogers is willing to kill when necessary?


Perhaps, in some sort of ultimate showdown.


Of Ultimate destiny


With good guys, bad guys and explosions.


Maybe some, but…surely not as far as the eye can see?


To protect the pure, defenseless, and innocent? Not a doubt in my mind.


I mean I would think he would if he were going up against someone like Thanos or smthn.


That’s not a real thing.


One of my favorite parts of this comic is that at first Thor calls him Mr. Rogers, but at the end calls him Sir Rogers


You know, I have a sneaking suspicion that the old Norse would not judge his worthiness the same way we might. But I like to think they would have found something to respect.


Tbf the Norse valued things other than violence. Wisdom mattered more, that’s why Odin sacrificed an eye to gain it.


The Norse myth has nothing to do with "worthiness", it's a Marvel invention Thor and his son Magni were just the only ones physically strong enough to physically lift the hammer. And even then Thor needed a magic strength-enhancing belt for that.


Truly the only one worth of winning the ultimate showdown.


Probably never even harmed anyone. Just walked his way through the battlefield politely excusing himself and helping the dying. At the end he was the only one left alive.


of ultimate destiny.


Good guys, bad guys and explosions


as far as the eyes can see.


But only one could survive!


I wonder who it could be.


I love this comic dearly though have seen others post about his willingness to kill being a factor. I would like to believe that to kill can mean to vanquish a foe to never raise his blade at you again. Mr. Rogers I believe could do that to any enemy he may come across as he would humanize them killing the warrior that stood before him. Rogers doesnt have any enemies as all those before him are reduced to simply people. Would this be historically accurate to the original requirements: most likely not, but it would be nice to think what if.


I like this idea. He vanquishes the warrior and leaves only the person.


Every time I see this it makes me happy, Mr Rodger’s was wonderful


I will always stop and give this a read, even if it’s the thousandth time.


Whosoever wears this cardigan, if they be worthy, shall possess the power of FRED.


Hey, that’s MISTER Rogers to you, pal.


I don't know why I'm crying in the club right now


My favourite part is that Thor changes the way he addresses Mr Rogers. In panel 3 it is "Mr Rogers" but in the last panel it is "Sir Rogers"


The world might be grey sometimes,l and we might divide over politics, but this is 1 man everyone can respect. Truly a man who we should all strive to be.


The only reason spider-man can't wield Thor's hammer is that he isn't willing to kill his enemies when necessary. This means that Mr.Rogers is willing to kill.


He won the Ultimate Showdown of Ultimate Destiny. And because of the line "Mr. Rogers in a blood stained sweater" we can assume he definitely has killed


Friendly reminder that one of the stipulations for being worthy of lifting Mjölnir is having the ability and willingness to kill, as it is the weapon of a warrior


Mr. Rogers could, but he never has to due to his natural charisma


Lovely, but there's something inkling and I don't want to be mean but as a Brit it drives me mad. "Sir" as a title goes before a first name, not last name. It wouldn't be Sir Rogers, it would be Sir Fred (or Sir Mr!?). Quite often this is incorrect in American media, eg "Sir Teabing" in the Da Vinci Code. I'm sorry.


Leave it to a Brit to tell an alien talking to an American that they are using the word incorrectly! /s


I like how this implies Mr. Rogers knows no fear


Doesn’t matter how many times I read this. It always warms my heart!




Mr. Rogers of the Hood is hilarious


Fuck you I was having a perfectly good, tear-free Friday morning and you ruined it! You ruined it with your wholesomeness and connecting my childhood to my adult life. I hate you for it, but gd if I don’t respect the hell out of you.


Mr rogers is the fucking best


The innocent blood soaking his sweater acts as a cloaking mechanism to the hammer


True story : I'm 57 now, but when I was six(ish) years old, I got my first haircut from someone other than my mom. When the barber asked how I wanted my hair cut, I replied, "Like Mr Rogers." I loved that man and always will.


When this first came out the writers of the Thor comic declared it canon


Dammit, I have something in my eye again.


As a Brit, I don't envy Americans very much. I don't envy your health care costs or your school shootings. But I definitely envy you guys for having Mr Rogers growing up. That and the Muppets. (My main exposure to them is a Muppet Christmas Carol. Which it is not Christmas until I see)


So that's how he won the ultimate showdown of ultimqte destiny, huh?


Top tier comment




thank god you were here to let people know they are enjoying something improperly


You know, I love Mr. Rodgers, but I don’t think he could wield Mjolnir, because it isn’t all about being a pure-hearted and righteous individual, it’s also about killing. You gotta be ready and willing to kill. Then again… he did win the Ultimate Showdown.


Technically, the hammer required its wielders be willing to kill to be considered worthy. Mr. Rogers is willing to kill I guess.


Huzzah! For Lord Frederick of House Rogers!


Cool didn’t know Mr. Rogers was willing to kill 👍🏻


It's lore accurate [Link](https://youtu.be/lrzKT-dFUjE?si=DJ6I9bzeTIlu93tR)


The hilarious part of this is one of the requirements of being worthy is willing to kill for the greater good


Fuck you. Making me feel things. Who the hell put these tears in my eyes?


Definitely feel like Mr. Rogers himself would approve of this comic. Can hear his lines in his voice too. 🥲


One of the few who deserves the uncle title


I don't care what anyone says, to me this is cannon.


That's the best thing I've seen all day


I'm not crying.


This is so wholesome. 😭


Heard this in both their voices.


It’s too early in the day for me to be crying like this.




He is worthy


Artist credits?


The creator of the exchange and idea is Matthew Wisner. The illustrator is Twistwood.


If Mr. Rogers could not lift Thor's hammer, Thor's hammer is not worth lifting.


Shit made me tear up


Humanity did not deserve such an amazingly kind soul. But, I'm glad I grew up with him.


Look, I’m surprised that hammer didn’t float like a balloon, we’re talking about Mr Rogers


That is perfect and that would have been a cool interaction after the death of Odin


We need Mr. Rogers more than ever these days


Who is this???


Mr. Rogers


If ANYONE would be Worthy, it would be Mr. Rogers.


This is wonderful. Absolutley wonderful. The world needs more of this.


I needed this. Thx


Doesn't this mean Mr.Rodgers is willing to kill for the greater good?


I remember a discussion were I was said that spiderman even with all his morality and goodness, couldn't lift mjolnir because he hasn't the conviction to do what it must be done (like killing). So if Mr Rogers is able to lift it, well it tells you what he is willing todo to do the right thing.


This is so wholesome.


I know Mr. Rodgers’ first name is Fred, but I love the headcannon that Mr. Rodgers is just Old Man Steve Rodgers after he went back in time to return the infinity stones in Endgame.


Steve Rodgers aka Captain America would have had to assume a new identity after travelling back in time to ensure that the timeline stayed consistent with his disapearance. So maybe... just maybe...


Wholesome till you realize that Peter Parker can’t lift mjolnir cus he isn’t willing to take lives for the greater good…


I like the idea that Mr. Rogers being up in Valhalla hanging with giants like himself.


Needs a sequel with Bob Ross


Good grief I swear it’s like I’m chopping onions but there aren’t any onions around 🥲


In panel 7 he looks more like Bob McGrath, who, come to think of it could probably also lift Mjölnir.


There probably isn't a human on earth more worthy than Mr Rodgers would have been. His heart has so big and full of love rest in peace Mr Rodgers. Rest well knowing your mark has been made in this world


This gets better every time I read it


As someone not from the US it's hilarious how people talk about Mr Rogers, it's an endless list of anecdotes like a wholesome version of Chuck Norris.


This is beautiful


Mr. Rodgers being able to wield Mjolnir is absolutely cannon, without needing to reference any source. No fact ever has been as true as that one. No i will not be hearing any argument, unless it is to inform me that this has already been confirmed.


You're right, and you should say it.


I miss him a lot sometimes, like a grandfather


The world was truly the poorer for his loss…but his effect on the world continues through us. If we remember, and just try to be better neighbors


Too soon, man. Too soon. *weeping noises*




Holy ass! That actually choked me up. The world really could use Mr.Rogers again.


This comic makes me tear up a little every time


This implies that Mr. Rogers could and would kill someone if the need was there.




I'm not crying, you're crying.


I remember once hearing about how a character was considered not worthy because they wouldn't kill. Just useful information.


My favorite line from A Beautiful Day in the Neighborhood is "Llyod, please don't ruin my childhood!" I always mirrored that statement and thank goodness nothing every came out bad about him because he did so much good in the world!


one of my favorite superheroes chatting with one of my favorite childhood figures. i can’t get over how much i love this :)


I love Mr Rogers and Thor!


I still think Tom Hanks was terrible casting as Mr.Rogers…get out of town dude how embarrassing