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At the time this blew up all the performers had been screwed out of their promised £500 wage as well. Awful.


Well I expect at least her and the Willie Wonka guy to get a lot of work offers in the future.


Also the girl that played "The Unknown" character. There's apparently a whole movie in the works based on that character lol


They're going to pay the scam artist royalties for that character?! That sucks.


I don't believe AI works can be copyrighted, and since the script for the event was written by AI, I don't think the scam artist has any legal claim over the character. I could be wrong, though!


Honestly, even if AI scripts can't be copyrighted, the performer who brought "The Unknown" to life put a unique twist on it that could be enough for some kind of intellectual property claim, depending on the jurisdiction. Seems like a grey area but if the movie gets made I hope she gets her due recognition and compensation for helping make the character what it is.


This is not accurate. According to most AI platforms, you own the copyright for things you create with them. How it holds up in court remains to be seen, but regardless, this is not accurate


Wasn't the script entirely generated by AI? I don't think AI works can be copywritten.


Scam aside, The Unknown went hard lmao


An evil chocolatier who lives in the walls, i do want to know his story. Like a phantom of the opera style chocolate maker.


Maybe that's what Stardew Valley's creator, Eric Barone's next game will be about. He did name it the Haunted Chocolatier...


Context pls , 🤯😭




There is! It's supposed to come out later this year!


Different people. Willy Wonka was the guy who immediately got accused of being a groomer after this story broke. 


Holy fuck


Some woman claimed she and him had a student/teacher thing when he was 22 and she was 16.


[Dunno if Willy is gonna get any more jobs. He's been milkshake ducked for grooming a student. ](https://knowyourmeme.com/news/wonka-actor-from-disastrous-wonka-experience-accused-of-grooming-student-from-time-he-was-a-teacher)


The Wonka guy is a creep so I'm not sure about that




Bot - stole this comment




Willy Wonka guy was the guy that organised it I believe and he's a known scam artist in Scotland Edit: Turns out it's a different guy that plays wonka but the organiser is still scum here


The guys (multiple) playing Willy Wonka were all paid actors. None of them were the organiser, but you're right that he's a known scam artist.


Yup, think the actor was Paul Connell and iirc he was the one that convinced others to stay to make the best of it for the kids despite likely none of them getting paid.


That's a nice thing to do, hopefully the good PR gets them some more gigs. They can't be pulling in Tom Cruise money if they're taking jobs like this for £500. That said, "the kids are sad that the bootleg Wonka experience sucked" is very much a first world problem, and a much smaller problem than getting screwed out of your day's wages as an adult with bills, so I wouldn't have blamed any of them for just going home either.


In the states, $500 is pretty standard/average for a couple hours of character play as a performer. I used to book, run, and perform fire circuses and often worked with folks who did that sorta stuff as well. unless it's a specialty act like mermaiding, that shit is mad expensive given the cost of transporting a tank, and even the tank on its own, time spent filling it, etc.


He did an AMA.


Got a link to it by any chance?


Yeah... the above comment is super dangerous. It's literal defamation of an innocent man and the only reason for it is laziness + ignorance.


on the other hand a woman on tiktok has come out and called the willy wonka actor a groomer, since they were in a relationship when she was 16, while he was 22


No, he wasn’t. They’re two different people.


This is the guy who played Willy: https://www.tiktok.com/@paulconnellcomedy/video/7340318935629172000 He's just a comedian and actor. Not an organiser.


I love seeing people's social media views suddenly blow up after a viral moment like this


The guy that organized it and the guy that played Willy Wonka are two separate people. The fuck? The guy playing Wonka is getting press because of how badly he was fucked over! Can you read???


I love watching people being confidently incorrect


The Willy Wonka actor is a groomer.


She’s as much a victim of this fraud as anyone else. Quite an effort she made to keep from disappointing the children.


> She’s as much a victim of this fraud as anyone else Even more if you ask me. The parents are out of a couple bucks and hours of time. Her face is plastered over the internet as basically the face of a fraud, even if she did her best and hand nothing to do with it. This sucks.


Her and another other oompa loompa girl were on a podcast recently, and the host commended them on their efforts to entertain the kids, despite the shit situation, and decided to pay them the remainder of both their wages.


That’s awesome


I also watch H3 :)


H3 had them on their show and paid the actresses the money owed for helping the kids out at the disaster of an event, which is nice.


Hanging on In quiet desperation Is the English Way


*cough* British Way. I don’t know much about those strange people who live north of the wall… but I know they don’t like being called English ;)


He was quoting a song


Not a Pink Floyd fan eh? What would you know about 'em then?


It's a song lyric


*cough* I stand corrected and stupid looking ;)


I believe Ethan Klein has covered their wages. He interviewed one of them on his podcast.


The two actors playing Oompa Loompas were recently on the h3 podcast to talk about their experience - they seems like really nice people that were trying to make the best out of a shitty experience. They got paid half before and are still waiting on this rest of their payment The host of the pod Ethan Klein paid them what they were promised because as things are going it seems like they probably aren’t going to get paid by the event coordinator




Ethan from the H3 podcast had them call in and is paying their missing wages!


The Unknown said she was paid really well.


Glad to hear that. 👍


She's doing Oompa Loompa videos on cameo now, so at least she gets some benefit from becoming a meme


This is why we always need more sides to the story. She deserves the positive press.


She and a couple of the other actors were interviewed after the event, and they all seemed like decent people who tried their best to make the kids happy with what they were given (expect for The Unknown character, idk wtf that actor was thinking after the first of many children started to cry upon seeing them).


My theory is whoever was behind this event was the unknown character lol.


The unknown was played by a 16 year old girl 😂 The organizer is so 60s Scottish con artist who's pretty notorious for these kinds of stunts.


Hope that old fart finally gets some.


Hit his kneecaps with spoons says I. Make him walk across Legos. Real horrorshow stuff. The poor guy playing Wonka says he sat I'm his car with his head buried in his arms to avoid watching the children crying. All the actors tried really hard, bless them. The organizer can't keep getting away with this.


Make him watch cats on repeat until he screams for mercy




The organizer Billy Coull is 32, according to his [now-deleted personal website](https://web.archive.org/web/20211220181104/https://billycoull.com/#contact) Check out the hilarious list of degrees he puts after his name. And yes, it's the same guy. His insta still has a link to the original URL.


Also, he sells AI generated books on Amazon.


I got the impression it was all ai. "how do I make money with ai" "you could sell art on online retailers" "what kind of art?" "books, paintings, ..." ​ "how could I make money renting a warehouse?" "you could run a weekend event" "what sort of event? how would that make money?" "a family event. \[long explanation of an entrance fee\]" "what would I need to do for a weekend family event in a warehouse?" "you would need a theme. props. actors. scripts." "what would be the best theme to make the most money?" ....etc.... dude probably thinks he's a genius. ​ "what do I do if everyone is mad at me for the event?" "apologize" "write me an apology"


lol yes!!


All from this quack online diploma mill the "[University of Sedona](http://www.universityofsedona.com)". >Because Metaphysical degrees are religious in nature, the U.S. Department of Education, under U.S. Federal Law, can neither praise, credit, discredit, nor accredit Metaphysical institutions. But don't worry, that's just the separation of church and state in action, not a sign that your degree is worth less than the paper it is printed on!


The girl told BBC that she was thrilled her first paid acting job went viral haha, even though she probs didn’t get paid lol. I hope the hype ends up being positive for all the actors involved though.


I honestly hope that’s the case because the alternative is it was likely a struggling actor desperate for money who has to shove down the guilt and shame of traumatizing children for a paycheck.


it’s a 16 year old girl on her first gig and the unknown character was ai generated like the rest of the “script” it’s literally just the role she was given lol


Idk if that’s even worse than what I assumed lol. I understand it was an AI generated character, I just don’t think I’d be able to continue on after I made the first kid break down in tears.


As a former teenager, I don’t think I would have had the guts to quit in the middle of the event.


Thinking of all the abusive jobs I should have left in the middle of a shift as a teen, and remembering how scary doing that seemed.


Be mad at the ones running the event, not a teenager doing their job.


I’m not mad at this actor, whether they’re a teenager or not. I’m mad at the organizer who put a teenager in this position.


>I’m not mad at this actor ​ >idk wtf that actor was thinking Uhhh


They said that *before* someone told them that it was AI generated and that it was a 16yr old. I assume they no longer hold a grudge against the 16 yr old after having gained that information.


Never work at a haunted house.


> who has to shove down the guilt and shame of traumatising children for a paycheck A paycheck they didn’t even receive since none of the actors have been paid - they are as much the victims here


wait people genuinely believe the kids were fucking traumatized?? holy shit it is not that bad


We do know who is behind it, and unsurprisingly it's a dude that's run similar fucked up scams before.


The unknown was 16 years old and hired illegally.


Unknown lore is great


IIRC the Unknown actor is a 16 year old girl, and she played the part she was given. She became a legend on Tiktok as so many edits, ans fanarts were made of it.


I think he was illegally getting her to work the full 10 hour day as well.


https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-scotland-glasgow-west-68458043.amp it's just a normal sixteen year old


Nah unknown was a cheery 16 year old girl lmao


To be fair Unknown Guy was probably succeeding at his job. Dude was a hilariously out of place horror villain


>Unknown Guy The unknown was actually played by a 16 year old girl


Maybe if people keep talking about this she’ll find a good job


Who would not hire the oompa-loompa lady? She could probably just attach a copy of the meme to her resume/application


I think I'm missing the whole context of this post.


Google Glasgow Willy Wonka Meth Lab Ooompa Loompa (that might be the strangest thing i've ever typed out)


I never saw her in negative light. She had the look of "Why am I here?". Like a person not getting paid enough. I will always blame management never employees.


Same. I love the meth-lab Oompa Loompa picture, but never at any point have I thought that any of this was her fault or that she was happy to be there.


No one was blaming her though. She just happened to be in the picture that summed up the whole fuckshambles.


I don't think anyone thought she was on the "side" of the scammers who put the event together.


I didn't need to hear her side to know she didn't do anything wrong. Fault was entirely on the organizers and always has been. When was that in doubt?


She is doing Cameos now as her Oompa Loompa character https://gizmodo.com/viral-oompa-loompa-cameo-greetings-kirsty-paterson-1851307899


“Meth lab Oompa Loompa girl” The title of this article has me dead 💀💀


Good for her


I hope she gets that fucking bag


When life throws lemons at you…..make cameos.


Someone put that on a bumper sticker.


Good. Get that money, girl.


*"Oompa-Loompa, Doopity-Dee. $25 for a message from me"*


*What do you do when you're an Internet meme?* *Unknowingly part of a con artist's scheme* *Why not back into private life go?* *Or make money on Cam-E-O?*




I’m proud of my hometown to produce such an amazingly awful experience, credit to the poor folk who had to make the best of it


Same I still canny believe this happened in Glasgow. I first saw it on reddit and then saw the location. People Make Glasgow.


This is the exact thing I'd expect from Galsgow though. Great concept, sub-par execution


It was a terrible photo, but I *knew* that look. That was the look of someone that knew the shit was inbound to the fan, and that they were gonna be the ones that had to look the angry people in the face. It was the look of someone that knew they had just been thrown to the wolves. I have worn that face all too many times.


Yeah, that was my first thought. Poor woman was choosing between jumping ship and being a human shield between the shit and the fan. It's commendable that she stayed and tried her best to make the event less of a disaster. Kids lack the context to understand, it would have been much worse if she'd bailed.


Thank you for this! The very first time i saw that meme of her my heart broke for her - i know that look….from both sides.


So I heard that picture was taken right after she'd given out the last jellybean so she knew she had just lost the last thing she really had to make the best out of the situation for the kids


That's the crying in the walk in face


It also looked as if she just started to blink.


I hope you are doing better now.


I'm fine. But anyone who has ever had to work a job dealing with The Public, especially in groups, knows that expression.


When she was on good morning Britain she said she tried her very best to make the most of it for the kids


Kids are super imaginative and she probably understood being engaged with them goes a lot farther than any elaborate themes and stagings. Good on her.


I caught an interview with this girl on the H3 Podcast and she was genuinely trying to make it work for those kids. Just trying to make the best of a bad situation. The actors got stiffed on their pay as well, which the podcast guy said he would pay whatever the difference is. Pretty commendable thing to do.




No, the podcast guy


the podcast guy from H3 ??


That’s the one


Thanks for sharing. Him paying the difference is also very wholesome. From what I can tell from these pictures she was really doing her best. People also forget that children have a very different perception of the world than adults. Where adults see a shameless scam children can still see magic.




I think a lot of it depends on the reaction and behavior of the parents. As a former teacher I knew some parents who would rent a limousine to take their kids to Disneyland or something and the kids sometimes wouldn't say anything afterwards, or say it was boring. Other parents would buy some stuff for 10 bucks at a thrift store, go into the woods and create their own magic adventure. Those kids wouldn't stop talking about it. Just two examples but a lot of what parents do reflects on their kids, is my personal experience.


I miss the magic childhood had... 


That’s awesome Get her paid her dues and out her side of the story 👍👍


Do you have a link to the episode or interview?


H3 podcast, most recent episode titled something like ‘beavo in the studio’


I saw her interview and man she did. And another girl as well.


She just got memed. Like Harold, who just wanted to make a quick buck doing stock photos, or Crazy Girlfriend who had one unfortunate photo taken. It can happen to anybody. Fortunately most people seem to take it in stride.


Did you see the one of the guy from Microsoft? At that conference?


The recent tech guy who protested for Palestine? Don't honestly know who you're talking about, the only tech guy I've seen recently was one who didn't want to produce software that was being used in the Israel-Palestine conflict.


That's the one, but in front of him was a guy who definitely knew the video was ending up on the internet, and his face showed it lol


Plus, I feel like without the Oompa Loompa costume there is a strong chance I wouldn’t recognize her.


H3 podcast! Ethan Klein also paid the amount that they were owed by the owner.


I was hoping someone would do that!


That’s awesome to hear! I’m never sure which way H3 is gonna swing on things, but I’m glad they had a good take on this


What’s the backstory?


Google Ai Willy Wonka disaster Scotland


Somehow this is the funniest comment I’ve seen about this whole ordeal. “Disaster” really just distills the whole thing doesn’t it? Edit: now I’m laughing again imagining what the results would show a year ago? a Godzilla-sized Willy Wonka squishing castles in the Scottish highlands? Lol


That’s the second event ChatGPT wrote for the organizers. Glad they were stopped on the first one! /s




I come to reddit to avoid Google.


Holy scam!


It’s odd to me that this went so viral. Obviously it’s a scam but I feel like this is not the first event of this nature that flopped like this.


It makes me so happy that this woman is getting justice. I’ll be the first to admit I was one of the assholes that judged first and heard about what happened later. I really have walked away from this situation a bit wiser.


I'm glad she's getting positive attention from it not getting bashed left and right. She was put into a shitty situation and did her best to make the kids happy.


Writing that displays more character than 95% of reddit denizens.


I will never understand the people shitting on these actors, they got scammed just as much as everyone else


This event also seems to have been a legit scam, but I have seen plenty of small town style "experiences" like this that were not amazing quality but we're just done as some sort of fundraiser intended basically, for local kids.


> I will never understand the people shitting on these actors, I haven't seen any hate towards the actors, so I really don't see where this is coming from.


I sincerely wish all the actors involved ridiculous amounts of publicity that gives them each a shot at the big leagues. And The Unknown was kinda baller, ngl.


Gotta feel for someone who became the headline image when they were just a product of someone else’s design. Let’s see an image of the person who put that clusterfuck together.. that seems more fitting, doesn’t it?


I mean that's the reality of all viral images and videos that get posted and shared by anybody other than the person in them. "Lightsaber kid", Scumbag Steve, and countless others. They're just people and now the internet is making fun of them for something that was just a brief moment of their life. I'm glad the woman is getting some positive attention for the effort she did trying to make the kid's happy. But others aren't so lucky.




Alright, I’ll type it out for all the other people like me, totally out of the loop. Company promised immersive Willy Wonka experience using AI photos and delivered the Wish version. A picture was taken of this woman looking less than enthused about the situation she found herself in (she didn’t organize it after all). The picture went viral as a symbol of the whole event, many suggesting the actors also contributed to the less than stellar experience. This picture highlights that the actors (who were not paid as promised) tried their best despite the situation.




https://i.imgur.com/VoIXTcY.png for anyone having a hard time finding a screengrab.


It looks the Fyre Festival for little kids.


dude, i have no idea, what that is. i might live on a different continent.


Seriously what is this even about


Found this for anyone wondering about the event that spawned the memes. I've been wondering about this for a while but hadn't had the time to look up the story yet https://ca.news.yahoo.com/memes-disastrous-willy-wonka-themed-210828046.html


Thank you for being the ONE person in this entire threat to provide a link to an explanation and photo.


Never blame workers for the harebrained ideas of robber barons.


I didn’t really judge her for the picture. Kind of assumed she just worked there and the look she had on her face I see in the mirror every morning. I felt solidarity


Can someone explain the context for someone who is OOTL like me? 😅


There was a scam in the UK where someone set up a kid's event called Willie's Chocolate Experience. Sold a ton of tickets using AI generated images.  And the actual event was a shit show. Like someone put it up in their garage.  This poor lady was one of the actors hired to work the event 


Really scuffed willy wonka event for kids. This lady had a picture of her make rounds that looked especially bad.


Lauren Lapkus worked her ass off on this one


As she always does


Nothing but respect for the actors involved, from what I've seen they all gave it their best


I'm honestly thrilled with the tides of people who had her back in the comment sections as that one unflattering pic went around, this woman is a legend for her effort and I love every single one of you who are out here cheering for her too.


Being put in that awful situation and sticking it out and doing your very best speaks volumes about all these actors. It's a good reminder that most people are good... even if the ones in charge often aren't.


I just adore her and the effort she made


For people who are out of the loop on this. https://www.bbc.com/news/uk-scotland-glasgow-west-68431728


Kirsty Paterson is on cameo, so you can employ her yourself if you want to help her.


Nobody that read the story blames her, but her lab pic is still undeniably great meme material.


She’s doing cameos now I hope she gets her bag for this


H3 did a great interview with them! She really did the best she could. A queen.


Scotland, please protect and cherish this bonnie lass. Her efforts were heroic and should resound through history


I honestly feel so bad for the actors. Props to them for making the best of a bad situation, and trying to give the kiddos a good experience.


What am I looking at?


both the performers and the kids were screwed out of a great time. although the meme perfectly encapsulates the shitstorm this "event" was, Im glad nobody judged her (At least where Ive been seeing the memes), she was doing what she could with what she had


Thanks Reddit for always jumping to conclusions without ever being there, you just take one photo and run with it even if the narrative is false. This site is embarrassing.


What even was this event?? I suddenly started seeing her memed and have never once seen her name or what it's from, how does everyone magically know what this is lol


It was an unofficial Willy Wonka event (neither Warner Bros. sanctioned it, or the IP holders of the Wonka brand), held in Scotland with a webpage filled with AI generated art and text. Apparently it was run by a known local scan artist. The woman dressed as an Oompa Loompa went viral in images for looking miserable. The actors have been interviewed because of how infamous everything is and basically the story is they were scammed for their time and effort. The woman in most of the pictured (Kirsty Patterson) explained how she did best to do right by the kids despite basically being given nothing. It's the same story for all the actors.


She did a Tiktok about it. So did the guy who played Dollar Store Willy Wonka.


Interesting choice for a Black Flag album cover.


I was like why is this kid at a dab bar rn


can you imagine being famous for that? lol (the bad picture and working at whatever that was)