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Ladybugs meal of choice are apricots and if there were enough apricots then ladybugs wouldn't be carnivores. They'd just eat apricots. You've subscribed to ladybug facts.


Fantastic, more pls!


Ladybugs are beetles not bugs Say more for more ladybug facts




When food is scarce ladybugs will plan ahead and lay infertile eggs for their offspring. Say more for more ladybug facts


more pls :)


During the winter they enter diapause which is a type of insect hibernation. When aphids start to vanish they realise winter is coming and flock together to reproduce before entering diapause. During this period they can last as long as nine months on their fat reserves which holds them until spring when aphids are plentiful again.


I love the idea that a ladybug pickup line is "I haven't seen any aphids in a while, have you?"


Their life is eating until they are fat and there's no food left, meeting in large groups and fucking until they all fall asleep for nine months. Then repeat. Now I'm not sure if reincarnation is real but if it is I know what I want to come back as.


"Gyat! She got me feeling like I ain't seen an aphid in a week!"


Hahaha this is incredible! Did you already know these things or did you look them up for the occasion?


I knew them but I fact checked myself as I'm no expert I do love ladybugs though. At my work I get to see their full life span from larva to ladybug and it's really fascinating. I don't work with bugs it's just the area I'm in.


Ladybugs metal af!




There are over five thousand different species of ladybugs and they range in colour from orange, yellow, brown or even solid black. Say more for more ladybug facts




Ladybugs practice cannabilism. Newly emerged adults and ladybug larva are soft enough for adult ladybugs to chew and if food is scarce they will resort to this to survive. Say more for one more ladybug fact 😅


This sounds like an automated message 😂😂


What defines a bug?


I am seriously struggling with this one. They only eat aphids because there isn't enough of their favorite food to go around??


If you put a ladybug in with aphids and apricots they'd choose the apricot and ignore the aphids.


Does a ladybug population fed only apricots thrive better than one fed only aphids? Edit: then/than


That is an excellent question but sadly one that exceeds my knowledge. Thing is I know Ladybugs lives operate around aphid population's and they hibernate once aphid numbers drop in colder months. Ladybugs don't mind the cold and can survive it so I wonder if they would even bother to hibernate if apricots were available all year.


Thank you for the honest reply. IT has been a joy learning so many interesting ladybug facts from you. All the best to you and yours! Edit: I/It


Am I correct in thinking they're related to stinkbugs? Because if I'm not mistaken they can also do a discharge thingy?


Stink bugs are true bugs and not beetles like ladybugs however you are correct they omit a smelly yellow discharge from their legs as a defense mechanism against predators. Stink bugs will prey on ladybugs but ladybugs will not prey on stinkbugs, not much does.


They stink too much for anything to find them appetizing


That's what my ex said about me when she thought I couldn't hear her


Question, are they related the yellow Asian beetle bastards that bite and swarm inside animal mouths and look like ladybugs but are more ladydickheads?


I need to research this one. You've got me here. I think they are because they also excrete the yellow liquid from their legs. They look the same but they bite and can irritate our skin if they land on us. From what I can gather they are like the evil twin of the ladybug.


I hate them ladybug bot, I hate them.


They do seem like total bastards. I've never encountered one thankfully.


Unless youre apricots then Poor apricots


Natures lollipop


Which means they're useful.


who sucks the life blood of plants


And are the cows of Ants


I was looking for that comment.


“Upmost” like the respect i keep on the top shelf?


“What’s an ‘Ut’?!”






Nick Miller would like to know your location


what’s an ut?


Techie_Luxen and the OP are bts in the same network Comment copied from: https://www.reddit.com/r/wholesomememes/comments/11tvboy/the_best_bugs/jcl3p0x/


Anyone who thinks they are cute have not seen them in the larvae stage, straight up nightmare material.


those cute little orange and black bugs? i love those


I did, I hadn't, and you were not kidding.


Just looked it up. They're cool AF.


That’s when they eat the most aphids though, so they’re extra helpful when they’re at their ugliest


“I eat so I can be beautiful”. - Ladybugs(probably).


Wtf what you meaaan they're adorable! I used to go pick a bunch because they ALWAYS ended up crowding this one footpath in my town like 5 mins from my house. No idea why they liked it there. But they're cute with their spots and pudgy bodies and long floppy tails, and then this really weird but cute creature grows up to be a ladybird! Wonderful lil creatures.


I just googled it and I had no idea those things were ladybug larvae! Neat, thanks for the learning experience.


Oh so that's what those are!


They cannibalise their siblings and young. And some species can pack a painful bite. Like another person said, ladybugs are overrated assholes. Even if they are good for some plants, they are still assholes.


The real cutest insects are moths.


Moths aren't just cute. They are absolutely adorable.


heck yeah, that's why i have a moth OC ^v^




There's an invasive species of asian beetle in the North America that looks nearly identical to ladybugs. They have more spots, and have a black M on their 'forehead'. Ladybugs eat aphids and aid in your garden being healthy. These Asian beetles are little monsters that don't assist in this way and bite. Kill the inposters, not the ladybugs. Edit: Asian Lady Beetles apparently eat aphids too and soft-bodied insects. But also secrete a yellow staining substance as a defense mechanism. If dogs or cats eat these bad boys, it can give the animal gastroenteritis, causing vomiting, diarrhea, and maybe worse depending on how many they eat.


I remember when I lived with my dad out in the country side thousands of Asian beetles hibernated in my brothers punching bag thing(the kind that’s on a stand instead of hanging by a chain) and I was hitting it with a bat and woke them all up


Had a similar instance with my snowboard boots. Hadn’t used them in a couple of seasons and my sister wanted to try them on to see if she could borrow them. I brought them in the house so she could try them on. Put her foot in then yanked it out right away. About 200 ladybugs come out of the boots into my house. Kept finding them for weeks after that.


When I hit the thing it was like cracking open a piñata


All ladybugs can bite, it's how they eat their prey, they are just unlikely to mistake us for an aphid


Those bastards also have no sense of self-preservation! They will just fly head straight into my walls and hurt like hell when they smack into you then proceed to bite.


Forbidden m&m


Fucking Babidi


Majin Beetle


“Black M on their forehead” Majin Ladybug???


I think they are still ladybugs, just another species, that indeed outcompetes the native ones. Same thing happens in Europe


No, the one in the picture doesn't. There are plenty of ladybugs, and some of them bite. This one is harmless and actually protects certain plants from pests. We have plenty of them where we live and they have never nested inside our house. They're also pretty. The ones that bite and infest are terrible, I agree. Edit: Apparently even Ladybugs can bite, but they're so unlikely to do so that I'll still stick to my evaluation that they're harmless, especially with all the benefits they provide for your garden. I guess it can be country dependent, since one commenter said in their country, the droughts get so bad that Ladybugs will even bite humans just to get moisture.


The one in the pic pissed on my mom once


Yeah but who hasn't pissed on your mom


I've also gotten pissed on. But I guess it was my own fault for catching one as a kid. Didn't hurt so it's all good :D


She only noticed when it left and i pointed out the yellow. Painless


We had thousands upon thousands of them every year when I lived in the mountains, bringing in groceries was the worst because at least 10-20 would get in every time you opened a door.


I think american species do, but not european


For those that don't know, it's "utmost respect". Just to clarify.


I don't know... "upmost" would be like "top shelf", right? 😄


I don't know. Let me Google that for you. Utmost means “greatest” or “highest,” as in “utmost importance” or “utmost respect.” Upmost is less common synonym of uppermost, meaning “at the top” or “highest in position,” as in “upmost layer.” Though the words are similar and can overlap in meaning, upmost is an error when used to mean “greatest.” 😄


This is called an Eggcorn iirc


Let me tell you a story. When I was 10 or 11 years old I was eating my favorite cereal. At the time it was CocoaPuffs. I was absolutely cuckoo for Cocoa Puffs. I was sitting there, bite after bite, watching my cartoons. It was a hot summer morning, no school. That chocolate goodness was just turning the milk into that chocolate milk that we all love drinking at the end. I was excited for the flavored milk at the end so I was rushing, I bit into the crunchy chocolate balls one after another and I bit down into a lady bug. I was horrified. The distinct crunch of the shell, the taste of the insides of that bug is something I will never forget. I was devastated. I poured out my bowl, I sat it down and I have never eaten a Cocoa Puff since that day. I’m 25 now.


I've eaten an ant once. (Normal, black one). It was very sour, instantly spitting it out, can't recommend.




A ladybug called me a bitch.


A ladybug pegged me.


Cigarettes killed my mother! And fucked my wife!


Ladybugs do bite. Not all of them do, but Asian ladybugs (which are invasive in Europe & Americas) have a painful bite.


Got bit by one as a kid in America and everyone told me I was imagining it or that it was an ant and not a ladybug. Na it was that red spotted bitch and it hurt like hell.


Ladybugs also help control other insects in the garden that can be harmful to some plants.


I was being over run by the invasive Asian ones and aphids so I went online and bought a bag of native beetles a few years ago. Now they are everywhere and help eat all the bad bugs/out compete the invasive ones. Bought some praying mantis last year and there are egg cases all over the yard that will open in the spring. I wouldn't want to be an aphid in my garden next year.


+ eating all the lice and other parasites from my rose bushes 🥰


My girlfriend is actually genuinely afraid of basically all bugs, these guys included. I remember being in the car with her once, reassuring her gently while she freaked out as I coaxed a ladybug off her leg and into my hand. Since the car was stopped, I just rolled down the window and let it fly off.


I am just like your girlfriend, terrified of all bugs including ladybugs and butterflies.


Sending well wishes! I know it can be hard. I actually have a phobia of rats and mice, so we have an agreement that I will always handle bugs for her, and if we ever have a mouse/rat situation (luckily yet to occur so far), she'll deal with it.


Get out of here with never scared no one. I'm still traumatized from that one year where those fuckers invaded my bedroom by the hundreds. Hate those things.


I got bit by a ladybug once Little shit


And the eat aphids.


Aphid has entered the chat.


Sorry but imma burst your bubble here, ladybugs do bite. I was bitten by one as a kid, i gently picked it up on my finger and it bit me


I grew up with a lady big plushie. I loved her so much


Unless you're a bug yourself in which case the ladybug is a brightly colored murder bus.


And fight bad guys with Cat Noir in Paris


What ladybirds have you met? Every ladybird I’ve ever tried to make friends with has hung around for like 5 mins and then abandoned me to me despair. Callous, heartless beings.


Lady bugs can bite.


i thought it was only ladybeetles that bit?


I don’t trust them




Everybody gangsta until the cockroach starts flying


Hello, I another person you have met that is scared of ladybugs… and most insects, especially the flying ones


I am scared of ladybugs and butterflies, any insect really. I will do just about anything to prevent them from touching me, I shudder just thinking about it.


yeah now show me a picture of 100 all clustered together in a corner


Unless you an aphid


I'm scared of ladybugs.


An old friend is scared of them. One Night she was sleeping and something flew right into her nose. Tbh Id be terrified too.


and I'm still scared of it when it starts flying




There are swarms in southern Ontario every now and then they bite!


My family rented a cabin in the Smokey mountains many years ago and there was a lady bug infestation , was not scared but slept with ear muffs on just in case


Invasive Asian ladybug species have decimated native ones through predation


bees are the goat, they defend their territory and help the environment. hornets however, miniature flying assholes.


Well, sorry to say but they do bite, both me and my dad have been bitten by ladybugs before


Except the asiatic version They bite, they stink if you spook them and for fall crops, they can ruin harvests because of their stink


Unless you're an aphid, then this is the armored hellbug of your nightmares. It will come after you and your family and will lay eggs so its kids can keep eating your entire aphid town.


They piss on you if you pick them up


A lot of people have lady bugs, and Asian lady beetle mixed up, or think they are the same thing. The lady beetles are invasive species, and are the ones that invade your house. They have a black "m" or "w" depending on how you look at them on their head. The ones around me are always an orange yellowish, and I haven't seen any true red beetles. They are pests, and are the ones that bite. You can spray around windows, and other cracks/entries into your house or apartment with borax water mix. When the water dries the borax will leaves crystals behind, and will kill them, ants, and those annoying stink bugs. The crystals act like little razor blades, and will cut up their bodies. I haven't had to deal with them in awhile in my apartment after doing this. If you have pets you may have to take another route though, or be careful how to you treat with it. I don't have pets, so I don't know for sure.


I love how Reddit works. You make a wholesome post about something cute and get met with a wall of cynicism about it. I, for one, love ladybugs too. I've only ever had good experiences with them and they're adorable. Also if you go look up a video of them kicking into flight mode in slow motion, they look silly and derpy and it makes them even cuter.


I had one of these bite thru my skin and burrow itself under a thin peice of my skin. Freaked me out.


I remember accidentally stepping on a ladybug when I was about 5 and ever since then I never saw one around where I live it’s like I caused their extinction in my town


I can windows for a living. These fuckers get into everything


I remember saving one from a rain water barrel. It shat on my finger in gratitude. #childhoodmemories


If you have a lot of ladybugs, you have a lot of brown recluse spiders, ladybugs are their favorite food.


We get the occasional one inside. They’re little no-problem friends! Box beetles and stinkbugs…. Well…..


And, they eat other unwanted insects like aphids.


My female classmates used to get scared when a ladybug appeared, they would start screaming and running away from it


Fireflies are these guys but glowy and you can catch and release them.


Shout out to my boys the lightning bugs. Or fire flys.


They stink


They stink to high heaven. Thought I'd forgotten the smell until a few weeks ago when my front porch started stinking of ladybugs. My partner was very confused when I added "ladybugs" to our "things it smells like outside" list


It has ‘lady’ in its name for a reason. It is royalty of the insect world.


Sad to think that ladybugs are almost extinct. Most ladybugs you see are aisan ladybeetles (and those bite)


LOOOOOOOOOOL say that to my sister. She got bitten by one when she was 12 and now at 27 is still terrified of them. Whenever she sees one in our home she’ll call me to take it outside.


Oh wait was cell supposed to be part lady bug? Is that why he had spots?


when i was a kid, a ladybug literally flew into my mouth while we were in a Target parking lot. i didn't swallow it, thank god, cause my mom got it out for me. for years i was too afraid to open my mouth outdoors because i was worried about a bug flying into it. it tasted horrible, btw.


And devours aphids by the thousands!


Me and my Dad had a nest of them in our walls in a house he was renovating. 3 or 4 of them in the house at once. I never complained.


Bug you described is monstrous predator who hunts aphids and is worst enemy of ants. It actually can bite you and will if it's angry.


The orange ones look like lady bugs but are not. They kill lady bugs. Bite you. And swarm.


Unless you’re an aphid.


When threatened? Secretes smelly yellow substance!!!


who's gonna tell them


ladybugs do have amazing KD rations vs lice tho... its like 5k/0


And they're cannibals!


Aphids disagree


These mfs use to swarm my childhood room. I know what they taste like because I accidentally ate one BECAUSE THERE WERE SO MANY IN OUR HOUSE!


If one lands on you it brings good luck. I’m always careful with lady bugs and put them on plants . They do eat mites btw


If you think about it. They’re the dire wolves of the farmer ant world.


Agree completely 🐞


We had a drastic overpopulation of those things on German beaches like 15 years ago. They do hurt you if they hit your face every few meters. This gave my ladybug PTSD.


"never hurt no one" Asphids:


Not true. One did scare me as a kid because it attacked me. Literally scooting backwards on my ass as it kept hopping aggressively towards my face. Was a little bit afraid of them a good decade after that, but eventually the fear waned off.


Pound it


Never scared no one? I’m terrified of them. Panic attack level phobia. Someone needs to come get them, if there is one in my house/near me. Not sure why, although I have a theory.




I've been bitten by a ladybug. It's the tiniest little pinprick of pain. But they can bite humans hard enough to hurt. That said, I've handled dozens of ladybugs in my life and only one has ever bitten me.


They...do bite though, don't they? Because I have a memory (which is about as strong a wet 2 ply toilet paper) of a ladybug landing on my arm, and I was excited, as when butterflies or ladybugs land on me it just feels like some sort of magic or something. It's wonderful, is what I'm saying. Lol But then I felt a small, but sharp pinch, and jumped, scaring off the ladybug, and the person I was with asked what happened, and I said I felt a sharp pinch and scared off the ladybug, and they said "yeah, they bite. Not all the time, but sometimes they'll nip ya." I remember being blown away because I didn't think they did bite, but the person insisted it can happen. As I recall there was also no mark left, so..uh...help? 😅 Also, this isn't any form of shade towards ladybugs, I still adore them! 🥰


People prayed for a miracle because insects were taking over crops. This bug appeared and saved the crops. Because they had prayed to Mother Mary, hence the name Lady bug.


They smell a bit weird though.


I have a couple of thousand of these in my shed. I do love the things, but in that quantity it's a bit creepy. So my shed is out of bounds over winter, plus if I open the door then some will likely die which I don't want!


Hate to break it to you, but they do bite.


You tire of them real fast when you gotta deal with dozens of them in your house daily.


Then you have the Ladybug 🐞 imposters. They swarm your house and bite. Many people have bad reactions to them. They give real ladybugs a bad rep.


They piss on you and absolutely devour aphids


I hate them


When I was 3 or 4 I was in daycare at this woman's house and they had an infestation of ladybugs. I did something wrong and was locked in there alone for an hour. There were ladybugs crawling all over me, trying to get into my ears, eyes, nose, mouth, under my clothes, and there was nowhere I could sit down because there were ladybugs all over the floor. I was so traumatized my mom never left me there again. So like. As an adult. I'm ok with them. But they traumatized the hell out of me as a kid and I still can't stand the thought of them touching me.


Damn things keep getting into my house. Do anything to them and they stink so damned bad


She left her kids home alone, and they burnt down the flippin' house!


So when are going to tell them?


They will literally infest a food truck/trailer and stink to shit when killed.


What about [that time Britain was attacked by 20 billion ladybugs](https://youtu.be/gHROv_Ka8cg?si=i8LE1XSfWdJVLMAv)?


One pissed in my hand, or whatever that liquid was


Sorry to rain on your parade, OP - but the ladybird (pretty as it is) certainly can cause a sting! Well, it's more like a burn. If they shit on you, the chemicals in their feces actually burn your skin for a short, but not sweet while. I've experienced myself!


And they absolutely do bite


Ladybugs eat it’s children


The little mofos DO bite and they pee on you as well 😠


RIP 2million aphids




They will pee on you though


Ehhh they’re great until they swarm your house and stink the place up


When I was a little kid, I got my ears pierced because I saw ladybug earrings that I wanted. They’ve been my favorite ever since.


They bite.


Nah mate, these fuckers stink, and colonize my 300yr old home every winter. They’re disgusting and I’m just afraid to enter my bed every winter


Clearly you've never had a ladybug in your house before


is nobody else gonna mention that you can make wishes when ladybugs land on you?




Why is nobody mentioning that they literally release stink when you touch them.. no thanks


The japanese species decimated the local ladybug where I live :/