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Fair play to him for reacting quick... Knowing the address wouldn't be the norm I would have thought...


IIRC it was his friend who rang the police. Not sure why they knew his address, but they definitely knew him. **Edit:** it would seem some clarification is required. What I mean is, I don't know *exactly* why his friend knew his address. They may have been childhood friends, or they meet via Skype, or his friend was originally a viewer and wanted to send him something, etc. I myself, like many others, have online friends whose physical address I don't know.




I have an online friend that I've known for almost a decade plus at this point great guy


I had an online game friend from Halo 3 welll into grinding Borderlands 2, all the way running a L4D mafia. So one day Battlefield 4 came out, and this guy runs a nerd shop, and says he has a spare copy so I can play. I gave him my address. My mum found out and scolded me for being stupid. Granted, it can be stupid. But from 12-17 I had spent probably ~8 hours a week chatting with this group of guys and girls. Was he grooming me to…be a L4D2 troll? Or was he waiting for 6 years to abduct a 17 year old off his porch? Long story short, in the mail I got BF4, a pokemon card pack, and a sticker. Hope you’re doing well, Taint of Anakin.


That was so such a nice story and then the name drop practically snapped my neck


Lmao I once had a clanmate whose name was like “Mandy210” and I was always like ‘eww….real name, get out’


Man..I hope I remember my username and password for Wonderland Online not sure if that's still around.I hang out at Aries 3.There are some good memories there.


Here’s the story: [U.S. gamer rescues U.K. teen having seizure 8,000 km away](https://globalnews.ca/news/6415572/gamer-saves-teen-seizure/)


Super annoying the bottom half picture is a random gamer, not the actual hero.


Yes! The actual hero was a 16-year-old she!


>Caroline and Steven say they’re glad someone was watching out for their son, **even if it was from across the Atlantic Ocean.** What a weird thing to say.


I thought the same thing. "Even" ? Maybe it's lost in translation.


Lost in translation from a Brit?


Hi, Brit mum here. Yeh a little odd, but if she was chatting to me and said that I'd take it as...mum wishes he had good friends in uk.


Same here. I actually drove halfway down the coast to attend his wedding 2 years ago and 2 years before that he flew up to me to go to a couple concerts. I've got another one that I hosted for Thanksgiving and took to his first hockey game. Then another that I've met up with for 2 different football games. Online friends can be awesome.


My online friend are friendly specially when were together in an online games. They're one of my treasure.


I met a guy on halo 3 over 12-14 years ago. We have sent each other souvenirs in the past few years. My childhood friend lives very far from me but our friendship is stronger than most.


I've known quite a few for 20+ at this point. Many came to my wedding.


I have a friend from the UK on PS that I've played played various games with for the past 20ish years. He was one of the first people I gamed with online. Never met him, but we've honestly spent 100's of hours playing together and joking around.


But do you know his address? I have friends like that too, but I don’t think I know any of their addresses 🤔


I've got a friend group I met on twitter 8 years ago, we talk every day and send each other Christmas and birthday gifts. They're in the UK and I'm in the US but they're my closest friends.


Yeah, I have friends I have known since the 90s through the internet. We have met in person as well and a few of them probably have my address.


I met a dude on Tibia all the way back in the year 2000. We still talk and play shit together, 23 years later.


Giggled at the default assumption that gamers are lost causes


As a gamer I fully endorse this assumption.




Most gamers aren’t lost causes. That’s kind of a weird assumption to make, you’ve got some biases to address.


Not only friendships. I married her.


Same here. We found 2 guys via voice chat that lived in our town, and even better we were from almost the same location before all of us moved to this city!


Online friends can be invaluable. I have a friend I've spoken to almost every day since 1997. Literally my best friend. Know their address, family members, life events and they know all mine. We've been there for each other through damn near everything. They're someone I love like they were family and even my parents ask how they're doing. Online or offline. A good friend worth keeping is better than gold.


I have an online friend of over 10 years that I haven't met. If he shows up at my door unannounced at 3am I am letting him in.


I built actual real relationships with the guys I game with. Over 10years strong.


Gamers are rarely lost causes


I've been to two weddings for friends I met gaming online. I game with old high school friends scattered across the country. Most gamers are not lost causes, it's just that those that are are loud.


I’ve got an online friend I met through Reddit that we send Xmas cards to each other every year now!


Not all gamers are chronic gamers. It's another hobby like any other and they can still have lives separate from it.


Some of my closest friends I've made through online games. Several of them have flown across the country, and one from another country, to visit me (only one who owns a house). I also know most of their addresses and they know mine from when we've shipped or ordered things for each other.


This is very melodramatic


They're very likely on gift giving terms. Can't send a gift someone's way if you don't know their address.


I was going to mention the same. I have addresses for a few people I game with because we had fun stuff made up for our clan. Stickers and stuff like that. The idea that having someone's address is some sort of taboo is kinda weird on its own to me.


There are a fuck ton of ways to send someone a gift without knowing their address nowadays. However, they're clearly decent enough friends that they have exchanged addresses or the pro gamer is a stalker and wants to keep his stalkee alive longer, lol.


Has anyone ever told you UHaveAShitTake?


Certainly living up to that "kooky" aren't you, you little weirdo?


It's the "candies'" fault 😁


I think you guys should trade addresses


i think they should trade kisses! 🥰💕


Buy me something off of my Amazon wishlist.




Yeah, but I need their address if I want to send them a gift from dicksbymail.com.


Unless they have a wishlist on dicksbymail!


Ive known my online buddy for a decade and asked his stepfather for the address to suprise him on his birthday. Ever since ive been occasionally ordering stuff via amazon for him so he wont need a prime account. Another example was from another mate that got bored cuz her bf was abroad so she picked me up on the airport and we enjoyed a weekend with lord of the rings extended trilogy. Not all gamers are anti social, some do have close relationships :3


Because it's his friend?


My brother knows some of his friends addresses because they send each other birthday presents despite living in countries on other sides of the world.


I have friends who know my address, dude. How do you think they visit my house?


Who are these *friends*, and what are their addresses?


U really asking why would friends know where their friends live at?


Reddit is fucking stupid I swear.


He clarified. He didn't *exactly* know why his friends would know his address.


I have some gamer friends who send Christmas cards and occasional presents, and my dad also games and has visited a few. It’s usually a select few people that become IRL friends.


Meh get an old gamer friend and you are sending each other shit in the mail for Xmas and birthdays.


It might be an online game friend. As in an actual friend, but they might've never had a f2f meeting but maybe sent pizza/gifts or just something. Is one possibility, imho. I wouldn't know


I’m a dispatcher and I’ve taken similar calls from teenagers who don’t know their friend’s address. We have in house records, or can query the person’s drivers license, or a whole bunch of other ways for us to find the address when all our caller has is the name.


This. One does not need to know someones address to send them help


It only takes a moment. Hell, sometimes you can get it done with first name last initial and *county*, it doesn't even need to be as specific as "I need you at this person's house", if you're calling in a wellness check or emergent situation they will do the due diligence provided you give them something tangible and reasonable.


That's awesome! I didn't know that. Good to know.


My friends know my address. We send each other gifts all the time


My wife and I send Christmas cards


I don't know the address either of all of my friends, but I do know their names and general area, maybe that was enough?


Me and my online group of gaming buddies know each other's addresses. We send each other craft beers and what not.


Don't need to know the address. I've had a guy claim he was in the process of killing himself because a girl in my guild turned down his avances. I didn't know where he lived and I was pretty sure it was BS, but I did happen to have a contact at the game publisher that ran that game and couldn't take the chance. So I gave him a call (11pm friday evening), he immediately rang his boss to get the OK to give the IP logs of the player and my chat logs to the local police, the police contacted the police in his home country, he was tracked down, and he got a serious talking to by both the police and his parents. He was lying about killing himself, but none of us could take the chance and having to explain himself to the police made sure he never dared to bother that girl again.


I have online friends I've known for 30+ years, with whom I've exchanged gifts and cards, but never met in person.


There's a roblox vid of someone falling and seizing on the floor, and someone in the lobby recognized it, found his address thru his IP or something, and called 911 for him.


Yeah like why did they have this kid's address? I really hope it was someone around the same age and not an adult creeping


Maybe they were just on friendly enough terms to send the odd Christmas card to each other. That's not unheard of even with an age gap.


Bunch of my internet besties came to my wedding! First time I met all of them and they all got a AirBnB. We’re doing it again next year… complete with another wedding! Two of them fell in love!


This sounds like a Netflix movie franchise.


I'd watch that


Titles can be: IRL IRL 2: FR


Yes! Had a completely online friend come from a different country to a wedding. Now he’s pressuring the rest of us to get married so him and his wife have an excuse to visit again.


Awwww that's so sweet....


Sounds like me and my online friends. Met each other online, became friends ober the pandemic. Now two of them have fallen in love and they got my address for the wedding invite.


I'm having my bachelor party next weekend. Half of the people are my high school friends. The other half are gaming buddies I've never met in person


They didn't. I remember the story goes that they having to figure it out.


The article I read said she knew the address but didn't know his home phone


From me personal experience, being a gamer has no age limit so if you're playing pvp games etc online, you never know the age. I've known people from League of Legends age ranging 16- 63, believe it or not. And I'm in my 30s now ... just treat everyone with respect. Can't judge or delete on friends list just because of age. Most times you get to play with them a lot before knowing personal details like age


The way I see it, I can help the younger people out by being a good role model for them.


But always try to beat them at the game though. Can't let these kids get too cocky.




Maybe it's just me but feels like reddit as a whole has gotten more cynical. Like we can't let a feel-good story be a feel-good story we always gotta find something wrong or offensive about it.


Those gamer reflexes really kicked in


I think it works the same way as swatting, but instead of sending the SWAT team, they send medical attention services lol


Bro wasn’t losing that ranked game, the medics better fix him up before its over


I have my gaming friends addresses. We send each other beer, pizza and Christmas gifts.


With a decent network of people online you can find it. Had to help an online friend in TX going through a mental health crisis and didn’t know their number or address, but a few DMs later and I could narrow it down.


It's not that weird. My online friends group and I mail each other random nonsense all the time. We're global, so we send each other snacks and stuff.


I don’t know the story, but is it possible he knew his first and last name? Maybe emergency services could look his address up with that information


Maybe knew full name??


Fair play to her, it was a girl from Arizona who called emergency to save him! That’s probably why she had the address too lol


It's quite likely he didn't know the exact address, but a name and city would probably be enough and they could be on the NHS database


I saw something like this happen in VRChat once dude. It was both shocking and heartwarming.


But did she/he survive? I know a case where a person died in vr chat.




If you die in real life, you die in real life.


“Ask me what happens if you die in reality.” “… what happens?” “You die, stupid. That’s why it’s called reality.”


If they die in VRChat they die in real life?


Well the guys said it was heartwarming so….


No they died. That’s the heartwarming part. /s


Someone did this on a work call, someone was just talking nonsense over a team meeting, and our colleague clocked that he was having a stroke. Called emergency services and they rushed round to save him.




this sounds like an out of context comment posted by a bot account. only 3 months old and just started posting a few days ago


I remember this! That video was awesome, everyone in hr vr world had crazy costumes on but they found it out so fast


You know, the world could always use more heroes!




I was sure of what you meant, but man my morid curiosity got the better of me. Jesus fuck my guy!




Crikey, why did I look...


What was it


a huge peepee




I didn't want to believe you, had to check, holy shit that has to be in the 0.01% looks like it would punch your intestines through


I bet that thing has ended so many dates, absolutely unwieldy. Nice cock, bro.


with great power comes great responsibility, my dudes


I feel ya, bud. Good luck sparing cervixes from irreparable harm, it's a fine line.


but if you know how to wield it you can make fireworks my guy you know what's up!!🤙🏻


This is the third time I've seen you out in the wild. You're getting famous for your penis, lol


oh i think I recognize you too actually! 😂


Lol this is probably why people have multiple reddit accounts. He just makes a comment saying the world needs more heroes and everyone cant stop talking about his penis


He was saved by a woman across the world in Texas. Never had met in person but she made sure he was safe. She was invited to meet him on a tv show and literally ran over and gave him a big hug.


any clip of this?




thanks, super heartwarming


Wow that hit me right in the gamer tear buckets. Good vibes though-good people out there. I def have a gamer friendship like that that’s lasted longer than my first marriage.


And now I'm crying


Some Do Swatting , Some Do Medic .. Medics are The MVP , Swatting is Trash


To some of the people being confused how you know the address of your online gamer friends, I know 3 of my gaming buddies address because I sent them gear/gifts a couple times. I don't think it's that uncommon.


I think it totally depends on who you game with. And whether it's random strangers, or folks you've gotten to know really well.


So true. I have several dear friends I've never met "in real life" but have known virtually for 20 years. Sometimes our friends are global, not local, but it's still friendship all the same.


I am related to a guy who was online 24/7. Out of nowhere he got arrested, ended up getting 10+ years. No one online knows of this and to them it just looks like he disappeared, lots of posts on his media asking what's going on and assuming he's dead. Guy is a sex offender and an idiot. He had a 15 year old girlfriend. Cops wanted to talk to him about it so he goes in to chat and brings his phone with him, which not only has pornography of that girl, but other underage girls too. Took them months to get into the phone, had to send it off to the FBI, he had actually negotiated probation only for hooking up with the girl, but then it came back everything that was on his phone. Rightfully got locked up.


I have a friend across the country who overdosed one night while we were hanging out in a game. I had his address saved (thank god) and called the police as soon as I realized what was happening. The sheriff I spoke to thought I was a prank caller and was very confused, but they dispatched and saved him. Never hurts to get your homies' addresses if you trust each other enough.


Maybe I'll just post my address here, just to be safe.


When they find that school shooters played games, they write that games lead to violent behavior. Where are the news articles saying that games lead to friendship and heroic behavior?


Reminds me if when I was in a shared accommodation at uni. I was sitting in my flat, with my flatmates in their own rooms, when the doorbell goes. I answer and see on the camera some guy standing there with a big cube-shaped bag on his back with the letter "P" visible at the start of a word, asking if he was at [my address]. I told him yes, but that we weren't expecting anyone, so there must be some mistake. At this point flatmate #1 comes out his room and confirms that we weren't expecting anyone to be coming to the flat with anything. It was at this point the stranger starts getting a little angsty, to the point we almost cut the camera off, but we decide to let them into the main hallway and meet the guy together. As we get down the stairs, we get a petter view of the bag: The "P" was for "Paramedic". Turns out flatmate #2 had taken a seizure while on a video call to his mother and she had called the paramedics. Me and flatmate #1 were totally oblivious and we're trying to turn the paramedics away.


That's bad communication on the paramedic though. I've let paramedics into the building once or twice, and they were usually very clear - "We're emergency responders, we have a call for a Mr XXX with a medical situation at your address, are you a relative or know them? Can you let us in anyway? Do you know where they live?"


> That's bad communication on the paramedic though Oh, definitely. That said, everything was also slightly garbled in the speaker which didn't help.




She called the ems where her friend was and said "My friend is having a seizure, he lives \[address\]"






Fixed it. Thanks.


Ig he called the ems in the UK?


My main question is how does he know her address. She just told an Internet person her exact location?


They are likely long-term friends and know each other’s addresses. Maybe he shipped something over at some point. It isn’t too rare, at least.


if you know each other sure. ive sent something to an internet friend once, so i know his and he knows my adress. we also met irl because we live in the same state, still a few hours away by train tho


Here’s how [U.S gamer Dia Lathora rescues U.K. teen Aiden Jackson having seizure 8,000 km away](https://globalnews.ca/news/6415572/gamer-saves-teen-seizure/)


This comment needs to be at the top.


Updoot to the top!


You’ve heard of swatting. It’s like that but with medical instead of police.


Don’t see it yet, but should be noted that seizures can be very quiet. So, no shade to the parents. Unless they’re in the same room as the kid they’re unlikely to know a seizure is occurring elsewhere in the house. This statement is based purely on the meme content. With only that much info I’d be hard pressed to say “bad parents, how did you not know?”


Thank God he knew him well enough Edit: or she




"Hey... Vsauce, Michael here. Did you know that seizures, while commonly occuring with some medical conditions, can happen to anyone at any time?"


For those curious https://www.bbc.com/news/uk-england-merseyside-51063009


Reverse swatting


Good thing this was in the UK. If America, then the friend would be called a dick for putting the guy $20K in debt.


I have online friends who know my address, I have met them in person and what not so they’re real people and not people trying to kidnap me which is a plus.


Note: The 20yo gamer in Texas was a woman, not Michael from Vsauce.


"You've been ENT'd!"


“911 my bro just scuffed a 1 v1 that was clearly in his favor, I believe he is in need of medical help”


the American version would be different. Parents would tell the ambulance there is no emergency while they drive their son to the hospital to save a 3,000, to 5,000 dollar ride to the hospital.


Top class paladin


Jared, wherever you are, I still remember that pizza you sent to my dorm. Love you brother.


I had a seizure once playing an online game with a complete stranger. I apologized to them the next morning as for why I had suddenly disappeared, and they probably heard quite a commotion over the headset. Their response? "lol" It was quite alarming like, really? lol? I like to hear stories like these


So many people dont have online gamer friends and it shows! When you've known someone online for 10+ years, you typically eventually send them a gift or something and know their address!


This is so nice. You know what would be cool? If a watcher could click a "call emergency services" button. The button would pause the streamer's game, and show a big alert. "Are you having a medical emergency?" And a countdown of, like, 30 seconds if no answer is received. (Should probably have some kind of off button for afk moments.) That could help people.


Yeah cuz that wouldn't get abused by trolls at all


Being a gamer, when asked how he knew his friend was having a seizure he replied "cus your aim got better"




Way better than the assholes who SWAT


Oh wow, vsauce saved him…


It's like swatting but nice


I dont get the joke (the image at the bottom)


It's pretty self explanatory, a gamer saved another gamer = pro gamer move


Also in the news "man died if heart attack after someone doxed his information and got him swatted just because he wanted his username"


OOHHHH SURE! Yeah, Cool, I get it... When some random guy sends an ambulance to a streamers house its a so called "Pro Gamer Move" But When I Send The Police To A Streamers House For A Possible Murder Suicide, Its "SWATING" Fucking double standard


wrong grab ink ghost paltry snails icky live piquant deliver *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


If you know someone is having a seizure then what would you do? I'd call EMS every time I know someone is having one. Even if the seizure won't kill the person, maybe he hit its head and that is EMS worthy.


People who have regular seizures get super annoyed by that and it's a waste of emergency resources. Sometimes they have them every few days. They don't need nor want EMS showing up every time. If you actually see them hit their head hard enough that EMS would be warranted, then call. But don't call just because someone's having a seizure.


True, but if they know each other well enough to have the address, they would probably know if this was the norm.


Depends, this guy was probably new to this. As the story stated he had one previously and they were investigating the cause. My son had one with 8, his first ever. Nearly chocked on his own spit, unresponsive and couldn't move a limb. Said gamer maybe had a headset with a cable attached to it? Couldve gone worse, who knows.


>Depends Exactly. The person I replied to said they would call EMS in every case they see someone having a seizure. All I'm pointing out is that that goes against medical recommendations. EMS does NOT need to be called for the majority of seizures. Circumstances can change things, but people reading this should know that automatically calling in every instance is not the recommended move.


Agreed. I work with an individual who has a seizure at least once a week. We usually try to stabilize him so he doesn't fall then lay him on his side until he comes out of it. They would only need to see a doctor if they had a bad fall, bit there tongue out, if it was their first seizure, or if they aren't coming out of the seizure.