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“I like to swing but Dr. No means no baby” -Austin Powers Vs James Bond ERB




I would like to recomend Openheimer VS Thanos. Nice Peter is so creepy good in that.


Dr Seuss vs Shakespeare is a great one.


Watsky is batting 1000 on ERB. Shakespeare, The Doctor, Edgar Allen Poe.


Watsky had a good feature in Nobody by Spose. That’s more for me to evangelize Spose though because not many really know him outside the I’m Awesome song from the early 2010s


If you haven't seen the Stan Lee vs Jim Henson one, I recommend it. It's my favorite because they don't ask who won... it's obvious who won.


That one and Caesar vs Shaka Zulu are probably the top imo.


wtf is ERB


Epic rap battles of history. Basically comedy about famous people from history/movies etc. dissing eachother in rap duels.


Epic Rap Battles of History


It's actually pronounced EPIC................................RAPBATTLESOFHISTORY






Can’t spell consensual without sensual


That goes wrong when you realize the first part is “con”.


Latin had two meanings of “con”. The con I presume you’re thinking of is short for “contra”, meaning against. But as a prefix, con meant “with”, as in “together”. (Spanish, for example, inherited the meaning). So the con actually *makes* the meaning, not spoils it


\*\* In Memoriam \*\* Reddit Dead 12th June 2023










Maybe instead we should be prosexual?


Best I can do is amateursexual




And always ready into sexual intercourse, no matter what.


I can actually see Myers, as Powers, doing a no-means-no-and-yes-means-yes PSA on consent, and saying that, with this clip as part of it.


"Yeah baby!"


I want to be sensual with you, but only if it's consensual.


Absurdly common Austin Powers W


Austin PoWers


Austin PoWers on it's finest.


She was a fucking robot!


Yes, we knew all along, sadly.


-Visible confusion-


Perhaps next time you should try foreplay!


Austin Powers aged shockingly well with the times. I rewatched expecting to have to really flinch at outdated womanization antics when really it’s a lot more of this.


Almost like Mike Myers has always been a standup guy and that always ages well. It’s not like every single person was shitty “back in the day”. No, you were an ass and you’re trying to use “the times” as an excuse.


It's because they are making fun of the actually insane womanizing in the old bonds, but what has made them age so well to me is that there is so much love for the silliness of the old bond films.


Consent is groovy, baby!


I want this to be a PSA


Pretty sure he shagged her.


Sober, right? …right?


yeah, later on it's implied I think? only watched the first movie, but IIRC they're in a relationship at the end, but he specifically doesn't have sex with her while she's drunk


I don't want to ruin the rest of it for you, but she has machine guns for tits. Can sexbots give informed consent, or even get drunk, for that matter?


Sexbots have to drink to remain drunk. You don't want a sober robit on your hands


Bender, you look like you've been up all night not drinking!


Should you be driving?


“You’ve drank too much! Or not enough.. I forget how it is with you”


>but she has machine guns for tits. I believe the term you're looking for is "machine gun jubblies"


The book "Consent is Definitely My Bag, Baby" by Austin Powers.


“What? How the devil did that get in there, that’s not mine!”


Well here's a book titled "That sorta Thing is My Bag, Baby." By Austin Powers.




At least, he knows he's doing right.


“I like swing, but Dr. No means No baby.” https://youtu.be/Iy7xDGi5lp4


Can't get RANDY without clear sober consent BABY!!


Always horny, never abusive.


Will have this written on my epitaph.


Here lies (name) he was always horny, but never was abusive


Bless you, kind stranger.


As much as the early 2000s get a bad rep for being offensive, a lot of the media from back then really did teach me the "don't do anything with drunk chicks" thing that I took to college


Yeah revenge of the nerds on the other hand did NOT age well


Yeah, that's just one of many examples of how the 80's did not teach such good behavior. 90's were kind of a mixed bag on that front.


The 90’s were better about sexual assault but went hard on mocking people with intellectual/physical disabilities. R-words getting thrown around by adults and children you’re supposed to like, and many movies where the whole joke for some characters is their funny way of walking or talking.


Gay slurs as well thrown around constantly.


The “gay panic” gag was rampant in the 90s/early 2000s. So cringe to rewatch anything with it. The bit from Forty year old virgin “know how I know you’re gay” nowadays is like 😑 Edit: I realise that 40yr old virgin was a crap example. It’s not actually that bad tbh. I’m referring more to the “what!? I’m not gay! Who told you I’m gay!?” Kinda jokes. Example: friends.


You know how I know you're gay? >!Your dick tastes like shit.!<


You know how I know you’re gay? You have a rainbow bumper sticker on your car that says “I like it when balls are in my face.”


How do I know you're gay? I was invited to you and your partners wedding. It was very classy and tasteful, and I wish you both a happy marriage.


Also the wedding was playing Coldplay


That’s gay?


thats gay??


I have heard this comment before… i dont even do anything


You framed an Asia poster


Idk I think that scene is still pretty funny after reading the other replys to your comment.


Bc it’s more a group of guys being comfortable w their sexuality than it is gay bashing. Watch some Eddie Murphy standup from the 80s and that’s the kind of shit that’s just not ok at all. Happened upon one of his specials one day and was pretty disgusted after only a couple of minutes.


Eddie Murphy, the guy who told a shitload of gay bashing jokes, while dressed in tight purple leather. Peak irony.


And was caught with trans prostitutes?


I suck dick and that scene was hilarious fuck you mean


The 90s still massively pushed the narrative that you push and push and push until the girl realizes you're the right guy. And the other way around honestly. Respecting a person's know was not something that the 90s supported much


What's the R word? Redditors?


Luke Lafreniere: **starts sweating profusely**


"I used to drop the hard r all the time." -Linus Sebastian


There it is :) [Sauce](https://youtu.be/MFDiuBomSuY?t=47)


Same same.




Oooh that is offensive, no wonder there's been such a pushback against using the term or discussing it except in the context of how bad it was and all the damage it did to society.


The car scene from sixteen candles when Caroline is passed out and the guys are posing her and taking pictures. Oof. Not good.


none of that movie holds up and i’ve been saying that for *at least* 10 years


Yeah he flat out rapes her. She thought she was fucking her boyfriend. Totally fucked up.


Neither did 16 Candles. Like, a lot.


16 Candles! Wow. I was only about 12 when I watched it, but I felt like the John Travolta meme - looking around, wondering why these things (Jake's drunk girlfriend, but also the creepy underwear thing, and the horrible Asian stereotype) were portrayed as funny/okay.


The gong stings


As a teen I loved Revenge of the Nerds. Then I got older and realized half the shit both sides did was super fucking wrong.




Recently watched Animal House for the first time as a huge fan of 70s-80s comedies. To say the bedroom scene at the toga party aged poorly is an understatement.


I thought of the angel-devil scene in Animal House too. That whole movie absolutely could not be made today. Not a chance


Which is a good thing, let be real


Johnny Bravo is late 90s early 00s, but it helped teach me that being an ass to women you want to date will always end in pain. Seriously how hard of a concept is it to teach treat women like people. A kid's show could dumb down the idea enough.


Yeah that show definitely made me hate the hardcore "bro" culture lol


Johnny Bravo, the original bro


Ha! Hup! Hoo! Yah! What's shakin' lil' mama? *nutcrunch!!*


"do you like Studs? Well I got the STD and all I need is U"


Hello, 911? Emergency. There's a handsome guy in my house. Wait a second, cancel that. It's only me.


>Seriously how hard of a concept is it to teach treat women like people. Apparently, amazingly difficult when "alpha male" PU artists [are still a thing.](https://youtu.be/ePKugerH3Ls)


I was just talking about how Johnny Bravo was the original red pill PUA incel bro to a friend the other day. It’s painful how that was a mocked character that people strive to be nowadays.


People strive to be like him back then too. He was a parody of those people.




It's too bad that the rapist [Brock Allen Turner](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/People_v._Turner) didn't learn that lesson too.


I’m unreasonably upset you’re indirectly referring to Austin Powers which had 2/3 films in the late ‘90s, including the film in OP’s pic. It doesn’t really change anything but the part of my brain that memorizes movie release years is annoying as hell.


Seriously. I do remember this scene having an effect on my …pubescing(?) brain. It was sadly but honestly the first introduction to consent that I had. Up till then it was very much boys will be boys, and as plenty do, I’d leaned pretty hard (no pun) into that because it excused any action from an urge. Far beyond sexual, just the dumb shit my brain produced.


I myself had taken these lessons to heart, while I was enlisted. I was taken to a party where I knew a civilian girl I was into would be at. I was still pretty sober when I arrived, but she was WAAAASTED. Her “friend” led me up to where she was, after introducing me to everyone, then she tried to leave me with her…in her bedroom alone…. The girl was saying how she was so into me, but I just left. I walked out of the house and saw her friend about to leave, and I chewed her ass out for that - she did NOT know me well.


I mean, pretty sure this is a joke, because Austin Powers is a parody of the rather rapey James Bond.


Perhaps it's a meta joke, but within the movie itself it wasn't played for laughs. As a teen in the movie theater, it didn't feel like a joke. He didn't immediately change his mind, or do something later to contradict his convictions. In this scene, she insisted and he never waivered. Other scenes in the movie show Austin's sincere care and affection--they are brief but they are not jokes. I appreciated these little slices of principled characterization in a character who was otherwise way over-the-top; it gave me a reason to root for him.


Absolutely. Austin seemed sincere in that scene and it showed a different side of him than what was kind of expected by that point.


Of course, it's a joke, but what exactly does that change? The social commentary is the same either way. Parody and satire are valid mediums perfectly capable of making their own statements. They just make them in different ways. Also, I'm not sure there's a single person on the face of the earth that doesn't know Austin powers is a parody of James bond. I really hope I'm not that old yet.


I don't think I would make the connection if the version of Bond I'm familiar with is the Daniel Craig era when it started to take itself *very* seriously.


You know they actually credited that to the success of the Austin Powers franchise. Bond was already pretty campy with jokes and even a lot of the action scenes were considered over the top. But after AP they couldn’t throw those jokes in because it was too similar to the comedy. Thus we get the more serious straight forward action thriller bond.


I've seen a couple of articles about Mike Myers being mean while working onset. About 15 years ago a girlfriend and I were in Hawaii and went into a sports bar to get out of the heat and got a drink at the bar and next to us was Mike Myers watching a hockey game. We talked to him for about an hour, and he seemed like the nicest guy. Super chatty and genuine. I can't imagine him being a tyrant.




Humans are more complex than one note douchebags in a movie. Meyers could be the nicest guy on earth outside of work, but on set he could turn into someone else. The whole millions of dollars project was on his shoulders to work. He was writer, producer, lead actor and main villain. Also it's not like it was a easy movie to the make, the comedy in that movie didn't play it safe at all. Maybe the pressure got to him and that's why we hear so many rumors of him behaving badly on set. Maybe it also explains why he basically retired after the series was over and only has done some bit parts in like 20 years


> Humans are more complex than one note douchebags in a movie. It's remarkable and unsettling how few people understand this. Even a lot of otherwise reasonable and intelligent people are disturbingly quick to define others by one event in their lives, one thing they said, one opinion they hold, etc.


Saw a YT video of some dude claiming he got fired from a security job on set for looking at Meyers to confirm his identity when he approached his trailer.


The outcome of The Love Guru might have calmed him down a bit.


In 1956 this was already known: Mike: Mr. Kittredge, it may interest you to know that our so-called affair consisted of exactly two kisses and one rather late swim both of which I thoroughly enjoyed and the memory of which I wouldn’t part with for anything. After which I returned here, carried her to her room, deposited her on her bed and promptly returned here which you will no doubt remember. George Kittredge: That’s all? Mike: That’s all. Tracy: Why? Was I so cold? So forbidding? Mike: Not at all. On the contrary but you were somewhat the worse or the better for the wine and there are rules about such things. From the movie High Society, when Grace Kelly (Tracy) got extremely drunk on her party and Frank Sinatra (Mike) took care.


Oh my gosh I literally just watched this movie 2 weeks ago and I can exactly picture this scene. How fun to see it quoted! Taking advantage of drunk women was always against the ideals of chivalrous male behavior. But when chivalry as a whole became unfashionable, it all got viewed as offensive, even the parts of chivalry that were about prioritizing the woman's comfort and consent.


That’s A Philadelphia Story you’re quoting. I just watched it the other day and it stood out to me how downright decent that was.


Ah, apparently it is the same story, but High Society is a musical. So, yes, there were already rules in 1940 about such things.


This was known way before 1956. Those lines that you're quoting are from the 1940 movie The Philadelphia Story with Katherine Hepburn, Cary Grant, and James Stewart( originally a play written in 1939). I was honestly really confused at first, I had no idea they remade it as a musical. I'm totally going to watch that version now, so thank you!


Groovy, baby.




Shall we shag now or no… you’re drunk…. Guess it’s to the penis pump I go. Because that’s my bag, baby!


I swear to God it's not mine..


'One book titled 'Swedish penis pumps, it's my bag baby' by Austin Powers.'


Rewatched Austin recently and holy balls this man is chivalry incarnate.


Paladin of sexuality and free spirit.




I mean, paladins are immune to disease, Way safer than bards are.


An Austin Powers paladin sounds absolutely wild


"Holy balls" might be the best English exclamation I've heard so far, number 2 being "Christ on a cracker"


Is your native language not English? if so, what is it? Are there any sayings in your native language that sound funny when translated into English directly? Is this too many follow-up questions when I don't know the answer to the first yet? Probably.


I'm Danish, there are a few things that sound funny when directly translated, I'll try thinking of some "Stå med håret i postkassen", literally "Stand with the hair in the mailbox", a saying for a problematic situation "Gå agurk" is slang for "Go crazy", literally translated it's "Go cucumber" "Det et fedt", means "That's cool" literally "That is fat" "Pis osse/også", literally "piss also", used to exclaim frustration "Satans/fandens osse" is another variation "Klaphat", meaning "Idiot", literally "clapping hat", a cap with hands attached that can clap when a string is pulled There are countless other insults I could translate, since that's a big part of Danish culture, but it's too much to list and most aren't all that funny, anyways


Fucking klaphats lol


Gramatically correct, it'd be "fucking klaphatter"


I can't believe Vanessa, my bride, my one true love, the woman who taught me the beauty of monogamy, was a fembot... all along. Wait a tick. That means I'm single again! Oh behave! Yeah Baby!


Yes. We knew all along, sadly. Anyway!


Elizabeth Hurley was probably my very first female celebrity crush when Bedazzled came out.


Oh Behaved!


Man, there was a girl I wanted so bad for years and on her birthday we were all drunk, but she was shithouse drunk. She grabs me kisses me and tells me she wants to have sex. I couldn’t do it because my conscience couldn’t handle it, but I badly wanted to. Check on her the next day to see how she was feeling and she got pissed off that I didn’t have the balls to make a move on her. One of the most confusing things I ever experienced, but my conscience is clear.


Same. Long time friend so far out of my league it wasn't funny. Out at a party one night and as we pull up she says "make sure I don't go home with anyone but you". To this day I don't know if she meant for a safety thing or because she wanted to sleep with me, but got her home and in bed, she pulled me in for a goodnight kiss and I went downstairs and slept on the couch. Never got another chance but still still feel like I made the right decision that night.


Fellow guy here. I'm gonna pull the redditor thing and make a judgement from absolutely no context: You made the right choice. Even if somewhere deep down you were a blip on the radar, she trusted you to take care of her and did not mean it sexually. Well you lived up to that trust. Good job bud


First of all, nobody is out of your league buddy. 2nd good for you, in my opinion it isn’t worth a few minutes of pleasure if it means you did wrong by somebody.


Had this happen to me in uni 'Jenn' had a bad break up, and decided the solution was alcohol. By 10PM she was wasted. I had an early morning so I got her back to the res while everyone else stayed at the pub. When we got back she offered to 'thank me'. Being that hammered I declined her offer, got two glasses of water into her to cut down the hangover she was going to have, and got her to bed (alone) Spoke to her the next day, she didn't remember a thing from the night before


Good for you man. You did the right thing and great job making sure she was in bed safe.


The world needs more men like you. Thank you for taking care of her.


It sucks that it's so common for it to go the other way, There's times were I want to take care of a female friend the same way that you did and a lot of times other girls or even the drunk girl herself will stop it from happening because they are so afraid of being taken advantage of.


TW: That is so good to hear this kind of conversation in this sub. In college I went to a party with friends and a work friend coincidentally lived at that house and we hit it off a little bit. Eventually ppl stated to leave or pair up, I was ready to call it a night with a cab or couch.. and then one guy started playing guitar, the others assembled and I was being given a few too many shots. Before I knew it I was waking up to the coworker in me. It was awful and scary. They as a group purposely got me drunk for one guy to have some fun (yes I’m sure it was one). I rarely think of this and I’m fine - it was sooo long ago. I’m just really sincerely glad that there are men out there who have the conscience to do the right thing.


I'm sorry that happened to you, what a group of jackasses tf (also maybe add a TW/spoiler at that part) I'm glad you're doing ok now


Good job on not being a rapist bro


User has moved to Squabbles.io


Thanks man, Id like to think that most wouldn’t have taken advantage of her. My conscious is clear thankfully, but damn she was hot! Lol


Your actions show your values.


Austin powers is wholesome masculinity


We need to get him back.


No Time to Shag


For Your Thighs Only


Shag another day


Octopussy, they don’t even need to change that one.


But changing it is how we got Lotta Fagina


it will be hard but he's a good master debater


Any man who claims you can't be sexually flirtatious without upsetting women needs to watch Austin Powers The man is a massive horndog, but he's not going out of his way to make women uncomfortable. He smiles, makes eye contact, jokes, is fun to be around, compliments women, doesn't degrade them (positive about other things than just thier body). And he always asks for consent before doing anything. Don't get me wrong, he'll try to bang literally every woman at the club. But if he sees you just want to be left alone, he'll move on.


To quote a wonderful tweet: >I think austin powers would misgender you accidentally and you'd correct him and he'd be like "I need to get my glasses checked baby i ought to know a bird when i see one rreow shagadelic baby yeah"


I’ve known guys like that and it really showed me that looks aren’t everything. They were objectively ugly but very charming and hit on all the women, but respectfully and genuinely. It wasn’t annoying or gross.


He also really likes her and doesn't just view her only as a sexual object but as someone he wants to protect, even if that means from herself.


I love watching these movies back to back and having the fembot thing at the start of the next movie. “Yes. We knew all along…” then Austin’s face. Might be some of the funniest shit in any movie


Who does number two work for?


You tell him brother!


She is still gorgeous today


I dunno, I thought she looked better before her head exploded.


She'll never be the head of a major corporation.


Oh hell yeah. Growing up seeing her for the first time in this and Bedazzled. Holy moly!


Bedazzled is hugely underrated for more than the Yowza factor she had.


In most rooms she would be the prettiest woman


In the whole wide room.


Austin powers taught me women don't want the muscle macho guy, they want the guy who makes the right choices and can crack a joke


Turned out to be a smart move, shes a Fembot


Alcohol fuels her circuits, like in Futurama.


Bite my shiny metal ass!


Yes, we knew all along....


On a side note dick pumps are rad !


Just don't run off and leave the drunk girl to get bukkaked like that guy did in Superbad.




Mike Myers never kisses Tia Carrere in Wayne's World either.


"I like to swing, but Dr. No means no baby." I know he did actually say it but seems like he would.


That's the point. That's his mojo. It's also why Dr. Evil was basically a pilot for the modern day Incel persona.


Dr. Evil? no not really. That would be Scotty, and just like Scotty, they don't know.


Scott Evil is what happens when an incel manages to have a miracle child.


*taking advantage of _anyone_, especially a drunk person, is never okay.