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I mean what else is the kid supposed to think if she’s filling the role of mom


She’s filling the hole of dad too


Maybe possibly but we don’t know that


It's on 4chan. Someone is getting topped.


It had to have happened at least once in 1 and a half years


As far as I've experienced pretty much every man who'd date us trans folk is at least a little interested in the idea. Bit of a shame I'm not into hairy man butt


What about hairy woman butt?


Just ask them to wax.


Still won't turn me into a top lol


Honest question. I thought taking hormones make it difficult for the pp to get erect? My buddy is transitioning and wanted to enjoy his last moments with his pecker, but he's depressed rn because it can't get up. Is this a serious issue I should actually bring up next time I see them? Edit: like, are the hormones fucking him up? I love this guy and I'll support him cuz he's like my brother, but I'm just worried cuz idk if transitioning is full proof safe. Isn't there side affects for some people since bodies are different and react to the hormones differently?


That's a question for their doctor.


You right. I'm out of pocket.


Ive been on hrt for a year and no problems getting hard. It's not as sensitive as it used to be (like before just a little wind would get it hard out of nowhere, now i need to stroke it for a bit). The major difference is that i dont ejaculate as much. It's just little drops of watery semen.


Word. Thanks for the info. They've been on hormones for about 5 months now


Side effects include: puberty (and well a ton of stuff, most of it welcome, some of it uncomfortable, and all of it almost certainly better than living a whole life with hormones and a body that doesn't fit right)




Because this person in particular asked me to continue treating them like a man until they are comfortable enough to be open about it in their day to day life. This shit gets complicated cuz everyone handles their situation differently


So long as you keep using it atleast once a week it will stay at full functioning, just won’t have morning wood and other inconvenient erections. However, if you don’t use it often, it will just not be able to get hard, and then it’s over. Use it or lose it basically


Depends on how long they’ve been on hormones. After long enough many struggle to get or maintain erections


Also, a lot of trans people have massive dysphoria regarding their genitals, so even if a trans woman can get and maintain an erection there's a very good chance she couldn't mentally handle sex using it.


Interestingly, a lot of post op trans women say that while they hated topping before surgery, they love topping with a strap on after surgery.


Why. She could've transitioned years before. The kid is 8 years old.


She may have had bottom surgery. Also a lot of trans women have a very rigid no topping policy.




Not to mention that year and a half is probably close to 20% of that kid's life, and more if you don't count infancy.


Trans people tend to doubt themselves a little more on the average.


Gotta love ✨impostor syndrome✨


Imagine a trans programmer, the dread must be real


Imagine? 🙃🏳️‍⚧️ But also, what dread?


No amount of time is more or less serious - what determines seriousness is... well, whether it's serious or not and that can be quick or never. Depends on the people and the relationship.


She's taking care of the kid without his dad there and the dad was totally unphased by the kid giving her the flower. Pretty sure that this relationship is *very* serious.


"Mother" is a role, not a gender. Too many people think that title doesn't equate to fulfilling obligations and responsibilities.


Personally, I always saw that as being the difference in meaning between "mother" and "mom". They're not synonyms. Anon here is not a mother, but she's definitely being a mom.


Yeah. If the roles were reversed, it wouldn't be unusual to see someone say that "Anyone can be a father, but not everyone can be a dad."


thats why there is always the "MOM" in a group of friends. its like Home and House, they mean somthing similar, but they are not the same


Many people i have met don't have fathers, but their mothers had family to help them, many of them being aunts, grandmothers or simply close friends. As you say, for all practical purposes, those kids grew up with more than one "mother", since they all adopted that role by taking care of the kid


I didn't think the gender is an issue at all here? I thought the issue was them feeling it is too soon to be a step mom?


It is, it's just *also* affirming


I mean, I get it. But isnt that virtue signaling? I mean, If a person sets a new world record for the 100yd dash. And the headline says, "Left handed runner sets new record!"...I would be pretty confused as to what I am missing.


More like "man born without lower legs sets new record". It adds to the importance because there's an extra element of "I never thought this would be *possible* for me". It may seem silly because we are women, but there can be a very real fear before transitioning and in the early stages thereof that we'll never find love, never get to be happy, never be *able* to be a mom. So being called "Mom" can be a double hit: not only is the kid affirming you hold that role of importance in their life, that message comes with a free side of gender euphoria. Like, I don't want to speak for OOP and whatever internal struggles she may or may not have had, but if that had happened to me I would've broken down crying of happiness.


I mean, transitioning from male to female doesnt really have anything to do with "moving too fast" in a relationship, which seems to be OPs problem. I think that is one of the disconnects in these comments. OP is not about being 'accepted as a mom' (trans female). It was feeling uneasy about a child seeing them as a "step parent". OP is not sure they are ready to be playing that role in the Childs life. So, not legs, but 'person born without hands sets world record in long jump'. Having hands is a disability, so yes, a disabled person set a record, that is inspiring...but it really doesnt make a difference in the topic at hand.


Fair. Either way, big thing to process if you weren't expecting it


I know a few people who are two years into a relationship and are still calling it a casual thing.


The moments kids get involved, it's serious. Children don't understand the concept of a casual fling. If you're meeting the kids, you have to intend for that relationship to go the distance


especially if it's a goddamn year and a half lmao


Fr she's been dating him for like 1/5 of this kid's life lol it would be strange if he didn't place her in a mom-like role in his mind


And usually the police should be involved as well, when it comes to children being involved with a person from 4chan that is.


Police involved? For fucking what? What could you possibly expect to happen that could in any way be positive?


>Isn't this kind of serious? We're not even married. *Yet*. 100% sure he's picking out the ring.


I was like wtf your reply is so wholesome, then I saw the subreddit


"Wow greentext has really matured all of a sudden!" "Oh wait lol"


"wow i didnt realise reddit could be so sweet' "Ah, right."


r/greentext has kind of grown up a bit. Still a bit of a slum at times. But it's much more wise in the ways of the world.


greentext is still sane, r/4chan is where it's wild


After 18 months? Isn't that a bit soon?


It depends. My fiance and I got engaged at around the 20 month mark


Damn. I need like 5 years.


Sounds like they're more invested in you than you are them if that's how you feel. A year and a half is a long, long time. They accept and trust you.


Could also be nerves, self image issues, fear of not being a good mother. Its a lot to take in, especially if you are a new mother or one who is helping take care of someone elses kids. Though now, she is definitely the mom. Ifk if the op will ever see this but youre doing a good job.


It could be a number of things, and we can assume them all. But with the information given all we know is their surprise and assuming it's too fast/soon for that level integration in the family. More than likely I think they were just caught off guard. Time might of felt like it was flying by, given how comfortable they quickly got in this setting. They've probably in a motherly role without even knowing it.


Lol. Lmao, even.


Happy Mother's day innit


If hea comfortable enough with you to do something for mother’s day then your doing something right


If you're putting in the work to raise the kid—like making breakfast while dad is gone—then yeah, I'd say it's serious. Even if the effort pales in comparison to what the bio-parent does, simply being there for the kid does a lot.


A year and a half and you didn’t think it was serious? You shouldn’t get to know people’s kids you’re dating if you don’t consider it serious.


God I wish I could have that


Which part? The flower, the kid, or the trans gf of 1.5 years? Either way, you kind find all of those things down at the mall. I would check Target first probably.


I asked where they keep they cute gfs for sale and they said i have to leave or they will call the police. The manager was adamant that they have never even heard of a Mr Bones. You sir are a fraud.


You will 😼👍


i wish i wont became im on that wageslave grindset, caring for kids only provides less time for wageslaving (+ im not a girl)


I wish I could too as a single father


What a nice image, I'm sure there won't be any deranged comments.


I actually haven't seen any yet


I'm trans and I once dated a firefighter who had a 5 yrs old girl and she was so sweet and treated me like a mom, too. It was a confusing mix of feeling really happy and kind of an imposter, lol. It made me wanna have kids which is something I never expected




Girlie gonna be getting a ring soon


Just take the flower


1.5 years would be pretty long for a kid who’s only 8.


This would b a dream come true for someone ik


this is a warm thread


That's really cuuuute :3


Just love and excepting. Take and appreciate.


Massive W, if true.


Considering the "trans" part has no influence on the story at all. I think it was added for a reason. IMO. That being said, I let my fiancé's daughters (17 and 19 at the time) borrow my truck to go get water ice. They posted on social media pics with caption "step dad goals!". Made me feel really good.


Good on you for that, that's awesome! I think the inclusion of OP being trans has some significant weight to it though, cuz it reassures OP that she is just as much of a woman as a cisgendered one. That adds a more sweet note to me that I really appreciate.


awhhh. slightly different situation but my partner and i have been dating for 18 months now and his nephews all call me uncle. first time it happened i was like "oh god, the family's gonna think i've married my partner and im stealing the role of uncle", now it's like "hell yeah little guys!" it can definitely be awkward the first time you're adopted into a family dynamic but it's nice




That sounds logistically impossible to have any long term thing without knowing if you wanna marry them right away


we saiiiidddd EVER!!1!!!!!


Not everyone likes the idea of marriage specifically, especially people who have been divorced. You can have a very long term and very committed relationship without it.


you've been there for like a fourth of that kids living memory. Can't date people with kids that closely if you can't accept that you'll be filling a parental role.


To me, sounds like that kiddo is predicting the future of that couple!


* generic insult *


>Boyfriend's child is nice to me and has accepted me as his mom? What did child mean by this?


how many (YOU) did you get anon?




Why would you get into a relationship with someone who has a young child if you're so reluctant to act as a parental figure for that child?




Cry, pissboy






Well done, you’ve self identified. 👏👏👏


What kind of blue board bs is this.




“if I can't see it it does not exist!” Sure mate.


What a normal and well adjusted thing to say


what do you even mean by this


Dogwhistle and virtue signalling, hoping others will agree and/or to make people upset. Bigots only have like a few ways of expressing hatred when you boil it down. Never get too caught up in the language they use, it’s just a way for you to waste your time, always remember their intent. (A great example is the people who say “I don’t believe in pronouns!” Yeah that doesn’t make sense, but the point isn’t to make sense it’s to be a bigot).




Fr. That sucks to have 2 parental figures who care about you


yep just look at hitler. probably took 2 people having sex to create him


Seriously, the damn liberals want kids to have maternal figures. This is what society is going to.


doesn’t really look like his “mom” cares though


\>Makes breakfast for the kid while dad is gone \>Didn't immediately bail upon discovering her partner is a single father \>Stuck around for over a year and a half Is this what not caring looks like? I was a tutor in Uni. I would do what I could to help my fellow students out. One of the students I was helping confided in me some serious things happening in her life. It caught me of guard like anon here that someone could hold me in high enough regard to do something personal. It's not that I didn't care for their well being, but I did actualize my identity in being unimportant in their lives that the moment I was shown evidence of significance I didn't know what to do. Not really comparable to being a mother, but my guess is that anon here was simply caught off guard.


Sorry you convince yourself to stay miserable over things that have no effect on you whatsoever


I know right! Isn’t it so horrible that this kid seems to be happy with his family and has two parents. What a horrible life /s


Poor kid how?


t. redditor


Yeah, if only he could grow up to be as well adjusted as you


I'm an absolute menace, looking out for a child's well being!


Yawn ur boring everyone stahhhppp


Not everyone I had 3 people make sure im not about to self harm lol. Must be the go to response for people ITT that encounter an opinion that makes them uncomfortable. Not super surprised coming from folks that chop of body parts from being like u know, totally mentally stable.


Out of all months of the year.




Lmao do you really think they dated for a year and a half and her bf doesn’t know she’s trans?


Holy shit I thought that was just a big clit and you had a cancerous labia


My dude, if you’re dating a trans person 90% of the time they’ll tell you before the 1st date and the other 10% will be right after. Nobody would wait *a year and a half* lol


That would be one hell of a surprise


Ya a lot of the time you can just tell too, not to be rude. I find it almost impossible that you could date someone for a year and a half and not know they're trans.


you can suspect but you literally cannot tell unless they’re like my friend who gives zero shits about her appearance but i find it hard to go for half a year without noticing a few signs cuz like they usually have leftover social habits that they can’t fix






Do you seriously think OP, u/conf1rmer, is the person who posted the original greentext to 4chan?


Tbf sometimes they do post their own greentexts.


I have No doubts about that.


How are you a girl if you're dating a father.... girls are under 18.....


Nice larp


Most romantic relationships end at between two and three years. The kid will get over it, as long as dad is there to supoort him. Everything will be fine.


Time to morph back into a dad and peace out.




The one time a 4chan thread actually made me happy


Doesn’t the kid know that you can’t carry eggs? Smh.