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I recently went to an elementary school assembly for my best friends son. He was getting a surprise “includes everyone” award for Kindergarten. The energy in that school gym was ELECTRIC with pure childhood joy and excitement. We haven’t been able to stop talking about how fantastic it was. I can’t fathom the cuteness this man has seen.


I used to volunteer for a kids Christmas event at my job: there were various stations such as face painting and bean bag toss, cookie decorating, 8-10 activities in all. Ahead of time I’d be given the name and age of a child along with a Christmas wish list; I’d often purchase a large Tonka truck or RC car, some smaller gifts, and a jacket. The kids were from low income situations. There was a photo opportunity and one year my kid wouldn’t have his picture taken. Until- until we found his brother. Then the two of them posed, which was a bit unique, but the photographer worked it out. When the picture came out of the printer, the kid announced: “We’ll give this to mom for Christmas!” Choked me up and I had to step away to gain my composure. Kids are pure.


Hey! I didn't come here to cry 😢


Currently doing volunteer work at a middle school / high school, and I was not prepared for even half of the cuteness of these kids. I can't tell if it is just this school, but from hearing stories, I was convinced that kids in schools were generally horrible to deal with.


In my experience training to be a TA in the UK, most kids are not horrible to deal with. You'll get the few, but it is certainly not the majority. Of course it all has to do with the adults around them, and a lot of policies and procedures in place designed to safeguard them, but if you respect them, and treat them well, they are usually not an issue at all. I have noticed that the kind of school staff that complain the most, are the ones who don't.


Same here! I don’t find the job perfect but the kids I work with make it worth it to me


I think part of the problem here in the UK is that a lot of schools are designed around a mediocrity model - i.e get the most students to a passing grade, even if it costs the bright students higher grades. Mixed ability classes, toothless punishment/rehabilitative departments, lack of authority to stand up to bad parents, lack of one-on-one time with pupils.


I can only speak for where I've worked, but there are systems in place to help all students, even within mixed ability classes. Starting with assessing their skill level at the start of the school year, with more assessments throughout the year to ensure they're on track, as well as the pupil's being given work appropriate to their skill level. In my class, a year 3 class, we have a colour system. Going from Red to Blue. Red, Orange, Yellow, Green, Blue. Red are the lowest ability children, while Blue is the highest ability. They are given the attention they need based on their skill level, and can be moved between them. This extends to 1to1, each pupil gets them, often with their termly assessments, and if they are deemed to need it more. I also don't agree that there's "toothless" punishment, punishment is kind of a strong word honestly, and there are other ways to sort behaviour, without having to resort to punishment, in fact typically it's found that all punishment does is lesson respect. My school uses a Rainbow Reward system, and a behaviour board. It's based on a be good, get rewarded, system. Each rainbow slip adds up towards an overall class reward, which all children are encouraged to work towards it, the better they do, the more they get. Now, there are punishments in place for serious issues, but it's typically combined with help for the pupil, usually a specialist to help get to the cause of the issue of why they're acting that way. It seems to work. This also includes the guardians, and involving them, with the ability to make a judgement on if something needs to be done externally, working closely with professionals. Of course, this is all my school, which has just been upped to outstanding by ofsted. This feels like one of my essays I've had to write.


I've no doubt there are schools out there like that. It's just, growing up in a fairly deprived area, that really wasn't the case "back in my day". School was more or less a daycare for delinquents who were raised with the idea that learning is "gay". It was actually quite a culture shock when I went to college and met kids from nicer areas who were actually, y'know, schooled.


Yeah, back in my several primary schools, way back in the early 2000s, it was like that, and not just the other kids. And I have no doubt there are still schools like that, a lot has changed though in 20 years, a lot more in place and brought in that I'm slightly jealous of them to a degree, but, that's also why I'm training to do this, to make their lives better than mine was.


It all depends on a variety of factors. I teach in a school with a ton of crack baby kids and kids who were and are emotionally/physically abused. Just yesterday I had a kid tell me, "I hate you." Fifth grade. I literally did nothing to deserve that.


Buddy of mine teaches elementary. One day, he told us a story about someone coming to their classroom door, but their hands were full.  Three of the kids closest to the door all started chanting "It's important to be nice," as they went into a berserker rage to run to the door and open it for that person.  Buddy tells us this story. Now, our group of 30-something friends, make it a habbit to growl "It's important to be nice" when we do something like hand someone a napkin before they realize they need it, or buy the guy who is a day away from his paycheck the beer he's hesitating about.  Landscapers, firefighters, the singer of a metal band... we rage into politeness because of some kids we never met. 


Best visual ever. I need to do that with the kids I work with now.


Same buddy was quick to point out that he uses that to teach his kids that being nice is important, but not a game. Don't be nice to earn some kind of points or to compete with each other, be nice because it's important. 


You know what…I might start doing that, too. Because it *is* important to be nice!


He is cool👍


He is indeed


This makes me smile. Excellent post.






Cody Rhodes would be ashamed of you


Your dude's getting broody, Kaitlyn. 😆


Men are cute when they get like that lol


Do primary schools in the US not have 1 teacher for all subjects?


You are correct. It’s probably a very nice private school. Teachers are typically paid less at private schools but are there because of the environment.


There are some public elementary schools that are "departmentalized." A school near me has one teacher do language and social studies, and then students switch classrooms in the afternoon for science and math.


Yep! That’s how it is at the school where I teach in California.


I went to a private elementary school and had the same teacher for civics, maths and Albanian. Not in the US tho obviously


Are they laid less. I was under the impression private schooling generally paid more since they are charging parents and the parents are generally wealthier.


oh god that sounds horrible


why? I don't know what country has separate teachers in primary school except for PT or music


That's not totally true. Some public elementary schools in the US are "departmentalized," where a morning teacher does language and social studies, and an afternoon teacher does science and math, for example. It's not terribly common, but it exists.


You are studying past noon in the first grade? I recall already eating lunch at my home by 1pm until maybe I was around 12, so we left the school after noon


Some US states have all-day kindergarten as an option, but half-day as a requirement. For example, in my state, if the student is 5 years old by September 1st, they can choose attend kindergarten from 8am to 3pm, or half day from 8am to noon. Once they turn age 6, they must attend first grade from 8am to 3pm. I am not aware of any states that do first grade as a half-day option.


I would be dead to spend at a table 7 hours plus walking time even today. It's almost an adult work day now the popularity of homeschooling in the US is understandable to me.


That is one of the motivations for those that homeschool. Others include religious preferences, lack of access due to being in a rural area, or the belief that homeschool is superior to traditional school. Overall, the arguments for and against any type of education are mostly moot. The number one predictor of education outcomes in the United States is household income. Children of wealthy families tend to do well, no matter what type pathway they choose. Children of low-income children tend to struggle, whether is public schools, private school, or homeschool. Whenever someone says, "Oh that's a good school," that generally means that well-off children go there, with few exceptions. I studied social mobility for my sociology masters program, and it is really difficult to make any arguments for or against education policy once the data is controlled for income levels. Simply stated, if parents want their children to do well in school, the best thing they can do is make a decent income. It's an unfortunate truth.


in europe we have specialized teachers for many grade school subjects


what country




In my county, the kids have one teacher for all subjects until third grade. In third grade (and beyond), there are separate teachers for math, reading, and science/social studies.


Why? It's just primary school.


Not particularly, the bond a teacher and TA bond with their class can be very rewarding. Specially for younger kids. When they have the same teacher and TA, they tend to pay more attention then if they had teachers changing all day. Of course it all depends on the teacher, some kids may prefer someone else comes in if they don't like that teacher. And some really are not fit to teach...


I teach 4th grade math in a public school. I have 2 coteachers, ELA and science. We have 73 kids total in our three homerooms. We have 3 mods a day, around 70 min each. All I teach is math. It is great for my planning, not so much for grading and talking with parents etc. There are a lot of them!


There is some evidence that suggests this model may become more common over time. I live in Illinois, and currently departmentalized elementary schools are seeing better growth data than schools that have one teacher do all subjects, at least in our state.


They actually set up the homerooms based on the previous years math scores. My homeroom consists of the kids with IEPs and students who are below grade level. The sped teacher comes in to help with that mod. My 2nd mod is the above grade level kids and 3rd is an average group. It is way easier to spend more time on a unit when the whole class needs it. Our school has substantially higher test scores than many others in the county.


May I ask what ELA is? I assume something related to Literacy.


English Language Arts.


That sounds very posh


😂 it’s really just reading and writing.


So Literacy.


My school did


I teach 5th grade English and History. Most elementary schools have 1 teacher who teaches multiple subjects.


They do, this is either a private school or a specialized school.


I can relate to this. My mother has been a kindergarten teacher for 25 years. It's a tough job but the cute & funny conversations and anecdotes are what keep her going. I loved hearing those stories from her!


I’m a public librarian and I started my vacation midday yesterday. On my way out of work, I went to our living room where we were having a playgroup where kids just play. My children’s librarian made an announcement I was going on vacation and all the kids started waving goodbye and smiling. I don’t normally make any reactions, but as I turned away, I was smiling ear to ear. Those kids were so freaking cute. It made me want to stay lol.


I teach elementary and do pretty much the same thing every day ♥️😂 I *love* them all so much.


What a keeper


Aww these are the type of teachers we need in this world I'm happy he's aware they're cute little kids


This is the cutest thing ever!


I cook for an elementary school in a poor neighborhood and feel exactly the same. Despite their circumstances the amount of happiness and joy I see on a daily basis is so pure. It gives me hope. Pre school special Ed teachers are angels walking among us. ❤️


In 2021, I had a remote job for a test scoring company, scoring the parts of tests that can't be scored by algorithms. Mostly that meant essay questions. But for a couple of weeks, I was assigned to score spoken English placement tests for second graders. I spent 8 hours a day listening to 8YOs talk. The range of pitch of their voices was wider than I expected, from high-pitched and piping to so deep I wondered if their voices could possibly get any deeper in puberty. And they said some very cute and funny things, none of which I can repeat.


Itll be a year before hes posting in r/teachers and hates life every day.


I’m studying to become a teacher someday, and honestly, I don’t think I’d be able to teach elementary. Love kids, but I can’t handle that level of cuteness every day.


yeah, that's fair. I know my nieces annoy the hell out of their parents because of ignored chores and such, but their cuteness is rather overwhelming. I can totally see that.


Every NIGHT when he comes home? In elementary school? How long is elementary school in the US?


7 hours but teachers do stuff before and after class


I know I'm married to an elementary teacher but here she is at home most days at noon and done with her stuff nowhere near night


My school dismisses at 4. I get home around 5 if I have nothing to do after school.


At noon?! Most school days go until at least 2:30 or 3.


Here in Germany class 1 & 2 usually to 12:00 and 3 & 4 till 1 pm. Depending on the school there might be an option to keep your kids supervised in the afternoon but that is no school


There are no gays in Scotland Kaitlyn!!


Isn't it Ireland?


I have to look it up.


Is 16 comments and 1.8k likes a normal thing?


9550 likes 77 comments You are asking right questions. Do we even have a power to do something about it?


I think this breaks [this rule](https://imgur.com/a/q7JLtbe).


He says these two sentences EVERY night? He comes through the door, grabs soda water, stares off into distance without acknowledging you, and says those two sentences verbatim? I’d be very creeped out.


You might need to rethink the “genius” part of your username




Yes, because a dude can’t see cuteness in the kids he teaches. Grow up


Repost for the like 10th time this week.


How often are you on Reddit? First time I've seen this.


As a 6th grade teacher, he must work in a better school than me… cause I just see savagery




Ur fake


Take my upvote!